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1、英语四级综合笔记听力(35%)、阅读(35%)、完型填空或改错(10%)、作文和翻译(20%)。各单项报道分的满分分别为:听力249分,阅读249分,完型填空或改错70分,作文142分。各单项分相加之和等于总分(710分)。目录一、听力概述和故事型及文章型题目二、小对话六大类行分析三、小对话高频场景分析四、多义词汇讲解及科技型文章讲解五、语音讲解(英、美),语音现象(吞音、连读等)六、重要短语集合、听力敏感度训练、六大类关键词七、长对话类型分析八、复合式听写技巧总结(语音、词汇)听力规律:考试失败必男生(历年考试中只有女生Mary一出现,则为反面人物)1.安慰必女生 2火车必迟到 3飞机必晚点

2、 4邀约必失败5吃饭必成功 6受伤必轻伤 7车祸必生还 8货物必售完(书、票)一、听力概述和故事型及文章型题目(一)故事型文章判断标准判断标准:(所给答案中)大于等于两个人名、地名1“解释结尾”考点“结尾”标志:停顿三秒钟2转折考点(通用考点)But,however,yet,unexpectedly,otherwise,.3对话考点:he said he laughted he wept(weep) he answered.升调表否定、疑问(语气语调出考点)(所给选项中)同主语题,例:若主语同为he只听男方的一句态度(二)说明型文章判断标准:选项围绕一个词进行讲解1. “最”特质考点 most

3、,more,-est,-er2. 因果考点:because,so;for(句中);as(句前);thats the reason why.3. 首末考点(通用考点),首三句,末三句段落题做题原则:视听基本一致原则:耳听声、眼看题顺序做题原则对立选项保留原则:选项当中若有两个相对立,则其中之一必为答案,其余直接排除二、小对话六大类行分析(一)数字题 1、数量价格类。方法:1) 听“新”答案(通过运算所得)2) 简记数字(bill账单、钞票,cent,change) 2、时间类 时间细节类首末时间点,尤其首时间时间运算类时间点加减时间量当时间点超过一个以上,以现在时间点为基础 Delay ago加

4、 late 减 eatly Later earlier In ahead of time(二)对话地点题 head for 去哪At/ on/ in/ to+someplace高频地点:restaurant,hotel,airport(如果地点题中有其一词出现则必选)(三)人物、职业关系题(1)人物职业题。高频职业:secretary秘书,receptionist前台服务员,waitress女服务生,airline hostess空姐,tour guide导游(2)人物关系高频关系:医患关系,老板职员(职员staff),亲属关系(多考双胞胎,母子),服务女与顾客(waitress-custom

5、er,passenger-airline hostess,tourist-tour guide)(四)动作题 以动词(do,to do,doing)开头(1)情态动作类 情态词+动(could,must,have to,had better,would)(2)时间动作类(now,right now)现在进行时,在强调某一个动作(考点!)(3)建议动作类(why not.,how about doing.,what about doing,if i were you.,why do.)(五)细节题,抓首末的细节(六)意义解释题:重读出考点!三、高频六大场景(一)library场景1.申请场景 a

6、pply v. Application (申请n.) form 申请, application letter/ the letter of application 申请信,cancel 取消,reapply再申请2.查询 check out:you can check those by index(索引).【thumb拇指,index finger食指,middle finger中指,ring finger无名指,little finger小指】3.借阅:book,magazine,issue期刊、案件(重大而难以解决的问题) back issue过期刊物,current issue现刊,jo

7、urnal(ist)专业期刊(记者),periodical(半)月刊,cassette=tape item4.矛盾:due到期,某种临近状态,be due to do sth.即将做某事,deadline,fine罚款(一般以过去式出现fined),renew续借(二)学校场景1.作业 assignment, paper各种论文,thesis学科、课堂论文,essay随笔;学习论文semester paper,演示 呈现presentation2.课堂、学制:course课程,optional(可选择的) course选修课,compulsory(强制的,必须做的) course必修课,lec

8、ture讲座,lesson(一)节课,credit学分【credit card信用卡】,year学年,hour学时3.老师、学生:大一freshman,大二sophomore,大三junior,大四senior 初中junior high school,高中senior high school毕业生graduate,研究生postgraduate,在校生undergraduate,系主任dean,教授professor,讲师instructor,导师/ 家教tutor(三)医院场景1.病症:头疼headache,胃疼stomach-ache,脚踝ankle,扭脚?,苍白的pale2.预约mak

9、e appointment3.治疗 treatment/ cure,药丸pill,药片tablet,(四)酒店场景1.预定v.book=reserve,n.reservation(make a for)2.房型:single room,double room,standard(标准的) room,suite套房,总统套房presidential suite,蜜月套房honeymoon suite3.入住 check incheck out,room serves,cash,credit card,discount(五)餐厅场景1.邀约:would you likewith me? 订桌 res

10、erve/ book a table for (+number),party聚会/ 党派/ 列队2.点菜order:菜单menu,特价special offer,牛排steak,甜点dessert,海鲜seafood,酒水alcohol and beverage,吃饱full3.结账check the bill:我买单this is my treat/ the bill on me,split(分担) the bill 平分 AA制,go dutch各付自己的(贬),divide分(餐),food allergy食物过敏,allergic (to)过敏的(六)飞机场场景1.基本词汇:fight

11、航班,direct直航,transfer转乘/ 学/ 部门,passport护照,air ticket机票,luggage行李,security check安检,gate登机口,board登机2.飞机动作:take off起飞,land降落,departure(离开)time起飞时间,arrival time降落时间,transfer time转机时间,boarding time登机时间四、多义词汇讲解及科技型文章讲解(一)多义词汇A:adopt采取/ 收养adapt适应/ 修改=rewrite=improvearticle文章/ 物品=item=stuff=thing/ 法案=constit

12、ution=billabuse虐待(prisoner abuse)/ 滥用(alcohol abuse酗酒,druges abuse吸毒,power abuse滥用职权 )B:bear熊/ 忍受=stand/ 承载(有)Beat打(死、败)/ 躲避=dodgeBill账单/ 钞票/ 法案/ 小广告、张贴画/ 喙(扁嘴)Book书/ 预定=reserveBox盒子/ 拳击/ box office票房C:case案例/ 箱子(suite case行李箱)/ 事情事件(in case of以防万一)Cover盖子(锅盖pain cover)/ 封面/ 包含覆盖v.Charge(be in charg

13、e of负责,take charge in接管)/ 收费(free of charge免费)/ 充电/ 使充满D:deal解决=cope with/ 数量(a good deal of大量的+不可数n.)/ 成交/ 事情事件(Its a not big deal)Dump垃圾场/ I dumped you我甩了你/ 倾销(反倾销anti-dumping daty)E:exhaust枯竭耗尽/ 精疲力竭-ed/ 尾气废气(exhaust from auto)F:film电影/ 拍摄=shot/ 胶卷【run out of用完】Fix修理/ 固定=install/ (fix a appointme

14、nt)确认=confirm/ 准备K:kid小孩/ 开玩笑/ 小羊羔Kill杀/ 消磨I:issue期刊/ 事件/ 颁发颁布L:lot大量的/ 地皮(parking lot) Let让/ 租(I have a house to let)Lobby(酒店)大厅/ 游说,说服M:match比赛n./ 匹配,搭配(match maker线人)对象/ 火柴O:order点菜/ 秩序/ 命令P:present礼物/ 赠送v./ 演示呈现/ 现在的/ 出席的【反absent】Q:quality质量/ 质量好的R:run跑/ 经营管理Release公布公开/ 释放S:school学校/ 学院/ 流派,派别S

15、tamp邮票/ 贴邮票,盖章、戳/ 跺脚【stampede踩踏事件,惊跑】Stuff物品/ 填充、塞Stick树枝,拐棍/ (stick to坚持)粘Stock脱销/ 股票T:tell告诉/ 区分、辨别【teller出纳员】Tip小费/ (笔、树)尖端/ 温馨提示Tie领带 领结 鞋带/ 系v./ 关系=relationship(广泛)【Any relationship with.恋爱】/ 平局(二)科技型文章讲解判断标准:scientist科学家,experiment实验,research调查,observe观察,indicate表明文章构成:结论、分析、例证考点:1.结论考点:相关句在首2

16、、3句;提示词indicate表明,find发现,discover发现,show表明2.序数词考点:firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally。3.转折词考点:but,however4.首末句考点:首三末三五、语音现象(一)连音失爆现象:爆破音+元音Not at all. Check it out. Cut it out.(停止) Tired of it.(厌倦) Though it out.(艰难度过)(二)六大爆破音:/ d/ / g/ / b/ / t/ / k/ / p/ 失爆发音条件:1.结尾是爆破音+开头为辅音Hard time; first love; ne

17、xt door; cold feet(紧张)2.在语流当中结尾为爆破音要轻度、弱读Oh my god! The inspection of product cant make bad work good.My feet still hurt when I put my weight on it.联系方法:找出所有段落文章连音和失爆部分;试读;跟读。(三)缩读Gonna=going to将要Gotta=get to不得不 必须Wanna=want to想要Kinda=kind of有些 有点Sorta=sort of (四) 六、重要短语集合及关键词(一)重要短语A:appeal to 吸引 a

18、t a loss(精神上的)/ mess(物理)不清楚,混乱B:be worn(wear,wore) out衣衫褴褛/ 精疲力竭Be (do) through with完结(该动作do的完结)【read through读完,go through经历过(痛苦的事)】Be stuck in陷入.be held in=make it准时到达/ 做到Back sb/ sth up支持=I 100% behind you.【back up支援】Burn the midnight oil熬夜=stay upC:come out出现出来/ (考试结果)公布公开=release/ 开花/ 冲洗(胶卷film)

19、=developF:figure out弄清楚(1.数字 2.身材体形 3.人物)H:have a word with谈话聊天Have a words with吵架I:I was off the work today 我下班了Im going to be off work tomorrow.我明天不上班L:lay off下岗O:out of the world好,非常好【amazing adj.好;amaze v.奇妙;incredible难以置信;fantastic;quite a.】(二)听力核心六大词汇1.转折词:but, however, yet2.因果:because,so,for,

20、as,thats the reason why3.比较级、最高级:-er,-est,more,most4.序数词:firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally5.重点形容词:important,key,vital=crucial(至关重要的),chief(首要的),only6.事实罗列词:in fact,as a matter of fact,actually事实上,Its truth that注:并列实施信息点不做考点出现三大考点:首末句考点,现在进行时,语气语调七、长对话场景类型分析(一)找工作场景1.基本词汇:look for=hunt,job hunter求职者,h

21、ead hunter猎头,require v.(requirement n.)要求,inquire about打听询问,inquiry n.(make inquiries about)2.职位:post,(job) vacancy空缺(vacant adj.)3.简历,面试:resume简历(resume恢复),application form=cover letter,polish修改(make sth better),interview(-er,-ee),address解决(-er收件人,-ee寄件人),offer提供,accept接受,turn down拒绝=decline(/ 降低)4

22、.工作性质:part-time job兼职,full-time job全职,intern实习生,intern job实习工作,temporary临时的(He is a temp in our company他是我们公司的临时工)(二)转学场景transfer1.学校性质:religious教会学校,private school私立学校,public school公立学校,community school社区学校2.学校质量:faculty全体教员,location地理位置,speciality(教学)特色3.学费:tuition学费【intuition直觉】,living expenses(生

23、活费)4.证书:diploma文凭,Bachelor Degree学士学位【bachelor单身汉】,Master Degree硕士学位,certificate资格证,school report成绩单,enroll登记(三)租房1.基本词汇:landlord房东,landlady女房东,tenant房客,furniture家具,furnished精装的,unfurnished没装修的,sign an agreement/ contract签合同2.房型:公寓apartment,flat;合住楼house,地下室basement3.矛盾:dump垃圾场,toilet,blackout停电,ren

24、ovate(革新)装修=fitment(四)购物场景(五)旅游场景(六)失物招领总结:1.抓对话结果2.抓作者主要态度3.抓主要话题(首末各三句)4.抓人物身份八、复合式听写阅读全文,预测词性,联系上下文有的空可直接出答案后三句技巧:1.名词转代人称用主格和宾格代替地点用here there代替物体用it代替谓语同义转换2.注意事项:不能空白,字迹工整,记录单词的前三个字母,句子成分要完整。抓主谓,抓关键词,补全答案。拼写中的语法:动词过去式、被动态,大小写、专有名词,名词单复数,第三人称单数,拼写。总结:在做题之前一定要先找出关键词,标识是比较级、最高级、数次、否定词、核心的名次、动词、形容

25、词、专有名词等阅读一、仔细阅读(一)定位原文:一题对应一段,故只有5段有效1.关键词:比较级、最高级、数次、否定词、核心的名次、动词、形容词、专有名词等。2.转折词:提示词:but,however,yet,although,while解题思路:转折现象前后的信息是细节和推理题分析的重点范围,首段中的转折句一般提示全文主题3.比较词:表达方式 词:more,better,most,best,less,least 句:Less A than B;more A than B解题思路:将题干中的比较现象与原文类似现象相对应,得出正确答案;为题干中没有关键词时与原文的比较作为分析重点4.因果词: 名:r

26、eason,cause,basis,result提示词 连:because,for,as,since 动:explain,base on,attribute 副:as a result,therefore,thus解题思路:当题干中有因果词时,在原文中寻找与之相对应的词汇(二)分类题型1.细节题解题步骤:根据关键词准确定位原文;分析关键词在的句子极其前后的句子;逐次对应,找到答案逐次对应的方式: 拆词:将选项中的动词名词和形容词进行独立分析 比词:与原文动词名词形容词做比较,意义一致者 为正确答案注意事项:出题顺序一般与原文一致;正确答案一般要同意替换2.词义题:背单词!联系上下文猜词。词的表

27、面含义必为错3.主旨题:基本思路:找到全文中鲜明的主题词和主题句定位方式:题干重现词;段首重现词;首段首句;首段转折句;(问题方案文章指对方案的评价为主题)注意事项:各类题型的答案都必须符合文章主题4.态度题=主旨题5.推理题(难度高) 提示词:infer,conclude,learn from解题步骤:找到题目所针对的段落;分析段落中比较和转折的现象;选择与原文意义最接近的选项注意:真确答案要求,推理成分越少越好;答案必须符合文章主题6.例证题:注意事项:就事论事的选项比错基本思路:例证答案针对相应段落首末两句或例子前后总结性话语7.实验题:(09年可能考)阅读方法:详看实验结果,略看试验过

28、程 实验目的=首段的目的不定式=全文主题考点: 实验结论=末端首末两句 实验结果:find,show,notice,discover,observe(三)逻辑比较 文: 现象解释:解释为主题,问号为现象标志 (人文主观方面) 结论解释:结论为主题(四)题材: 理: 与自然之间的问题,问题方案,对方案的评价 (自然界) 【基本规律:解决方案不完美,作者态度为客观】(五)体材:1.议论文:重点分辨作者的观点和态度2.说明文:把握作者所下的定义,关键的数据和细节3.记叙文:(2007.6,2007.12);3.夹叙夹议(以议为主):阅读方法:分断阅读,重在结尾题型与解题思路:细节题答案必须符合作者主

29、题;主旨题答案集中在结尾部分(六)类型:单线式/ 对立式(把握好对立观点代表词,如赞同for、对立against)(七)解题步骤1. 扫描题干,找关键词2. 浏览原文,做标记(关键词、转折词、比较词、因果词)3. 比较选项得答案二、快速阅读(一)热点题材:TimesEconomist1环境(08.6温室气体)2经济(经济危机、美元贬值)3能源(不可再生燃料fossil fuels)4美国大选(奥巴马美国黑人总统,希拉里,民族构成)(二)阅读步骤1仔细阅读文章标题:大标题=文章主题,小标题=层次主题和结构2仔细阅读文章首段=写作背景/ 有时针对第10题答案3分析题干辨认关键词4根据关键词找到若干

30、句子进行阅读,其余部分一概不看(三)题型与解题思路1判断:比较两句的含义,注意未有出现的关键词所在的选项为N2填空:将原文信息与题干进行比较多余/ 剩余部分即为答案3单选题:选项与原文用词最一致者为正确答案作文 现象分析题一、议论文 正反观点题 How to题(大学生如何做)(一)现象分析l 第一段:现象陈述【校园现象】:In campus, it can often be heard about how to pass an exam, to hunt a good job or even to make friends. While, recently,it seems/ appears

31、no other topics can arouse more students attention than the one that 同位语从句.【社会现象】:Nowadays, everybody who often reads the newspaper might well be exposed to such a fact as 同位语从句, which has recently been brought to the hub of the public attention.【越来越多的人关注】:Nowadays, (话题关键词), as a hot topic, is incre

32、asingly arousing public attention for the very reason that (话题展开句).nowadays, the newspapers have pushed the issue of (话题关键词) to the hub of the public attention/ concern for the very reason that (话题展开句).l 第二段:原因=主题句+扩展句主题句:If asked what I should do, well , I would like to do the followings. The first

33、 is to 原因1, doing原因2,no matter what kinds of difficulties lying ahead/ I will meet. The second, I think I had better (make full use of the school resources, such as the assistant work in a lab), which is also quite a good way.扩展句:主观(think,feel).to such an extent that .=so所以 the development of societ

34、y/ economy The improvement of living standards The increase of population 客观 The environment pollution The global warming The fierce/ severe/ cruel competition .for the reason that.=because; ., making, . He is ill to such an extent that he is absent. 例 He is absent for the reason that he is ill. He

35、is ill making himself absent.(原因段:Why you may wonder? There are two reasons accounting for it. For one thing, ., to such an extent that . . For the other, ., making . .)l 第三段(动作段):措施、危害 措施1to do 写法: 措施2谓语动词 用doing伴随措施之一1.措施: 动词不定式 to do基本不考 非谓语动词 动名词 doing 分词doing/ done 非谓语动词1) to do:表措施的常用句型v 做表语:T

36、he first important thing is to do .The first important thing, which plays the fundamental role in the issues solution is to do .v 做主语:To do . serves to assist the issues total solution.(能源短缺型)To increase the investment on R&D to look for some substitute energy serves to assist the issues total solut

37、ion.v 做同位语:The measure to do. should be taken as soon as possible.v 做宾语:I strongly feel it highly imperative for the authorities to do. . 下定决心干:make up ones mind to do sth v 措施词组 尽全力做:make every effort to do . 不遗余力做:spare no effort to do .【措施段】:There are many measures to be taken. The first importan

38、t thing is to / / . In addition, in my view, it is high time that 具体情况 .OR:There are many measures to be taken. First, I strongly feel it highly imperative for the authorities to / / . Second, it is also necessary that the government should 具体情况 .establish some relevant regulations/ policies/ decree

39、s/ laws and put them into practice, making it under control.(万能措施)arouse the public concern/ attention to it.引起公众的关心 (常用措施)increase the investment on it.增加投资【能源短缺型题】:To increase the investment on R&D to look for some substitute energy serves to assist the issues total solution.2) 谓语动词-edIt is highly

40、 imperative/ suggested that the authorities should do .It is (high) time that (the investment was incresaed)过去式从句 . (虚拟语气)3) 提供doing伴随1)、2)其一The first important thing is to establish the relevant policies, making the issue under some control.2. 危害段 (个人、社会)1)个人:举例说明 A , for example, B A是对B的总结,B为具体例子v

41、 Some fake products do harm to peoples health, for example, fake medicine can even kill one person.v Too much time on computer can cause some mental unfitness, for example, one may feel rather depressed when he is deprived of(被剥夺了) the computer even for one day.2)社会:情绪法(憎恨、遗憾、怀疑等偏否定态度)【危害段】:The nega

42、tive effects of 该现象的核心名词 are obvious. A(归纳总结性语句), for example, B(具体例子). Also it can by no means escape from the blame for a dissatisfying/ disappointing/ bad/ awful societys forming.(二)正反观点对比题l 第一段:v Recently, there is going on a hot discussion on some websites bbs, arguing whether 话题陈述句, which is h

43、ard to give a definite answer to.v Nowadays, people are always talking about whether 同上, which is really/ indeed not easy to five a definite answer to.v 话题疑问句? As most of us have had the unpleasant occasion to discover, one persons answer can be quite different from anothers . People have their own

44、ways of looking upon this problem and their own reasons for thinking so.v 【哲理段】:要论证的哲理(Honesty is the best policy). If 好的方面(you are honest), it follows that 简单陈述益处(people will believe you), doing伴随解释好的方面带来的结果(helping you when you are in trouble).On the contrary, if 反方面(you are cheating/ deceptive/ n

45、ot honest), you will soon find yourself trapped in a terrible condition that 反面导致的结果(no one will be your friend./ no matter what you say, no one believes you.)【一些人认为Some people believe 宾从.=It is generally believed that 主从. (主语从句转换法)=There is a popular view/ belief among some people that 同从.(同位语从句转换法

46、)=One allegation/ view/ assumption often made (by some people) is that 表从.(表语从句转换法) 我认为I think .=Its my view/ point that .=I have always been of the impressure/ thought that .=My standing point is that .l 第二段:陈述别人观点【别人观点】:One allegation often made is that 观点, because they believe 原因. While, among th

47、e discussion sounds an opposite voice, saying 观点.l 第三段:我的观点【我的观点】:In my opinion, I cannot agree with the latter any more, for I have always been of the impression that 观点的主观论据. Further, it is also one reason for my standing point that 观点的客观论据.(三)how to题l 第一段:必要性分析(作用、好处、益处、必要性)【必要性】:Frankly speaking

48、, 话题 is obviously helpful/ necessary for a college students growth, no matter what kind of specialty he or she is majoring in. For example, it can be greatly instrumental to develop a students ability in the campus, which will exert far-reaching significance for his or her future life.l 第二段:普遍途径 直接

49、动作化 间接 非动作化【普遍途径】:There are many ways for the college students to take part in. For example, one can 途径(直接) with the help of , which seems to be quite available for every student. While, these days, an increasing number of students tend to 途径(sosial activities) by means of .l 第三段:我打算怎么做=我的途径 思路一 校内内

50、容 校外 思路二 思想 实践【思路一】:If asked what I should do, well, I would like to do the followings. The first is to step out of the campus, doing(under taking some office work during my free time), no matter what kinds of difficulties lying ahead/ I will meet. The second, I think I had better make full use of t

51、he school resources, such as (the assistant work in a lab), which is also quite a good way.【思路二】:At the question of what I should do, I have made up my mind to 我的做法. In the meantime, I think it also equally important that I should take practical action, doing具体行动.【凑字数】:In a word, to do呼应主题 is a high

52、ly imperative/ essential/ vital/ indispensable thing for a college student, especially in these daysAlong with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是_。As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people

53、take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.随着社会的发展,人们开始关注.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。As to

54、whether it is worthwhile ., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得_的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,

55、我们往往会陷入困境。Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that.最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心_。The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.人类进入了一

56、个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。. plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?_显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:我们该如何抉择?Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and chal

57、lenges,现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问

58、题的看法也不尽相同。When asked ., some people think. while some prefer.说到_,有人认为_,而另一些人则认为_。Just as the saying goes: so many people, so many minds. It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.俗话说,。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。To this issue, different people come up with various attitud

59、es.对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that.万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,_。When it comes to ., most people believe that ., but other people regard .as .提到_问题,很多人认为_,不过,一些人则认为_是_.When faced with., quite a few people claim that ., but other people think as.提到_问题,仅少数人认为_,但另一些人则认为_。There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of . There who criti

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