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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级二年级教学形式自主学习教 师杨丽娜单 位翰林学校课题名称Unit 3 In my school bag学情分析学生特点:小学一年级学生,有意注意的时间较短,学生好奇心强、活泼好动,善于模仿。同时,他们对于简单的日常用语有所掌握,对熟悉的英语知识有所感悟,具备语言的学习和交流的欲望。但是受到词汇量与语法知识的限制,容易产生“交际失败”的现象,挫伤其英语学习的积极性。所以在教学方法的选择上应主要采用游戏的形式,让学生在玩中体验,玩中创造。在游戏中让学生理解教材中比较抽象的内容,建立学生的表象。同时将所学到了理论进一步在生活中应用,从而达到教者的目的。针对

2、这一特点,在平日的教学中,在课堂上设法激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会,提供学生充分表现和发展的空间,通过学生喜欢的活动,如,游戏、歌曲以及现代化教学手段等方式引导学生在学中用,在用中学,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作等方式,发展听、说、读、写的语言综合技能。学习本课存在的困难点有:1营造语言情境,要有真实感。也就是说:在教学活动的开始,要紧紧围绕任务设计,充分利用多媒体课件、卡片等直观教具和教学手段,结合学生生活实际为学生设置多种语言情境,使英语单词、句子与它们所表达的意义直接挂钩,使学生积极地去体验与实践,讨论与合作。2任务型教学法。本人设计“Tic tac toe”,

3、“Exchanging stationeries”等任务,旨在突破教材重、难点,引导学生用英语做事情。我采用了出示任务,创设语境;围绕任务,灵活操练;完成任务,实际运用;多元评价,整合认知这四个教学环节。教学目标(一)语言技能:1. 理解、听懂文本对话,能模拟并编说对话。 2. 能进行知识迁移,把所学的语言知识用在模拟的实际情景中。 3. 培养学生灵活、准确运用所学过词语的能力,在游戏中复习所学的有关词汇。(二)语言知识: 1. 熟记本单元单词和短语:a ruler, a bag, a rubber, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case。2会用 “This is my

4、 ”表达:这是我的(文具)。3能用英语参加游戏及角色表演系列活动。(三)情感态度:1.培养学生形成爱护文具的好习惯。2通过本课的教学活动,培养学生在学习过程中与同学相互协作,友好相处的意识和能力。(四)学习策略:“任务型教学”是本节课教学的主要策略。教学重点、难点(一)教学重点:句型“This is my ”。通过设计贴近学生实际生活的教学活动及创设情境,使学生能在实际的情景中运用所学的知识进行对话,提高学生的语言运用能力。(二)教学难点:1用所学的单词和句型进行整合,表达“This is my ”。(三) 拓展句型在Exchanging stationeries活动中,以Here you a

5、re. 作为拓展句型。教学过程B Say and actStep 1.Gretting (1 )T:Class begins.Ps: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ps: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: How are you?Ps: Fine, thank you.T: Sit down, please.(I sit as a student in order to let the students know they should sit as streight as Miss Yang.)Step 2. Warm

6、up and divided groups (2 )T:I have a new school bag. Do you want to know whats in my bag? Ps: Yes!T: Oh! Theres nothing inside. (Put the school bag upside down. The magic stick fall down. Pick it up on the ground.) Oh! Theres a magic stick. Lets try: Pencil, pencil, Where are you? G 1: Pencil, penci

7、l, heres your pencil. ( Giving my pencil to me and stick it on the board.)T: Rubber, rubber, Where are you? G 2: Rubber, rubber, heres your rubber. ( Giving my rubber to me and stick it on the board.)T: Drink, drink, Where are you? G 3: Drink, drink, heres your drink. ( Giving my drink to me and sti

8、ck it on the board.)T: Stickers, stickers, Where are you? G 4: Stickers, stickers, here are your stickers. ( Giving my stickers to me and stick it on the board.) T: Thank you very much. All of these are in my school. ( Writing the title In my school bag on the board.)Step 3. Chant (3 ) T:You are hel

9、pful. Can you sing? Ps: Yes! I can sing. (Do the action of sing) T: Can you dance? Ps: Yes! I can dance. (Do the action of dance) T: Can you write? Ps: Yes! I can write. ( Do the action of write) T: Can you chant? Ps: Yes! I can chant. ( Display the chant and chant with action)T: Lets chant again an

10、d do it as quickly as you can.Ps very happy to chantT: Very good. Lets see the sentence patterns. ( To talk about the sentence patterns of 1 and 2+)Step 4. Presentation (4 ) Show a flash to intro T: Pat is a good student. Lets see what in her book. Are you ready? Ps: Go. (Ps do the action of go)T: W

11、hat in Pats book?Ps: There are four stickers.T: Very good. Shall we watch again to tell me the sentence patterns of 1 and 2+.Watch the flash again and finish the writing.Step 5Practice (4 ) A. Practice sentence patterns (1)Ps read the sentences together.(2)Have a match between boy and girl.(3)Have a

12、 match with loud voice and low voice.(4)Group reading with clapping hands B. Introduce Kitty I have a good friend Kitty. ( Show up Kitty with a school bag.) K: Hello! Ps: Hello Kitty! T: Oh! Its a pity that Kitty got a sore throat. Can you help her? Ps: Yes! Display the dialogue between Kitty and me

13、, ask the ps to act as Kitty. ( Twice) T: I was shopping this Sunday. ( Bring a big bag of fruits) Heres a pear, its good for you Kitty. OK! Good bye Kitty! Ps: Good bye Kitty!Step 6. Guessing game (5 ) T: Do you know Whats in my bag? ( Show a banana.)To see who is the loudest and give the fruit to

14、he/her.Ps: Theres a banana.Show a pear.Ps: Theres a pear.Show an apple.Ps: Theres an apple.Show an orange.Ps: Theres an orange.Show 2 pears.Ps: There are 2 pears.Show 4 apples.Ps: There are 4 apples.Show 3 oranges.Ps: There are 3 oranges.Show 2 bananas Ps: There are 2 bananas.Step 7Whats in the zoo

15、(6 )T: What animal like bananas very much?Ps: Monkey.Monkey is stick on the wall before the class.T: Where is the monkey. ( Show the pic of the zoo.)PS: Its in the zoo.T: Can you tell me Whats in the zoo?Ps: Theres a Ask the ps who have the pics of the animal stand up and ask the other ps to speak o

16、ut, and ask the ps to stick the animal on the projector screen.T: Lets count whats in the zoo.Ps: Theres a / There are s.Step 8Chant (5 )T: There are many animals in the zoo, Do you know Where is the mouse?Ps: I dont know.T: Lets have a look.T: Wheres the mouse?Ps: In the pencil case.T: Very good. L

17、ets chant twice as quickly as you can.Step 9Count the fingers (6 )T: Are you happy today?Ps: YesT: Lets play a game for more fun. (Display) Start!T: How many fingers are there?Ps: There are ten fingers.T: Really? Lets count.Ps: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. There are nin

18、e.Play this game several times as demo and play it in the group of 4.Step 10. Book reading (3 )Step 11. Sum up(1 ) T: Today the sentence pattern we learn is: Ps: Theres a / There are s. T: Pretty good.板书设计作业或预习Homework: Use the sentence pattern: Theres a / There are s. to describe Whats in your bag.

19、自我评价本节课的亮点为:1、身体语言丰富。一年级的学生英语单词量较少,他们不懂的单词我尽量避开用中文解释,我会用身体语言来解释,这样会更形象。例如:my, sing, low voice, laude voice, look,boy, girl2、可爱、活泼,可与学生融为一体,让我轻易成为他们的朋友,一起学习英语。例:带出他们的好朋友/我的女儿Trinity.3、采用多种形式的操练来实现突出重点,突破难点。例:全班读,男女读,分组读,两个同学比赛,游戏Tic tac toe 及Exchanging stationeries4、课堂调控手段得当,不断地鼓励学生,使他们永远保持着高涨的英语学习情绪

20、,树立自信心。5、课堂气氛活跃,充分地体现了“两个常规”。6、 板书设计以旧带新。用Unit 3My classroom所学句型Whats this? Its a 复习本单元A部分的单词ruler, rubber, pencil, pen, pencil case, bag,贴在黑板上.在呈现的过程中带出新句型This is my , 从而把知识点有机地结合在一起。Perfect match!不足之处:在这一单元的教学中,我也设计了一些小游戏、小竞赛。有的效果很好,可也在试讲的时候也遇到过特别失败的情况:在Tic tac toe的比赛中,我和一位学生示范,赢了的可得小星星,结果我赢了,学生那一

21、组没得到小星星。我的目的很明确,无非是想让全体同学共同参与、精诚合作、共同完成学习任务。可结果是,没完成既定任务的同学,遭到了小组内其他成员的指责,我去调解,完成了任务的同学满腹委屈,就这样,一节课不欢而散,课后我认真反思,及时总结经验,重新精心设计了活动,在小组活动时,我与完成了任务的同学握手表示祝贺并奖给粘贴画,对没完成任务的学生说,你已经尽力了,同学们不仅不会责怪你,而且还会帮助你,老师和所有同学都相信你以后会更加努力学习的,这节课同学们皆大欢喜,收到了良好的效果,我真正认识到了正确的评价在教学中的作用。课堂评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信心,同时也有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程。我要强调的是评价的客观性、科学性、艺术性、还有宽容性。在多年的教学工作中,我深刻地认识到,作为教师不仅要有过硬的专业知识,而且要有耐心,细心和爱心,同时还要具有管理学生的能力。要想胜任这一职业,需要不断探索,积极进取,努力提高自身的业务素质,不断地反思自己教学中的失误和不足,只有这样才能当好新时代的小学英语教师。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:

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