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1、Unit 171. quarrel vi. & n. 爭吵The man is ill-tempered. He quarrels with his wife over almost everything. (這個人的脾氣不好。他幾乎每件事都會和太太爭吵。) I had a quarrel with Mary over who should do the work. (我和瑪麗就這份工作的職責歸屬起了爭執。) 2. knit vt. (甩毛線)針織Jenny knitted her son a pair of blue socks. (珍妮替她兒子織了一雙藍襪子。) weave vt. & v

2、i. 穿梭而行;編織Alan had to weave his way through the crowd to get to the other end of the mall. (阿倫得穿過人群以到賣場的另一邊。) In the city of Taipei, there are always a lot of motorcycles weaving through the traffic. (在台北市總是有很多機車在汽車間穿梭。) Its dangerous to weave in and out of traffic. (在車陣中開車蛇行很危險。) Many women in this

3、 town make their living (by) weaving rugs. (該鎮大部分的婦女靠編織地毯維生。) Lucy learned how to weave from her grandmother. (露西向她外婆學習編織。) 3. shame n. 遺憾;差愧,可恥It is a shame that you didnt show up at the party last night. We all had a wonderful time there, you know. (真遺憾昨晚的派對你沒到場。你知道嗎?我們大家都玩得很開心呢。) Shame on you, Pe

4、ter. You didnt even pass the simple test. (彼得,羞羞臉。那麼簡單的考試你都沒過。)4. monk n (天主教) 修士;和尚The millionaire converted to Buddhism and became a monk after his wife passed away. (這個百萬富翁在太太過世後便皈依佛門做和尚去了。) nun n. 修女;尼姑The nun is a volunteer in that hospital. (這位修女是那家醫院的義工。) 5. shave vt. & vi. 刮鬍子,剃毛髮Apply the s

5、having cream before you shave your beard. (你刮鬍子前先抹上刮鬍膏。) I got up late and didnt have time to shave this morning. (我今天起床起晚了,沒有時間刮鬍子。) 6. breeze n. 微風I felt great as a gentle breeze blew over my face. (一陣輕柔的微風吹拂我的臉時,我感到舒服極了。) Peter and John did nothing but shoot the breeze all afternoon. (彼得和約翰整個下午啥事

6、不幹,只顧著閒聊。) 7. mathematics n. 數學David showed his talent for mathematics when he was young. (大衛年輕時就展現了數學方面的天份。) mathematical a. 數學的The mathematical formula was named after the great mathematician. =The math formula was named after the great mathematician. (這道數學公式是以這位偉大數學家的名字命名的。) arithmetic n. 算術;計算We

7、 learn arithmetic right after we enter kindergarten. (我們進幼稚園後就開始學算術了。) When it comes to doing arithmetic, Mark is a genius. (說到算算數,馬克是天才。) 8. postpone vt. 延期,延緩Because of the approaching typhoon, we decided to postpone holding the meeting until next Friday. (由於颱風逼近,我們決定將會議延至下週五再舉行。) postponement n.

8、延期,延緩The client seemed unsatisfied with the postponement of the delivery. (該顧客似乎對於送貨時間延宕很不滿意。) 9. emperor n. 皇帝China has already seen its last emperor. (中國最後一位皇帝已成歷史。) 10. disappoint vt. 使失望My son disappointed me when he failed the test. =My son let me down when he failed the test. (我兒子考試沒及格,令我失望。)

9、disappointed a. 感到失望的Im disappointed in you because you didnt tell the truth. (我對你很失望,因為你沒講實話。) John was disappointed with his sons behavior at the: party. (約翰對兒子在派對上的表現感到失望。) disappointing a. 令人失望的;掃興的That was a somewhat disappointing result for me. (那樣的結果使我有些失望。) The weather this fall has been dis

10、appointing.(今年秋天的天氣一直很掃興。) disappointment n. 失望;失望之情To our disappointment, it rained on the day of the field trip. (令我們失望的是,校外教學那天下雨了。) Ned couldnt hide his disappointment when Jane refused his proposal. (當阿珍拒絕他的求婚時,奈德難掩失望之情。)11. feather n. 羽毛Birds of a feather flock together. (物以類聚。彥語) fur n. (動物的)

11、皮毛Conservationists discourage people from wearing fur coats. (保育人士勸阻大家不要穿皮草大衣。) 12. wrap vt. 包裝,包The little girl wrapped some coins in her handkerchief. (小女孩用手帕包了一些硬幣。) 13. dose n. 藥劑One dose of this medicine will put the dog to sleep. (這種藥只要一劑就能讓這隻狗死去。) 14. choke vt. & vi. (使)窒息;噎住The old man was c

12、hoking because of the heavy smoke from the burning building. (老伯伯被起火的大樓濃煙嗆得幾乎窒息。) The family of six people all choked to death during the fire (火災中一家六口全都被濃煙嗆死。) drown vt. 使溺斃 & vi. 淹死George kept drowning his sorrows after breaking up with Ellen. (和愛倫分手後,喬治就一直就借酒澆愁。) The fisherman almost drowned when

13、 his little boat overturned. (小船翻覆,那漁夫差點溺斃。) 15. bunch n. 一束;一群(人)I sent Mary a bunch of flowers, but she didnt seem delighted. (我送給瑪麗一束花,但她看起來並沒有很高興。) Ive got a bunch of friends coming over on Friday, so we should buy more food for a big dinner. (星期五晚上我有一群朋友要來,因此我們得多買些吃的準備一頓豐盛的晚餐。) 16. motel n. 汽車旅

14、館When Im on business, I stay in a motel instead of a hotel because its a lot cheaper. (我出差時都會住汽車旅館而不住飯店,因為那要便宜多了。) Most backpackers stay in youth hostels to save money. (為了省錢背包客大都住在青年旅社裡。) inn n. 酒店;小旅館An inn is a small hotel that provides room and board for travelers. (小酒店就是為旅客提供膳宿的小旅館。) 17. suicid

15、e n. 自殺The poor man committed suicide after his wife left him. (這個可憐的男子在老婆離他而去後就自殺了。) 18. mess n. 混亂 & vt. 使混亂The room is a mess. Clean up before you go. (房間亂七八糟。你先整理好再出門。) Our two-year-old boy is a real explorer; he makes a mess of the house several times a day. (我們家的兩歲小子真是個探險家,一天會把屋子搞亂好幾次。) I spen

16、t a lot of time preparing a party for you. I hope you wont mess it up. (我花了很多時間為你準備這個派對。希望你不要把它搞砸了。) Stop messing around, John. We need to get back to work. (不要在一旁鬧了,約翰。我們得繼續工作。) 19. separation n. 分離,別離 Separation from his homeland made the young soldier sad. (離開家鄉使這個年輕戰士感到悲傷。) 20. bush n. 灌木This we

17、bsite provides detailed information on how to plant rose bushes. (這個網站提供種植玫瑰樹的詳細資訊。) Dont beat around the bush. Just tell me what happened. (別拐彎抹角了。快告訴我發生了什麼事。) 21. panic n. & vi. 驚恐Panic does not help when one is in a dangerous situation. (陷入險境時,驚恐是無濟於事的。)I panicked at the sight of the poisonous sn

18、ake. (我一看到那條毒蛇就驚慌起來。) 22. seal vt. 密封 & 封條;海豹Police sealed off the exits so the bank robbers couldnt escape. (警方封鎖所有出口,讓銀行搶匪無處可逃。) You need to break the seal in order to open the box. (你要把箱子打開就要先把封條拆掉。) Most seals live near the Arctic and the Antarctic and feed on smaller fish. (大多數的海豹棲息在南北極,以小魚為主食。

19、) 23. ignorance n. 無知He was completely ignorant of what had been going on that week.(他完全不知道那個禮拜發生了什麼事。)Those peoples ignorance led them into a serious mistake. (那些人民的無知導致他們犯下一個嚴重的錯誤。) 24. recording n. 錄音This digital recording is of good quality. (這段數位錄音的音質很好。) recorder n. 錄音機,記錄器The tape recorder is

20、 a user-friendly machine.(這台錄音機是台很容易使用的機器。)25. afterward(s) adv. 之後First, we went to the movies. Afterwards, we went to dinner together. (首先,我們先去看電影,之後,又一起去吃飯。) It drizzled at first, but afterwards it rained cats and dogs. (起初只是下毛毛雨,後來變成傾盆大雨。) 26. ladder n. 梯子He fell down the ladder and broke his an

21、kle and wrist.(他從樓梯上摔下來,把腳踝和手腕都摔斷了。)27. skip vt. 省略Tom skipped lunch in order to get his work done. (湯姆略過午餐沒吃以把工作做完。) Toms mother gave him a good spanking because he skipped class. (湯姆的媽媽因為他蹺課狠狠打了他的屁股。) 28. unpleasant a. 令人不愉快的Most smokers are unaware of the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke. (多數癮

22、君子不會察覺到那股令人討厭的煙味。) 29. pickle n. 泡菜,醃黃瓜 & vt. 醃I had German sausage and a pickle for my main course tonight. (今晚我的主餐是德國香腸與醃黃瓜。) Herman was in a pickle with a taxi driver after his motorcycle bumped into the cab. (賽門的機車撞上計程車後,他就與那司機僵持不下。) 30. plug n. 插頭 & vt. 將插入(插頭)I need to change the plug on the s

23、tereo. (我需要替換音響的插頭。) I plugged the dryer in and began drying my hair. (我將吹風機插上插頭,開始吹乾頭髮。) earplug n. 耳塞This pair of earplugs helps me sleep better. (這對耳塞讓我睡得更安穩。) 31. humorous a.幽默John is well liked by us because of his humorous personality. (約翰個性幽默,因此很受我們的喜愛。) 32. deed n. 行為(可數)Scouts need to do at

24、 least one good deed a day. (童子軍至少須日行一善。) 33. kneel vi 跪下James knelt down, begging for the villains mercy. (詹姆士跪下,求這個惡棍放他一馬。) 34. belly n.肚子The top is too tight and your belly button is showing. (你這件上衣太緊,肚臍露出來了。) The man has a pot belly because he drinks lots of beer every day. (這男子每天都喝很多啤酒,因此肚子很大。)

25、 35. misery n. 悲慘,窮困The homeless man lives in hunger and misery. (這個無家可歸的男子活在飢餓與窮困中。) 36. upset a. 難過的;生氣的 & vt. 使難過We were all upset when we heard the news. (我們得知這個消息時都很難過。) Hearing a malicious rumor about him and his secretary, Jack appeared very upset.(傑克聽到他和他秘書被傳了惡意的謠言時,他顯得很生氣。) It upset Mary to

26、 have lost the race to her brother. (瑪麗賽跑輸給弟弟,令她很難過。) 37. fold vt. 折疊Fold up the towels like this. (將毛巾折成像這樣。) The man talked to me with his arms folded. (這男子和我說話時雙臂交叉著。) 38. punch n. & vt. 用拳重擊That boxer landed a punch on his opponents head. (那位拳擊手一拳擊中對手的頭部。) Why did you punch that reporter in the face? He was only doing his job. (你為何打那個記者的臉?他不過是盡本分而已。)

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