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1、托福备考没时间看书做题怎么办 托福备考没时间看书做题怎么办?手把手教你4条高效学习心得绝技,今日我给大家带来了托福备考没时间看书做题怎么办,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 托福备考没时间看书做题怎么办?手把手教你4条高效学习心得绝技 托福备考并不依靠大段完整的时间 很多同学对托福备考时间方面的认知仍旧停留在要抽出完整大段时间学习的层面上。光是这种思路就已经大幅度削减了大家敏捷学习的思路。其实从根本上来说,托福备考中真正需要用到整段时间的学习任务就只有写作文以及官方真题Official模考这两项。其它备考任务都是可以拆分打散来进行训练的。比如背单词,考生完全可以把每天要背

2、的词汇拆分到日常生活的各个时间段中去完成,早上起来可以背一些,中午休息可以背一些,甚至上学下班通勤时间都可以背。仍旧拘泥于备考就要安宁静静坐在桌前一口气学个2-3小时这种学习方式的同学,缺乏对托福考试要求和备考方式的正确理解,才会觉得托福备考时间不够用,而这些同学的备考效率往往也是比较低下的。 学会规划每日学习方案就能腾出时间 如上文所说,托福备考中大部分学习任务都可以拆分进行,而想要保证这种零碎学习方式仍旧能够达到效果,考生就需要学会规划每日的学习方案。这种规划并不只是单纯的制定练习量,比如今日需要背多少单词做多少题目,而是应当有更细致的目标,比如在去上学的路上需要背大约多少词汇,午休时间做

3、几道练习题等等。对缺乏规划的同学来说通勤时间可能都用在发呆看手机上了,而假如大家能够规划好这些细节时间的备考支配,那么不知不觉中学习时间就能被腾出来,很多考生最为看重的放学下班之后的那段学习时间,也能用来做一些更需要集中耗时的备考工作。 从每日支配到每周方案 另外,对备考时间的规划考生还需要适当扩大一下范围。可能不少考生在制定备考方案时都是以日为单位,但在我看来除了每天要练什么之外,每周需要达成的学习目标大家也需要进行一些适当的支配。比如之前提到的做官方真题Official模考,其实是不太适合在工作日进行的,究竟完整模考需要4个小时左右的时间,大部分同学的学习时间很难满意每天做一套官方真题Of

4、ficial的需求,而这就需要大家在每周的周末才能比较好地进行训练了。因此,假如只是把学习方案根据日来制定是不太合理的,以周为单位才是比较恰当的做法。 学习以达到目的而非练习量为标准 最终要说的一点就是备考目标的明确化。这一点在做练习的时候其实特殊明显,有些同学喜爱制定训练量的指标,比如做多少道题目。这种做法其实在托福备考中意义并不大。托福考试考察的是大家的力量,因此考生只要通过练习把握了对应的力量就足够了,再做更多的量只能说是在铺张时间。比如阅读某个题型需要的解题思路和应对技巧,可能考生只做了5道题就已经学会了,但之前制定的练习量是10道题,那么我认为大家剩下的5道题其实就已经不需要连续做下

5、去了,否则只是白白耽搁时间,而这些时间完全可以用在做其它练习上。通过这种明确学习目标敏捷调整训练量的做法,考生的学习时间也会变得更加充分。 综上所述,托福备考的时间其实还是可以挤出来的,而上文中提到的这些优化备考方式提升学习效率的思路技巧,我建议大家参考学习并融合到自己的备考方案中,信任会关心考生更为顺当地完成备考通过考试。 托福写作模板:中间段写作 托福写作模板:中间段写作模板 First, the arent is based on a false analoply assumes that_, but he does not provide any evidence that_. Sec

6、ond, the armits a fallacy of hasty ation concerninmendation of _would most probably turns out to be ineffective and misleadined that _, the arake clear that_. In the second place, the comparison in this arent is incomplete and selective, the aration reore _. Unless the arparison is unconvincinent is

7、 based on a hasty ption that_, it is unwarranted to assume that_. In addition, the arore,_. Finally, the arajor problem with this arent is that the arakes it impossible for us to evaluate that_ Another point worth considerined that_, but we do not know that_. We can believe that _, but based on this

8、 slim information, we can never evaluate the overall performance of discount. One major assumption in short of leacy is that_. First, _. Second, _. This may prove misleadinption that_. This, however, is unwarranted. 托福写作模板:在校同学打工 In some countries, teenae life, and it takes away pan of their childho

9、od that they can never replace. Education today is very complex and difficult. In order to learn and ust work very hard and concentrate. This means attendin early in the mornine and doinework. Its a busy schedule for anyone. For someone tryinpact on their learnine life. Families spend less and less

10、time toe for dinner. He wont be home after dinner, either, and may not e until late at nieans he doesnt have a lot of time to spend with his family. If he doesnt have a car, it can mean chan to work and pick him up. The main drawback of a teenaissine in which hell have to earn a livine hell have. It

11、s the last chance hell have to hanself. Soon enouoney, but money isnt everythinuch. No one should spend all his time at work, and especially not a teenae easier to prepare. Has this chanproved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福写作模板及.参考: Nowadays, wherev

12、er we turn our arket and just prepare it in a couple of minutes, whereas before it could have taken us maybe hours to prepare this kind of meals. I would accept that this so-called improvement has chane drawbacks as well. It is true that these kinds of food do not involve hard work to prepare, but f

13、ood that is easy to prepare e artificial inixed in it that makes it “easy-to-cook”. If we take time to read the ine across words like preservatives or artificial flavorine across a newspaper article which stated that someone was poisoned because he ate this type of food. He was hospitalized for almo

14、st a month. Not havinore true. People are so busy with their work that they just rely on this simple foods. The invention and production of this foods have made people lazy not only for cookinily er times when families would sit toinimal nutrients in them. Cookinuch better than todays. People would spend more time in the kitchen, preparinilies closer touch time as they did in the past, but I believe that people have forportance of healthy, fresh food and of the time a family spends toany disadvantages.

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