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1、课题: Unit 6 Natural disasters 第一课时备课时间:2009年2月7日 授课时间:教学目标: 1通过漫画引出自然灾害的话题。2初步接触过去进行时。3了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。教学内容: 四会内容 词汇:natural accident wash village rainstorm thunder hall 词组:start to rain kill thousands of people lose the game a car accident start a big fire其他内容词汇:disaster mop词组:mop all the water up教学

2、重点: 初步接触过去进行时。难点突破: 初步了解一般现在时的用法。教学准备1录音机。2一些自然灾害的图片。教学步骤Step I导入1 Whats the weather like today?2请学生回答问题。复习有关天气的单词rain,snow, wind等。Step II呈现1 Hobo has some troubleWhats happened to him? Lets have a look让学生阅读漫画,教师就每幅漫画问一些开放性的问题。如: (1)Whats the weather like?(Its raining) (2)What happened to Hobo?(He g

3、ot wet) (3)What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?(He was sleeping) (4)When did Hobo hear the rain?(Half an hour later)(5)What happened to Hobos house?(The floor was all wet) (6)Why doesnt he want to go home alone? (He needs Eddie to mop all the water up)2播放课本第92页漫画部分录音,学生跟读。3请学生看第2幅漫画,向学生解释was

4、 sleeping的用法,引入过去进行时的概念。4学生跟录音朗读对话,练习表演对话。请一至两组学生为全班表演对话。鼓励学生大胆创新。Step III呈现1问学生:What words do we use to talk about bad weather?从而引出rainstorm,snowstorm,typhoon等新单词。让学生完成课本第93页B部分练习,集体核对答案并带领学生朗读。使学生明白:Bad weather can sometimes cause natural disasters2出示其他自然灾害的图片,向学生介绍这些自然灾害的英文名称以及基本特点,带领学生朗读,纠正部分学生的

5、读音。以下列出几种不同的自然灾害名称及特点,可以根据学生实际水平决定补充部分或全部内容: (1)earthquake(a sudden violent movement of the earths surface) (2)flood(a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry) (3)drought(a long period without rain) (4)hurricane(a violent storm with very strong winds) (5)hailstones(small balls of

6、ice that fall from the sky like rain) (6)landslide(the sudden fall of a mass of earth,rocks,etcdown the side of a mountain) (7)volcano eruption(a violent outburst of lava,cinders,steam and gases through an opening in the earths surface)3请学生看课本第93页B部分的几幅插图,让学生用过去进行时造句。 (1)The boy was walking home whe

7、n the typhoon came (2)The girl was doing homework in her bedroom when the thunder and lightning came (3)A man and a woman were walking in the water (4)People were having dinner at home when the snowstorm came 以上句子只是参考答案,鼓励学生发挥想像,对于新颖且合理的答案要予以肯定和表扬。Step IV活动1引导学生思考这些自然灾害的共同特点,使学生明白:They are all cause

8、d带领学生朗读。引导学生总结出:Accidents are usually caused by people2 Can you tell the difference between natural disasters and accidents now?Here are some newspaper headlinesPlease discuss with your classmates to findout which ones are natural disasters请学生和同伴讨论第93页A部分的新闻标题,判断哪些是自然灾害。3集体核对答案,然后带领学生朗读。4把学生分成四人小组,每

9、个组分发一份刊登有事故或灾难新闻的报纸,要求学生用英文写出有关事故或灾难的新闻标题,写完后在小组内互相讨论,核对答案。教师用多媒体显示一些可能用到的词汇,以帮助学生完成任务。如:瓦斯爆炸:gas explosion 龙卷风:tornado在学生小组讨论时,教师要来回巡查,解决可能出现的问题。5随机抽取一些学生朗读他们撰写的新闻标题,教师随即将比较好的标题板书在黑板上。边写边提问:Is this a natural disaster or an accident?Step V家庭作业1记忆本课出现的单词、词组。2背诵漫画部分的对话。3完成练习与测试Unit 6第一课时。教学后记:课题: Unit

10、 6 Natural disasters第二课时备课时间:2009年2月7日 授课时间:教学目标: 1读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。2培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。3进一步理解、应用过去进行时。4引导教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。教学内容: 四会内容 词汇:shaking glass fear scream shake direction wildly body brick calm moment mind since alive somebody hurry daylightloudly everywhere 词组:do some shopping a big noise

11、 like thunder calm down scream for look at each other in fear under the ground try my best to do start to shake run in all directions fall down run wildly say to myself go through my mind stay alive a packet of chocolate hear shouts from excited people in a great hurry move away the bricks and stone

12、s 教学重点: 培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。难点突破: 进一步理解、应用过去进行时。教学准备1教学挂图(地震录像) 2录音机 3多媒体背景知识此部分以第一人称的语气讲述了一次个人的亲身经历。在1999年的台湾大地震中,Timmy被困在了一座倒塌的建筑物下。这次大地震发生在1999年9月21日凌晨一点四十七分。地震的震中在台北市西南方150公里处南投县的集集镇,震级为里氏76级,当时大多数人都在睡梦中。据报道在台北市人日密集地区有人员伤亡、建筑物倒塌和其他损坏现象。在此次地震中有1,700多人死亡,8,700多人受伤,12,000座建筑物遭受破坏,100,000人无家可归。据信这是台

13、北上个世纪最严重的一次地震教学步骤Step I导入1说:We learnt something about natural disasters last timeWhat disasters have we learnt?引导学生回顾上一课时学习的自然灾害的名称。2如有条件,教师用多媒体播放一段地震的录像,或展示一组地震灾情的图片,引入地震话题。教师说:What kind of disaster is it?Step II呈现1再次播放录像,或要求学生仔细观察图片,引出本课中一些重要单词,同时也检查学生对本课内容的预习情况。 What can you see in the video/pict

14、ures?(I can see some houses shaking) (I can see some people screaming in fear) (I can see some people running wildly in all directions) (I can see some people trapped Under the bricks and stones) 板书学生回答时提到的新单词,带领学生朗读,纠正部分学生发音。2要求学生根据教师的解释,迅速完成课本第96页B1部分练习,加深对新单词的理解。Step IV练习1 There was an earthquake

15、 in Taiwan in 1999Many people lost their lives in the earthquake,but a boy called Timmy survivedLets listen to the story to see what happened to him播放第94至95页课文部分录音。让学生看第97页D部分练习,边听边判断正误。 2请学生朗读句子,并核对答案。遇到不正确的句子要求学生改正。如: (1)Timmy was doing some shopping when the earthquake started (2)At first,Timmy f

16、elt a slight shaking through his body (3)People ran wildly everywhere (5)Timmy had a packet of chocolate when he was trapped under the bricks and stones (6)People found Timmy during the day3请学生集体朗读句子,原来错误的句子读改正过的句子。基础较好的班级教师可 以增加几个句子供学生判断: (7)Timmy did not try to run out to the street F (Timmy tried

17、 his best to run out to the street) (8)Timmy did not survive the earthquake F (Timmy survived the earthquake) (9)At last,Timmy found his way out F(People moved away the bricks and stones and helped Timmy out)Step V家庭作业1熟读课文,要求基础好的学生背诵课文。2将课文中的重点句子汉译英。3完成练习与测试Unit 6第二课时。教学后记:课题: Unit 6 Natural disast

18、ers第三课时备课时间:2009年2月7日 授课时间:教学目标: 1读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。2培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。3进一步理解、应用过去进行时。4引导教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。教学内容: 句型:I was doing some shopping when it started Some people screamed because they were very frightened People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down I though

19、t somebody could hear me but no one came for a very long time I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above meI could not see anything at all and I did not know if anyone was around me A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since 1 was still ali

20、ve教学重点: 培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。难点突破: 引导教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。教学准备1教学挂图(地震录像) 2录音机 3多媒体教学步骤Step I阅读1再次播放录音,学生跟读,要求学生注意正确的发音。每段朗读结束后,就该段内容提问,检查他们对各段落的理解。对于能力一般的学生,多媒体显示问题。Para1:What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? (He was doing some shopping)Para2:What happened in the shopping centre?(There was

21、a big noisePeople became frightenedSome people screamed)Para3:What happened to the buildings?(Pieces of glass and bricks fell downThen the walls began to come down)Para4:Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?(It was dark around him and he didnt know where he wasHe was trapped)Para5:How did Timmy

22、feel?(When he found that he was trapped,a moment of fear went through his mind but he told himself to calm down)Para6:What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?(He shouted for helpHe ate some chocolate)How as he saved? (People moved away the bricks and stones and saved him)2让学生自己朗读课文,鼓励学生用动作、表

23、情和语调表现出地震现场的情境。然后请几位学生为全班朗读课文。3让学生看课本第97页C部分图片,朗读方框中的句子,复习其中较难的单词,如trapped,screamed,thunder等。让学生自己将句子填入空格处,然后全班一起核对答案。核对答案时请能力较强的学生加入更多的细节,如:(Picture 4)I was trapped under walls and bricks,and I could not get outI was frightened as it was dark around me and I did not know where I was4请学生将图片按事件发生的先后排

24、序。然后把学生分成四人小组,要求根据图片复述整个故事。最后请几位学生在全班面前复述故事。5请学生完成课本第96页B2部分练习,然后请学生朗读日记,集体核对答案。Step II练习1教师讲解重要的单词、词组与句型。 以下问题: (1)Where were you when the earthquake started?(1 was in a shopping centre) (2)What were you doing?(1 was doing some shopping) (3)What did you feel and hear at first? (I felt a slight shak

25、ing and then I heard a big noise like thunder) (4)What did you do when the earth started to shake? (I tried my best to run out to the street) (5)Do you think it is dangerous to run wildly during the earthquake? (Yes,I think SOBecause pieces of glass and bricks were falling down) (6)What did you feel

26、 when you found yourself trapped? (A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down) (7)Did you shout for help?(Yes,I didBut no one came for a long time) (8)Did you eat anything before you were saved? (Yes,I didI ate some chocolate)3挑选几组学生在全班表演采访实况。4组织学生分成四人小组,联系自己了解的或是经历过的自然灾害展开

27、讨论,引导学生增强自我保护的意识。教师可以利用投影仪或多媒体提供以下问题,帮助学生展开思路。 (1)Is it safe to run wildly during an earthquake? (2)Is it a good idea to 1ump out of the window if the building starts to shake? (3)Which part of the house is the best to hide in? (4)Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm? (5)Is

28、 it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm with thunder and lightning?5挑选几组讨论不同自然灾害的学生在全班面前作汇报。Step III家庭作业1熟读课文,要求基础好的学生背诵课文。2将课文中的重点句子汉译英。3完成补充习题中的相关练习。练习与测试Unit 6第三课时。教学后记:课题: Unit 6 Natural disasters第四课时备课时间:2009年2月7日 授课时间:教学目标: 1识别描述天气状况的单词和短语。2运用词汇做天气预报。教学内容教学内容: 四会内容 词汇:cloud weathe

29、r wind temperature windy low become worse词组 drop a little其他内容词汇:fog foggy frost frosty词组:the weather today教学重点: 识别描述天气状况的单词和短语。难点突破: 运用词汇做天气预报。教学准备1请学生准备一些画有不同天气状况的小卡片。2听天气预报,了解当地近期天气变化。3多媒体背景知识 、谈论天气是日常交流中经常会用到的一项语言功能。此部分重点教授了如何将与天气有关的名词转换成形容词。通过学习,学生还能在日常对话中谈论不同的天气状况。教学步骤Step I复习1帮助学生简要复习Reading部分

30、内容: Who survivedthe earthquake in Taiwan and wrote the article about his survival? (Timmy did) What was he doing when it started?(He was doing some shopping) What did people do when th earth started to shake?(They ran in all directions) What happened to Timmy when the noise and shaking ended?(He was

31、 trapped) What was he doing when he heard some noise above him? (He was trying to find his way out) 帮助学生用所学过的内容回答问题。2学生两人一组回忆课文内容并相互提问。Step II呈现1 Earthquake is a kind of natural disasterWe learnt many other disasters last timeWhat are they?引导学生复习已学过的词汇。然后告诉学生:Many of them are caused by bad weatherLe

32、ts talk about the weather this time导入天气话题。2显示太阳图片,问学生:Whats this?在黑板上写出sun,边写边提问:Whats the weather like?(Its sunny)在sun的旁边写上sunny这个单词。带领学生朗读并提醒他们注意单词拼写。3依次显示其他天气状况的图片,教授其他单词。4请学生迅速完成课本第98页A部分练习。然后带领学生朗读,使学生理解并记忆有关天气的名词变为形容词的方法。5指导学生用“头脑风暴法”巩固单词。具体方法是:把学生分成两人一小组,其中一人读出课本第98页A部分任意一个名词,要求另一人快速说出其形容词并拼写

33、,稍后交换角色操练。Step III游戏1把学生分成四人小组,轮流展示课前准备的画有天气状况的图片,要求其他同学说出描述天气的名词和形容词。2挑选一位卡片制作较为精美的学生在全班展示所做的卡片,要求其他学生把对应的代表天气的名词和形容词写在笔记本上。Step IV练习1学生完成课本第98页B部分练习。2请两位学生分角色朗读对话并核对答案。核对完毕后让学生两人一小组朗读。3请学生根据第98页B部分插图描述一周天气情况。Step V活动1用多媒体展示当地近期天气预报,要求学生模仿课本对话讨论天气变化。2挑选几组学生在全班面前表演对话。Step VI家庭作业1记忆本课所学的词汇、词组。2完成补充习题中的相关练习。完成练习与测试Unit 6第四课时。教学后记:

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