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1、Unit Six Their Business Ways,Objectives,To know something about business ways,To get familiar with questionnaire and business memo,To learn new words and expressions,To master how to analyze difficult and long sentences,Text A Dell Computer Turns Customer Satisfaction into Profits,1. Background Info

2、rmation,There are three basic components in business: belief, knowledge and action. Faith and belief in products and service is an essential quality to possess for business success. Knowledge and the skills learned by reading books, acquired through seminars and from the teachings of leaders in the

3、business field you chose to endeavor is also highly essential. The need for a strong drive to have the very basic skills and the know-how to experience your product and service first so you may enthusiastically encourage everyone to try whatever product or service you are offering them. Be committed

4、 and responsible to your customers and clients. This can be accomplished by genuinely treating your customers with care, not merely engaging in deceptive advertising. Form long-term success by cultivating long-term satisfied and loyal customers. When their needs are met, customers are at their happi

5、est and most satisfied. Last is action. Put your belief and knowledge into action. Your knowledge and belief will be put into waste if you do not act right away. A powerful effort to combine all these elements must be worked out harmoniously to attain success in business.,2. Introduction to the Text

6、,Theme of the Text Text A mainly explains how Dell Computer becomes successful. Dells success proved that the well-known business belief is effective -the customer is always the God.,2. Introduction to the Text,本文为记叙文文体,语言规范而精炼。作者通过戴尔的成功向我们印证了一个为人熟知的企业经营理念:顾客永远是上帝。作者从戴尔在大学宿舍的创业伊始写起,到后来戴尔成为电脑直销商业巨头,戴

7、尔的成功经验也就自然而然地呈现在我们眼前-把顾客放在第一位,倾听理解他们并提供客户服务;公司管理者或普通员工都必须行动机敏,灵活多变。 文章中作者用了比较多的破折号来对前面内容作补充说明,例如:First, it must put the customer first by listening, understanding, and providing customer service. Second, a companyboth its managers and employeesmust act with speed and flexibility.,3. Business Terms,(

8、1)selling over the telephone 电话推销 Selling over the telephone refers to a promotional way- salesmen promote their products or services to some potential customers over telephone, which was very popular in America during 1980s1990s.,3. Business Terms,(2) product lines 产品大类 Product lines refer to a set

9、 of related products sold by a single company. All product lines constitute the companys product portfolio which is the range of products offered by a company.,4. Words and Expressions,(1) manufacturer/.mnjufkt r/ n.,Meaning: a person or company that produces goods in large quantities,Example: We ar

10、e a professional manufacturer of chargers for mobile phones. 我们是一家专业的手提电话充电器制造商。,4.Words and Expressions,(2) discount / diskaunt/ n.,Meaning: an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something,Example: We offer discount for large orders. 我们对大量订购有折扣。,(3) generate/denreit / v.,4.Words an

11、d Expressions,Meaning: to produce or create something,Example: I hope that the discussion can generate progress. 我希望磋商能取得进展。,(4) revenue /revinju:/n.,4.Words and Expressions,Meaning: the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization, etc. receives from its business,Example: The

12、y are financed to a certain extent by advertising revenue. 他们的资金在一定程度上来自广告收入。,4.Words and Expressions,Meaning: focus on,Example: You should concentrate on your work. 你应该专心于你的工作。,(6) concentrate on/upon something,5. Notes to the Text,Later, while attending University of Texas in the early 1980s, he b

13、egan buying personal computers from local retailers who had excess inventory. (Para. 1) 释义 Since then, Dell started buying personal computers from local retailers who had adequate supply of personal computers while he studied in University of Texas in the early 1980s. 解析 while attending University o

14、f Texas in the early 1980s为时间状语从句,因为从句主语和主句主语一致,所以从句中的主语he省略,谓语动词改为分词形式。when,while, before, after等引导的时间状语从句中常会有这样的省略现象,往往会省略主语和动词be而保留分词或者作表语的名词、形容词或介词短语。例如:Look out for cars when crossing the street. 过街道时注意车辆。后面主句当中又包含一个定语从句who had excess inventory,先行词为:retailers。,5. Notes to the Text,(2) During it

15、s first nine months of operation, Dell Computer generated $6 million in revenuesa staggering amount for a firm that began as a one-man show on a part-time basis operating out of a room in a college dorm.(Para.1) 解析 此句的理解难点是破折号后面部分,这部分应当是$6 million in revenues的同位语,其中amount为中心词,后面for a firm that began

16、 as a one-man show on a part-time basis operating out of a room in a college dorm作amount的后置定语,而firm后又是一个that引导的限定性定语从句;show在这里作名词,意为“the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining表演”,on a basis (of)为短语“以为基础”; operating为现在分词,是由began的用法决定的。,Text A Dell Computer Turns Customer Satisfaction into Profits

17、,Text B How to Send Business Messages Efficiently,1. Background Information,The most important thing in marketing is sending the right message to the right people at the right place at the right time. Almost as important as the message is how you send it. Communication is a process of transmitting i

18、nformation between different parts of a company. It is one of the basic functions of management in any company.,Theme of the Text Text B tells us how to make your message clear and send the message successfully.,2. Introduction to the Text,2. Introduction to the Text,本文是说明文体,中心明确,条理分明,脉络清晰,语言流畅且用词精确

19、。介绍了如何正确而有效地传递和接收信息。通过该文介绍,我们可以了解到目前商界公司内部常用的书面传递信息方式有:传阅函件、备忘录、布告,以及电话、正式会谈、非正式对话、口头布置任务(上级和下级之间) 、非语言交流,如形体语言、手势等。同时该文还向我们介绍了任何交流方式都必须服从的三项基本原则:清楚、简洁、正确。最后,提醒读者信息接收者应及时反馈,因为任何交流都应是双向的。文中作者多处使用冒号对前面所知内容进行归纳和总结,例如:Other methods of communication include: Speaking over the phone /Formal meetings/Casua

20、l conversation/Spoken instructions,3. Business Terms,circular letter 传阅函件 A circular letter refers to a printed letter, announcement, etc. of which many copies are made and distributed.,4.Words and Expressions,(1) communicator/ / n.,Meaning: a person who communicates with others,Example: She is an e

21、xcellent communicator. 她非常善于和人沟通。,4.Words and Expressions,(2) extremely/ adv.,Meaning: to a high degree or extent,Example: This method is extremely good. 这个办法好极了。,4.Words and Expressions,(3) reasoning /ri:zni/ n.,Meaning: thinking that is coherent and logical,Example: Your reasoning seems very abstr

22、act. 你的“推理”似乎很抽象。,4.Words and Expressions,(4) appropriate/ adj.,Meaning: suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc.,Example: It is appropriate that he should get the post. 由他担任这一职务是恰当的。,4.Words and Expressions,(5) put forward,Example: Einstein put forward his new theory of relativit

23、y. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。,Meaning: submit,But you havent succeeded until the person who gets the message does what you want.(Para. 1) 释义 It means you have really succeeded that the person who gets the message does what you want. 解析 本句是带有until引导的时间状语从句的复合句。在含有until引导的时间状语从句中,如果句子(主句)的谓语动词是非持续性动词(即动作一会儿就结束的动

24、词),如:come,go,leave,begin,start,finish等,那么这个句子(主句)常常要用否定式,表示某一动作到until所表示的时间才发生。notuntil意为“直到才”。例如:She didnt go to bed until she finished her homework. 她直到做完作业才去睡觉。从句中又包含一个定语从句who gets the message,先行词是the person。,5. Notes to the Text,(2) Reasoning for communicating may include any of the following: P

25、assing on factual information/Putting forward opinions and trying to persuade others/ Giving instructions to people.(Para. 3) 解析 本句是简单句。成分依次为主语reasoning for communicating ,谓语动词may include,宾语any of the following: Passing on factual information/Putting forward opinions and trying to persuade others/ G

26、iving instructions to people。pass on意为“tell or deposit (information) knowledge传递;继续”,例如:He has passed me on all the materials which he had got together.他把已搜集到的材料全交给了我。,5. Notes to the Text,Text C Business Lessons from the Rain Forest,1. Background Information,Developing businesses today is more and

27、more a question of clever marketing. Great businesses are not met with success purely because they are great businesses, but rather because they are great businesses that also had great business development opportunities at a crucial time. A few crucial times in the life span of a business are the f

28、irst moments when the business exists, and when the business slows either because of internal problems or external problems such as the economy. This is when the business development opportunities are the best.,2. Introduction to the Text,Theme of the Text Text C introduces some business lessons whi

29、ch derive from the writers own experience in the Malaysian rain forest.,2. Introduction to the Text,本文为记叙文文体,语言规范而精炼。作者通过戴尔的成功向我们印证了一个为人熟知的企业经营理念:顾客永远是上帝。作者从戴尔在大学宿舍的创业伊始写起,到后来戴尔成为电脑直销商业巨头,戴尔的成功经验也就自然而然地呈现在我们眼前把顾客放在第一位,倾听理解他们并提供客户服务;公司管理者或普通员工都必须行动机敏,灵活多变。 文章中作者用了比较多的破折号来对前面内容作补充说明,例如:First, it must

30、put the customer firstby listening, understanding, and providing customer service. Second, a companyboth its managers and employeesmust act with speed and flexibility.,3. Business Terms,direct selling 直销 Direct selling is a method of consumer distribution goods and services through personal contact

31、away from fixed business locations and it is a form of selling without retail outlets, distributors, wholesalers and any type of middlemen.,4.Words and Expressions,(1) differentiate/ v.,Meaning: mark as different,Example: She can differentiate this kind of rose from the others. 她能把这种玫瑰花从其它品种中区分开来。,4

32、.Words and Expressions,(2) competence/ n.,Meaning: the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually,Example: I doubt his competence to do the work. 我怀疑他是否有能力做那份工作。,4.Words and Expressions,(3) benefit from,Meaning: receive benefit from,Example: I think your company will

33、 benefit from it. 我认为贵公司能从中获益。,5. Notes to the Text,(1)Only then is it time to reduce costs and grow more efficient. (Para.5) 释义Only then is it time to decrease costs and increase efficiency. 解析 在句首的only如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用倒装结构。例如:Only in this way can you learn English well只有用这种方式,你才能学好英语。此句还包含了

34、句型:It is time to do sth. 意为“Its time for doing sth. 到了该做某事(尤指当前马上要做的事)的时间了”。例如:Its time to go home, please be quick. 到了该回家的时间了,请快点儿。,5. Notes to the Text,(2) I do not believe they are. (Para.9) 释义 In my opinion, the needs of the corporation and the needs of the environment are not in conflict. 解析 主句谓语动词是think/believe/imagine/suppose/consider/expect/fancy/guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致。例如:dont think he will come to my party. 我认为他不会来我的舞会。,Thank You!,

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