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1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book I,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,2,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 2,Unit Two,Table of Contents,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Working

2、 with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,Highlights S: Refusing guests L: What a snob R: The landlords mistake W: Compo

3、und sentences (1) Internet work: Searching for a seminar on presentation and public speaking in English,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,A hotel can refuse to receive a guest if ( ) 1. the person is drunk, creating a public nuisance. ( ) 2. the person is suffering from a contagious disease. ( )

4、3. the person arrives in the middle of the night. ( ) 4. the person is bringing an animal into the hotel. ( ) 5. the person is bringing weapons or explosives. ( ) 6. the person is dressed plainly. ( ) 7. the person is unwilling or unable to pay for the hotel services. ( ) 8. the hotel has no accommo

5、dations to offer.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,A. Brainstorming: when, in your opinion, can a hotel refuse gests? Mark the items with a tick “”.,6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,7,B. Listen to a story about how an old man teaches a monk a lesson for his snobbishness. Th

6、en answer the questions briefly. 1. Why didnt the old man get a welcome at the temple? 2. Who did the monk run up quickly to welcome with a smile? 3. How did the old man give the monk a lesson?,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,Because he was not rich or powerful and the monk was snobbish.,The son o

7、f a minister.,He hit the monks head with a cane and said that he did that because he respected him in his heart, too.,1. Starter,8,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,An old man went to a temple in a mountain and visited a monk there. The monk was snobbish. He didnt welcome the old man because he wasnt ric

8、h or powerful. Later, a man, son of a minister, also came to the temple. He brought many servants with him. As the monk saw the man, he quickly ran up to welcome him with a smile. After the man left, the old man unhappily asked the monk, “Why did you treat him so much better than me?” “Thats not tru

9、e. Although I seemed nice to him, in fact, I was not. And I didnt treat you so well because I respect you in my heart.” The monk lied. The old man heard that; he hit the monks head with a cane and said, “Good. Now I hit you because I respect you in my heart, too.” The monk didnt know what to say, so

10、 he could only cry out for pain.,Next,1. Starter,Tapescript,9,Text Lead-in,Warm up,1. Have you ever been ill treated in a place while you tried to lodge? 2. How do you treat a person in shabby clothes when he is trying to visit your place?,Back,Next,10,Text organization,The background of the story.,

11、Jeffersons rejection of the landlords offer.,The snobbishness of a landlord who mistook Jefferson for an old farmer.,The contempt of the landlord and his town fellows for the farmer-like Jefferson.,The revelation of the identity of Jefferson and the landlords somersault in his attitude.,1,2-4,5,2-3,

12、4,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,11,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,Text: The Landlords Mistake,1 When John Adams was President and Thomas Jefferson was Vice President of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world. People did not travel very much. There were no broad, smooth highways as the

13、re are now. The roads were crooked and muddy and rough. If a man was obliged to go from one city to another, he often rode on horseback. Instead of a trunk for his clothing, he carried a pair of saddlebags. Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jolting along through mud and mire, e

14、xposed to wind and weather.,jolt: vi./vt. 颠簸,震动 e.g. The train jolted into motion. A surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards.,vice: pref. 副的,代理的,次的 e.g. Only once in the American history did one vice president take over the job from the president. n. U, C 恶行,不道德行为;堕落;邪恶 e.g. Smoking is her

15、 only vice.,landlord: n. 1)(酒吧或招待所的)店主,老板 e.g. The landlord of the pub was arrested for providing his customers with drugs. 2) 房东;地主 e.g. Some Chinese students live and eat with a landlord during their stay in the United States.,Translation,at (ones) ease:舒适,自由自在 e.g. The boy never feels at his ease

16、 when talking with girls. He felt at ease and confident about the future.,ride on horseback: 骑马 e.g. It takes both skill and courage to learn to ride on horseback.,highway:n. C 公路;交通要道 e.g. Being free of charge, the old highway seems much busier than the new superhighway in the same direction.,Quest

17、ions about Para. 1,旅馆老板的失算 詹姆斯鲍德温 1 在约翰亚当斯和托马斯杰弗逊当美国总统和副总统的时侯,世界上还没有铁路,人们很少出远门,当时还没有现在这样宽阔平坦的公路,马路都是弯曲泥泞、凹凸不平的。如果非要从一个城市到另一个城市,人们通常是骑马前往。随身携带的衣服也不是放在箱子里,而是装在一副鞍囊里;没有豪华舒适的客运列车可坐,只能是栉风沐雨,一路颠簸着,穿过泥泞和沼泽。,crooked: a. 1) bent, twisted, or not in a straight line 弯曲的;歪的 e.g. The railway got crooked during t

18、he strong earthquake. The picture on the wall is crooked. 2) dishonest不诚实的;欺诈的 e.g. The crooked cop was fired.,oblige: vt. 1) (以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使 e.g. The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months. Circumstances obliged him to sell his only house. 2) 帮忙,效劳 e.g. We needed a guide and h

19、e was only too happy to oblige.,12,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Back,Next,Because there were no railroads or broad, smooth highways, and the roads were crooked and muddy and rough.,1. Why didnt people travel very much during those days?,You can sit at your ease in a parlor car; h

20、owever, if you travel on horseback, you will go jolting along through mud and mire, exposed to wind and weather.,2. What difference might one experience between travelling in a parlor car and travelling on horseback?,13,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,2 One day some men were sitting by the door of a hotel in B

21、altimore. As they looked down the street they saw a horseman coming. He was riding very slowly, and both he and his horse were bespattered with mud. “There comes old Farmer Mossback,” said one of the men, laughing, “Hes just in from the backwoods.” “He seems to have had a hard time of it,” said anot

22、her, “I wonder where hell put up for the night.” (To be continued),Text: The Landlords Mistake,Meaning: He has just got to town from a far away rural area.,bespatter: vt. 溅,溅污 e.g. Her newly-bought skirt was bespattered with mud. e.g. The acid raindrops were spattering down.,mossback: n. 乡巴佬,头脑守旧的人,

23、极端保守的人 e.g. The great scientist looks like a mossback. Synonyms of mossback: countryman, yokel, bumpkin, boor, rustic.,have a hard time (of it):(做某事)十分艰难 e.g. The official had a hard time of it when questioned by the reporters on some corruption. They had had a hard time blazing a new path leading t

24、o the quake-hit area.,put up: 过夜 e.g. He wrote to his friend in Detroit asking if he could put up in his home during his visit there.,Meaning: It seems that he has been tired out after a long journey.,Translation,一天,巴尔的摩的一家旅馆门前坐着几个男人。他们看到有个人骑着马沿街而来。这个人骑得很慢,人和马都溅上了许多泥浆。“来了一个乡巴佬,”其中一人嘲笑道,“他从穷乡僻壤刚进城来。”

25、“他似乎一路很辛苦。”另一人说道,“不知道他会在哪儿住宿?”,Back,Next,put up: 过夜 e.g. He wrote to his friend in Detroit asking if he could put up in his home during his visit there.,14,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,“Oh, any kind of a place will suit him,” answered the landlord, “Hes one of those country fellows who can sleep in the haym

26、ow and eat with the horses.” The traveler was soon at the door. He was dressed plainly, and, with his reddish-brown hair and mud-bespattered face, looked like a hard-working countryman just in from the backwoods. “Have you a room here for me?” he asked the landlord.,Text: The Landlords Mistake,mud-b

27、espattered: 溅上泥浆的 名词+过去分词(n. + p.p.)构成形容词短语。 e.g. heart-broken 伤心欲绝的 wood-made 木制的 breast-fed 母乳喂养的,reddish-brown: 棕红色的 Suffix “-ish” means “lightly”. e.g. yellowish 浅黄色的 greenish 浅绿色的 grayish 浅灰色的,嗨,对他来说,到哪儿住都一样。”旅馆老板答道,“这种人有堆干草可躺,和马一块吃住就不错了。”旅行者很快来到旅馆门前。他衣着朴素,棕红头发,脸上有污泥,就像一个从偏远地区刚进城的勤劳的乡下人。“这儿有客房吗

28、?”他向旅馆老板问道。,Translation,Back,Next,Questions about Para. 2,plainly: ad. 1) 简朴地;朴素地 e.g. He dreamed of living plainly on a small island. 清晰地;明显地,清楚地 e.g. Her forced smiles plainly indicated her reluctance to lend him her car.,15,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Back,Next,The horseman w

29、as dressed plainly with reddish-brown hair and mud-bespattered face.,3. What led the landlord to think the horseman was a countryman?,16,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,3 Now the landlord prided himself upon keeping a first-class hotel, and he feared that his guests would not like the rough-looking traveler. S

30、o he answered, “No, sir. Every room is full. The only place I could put you would be in the barn.” “Well, then,” answered the stranger, “I will see what they can do for me at the Planters Tavern, round the corner,” and he rode away.,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Translation,旅馆老板一向以自己开的是一流旅馆为傲,所以担心他的房客

31、们会不欢迎这位外表不雅的来客。于是他回答说,“没有了,先生,房间都已住满了。唯一能安排你住宿的地方只有谷仓了。”“哦,这样的话,”陌生人答道,“那我看看路口的园主客栈还有没有房间让我住宿。”然后他便骑马离开了。,Back,Next,Questions about Para. 3,pride oneself upon: 以为豪,为感到得意 e.g. She prided herself upon being able to look after herself in her eighties. The boy prided himself upon living with his general

32、 grandpa.,pride oneself upon: 以为豪,为感到得意 e.g. She prided herself upon being able to look after herself in her eighties. The boy prided himself upon living with his general grandpa.,pride oneself upon: 以为豪,为感到得意 e.g. She prided herself upon being able to look after herself in her eighties. The boy pri

33、ded himself upon living with his general grandpa.,rough-looking: a. 外表不雅的,看上去粗野的 e.g. The rough-looking man turned out to be the president of a global corporation.,17,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Back,Next,4. Was the landlord telling the truth or a lie when he told Jefferson that

34、 every room was full? 5. Why did he do that to Jefferson?,He was telling a lie.,He did that because he did not want a countryman to stay in his first class hotel (or he wanted to turn the countryman away) for fear that his guests would be unhappy to have him stay in the same hotel with them.,18,上海交通

35、大学出版社,focus1text,4 About an hour later, a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel and said, “I wish to see Mr. Jefferson.” “Mr. Jefferson!” said the landlord. “Yes, sir. Thomas Jefferson, the Vice President of the United States.” “He isnt here.” “Oh, but he must be. I met him as he rode into town

36、, and he said that he intended to stop at this hotel. He has been here about an hour.” “No, he hasnt. The only man that has been here for lodging today was an old clodhopper who was so spattered with mud that you couldnt see the color of his coat. (To be continued),Text: The Landlords Mistake,Transl

37、ation,e.g. He must be Mr. Baker. She must be cooking at home. (must indicates the speakers judgment.) She must cook at home. (must indicates the speakers demand.),Back,Next,wish to: 希望,意愿 e.g. I wish I had not sent Mr. Jefferson away.,lodging: n. 1) 住所;住宿;寄宿 e.g. Its 90 a week for board and lodging

38、(=meals and a room). 2) 租住的房间 e.g. Paul found lodgings in his relatives house. lodge: vi./vt. 1) 投宿,借宿 2) 供临时住宿,安顿 e.g. The family was lodged well in the guest house.,大约一个小时后,一位衣着考究的绅士走进这家旅馆,说:“我想求见杰弗逊先生。” “杰弗逊先生!”老板惊讶不已道。“是的,先生。托马斯杰弗逊,美国副总统。”“他不在这儿。”“咦,他肯定是在这儿啊!他进城的时候我还碰到过他,他说他打算住这家旅馆。他到这儿快一个小时了。”“

39、没有的事儿,他没来过。今天只有一个乡巴佬来过,他满身泥巴,连衣服的颜色都看不出来了。,19,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Text: The Landlords Mistake,I sent him round to the Planters.” “Did he have reddish-brown hair, and did he ride a gray horse?” “Yes, and he was quite tall.” “That was Mr. Jefferson,” said the gentleman. “Mr. Jefferson!” cried the lan

40、dlord, “Was that the Vice President? Here, Dick! Build a fire in the best room. Put everything in tiptop order, Sally. What a dunce I was to turn Mr. Jefferson away! He shall have all the rooms in the house, and the ladies parlor, too; Ill go right round to the Planters and fetch him back.”,Translat

41、ion,shall: (表示说话者的意图、命令、决心等,用于陈述句的第二、三人称中)必须,应,可 e.g. They shall be judged only by God. She shall share all her husband has.,Back,Next,我把他打发到园主客栈去了。“他头发是不是棕红色,骑着一匹灰马?” “是啊,个子高高的。” “那正是杰弗逊先生啊!”绅士说道。“杰弗逊先生!” 老板叫道,“那位真是副总统吗?嗨,迪克!赶快在最好的客房生火。萨莉,把一切都整理得无可挑剔。我真是个大傻瓜,竟然把杰弗逊先生拒之门外!本旅馆的所有客房尽他挑,起居室也供他享用。我马上就去

42、园主客栈 把他请回来。”,Questions about Para. 4,tiptop: a. 第一流的,头等的 e.g. Hilton is known as one of the tiptop hotels in the world. He is spoiled as a tiptop soccer player. in tiptop order: 井然有序,无可挑剔 e.g. He is a real car lover who keeps his car in tiptop order.,20,What did the well-dressed gentleman say that h

43、elped the landlord to realize his mistake? 7. How did the landlord react after he came to realize that the farmer was Thomas Jefferson?,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,He said that the traveler had reddish-brown hair and rode a gray horse.,He was nearly stunned when he learned that the person he had turned awa

44、y was Jefferson. Then he told his staff to build a fire in the best room of the hotel and put everything in tiptop order. In the meanwhile the landlord himself would go round to fetch Jefferson back.,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Back,Next,21,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,5 So he went to the other hotel, where

45、 he found the Vice President sitting with some friends in the parlor. “Mr. Jefferson,” he said, “I have come to ask your pardon. You were so bespattered with mud that I thought you were some old farmer. If youll come back to my house, you shall have the best room in it yes, all the rooms if you wish

46、. Wont you come?” “No,” answered Mr. Jefferson, “A farmer is as good as any other man; and where theres no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me.”,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Translation,于是他赶到那家园主客栈,发现副总统正和一些朋友坐在客厅里。“杰弗逊先生,”他说道,“我是特地来求您原谅的。您刚才一身泥巴,我还以为您是个老农呢。如果您原意回到鄙人的旅馆,您将享用最好的客房,对了,您愿意的话,

47、所有的房间都供您专用。您肯赏光吗?”“算了吧,”杰弗逊先生答道,“农民和其他人一样,没有农民住的地方,也就不可能有我住的地方。”,e.g. Some doctor gave him some advice on his diet. Some doctors lack a sense of responsibility while the majority of them dont.,e.g. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。,e.g. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。,Mea

48、ning: A farmer is a human being just like any other person; and if your hotel is not open to a farmer, it is not the right hotel for me as I am no different from a farmer.,Back,Next,as good as: 和几乎一样,实际上等于 e.g. The old machine is well maintained and looks as good as new. What he said has as good as

49、shown his attitude.,Questions about Para. 5,e.g. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。,22,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Text: The Landlords Mistake,He refused his offer, saying, “A farmer is as good as any other man; and where there is no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me.”,8. How did J

50、efferson teach the landlord a lesson?,Back,Next,23,Interaction,Role-play in English according to one of the following pictures:,Picture 1,Picture 2,Back,Next,24,Picture 1: A rough-looking man in a top-grade sales office. Excuse me, do you still have more houses to sell? Of course. But we only sell h

51、igh-grade houses, youd better go and visit other places. No, the one priced 200,000,000 fit me well, I decide to buy two.,Reference answer:,Back,Next,Interaction,25,Picture 2: An old farmer with farm produces at the entrance gate of City Hall. Sir, is Wang Hua here? Hi, how dare you call the given n

52、ame of our mayor? Ive got something to ask him? Go away, what serious matter you silly old man can have to trouble him? Dont get into a fuss about nothing. But the mayor is my son.,Back,Next,Interaction,26,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1words and where theres no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me.,我真是个

53、大傻瓜,竟然把杰弗逊先生拒之门外!,您刚才一身泥巴,我还以为您是个老农呢。,农民和其他人一样,没有农民住的地方,也就不可能有我住的地方。,7. Practice: translation,38,1. (没有听从船长的命令) the passengers jumped into the icy sea. 2. His wife died last week and (他日 子过得很艰难). 3. He said that (他能给我的唯一工作就是送货员的工作).,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1translation,Back,Next,B. Complete the following sen

54、tences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.,Instead of following the captains order,he has had a hard time of it,7. Practice: translation,the only job he could offer me would be that of a delivery man,39,4. (她自诩 有个亿万富翁的伯父) who lives somewhere in South America. 5. What a dun

55、ce you are ( (让一个刚认识的男人住在你家).,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1translation,Back,Next,She prides herself upon having a billionaire uncle,7. Practice: translation,to put a newly-met man up in your house,40,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1writing,Back,Next,A. Write a summary of the text (max. 150 words), referring to the outline below

56、.,Thomas Jefferson,8. Practice: writing,Summary outline: 1. The background of the story; 2. The landlords snobbishness; 3. The lesson Jefferson taught the landlord.,41,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1writing,Back,Next,One day, a horseman who looked like a roughened countryman with his clothes and face spattered wit

57、h mud asked for lodging at one of the best hotels in Baltimore. The landlord, however, turned him away, thinking that his guests in the hotel would not like the idea of having a farmer stay with them in the same hotel. Soon after the rider had gone, a well-dressed gentleman came to the hotel to look

58、 for Mr. Jefferson, Vice President of the United States. The landlord cursed himself as a dunce when he realized his mistake: The farmer-like horseman was no other than Vice President Thomas Jefferson. The landlord told his staff to build a fire in the best room while he himself went to see Mr. Jeff

59、erson to ask for his pardon. He begged him to return to his hotel, but Jefferson rejected his offer, saying that where there was no room for a farmer, there was no room for himself.,8. Practice: writing,Reference answer:,42,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1writing,Back,Next,B. Basic sentence writing techniques: unde

60、rstand and write compound sentences,1. We missed the plane. We were late for the meeting.,2. Last night we decided to terminate the discussion. The visiting group decided to continue.,We missed the plane, and we were late for the meeting.,Last night we decided to terminate the discussion, but the vi

61、siting group decided to continue.,8. Practice: writing,43,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1writing,Back,Next,3. It was not too early. It was not too late to make other arrangements. (Hint: inversion is necessary),4. It must have rained last night. The ground is wet.,5. Someone will have to tell him. He will continue

62、 to make the same error.,It was not too early, nor (was it) too late to make other arrangements.,It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.,Someone will have to tell him, or he will continue to make the same error.,8. Practice: writing,44,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1internet,Back,Next,Go to or to re

63、ad a seminar on presentation and public speaking in English. After reading it, write a review of the seminar to sum up the main points concerning making business presentations. Then share it with your partner.,9. Surfing the Internet,45,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1internet,9. Surfing the Internet,In this semina

64、r, we have learned: to allow plenty of time for preparation to ask the all-important questions to structure your presentation to write notes based on keywords to rehearse your presentation and modify it to select the right equipment for the job to use equipment effectively to make use of clear, powe

65、rful visual aids to use clear, simple language,Back,Next,Sample review:,46,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1internet,9. Surfing the Internet,to use active verbs and concrete facts to explain the structure at the beginning to link each section to signpost your presentation to say what you are going to say, say it, and say what you have just said to overcome your nerves to establish audience rapport to be aware of body language to understand cultural differences to control the quality of voice to maintain interest to respond to audience positively,Back,Next,47,上海交通大学出版社,Focus2 content,Back,Next,Dialogue:

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