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1、本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考本文为本人珍藏,有较高的使用、参考、借鉴价值!本文为本人珍藏,有较高的使用、参考、借鉴价值!英语单项选择的命题方法举要前言单项选择题旨在检测学生对语言基础知识,即语法、词汇和句型的掌握和运用情况。尽管分值不大,但它是一套试题的门面,对一套试题印象的好坏和质量的评价起着重要影响。单项选择题的命题在所有题型中是最需要技巧的,从把握考点,到设置题干、选项等是全创作的过程。命制一套高质量的单项选择题尤其如此。本文是作者对高考单选的研究并结合自己命题的感受,总结出的一点经验。一、 命题的基本要求:1、 覆盖面要广内容尽可能涉及所学单元和范围中大纲所要求的所有语法词汇项

2、目。2、 突出重难点试题要突出重难点,尤其是动词。高考题中该节共有15个小题,其中8个是要求考查动词的,包括时态、非谓语动词、情态动词、被动语态和动词辨析和短语辨析。下面是20012004年全国高考题考查内容统计一览表交际代词介词冠词连词非谓动词动辩短语辨析惯用结构比较结构词序助动倒装时态语态情态011111211123102111321111210312121111112104111131111121从上表考点分布可以看到:(1)每年必考项目有:交际功能、代词、冠词、连词、非谓语动词、时态和语态、情态动词、动词辨析、短语辨析(2)突出考查动词项目:如非谓语动词、时态和语态、情态动词、动词辨析

3、和短语辨析、助动词等二、命题的主要步骤1、确立考点确立考点要考虑以下几点覆盖面要广,分布要合理,突出考试范围中的重难点;考点要有针对性,即两中语言表达习惯不同的,学生易错的,但不能超前,以考代学; 考点不能太偏、太细、太怪。2、 设置题干考点确定后,就要围绕考点设置题干和题空。题干句子要力求地道、准确、自然、清新;句子不得太短(对话例外),但最长不得多超过两行。题目一般有34个以对话形式出现;题空一般是12空;不得超过3空。3、 设置选项设置选项时要注意四个选项的长度要相近;选项的内容性质要一致,不能串项。如不可同一题中的选项同时出现名词和动词等不同词性或杂项;答案要客观;干扰选项中不得有生词

4、或根本不存在的语言现象,不得出现有争议性的选项。三、命题的常用手段1、 考点综合法即同一选项中兼有语法、词汇和习惯用法,以增加题目的综合性。这主要靠变换句式,增加句子长度和句子成分的复杂性,如添加同位语,插入语,从句或其它修饰语等。例如 In my opinion, it is the coach rather than the players that _.A. is to blameB. is to be blamedC. are to blameD. are to be blamed此题答案为B. 既考了语法主谓一致,又考查单词blame的习惯用法用主动表被动;此外,在题干上增加rath

5、er than the players以及采用it isthat强调来增加句子结构的难度,从而大大加强了试题的综合性。 If I catch you _ again, I shall make you _ in after school _ some extra work.A. cheat; stay; to do B. cheating; stay; to do B. C. to cheat; to stay; to doD. cheat; stay; doing 此题(答案B)将惯用结构catch sb doing;make sb do 和不定式作目的状语的功能有机地结合在一起,大大增加了

6、句子的综合性和生动性。 Children feel great pressure because they are often _ to do better than they can. A. expectedB. suggestedC. hopedD. wished此题(答案A)既考查了动词辨析能力,又考查习惯搭配,同时通过变题干为被动式考查了学生对句子结构的辨别力,是一个典型的综合能力考查题2、 创设语境法语言在语境中活化,因此只有在语境中,才能考查考生对语言的正确理解和灵活运用。这是当前单选命题的主要趋势。语境主要通过对话,句子前后逻辑,句中动词形式,语气、关键词暗示和修饰语,如时间状语

7、等途径来完成。例如 Do you have anything more _, Sir? -No, you can have a rest now.A. typing B. to be typed C to type D. typed 此题(答案B)语境是通过对话形式表现。从答语No, you can have a rest now, 可推断type的逻辑主语不是you, 而是问话人,因此不能选C项。 With so many problems _, the new government is facing a challenge. A. dealt withB. dealing withC.

8、to deal withD. deal with 此题虽然不是对话,但句子意义和逻辑以及词语暗示(new government, facing)可知正确答案为C. 不定式to deal with在“with+复合结构”中表示即将发生的动作。-Shall we call on Frank tonight?-We d better not. He is said _a lecture. A. preparing B. to have prepared C. having prepared D. to be preparing 此题(答案D)的语境是答语中的Wed better not (call

9、on Frank tonight), 原因自然是(He is said) to be preparing (a lecture). Rainforests_and burnt at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut 此题(答案C)虽然不是对话,但such a speed暗示正在发生的事。 Look! This is a photo of Yuri during the Social E

10、xperience. He _ a farmer. A. interviewed B. is interviewing C. has interviewed D. will interview 此题(答案B)通过词语Look! This is a photo of使人悟出照片上的He正在做某事的情景。3、 打乱结构法指命题时有意改变或拆散题干,使句子结构复杂化,来适当增加题目难度灵活和干扰性。单项选择中的语法词汇考点每年一样,而句子却千变万化。许多考生并非不知道某一考点,而是不会识别和理解变化了的句子结构,缺乏应变能力。打乱结构法主要通过两种方式(1)变换句式:如陈述变为疑问、否定、反意、倒装

11、、强调,主动变被动,单复句相互转换等;而强调又可变为一般问句和特殊问句的强调。(2)增加句子成分和修饰语。如各种从句、同位于、插入语等。例如 “Youll have to wait for two hours, _ is about 11:30, _ the medical report will come out”, the doctor said to me. A. that; whenB. which; thatC. that; beforeD. which; when 此题(答案A)通过在主句和从句中间加上插入语(that is),来增加考生对定语从句识别的难度,同时使插入成分更隐蔽,

12、增加了试题的难度和灵活性 With everything she needed _, Mum left the marketplace.A. to buy B. having bought C. buying D. bought 此题在everything 后加上定语从句she needed后,使答案D增加了隐蔽性 Who would you rather _ with you, Tom or Marry?A. have to goB. have goneC. having goneD. have go 此题(答案D)通过特殊疑问句式使惯用结构have sb do sth在干扰选项中变得尤其陌

13、生和难以辩认。 The officer gave orders that anyone _a gun should be reported to the police station.A. saw take B. seen takingC. seeing takeD. seen taken 此题(答案B)是把作定语的双重分词放同位语从句中的主语anyone后作选项。考生必须在心里经过几次转换和分析才能确定答案,即1)分析题干意义和句子结构2)seen = who was seen;3)taking 是在对see sb doing的理解而确定。 It was in the lab _ was t

14、aken charge of by Prof. Harry _ they did the experiment.A. which; thatB. that; whichC. where; thatD. which; where此题(答案A)是在强调句型中插入定语从句使结构更为复杂,答案更为隐蔽。 _ at the front rows of the hall are the judges of the English contest. A. There seatedB. Seating thereC. There sitD. Sit there此题(答案A)是以倒装句变换方式增加考生对句子结构

15、的辨别和理解。 附加干扰法为了增强选项的迷惑性,有时故意在主要题干前后添上附加句,来干扰或转移考生思维和视线。 例如 Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?-_. They are both expensive and of little use.A. None B. Neither C. All D. Both 这道题的附加句They are both expensive and of little use干扰性很强,此处both与and一起表示“既又”;放在这个对话里很容易看成“两个”的意思,从而导致考生错选B项。但

16、问句中的most一词表明不止两个,因此答案为A. I feel ashamed to have dropped your “文曲星”to the ground.-_. It works as well anyway.A. No problem B. Never mind C. Its nothing serious D. Its OK这道题的附加句It works as well anyway同样起到很强的干扰作用,许多考生会以为:文曲星虽然摔到地上了,但照样可以用,从而误选C或B项。要知道No problem在英语中用语回答别人请求帮助是的用语;而Its nothing serious则是医

17、生安慰病人时的用语;不了解其交际功能的还以为是指“文曲星”而言的。 - Who will be our new foreign teacher? -_you _ him? I saw you talk to him only yesterday. A. Hadnt, met B. Didnt, meet C. Havent, you D. Wont, you 这道题的附加句I saw you talk to him only yesterday中的saw 和yesterday对判断正确时态起了很强的干扰。考生容易将yesterday作为时间参照而选A或B项。4、 易错聚焦法易错聚焦法指的是命题

18、要针对考生学习中不容易掌握的或易混易错的地方设题。由于受汉语表达习惯和学习中思维定式的影响,考生在习惯表达,习语和惯用结构方面容易出错。例如 The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on.A. to be informedB. being informedC. informedD. informing此题(答案C)采用了反思维定式方法。考生容易形成keep sb doing sth的思维定式,而错选D项。 Why did the girl spend the whole day _, _?-She fail

19、ed in the college entrance examination.A. locked; weeping B. locking; wept C. to lock; weeping D. being locked; wept此题(答案A)同样采用了反思维定式方法,考生接触最多的是spend time (in) doing sth, 容易忽视对句子逻辑的分析而产生错觉。 Food of this kind sells well on the market ,but _.A. isnt kept easily B. doesnt keep easily C. isnt easy to be

20、 kept D isnt easily to keep这道题考查考生对keep作为“(食物)保鲜”意义是的习惯用法,即用主动式;受汉语的理解习惯,考生容易用被动结构。 We should have the students who are quick at learning _ in a different way. A. to train B. training C. trained D. train 此题(答案C)考查have +宾语+宾补的结构,是高考的热点之一。考生容易受思维定式have sb do / doing 和have sth done的影响,而选B 或D项。 Sorry, t

21、he tickets for “Cell Phone” have been sold out.Oh, no. _.A. Never mindB. What a pityC. It really doesnt matterD. Ive been looking forward to it这道对话题检测考生对英语口头表达习惯的理解,Oh, no 在英语中本身含有What a pity或How can it be like this的意思,因此答案只能是D.Excuse me _?This is no parking area. You are going to get a ticket.A. Pa

22、rdon B. Yes C. What do you mean D. What do you want to do此题与上题一样,检测考生对英语口头表达习惯的理解。答案B中的Yes在英语中可用来承上启下,表示疑问,相当于Whats the matter? What do you want? 等。四、命题的语言风格 一道好题除了运用上述技巧外,其话题的内容和风格要活泼生动,不能陈旧呆板。单项选择题虽然只有一两句话,但意义要完整,信息量尽可能大。总的说来要力求做到以下几点:1、 时代特征:指人们感兴趣或关心的话题。例如 With Chinas accession into the WTO, we

23、are facing _ good opportunity, _ will lead to our prosperity.A. a; one B. a; the one C. the; one D. the; the one中国加入WYO,是举世瞩目的大事。 Peace and stability are the topics _ we have frequently returned.A. that B. what C. on which D. to which和平与稳定是国际关系的永久话题。 Isnt it a pity that such a good team _ have faile

24、d to enter the World Cup final.-Yes. Anything is possible in the football field.A. would B. might C. must D. should世界杯足球是世人,尤其是青少年感兴趣的话题。 Not for a moment _ stop fighting against terrorism. It is a long-term task.A. should we B. we shouldC. do we shouldD. should we do反恐斗争是当今国际上提得最多的话题。 Beijings succ

25、essful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games _ a lot to the great achievement of our economic constructionA. leadsB. owesC. thanksD. depends北京申奥成功是中国人引以自豪的大事。2、 生活特征:指话题与人民生活实际有关。例如 China has never before developed so rapidly, _ their life so much. A. nor did the people enjoy B. nor have the people enjoyed

26、 C. neither the people will enjoy D. neither will the people enjoy 以中国经济的发展,人民生活安居乐业作为话题,富有生活气息。 They are going to choose_they think is competent as their leader,_identity he or she is A. those who; whateverB. whomever; whatever C. whoever; no matter whatD. no matter who; whatever 以选举领导作为话题,与民众生活息息相

27、关。 We saw in the forest many trees, _ pulled out by the hurricane, lying on the ground.A. whose rootsB. of which the roots C. with their rootsD. the roots of them were自然灾害给人民生活带来的损失,也是与人民生活息息相关的话题。 -My car has got a flat tyre. I wonder if you could lend me a hand.-_.A. Its my pleasure B. Here you ar

28、e C. No problem D. Take it easy车胎扁气,是生活中常见的现象。 When you come here for your holiday next time, don t go to _ hotel; I can find you _ bed in my flat.A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. a; the D. a; 不填 度假,是现代人生活的一个重要组成部分。3、警示特征:指话题给人以警告、提醒和启示等。例如 Never look down on others. _ you cant achieve may be just _ others c

29、an succeed.A. What; whereB. Where; whatC. What; whatD. Which; that提醒人们人各有长,不要把他人的弱点与自己的优点比较。 _breaks the law should be punished, _ he or she is. A Anyone who; no matter who B No matter who; whoeverC Those who; anyone who D Whoever; no matter which提醒人们要遵纪守法,法律面前人人平等。 No books or magazines _ out of th

30、e reading room without the permission of the librarian. A. are to be taken B. are about to be taken C. are going to be takenD. are supposed to take提醒人们要遵守阅览室守则。 The sign reads “In case of fire, break the glass and push red button.”A不填;aB不填;theCthe; theDa;a 提醒人们火灾发生时如何应对。 The taxi driver often remind

31、s passengers to _ their belongings when they leave the car.A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take启示人们做人的道理。4、议论特征:指人们发表对某事情的意见、看法或评价。例如 You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _I disagree. A. why B. where C. whatD. how提出自己对事物不同的看法。 It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he o

32、r she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever说明人们对抚养孩子的共同观点。 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change说明买手机不容易的理由。 Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _,of course , made the others unhappy.Awho Bwhich Cthis Dwhat评价对孩子偏爱的后果。 The WTO cannot live up to its name _it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.Aas long as Bwhile Cif Deven though提出没有中国参与的WTO组织是名不副实的看法。

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