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1、Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,I. Starter 1. Background information 2. Lead-in Video clip 3. Questions for discussion II. Detailed Reading 1. Structure analysis 2. Comprehension questions 3. Vocabulary questions 2. Proverbs and quotations 3. Practical Writing

2、 IV. Supplementary Reading 1. Lead-in notes 2. Detailed reading Vocabulary give service (to) (为)服务,任(职) We must serve the people heart and soul.我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip 1. put something somewhere or give someone something quietly, s

3、ecretly, or smoothly把悄悄地放在;偷偷地给 A few even enjoyed a cup of our soup slipped to them. 有几个人很享受悄悄给他们的咖啡。 2. lose ones balance; fall or almost fall as the result of this 滑倒 She slipped on the ice.她在冰上滑倒了。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip down (v.+adv.) fall o

4、ver accidentally by sliding滑倒 Eg. My aunt has slipped down in the High Street and hurt her ankle, so I have to take her to the doctor. 我姑姑在大街上滑倒了,摔伤了踝部,所以我得送她去医院。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip from fall accidentally from sth 滑落 Eg. The wheel slipped fro

5、m my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road. 方向盘从我冻僵的手里滑脱,汽车便横着穿过了马路。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip into enter sth by sliding(使)滑进,塞进; (使)滑行撞上(某物) Eg. The car turned on the wet road and slipped into the fence. 汽车在那条泥泞的道路上打滑,接着撞上了栅栏。,Unit 4

6、Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip into sth enter a place silently or secretly (使)悄悄进入 Eg. I have to come late, so Ill slip into the room at the back, if youll save me a place. 我不能按时到场,你如果给我在后排留一个位置,我到时就能溜进去,坐在那儿。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book

7、 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip out of (v.+adv.+prep.) fall out of sth by sliding unintentionally意外地从滑出,掉出 Eg. The bottle slipped out of his hand. 瓶子从他的手中滑落。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip over on sb/sth deceive; make a fool of 愚弄, 欺骗 Eg. He really slipped one

8、 over on us when he came to the party dressed as a witch. 他乔装打扮成迷人的巫婆来到交谊会上,真的把我们都愚弄了。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip up (v.+adv.) make mistake搞错, 弄错 Eg. Could you check these figures, and see where I have slipped up? 你能把数字查一下,看看我什么地方搞错了,好吗?,Unit 4 Festi

9、vals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,slip, glide, slide 这组词的共同意思是“滑行”。其区别是: glide强调不停地、动作优雅地滑行; slide强调滑动时一直与表面保持接触; slip强调由于表面平滑而突然不由自主地滑动。 The figure skater glided gracefully over the ice.花样滑冰者在冰上优雅地滑行。 在作“滑动,悄悄地走,消逝”解时, slide和glide可互换使用。 glide可表示时间“流逝”。slide和slip不用于此义。 Our

10、lives seem to glide on as before.我们生活又要回到过去。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,afterwards adv. after an event or time that has already been mentioned 随后,之后,后来 Eg. Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。,Unit 4 F

11、estivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,post vt. put up a public notice about something on a wall, computer system etc. 张贴(公告) Eg. Advertisements have been posted up everywhere announcing the new show. 到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目。 Collocations: post from travel from somewhere 从出发/赶到 Eg. T

12、he carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days. 这辆马车只要两天就能从伦敦赶到巴斯。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,post on fix (sth such as a notice) on把张贴在上 Eg.Please post this important message on your notice board so that all the students can read it. 请把这张重要的通知贴

13、在告示牌上,以便全体学生都能看到。 post over cover with bills, placards, etc.(以告示、招贴)张贴于 Eg. He posted the wall over with notices. 他把布告张贴于墙上。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,post up write items in (a ledger); transfer (items) from a daybook to a ledger登录于,从日记簿过(账)于分类账 Eg.He po

14、sted up his day book before going out. 他把流水账过入总账后才离开。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,post n. the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand. 职位 Eg.He has no qualifications for the post.他没有资格担任该职位。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimensi

15、on College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,staff n. the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business 全体职员,全体员工 Eg. I find the hotel staff particularly courteous.我发现饭店员工特别谦恭有礼。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,title 1. v. give name to a

16、particular book, painting, play etc. 命名 He refused to title to his paintings 他拒绝给他的画作命名。 2. n. the name of a work of art or literary composition etc. 标题 I can never remember movie titles。 我从来都记不住电影标题。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,title, heading, headline 这组

17、词都有“标题”“名称”的意思。heading指文章的标题,也指辩论、谈话的论题,还可指印在信笺上端的姓名、公司名等的页首文字; The heading was in large letters. 标题是用大号字母印刷的。 title指书名、画题、剧目或其他创作作品的名称,或是表示头衔; headline指报刊的大字标题、页头标题. A newspaper headline caught his attention.报纸的大标题引起他的注意。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,in a

18、matter of around; about 大约,左右 1.The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours. 叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。 2.The house was vacated bag and baggage in a matter of hours. 这幢房子在几个小时里就全部腾出来了。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,volunteer 1. n. someone who does something without

19、being paid, or who is willing to offer to help someone 自愿者,自愿参加者 2. vt. vi. offer voluntarily or come forward as a volunteer 自动提供,自愿效劳 He volunteered a statement to the police.他自动向警方供出情况。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,clean up you make things tidy and free o

20、f dirt 打扫;清扫 1. The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不良现象。 2. You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常清理房间。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,eager for have a strong desire to do, have or experience something 渴望,迫切要 1. He is eager for you to

21、meet his friends. 他热切希望你见见他的朋友。 2. He was eager for the first prize.他渴望得到头奖。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,obstacle n. something that makes it difficult for you to succeed 障碍,阻碍,妨碍 Lack of education is an obstacle of success.缺乏教育是成功的障碍。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-

22、Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,obstacle,barrier,obstruction,bar,hindrance 这些名词均含“障碍(物)”之意。 obstacle指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用的情况。 barrier常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。 The ice skater rammed into the barrier.溜冰者撞到护栏上了。 obstruction常既指具体的障碍又可指抽象或喻意上的阻碍。 The road was cleared from obstruction

23、.那条路已被清除了障碍。 It is a crime for the President to obstruct justice.总统阻挠司法是犯罪。 bar既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。 Theres a strong bar on the door.门上有一个很坚固的闩。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,hindrance指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。 1.She regarded him as a hindrance.她认为他是一个障碍。 Str

24、ong winds are a hindrance to mountain climbers.2.大风对登山者是一大妨碍。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,get the word out help advertise something 帮助宣传 1. The state is relying in part on the assistance of private, nonprofit and advocacy groups to get the word out. 本州管理当局

25、正部分依靠私人、非赢利组织及倡议组织帮助将信息传达出去 。 2. As I stood there looking at him, he couldnt seem to get the words out.在我立在那里瞪眼看着他时,他似乎总是不能够把这话说出口来。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,attend v. 1. go regularly to a school, church etc. 上学,去教堂 They attend the church in the town ev

26、ery weekend. 他们每个周末都会去镇上的教堂。 2. vt. wait on照料, 照顾, 服侍, 陪伴Who will attend on the orphans? 谁来照料这些孤儿?,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,sponsor 1. vt. give money to or pay for a sports event, show, broadcast etc. 赞助,资助 The senator announced that he would sponsor th

27、e health care plan.这位参议员宣布他将发起这一保健计划。 2. n. someone who supports or champions something 保证人;赞助者 Your sponsor may assist in organising this insurance.你的担保人可以帮助你办理此类保险。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,donate vt. contradict 否认 He is not trustworthy, but at the sa

28、me time, we cannot deny that he is clever.他不可信赖,然而我们不能否认他很聪明。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,deny, disavow, disclaim 这组词都含有“否认”的意思。其区别是: deny着重陈述某事是不真实的或不准确的; Among English playwrights, few would deny that Shakespeare holds sway. 在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位。 d

29、isclaim着重否认和所述的事有牵连; She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle.她放弃了这辆车的所有权。 disavow着重否认曾经参与或知道所述的事情或拒绝对某事承担责任。 She disavows any part (ie says she was not involved) in the plot.她否认参与了这一密谋。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,scrumptious adj. (infml) (esp of food) del

30、icious美味的,可口的 Eg.I saw a scrumptious hair-do in Vogue.我在妇女杂志上看到一个很优美的发型。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,roast 1. v. cook with dry heat, usually in an oven 烤,焙;烘 My grandmother is roasting the turkey in the kitchen. 祖母在厨房烤火鸡。 2. adj. (of meat) having been cook

31、ed by dry heat in an oven烤熟了的 His favorite dish is roast duck.他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。 3. n. a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion 烤肉 Lets have a nice roast for Sunday dinner.我们星期天晚上好好吃一顿烤肉吧,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)

32、电子教案,turkey n. a bird that looks like a large chicken and is often eaten at Christmas and at Thanksgiving火鸡 Eg.People often drink white wine with turkey.人们经常边吃火鸡肉边喝白葡萄酒。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,trimmings n. all the other types of food that are traditio

33、nally served with the main dish of a meal全部配菜 Eg.They ate up all the trimmings. 他们把配菜都吃完了。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,appetite n. a desire for food 食欲,胃口 Eg.The long walk has given me a good appetite.走了长路使我食欲大振。 Collocations: spoil ones appetite make sb w

34、ant to eat less at a meal坏了胃口,影响食欲 Dont have any more chocolateyoull spoil your appetite. 别再吃巧克力了,你会吃不下饭的。 work up an appetite do sth that makes you hungry增强食欲Ella had worked up an appetite in the gym. 埃拉在健身房锻炼以增强食欲。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,linger over

35、 be slow to go, end, or decrease 慢慢进行 Eg.They lingered over coffee and missed the train.他们慢吞吞喝著咖啡,结果误了火车。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,folk n. (infml) people(非正式)人,人们 Eg.A lot of folks are upset at the changes.许多人对这些变化感到不安。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension Co

36、llege English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,linger vi. stay somewhere a little longer, especially because you do not want to leave 逗留,徘徊 Eg.The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。 Collocations: linger about 在闲荡 be unwilling to leave in 1.Why is he lingering about the school? 他为什么留在学校不走?

37、2. Formerly he often lingered about a park doing nothing. 从前,他一直在公园闲荡,无所事事 linger on exist all the times一直存在The event is over, but the memory lingers on. 事件已过,但记忆犹存。 linger over be under way slowly 慢慢地进行He lingered lovingly over the account of his exploits. 他津津乐道地讲述着自己的业绩。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimen

38、sion College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,present vt. 1. give something to someone, especially at a formal or official occasion 颁发,授予,赠送;呈送 The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception. 市长在一次正式的市招待会上给他颁发了一枚金质奖章。 2. bring forward and present to the mind 提出 He presented

39、quite a new view of the affair.他对那件事提出了相当新的看法。 We should like to present some suggestions which would help settle the question.我们愿提出一些建议,可能有助于解决这个问题。 n. the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech 目前 He lives in the present with no thought

40、of tomorrow. 他生活在当下,从来不思考未来。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,Collocations: at present at this time目前, 现在At present we must energetically encourage the practice of making investigations and studies. 目前,我们要大兴调查研究之风。 for the present 目前,现在; 暂时,暂且 at present1.There

41、 is no need to fear for him for the present. He is going to get well. 暂且不必为他担忧,他很快就会好起来。 2.We will not talk about that for the present. 我们现在不谈这个。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,wrap vt. wind or fold cloth, paper etc. around something 包,裹 1. You should wrap up

42、 the gift in a paper.你应该把礼物用纸包好。 2. I wrapped the rug around the sick mans legs to keep him warm.我用毯子把病人的腿包了起来,让他暖和一点儿。 Collocations: wrap sth around/round sb/sth 用包裹, 裹身Youd better wrap a clean cloth around your arm till the wound closes. 你最好用干净布把臂上的伤口裹严。wrap sb/oneself/sth in sth cover or roll up

43、in 把包在里; 遮蔽He wrapped himself in a blanket. 他把毯子裹上身上。 wrap up wear warm clothes 穿暖 Make sure you wrap up in this cold wind. 冷风中,你一定要穿暖。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,tummy n. stomach, used especially by or to children 肚子 Eg.My tummy always aches when I drink

44、 milk.喝牛奶都肚子痛。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,thereafter adv. after the event or date mentioned 之后;此后 Eg.On the opening day all tickets are a dollar; thereafter, theyll be two dollars. 开张那天票价一元,以后两元。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通

45、识教程(第一册)电子教案,unfortunately adv. used when you are mentioning a fact that you wish were not true 不巧地;令人遗憾地 1. Unfortunately, I missed the last train.我不幸错过了末班火车。 2. She had gone home, unfortunately.遗憾的是她已回家了。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,fabulous adj. extreme

46、ly good or impressive 极好的,绝妙的 1. The minutes of evening twilight are fabulous .短暂的黄昏景色真令人惊叹。 2. I must go to taste your fabulous cooking.我一定去尝一尝您精湛的烹调。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,simply adv. only; just 仅仅,只不过 1. Most of these problems wont simply dissolve

47、.大多数这些问题不会简单地解决。 2. Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.简单地说吧,我们要么接受他们的条件,要么破产。,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,1. (Oral activity-video; questions) Watch the video clip first and then share with us “ the most unforgettable experience i had on fest

48、ivals”.,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,Key words and expressions: 1. I remember it was on Spring Festival/ Christmas/ Middle Autumn Festival. 2. A very special thing happened on that day. 3. How was your feeling about the special day?,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dim

49、ension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,2.Proverbs and quotations 1)Every new day begins with possibilities. Its up to us to fill it with the things that moveustowardprogressandpeace. 每一天都以可能性开始。能否在每一天都做一些让我们向进步与和平的事情,这都由我们决定。 Ronald Wilson Reagan 罗纳德威尔逊里根 2) Nothing in life is to be feared.

50、 It is only to be understood. Marie Curie 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。 居里夫人,Unit1 College Life,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,2.Proverbs and quotations 3)Nocountry,howeverrich,canaffordthewasteofits humanresources. FranklinRoosevelt 任何一个国家,不管它多么富裕,都浪费不起人力资源。 富兰克林罗斯福 4)Sometimesone

51、paysmostforthethingsonegetsfornothing. AlbertEinstein 有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦 5)Thegoldenageisbeforeus,notbehindus. MarkTwain 黄金时代在我们面前而不在我们背后。 马克吐温,Unit1 College Life,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,3. Practical writing Invitation Letter I. Writing Strategy: Step 1:

52、Introduce the occasion Step 2: State time and place clearly Step 3: Express expectation and appreciation II. Classifications of Invitation Letter: Give invitations to people Reply invitations you receive (一) Pattern Sample of giving invitations to people,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College Englis

53、h Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,Dear , I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to . It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. I am glad to tell you that . There are also arrangements for , which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at so that we can have a

54、 nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision . Love, Xiao xiang,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,(二) Reply invitations you receive Usually you reply when you refuse the invitation. Pattern Sample of replying invi

55、tations you receive Dear , It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to . . I do hope I can have a chance to visit . Regretfully, Xiao xiang,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,III. Reference Sentences It would give me/us great pleasure

56、to have your presence at the Reception /Dinner/Ceremony to be held on (date) at (place)at (time). It is my pleasure, on behalf of , to invite you to visit our university for a week/to present a key-note speech on . We are having /planning a on (date) and we think it would be a good idea if you can j

57、oin us.,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,IV. Sample Directions: You are going to celebrate your 23rd birthday with a big party. Write a letter to invite your friend Anne to the party. In the letter, please specify the time and the location, explain the activiti

58、es, and express your wish for her attendance. Dear Anne, I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to my 23rd birthday party at my house on this Saturday night, May the 8th. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. In addition, since you are a fan of rock music, I am g

59、lad to tell you that I have invited our campus RocknRoll band, the “Brainbreak”, to perform. There are also arrangements for dancing and cake-cutting, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at 6 pm so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would like you to attend, so plea

60、se let me youre your decision. Love, Liu Ming,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,IV. Supplementary Reading A. Lead-in notes 1. What is New Years resolution? (1)People think about New Years resolution on New Year time because it marks the beginning of a year. (2)P

61、eoples plan of what to do in the New Year. 2. How to make New Years resolutions? (1) Start by setting goals for yourself. (2) Break your goal down into small steps. (3) Stick to your plan.,Unit 4 Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,Difficult Sentences The larger goal has

62、 to be meaningfulyou have to really want itand the stepwise goals have to be specific and achievable. (Para. 2)What can we infer from this sentence? (The larger goal and the stepwise goals are different, so the first thing of making goals is to know the differences between different types of goals.

63、) You can learn a lot about how youre wasting money, as well as energy and natural resources, if you examine what youre throwing out each day. (Para. 5) Paraphrase the sentence. (By looking at what we are throwing out every day, we can know what things we bought were just a waste of money. ),Unit 4

64、Festivals,All-Dimension College English Book 1 大学英语通识教程(第一册)电子教案,3. Take the time once a week to relax and appreciate what you have. Spend time with family or friends, write a letteror reflect on all the progress youre making on those other resolutions.(Para.8) What can we infer from this sentence?

65、(A good way to reduce anxiety is to appreciate and cherish what you have. Talking with close people , write feelings down and think about the progress you have also help.) But for those of us who have tried and failed to make exercise a part of our routines, a big problem is fatiguenot physical fatigue, but mental.(Para.10) What can we infer from this sentence? (Some people cant make regular exercise a habit because they cant deal with the mental fatigue, but not the physical fatigue.) Generosity takes practice, just like anything else. Make good works a habit by doing one new

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