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1、When you sit down to evaluate your organizations performance, what measures come to mind?Chances are, you first think about your balance sheet measures: how much revenue did we generate last quarter, how much was our growth in sales and profits or what gains did we make in our market share? Next, yo

2、u may think about the costs: equipment, material, travel and so on. Or perhaps it is your customer measures that come up for consideration: have complaints increased, are they repurchasing our products? These key performance indicators (KPIs) are important and you consider them on a weekly, monthly

3、and quarterly basis.What is often missing from this list is an area that accounts for one of your largest expenses and perhaps creates the most value: your people, or what many now call “Human Capital”. People are one of the most important indicators of an organizations ability to create and sustain

4、 value: they come up with the ideas for new innovations, they delight your customers, and they produce your products. In spite of this, many organizations have difficulty demonstrating how spending on people and people programs produce a return on investment.Humann Caapittal Meaasurremeent (HCCM) br

5、iidgees tthiss gaap bby hhelppingg orrgannizaatioons foccus on peooplee meeasuuress, tto bbettter unddersstannd aand preedicct hhow empployyeess coontrribuute to theeir succcesss. It alllowss coompaaniees tto qquanntiffy hhow empployyeess arre iimpaacteed bby pproggramms ssuchh ass trrainningg annd

6、ddeveeloppmennt, reccognnitiion andd woork-liffe bbalaancee. IIt aalsoo asssesssess hoow eemplloyeees reaact to orgganiizattionnal chaangees ssuchh ass meergeers or majjor resstruuctuurinng. Mosst iimpoortaantlly, it cann prroviide thee saame levvel of riggor thaat ootheer aareaas oof yyourr buusinn

7、esss appplyy too evvaluuatee thheirr innvesstmeentss.Hewittt AAssoociaatess haas ddeveelopped a lleaddersshipp poosittionn inn thhe uuse of Humman Cappitaal MMeassureemennt. Ourr Beest Empployyerss reeseaarchh suuppoortss a groowinng aamouunt of eviidennce connnecctinng eeffeectiive peooplee maanagg

8、emeent witth llongg-teerm orgganiizattionnal perrforrmannce. Siimillarlly, we havve aa nuumbeer oof HHCM appproaachees tthatt wee haave appplieed tto hhelpp orrgannizaatioons shaarpeen ttheiir ppeopple invvesttmennt sstraateggiess. IIn tthiss isssuee off HQQ, wwe ggivee yoou ssomee innsigght intto o

9、our appproaach to HCMM annd ddesccribbe sseveerall sppeciificc clliennt ssituuatiionss whheree thhis appproaach hass heelpeed tthemm acchieeve theeir strrateegicc gooalss annd rreallizee taangiiblee reesullts. Ouur pphillosoophyy toowarrd HHCM is to aliign thee appprooachh too yoour speeciffic sittu

10、attionn. WWe iilluustrratee a widde rrangge oof aapprroacchess thhat desscriibe howw peeoplle sscorrecaardss annd kkey orgganiizattionnal perrforrmannce mettriccs aare devveloopedd, ooptiimall peeoplle bbehaavioors ideentiifieed aand preedicctivve mmodeels fraamedd.HCM ccan apppearr daaunttingg annd

11、 ccompplexx buut oour connsulltannts cann woork witth yyou froom wwherreveer yyou aree sttarttingg annd tto wwhatteveer lleveel oof ssophhistticaatioon yyou dessiree, tto hhelpp yoou uundeersttandd annd rreallizee thhe vvaluue oof yyourr huumann caapittal. HCCM iis ffun, chhalllenggingg annd aa leea

12、diing-edgge wworkk. IIt pprovvidees oour connsulltannts witth aa feeeliing of succcesss aand it prooducces greeat vallue forr ouur cclieentss.Mick BennnetttManaggingg Diirecctorr, AAsiaa PaacifficHewittt AAssoociaatess LLLCThe aaverragee huumann liife spaan hhas rissen draamatticaallyy frrom a llife

13、e exxpecctanncy of 40 in thee eaarlyy 19900ss too 755 yeearss att thhe tturnn off thhe mmilllennniumm. TThe humman racce hhas leaarneed wwhatt faactoors neeed tto bbe mmoniitorred to inccreaase lonngevvityy: aa baalanncedd diiet, reegullar exeerciise, moonittoriing keyy meeasuuress suuch as bloood p

14、reessuure, chholeesteeroll, eetc. Iddenttifyyingg, mmoniitorringg annd aactiing on thee riightt meeasuuress haas ddoubbledd thhe hhumaan llifee sppan in onee ceentuury.Compaany liffe eexpeectaancyy haas nnot farred as welll. In thee laate 19220s andd 19930ss thhe aaverragee coompaany liffe sspann wa

15、as ooverr 600 yeearss. NNow thee avveraage liffe sspann off coompaaniees iis 112-115 yyearrs. So manny ccomppaniies willl “ddie” in theeir teeens andd onnly a hhanddfull wiill surrvivve iintoo thhe nnextt ceentuury.To coompllicaate thee siituaatioon, thee woorldd ass a marrkettplaace is shrrinkkingg

16、 annd ccomppetiitorrssttradddlee thhe gglobbe. A nnew serrvicce ooffeerinng iis ddupllicaatedd wiithiin hhourrs, a pprodductt laauncch sseesscommpettitoors rreplly oon tthe shoop sshellvess wiithiin ddayss annd aa teechnnicaal bbreaakthhrouugh is coppieddwitthinn weeekss. TThe souurciing of raww maa

17、terriall annd ttaleent spaans thee gllobee. SSo ddoess thhe ssuppply.Alongg wiith theese chaangees, thee daays of a llonee enntreepreeneuur wwho perrforrmedd alll ffuncctioons sinnglee-haandeedlyy orr wiith a ccoupple of appprennticces aree loong gonne. Todday, woorldd-cllasss faactooriees tthatt ho

18、ousee noon-sstopp asssemmblyy liiness woork witth hhunddredds oof eemplloyeees. Prroduuctss, pproccessses andd teechnnoloogy aree eaasilly aavaiilabble or duppliccateed. So whyy doo soome commpanniess suurviive andd ottherrs ffaill inn a shoort perriodd off tiime?The ccomppanyys worrkfoorcee haas ee

19、merrgedd ass a keyy asssett annd iis oofteen ddesccribbed as thee onnly commpettitiive advvanttagee thhat a ccomppanyy poosseessees. Empployyee behhaviior, thhe kknowwleddge andd exxperriennce theey bbrinng, toggethher witth ttheiir ccommmitmmentt too thhe oorgaanizzatiion aree keey ddrivverss foor

20、ssusttainnabiilitty aand groowthh.Squeeezinng ssaviingss inn thhe ssuppply chaain, ennsurringg hiigheer ccapaacitty uutillizaatioon aat tthe shoopflloorr, cconttinuuoussly upggraddingg thhe pprodductt annd ddeliighttingg cuustoomerrs wwithh effficcienntseerviice moddelss arre aall efffortts tthatt a

21、rre ssteeeredd byy emmplooyeees. Eveery bussineess neeeds worrkerrswhho ttakee owwnerrshiip oof ttheiir wworkk annd tthe worrkpllacee. TTheyy neeed to be barrgaiin bbuyeers, efffecctivve ssaleespeeoplle, havve uunfaalteerinng ffaitth iin ttheiir pprodductts, zeaalouuslyy guuardd thheirr cuustoomerrs

22、, paiinsttakiinglly ttracck tthe commpettitiion andd abbovee alll, havve aan uuncoomprromiisinng ccommmitmmentt, lloyaaltyy annd hhoneestyy toowarrds thee orrgannizaatioon aand itss sttakeehollderrs.To suurviive, suustaain andd grrow in thiis cconttextt, wwherre eemplloyeee eexceelleencee iss reequi

23、iredd mooretthann evver befforee too acchieeve susstaiinabble groowthh, tthe rolle oof tthe corrporratiion hass beeen chaangiing tooo. TThe oldd syysteems of traainiing, moonittoriing andd awwarddingg emmplooyeees aare inaadeqquatte. Thee shheerr siize of bussineessees ddeemms tthatt immpraactiicall

24、. BBusiinesssess noow nneedd too foocuss onn atttraactiing, reetaiininng aand harrnesssinng tthe besst ttaleent in a mmoree hoolissticc annd sstraateggic mannnerr.To bee suucceessfful in alll thhis, coompaaniees nneedd too meeasuure thee vaaluee thhat empployyeess brringg too thhe oorgaanizzatiion,

25、evvaluuatee thheirr immpacct oon bbusiinesss pperfformmancce aand theen aaliggn tthemm wiith thee buusinnesss reesullts. Coompaaniees hhavee allwayys mmeassureed ttheiir iinveestmmentts iin mmoree taangiiblee asssetts ssuchh ass buuilddinggs, equuipmmentt annd eevenn neew pprodductts. Yett, mmanyy s

26、ttilll paay llesss atttenntioon tto ttheiir eemplloyeees. Coompaaniees cconttinuue tto ffocuus oon pphyssicaal aasseets thaat wweree crruciial hisstorricaallyy orr whhosee prroduuctiivitty iis eeasiily meaasurrablle ffinaanciiallly.“Whatt geets meaasurred getts ddonee” mmay havve ddesccribbed thee d

27、yynammicss off thhe ffacttoryy flloorr buut ddid nott haave mucch tto ddo wwithh thhe hhumaan rresoourcce ddepaartmmentt. MMoreeoveer, meaasurringg thhe “ssoftt sttufff” oor tthe humman cappitaal hhas beeen ddiffficuult if nott immposssibble. Thhat is, tiill noww.Consiiderrablle eeviddencce aalreead

28、yy exxistts, botth iin aacaddemiic rreseearcch aand in worrk ddonee byy Heewittt AAssoociaatess, tthatt suucceessfful commpanniess knnow thee vaaluee thhat peooplee caan bbrinng tto tthe orgganiizattionn, iinveest appproppriaatelly iin ttheiir ttaleent andd meeasuure thee immpacct ttheiir iinveestmm

29、entt haas oon tthe botttomm liine. Thhe nnotiion of thee emmplooyeee-cuustoomerr vaaluee chhainn waas ffirsst mmadee brroaddly poppulaar iin tthe Jannuarry 119988 isssuee off thhe HHarvvardd Buusinnesss Reevieew, whiich dettailled a vvaluue ddrivver moddel at Seaars in thee Unniteed SStattes. (SSee

30、Figguree 1.)Todayy maany simmilaar mmodeels exiist in orgganiisattionns aarouund thee woorldd. HHewiitts BBestt Emmplooyerr sttudiies havve sshowwn tthatt thhesee coompaaniees hhavee hiigheer rreveenuee grrowtth aand greeateer pproffitaabillityy thhan othher orgganiizattionns. Theese nummberrs vvary

31、y coonsiiderrablly aacrooss reggionns bbut whaat iis ccommmon andd coonsiisteent is bettterr buusinnesss peerfoormaancee.Thesee orrgannizaatioons creeatee ann ennvirronmmentt thhat enaablees eemplloyeee eengaagemmentt, ccaptturiing thee heeartts aand minnds of empployyeess too deelivver exttraoordii

32、narry pperfformmancce. An enggageed eemplloyeee iis oone whoo coonsiisteentlly sspeaaks possitiivelly aabouut tthe orgganiizattionn, sstayys wwithh thhe oorgaanizzatiion desspitte ooppoortuunittiess too woork elssewhheree annd eexerrts exttra efffortt inn woork andd beehavviorr thhat conntriibuttes

33、to bussineess succcesss. Hewwittts Besst EEmplloyeer sstuddiess, ffor exaamplle, cleearlly ddemoonsttratte tthatt Thhe BBestt haave mucch hhighher empployyee enggageemennt (73% vss. 552%) annd lloweer tturnnoveer (10% vss. 115%) onn ann avveraage. Thhis glooball reeseaarchh haas cconcclussiveelyeest

34、aabliisheed tthe higgh ccorrrelaatioon bbetwweenn emmplooyeee enngaggemeent andd buusinnesss peerfoormaancee gaaugeed tthrooughh keey bbusiinesss mmeassurees. It hass shhownn thhat orgganiizattionns tthatt immproovedd thhe eemplloyeee eengaagemmentt leevells ssimuultaaneoouslly pprodduceed rrisees i

35、in pprodducttiviity, emmplooyeee reetenntioon, cusstommer sattisffacttionn, ttotaal ssharrehooldeer rretuurn (TSSR) andd saaless grrowtth. Usiing a ddataabasse oof ooverr 1000 ppubllic corrporratiionss thhat commpleetedd ann enngaggemeent stuudy oveer aa fiive-yeaar pperiiod, Heewittt AAssoociaatess

36、 haas ddemoonsttratted thee foolloowinng: High perrforrminng ccomppaniies havve aan eengaagemmentt sccoree thhat is 20-25% hiigheer tthann avveraage; The ccorrrelaatioon bbetwweenn emmplooyeee enngaggemeent andd a commpannyss avveraage fivve-yyearr TSSR iis 00.544. TThiss meeanss thhe lleveel oof ee

37、mplloyeee eengaagemmentt exxplaainss 299% oof tthe varriattionn inn TSSR; andd A simmilaar rrelaatioonshhip exiistss beetweeen enggageemennt aand fivve-yyearr saaless grrowtth. Thee coorreelattionn meeasuuredd heere wass 0.46, aggainn inndiccatiing a sstroong rellatiionsshipp.On a miccro levvel, Hee

38、witttss coonsuultiing worrk wwithh sppeciificc orrgannizaatioons hass allso ideentiifieed aastrrongg annd cconssisttentt liink bettweeen eengaagemmentt annd aa vaarieety of meaasurres likke ffinaanciialpperfformmancce, cusstommer sattisffacttionn annd eemplloyeee aand cusstommer rettenttionn.As yoou

39、 wwilll seee iin aa laaterr arrticcle, a Hewwittt sttudyy innvollvinng ccomppaniies thaat sshoww dooublle-ddigiit ggrowwth (DDDG, shoowinng ccumuulattivee 100%+ groowthh ovver a ffivee-yeear perriodd), alsso eexhiibitted a mmuchh hiigheer lleveel oof eengaagemmentt inn thhe oorgaanizzatiion. Ass maa

40、ny as 93% off exxecuutivves at DDGG coompaaniees aare enggageed ccomppareed tto 552% forr alll eemplloyeees in alll coompaaniees (seee Fiigurre 22).All tthiss reeseaarchh alllowws uus tto ssugggestt a genneriic, higgh-lleveel mmodeel ffor thee immporrtannt rrolee thhat empployyee enggageemennt hhas

41、in outtperrforrminng yyourr coompeetittorss. TThiss nootioon oof eemplloyeee eengaagemmentt iss, wwe bbeliievee, ccerttainnly nott thhe oonlyy buut wwithhoutt dooubtt thhe ccoree annd ffunddameentaal bbuilldinng bblocck oof hhumaan ccapiitall.A giaant steep fforwwardd frrom atttituude andd saatissfa

42、cctioon mmeassurees oof tthe passt, HCMM deelivverss innvalluabble datta rregaardiing empployyee enggageemennt. Andd orrgannizaatioons thaat aare folllowwingg thhrouugh on strrateegiees tto bboosst ttheiir eemplloyeee eengaagemmentt arre nnot onlly iimprroviingttheiir sshorrt aand meddiumm-teerm bus

43、sineess ressultts, butt arre aalsoo soolviing thee taalennt ddileemmaa annddrriviing lonng-ttermm vaaluee foor ttheiir ssharrehooldeers, cuustoomerrs, andd emmplooyeees.For aa deetaiiledd diiscuussiion of thee Beest Empployyerss reeseaarchh, ssee Hewwittts besst sselllingg Leeadeershhip andd Taalenn

44、t iin AAsiaa: HHow thee Beest Empployyerss deelivver exttraoordiinarry pperfformmancce.Organnizaatioons aree beeginnninng tto llookk att thheirr huumann caapittal invvesttmennts witth iinteeresst. HCMM heelpss thhemuundeersttandd thhe rretuurn on thiis iinveestmmentt ass weell as evaaluaate itss imm

45、pacct oon bbusiinesss pperfformmancceTodayy, iit iis rraree thhat an orgganiizattionn shhoulld nnot havve eemplloyeees as onee off itts ttop thrree or fouur eexpeensee caateggoriies. Saalarriess, bbeneefitts, traainiing andd deevellopmmentt, rrecrruittingg, eemplloyeee ccommmuniicattionn, llostt prr

46、oduuctiivitty ddue to turrnovver iit aall addds uup tto aa huuge invvesttmennt. Whiile orgganiizattionns aapplly rrigoorouus sscruutinny tto tthe invvesttmennts theey mmakee inn caapittal equuipmmentt, aacquuisiitioons of bussineess andd siimillar invvesttmennt ddeciisioons, feew aapplly eequiivalle

47、ntt riigouur tto qquesstioon tthe mullti-milllioon ddolllar invvesttmennt ttheyy maake eacch yyearr inn thheirr emmplooyeees. Fewwer unddersstannd ttheiir eemplloyeee iinveestmmentts bbeyoond thee coost of sallaryy annd bbeneefitts aand fewwer stiill unddersstannd tthe retturnn onn thheirr innvesstm

48、eent in empployyeess. TThiss iss thhe iinfoormaatioon tthatt Huumann Caapittal Meaasurremeent (HCCM) prooviddes to hellp yyou runn yoour bussineess effficiienttly.Emplooyeees aare nott juust a ccostt. LLikee anny ootheer iinveestmmentt, ttheyy prroviide a rretuurn.Emplooyeees aare nott juust a ccost

49、t. LLikee annyottherr innvesstmeent, thhey proovidde aa reeturrn.IIncrreassinggly, thhe cconttribbutiion of empployyeessacccounnts forr moore of an orgganiizattionns abiilittytoo coompeete, grrow andd prroduuce vallue. Wee alllknnow thaat ttherre iis aa laargee gaap bbetwweenn thhemaarkeet vvaluue o

50、of mmostt orrgannizaatioons andd whhataappeearss onn thheirr baalannce sheeetss.Hopeffullly ffor youur bbusiinesss tthatt gaap iis aa poosittivee diiffeerennce tthinngs aree seerioous wheen iitss neegattivee. IIn ttodaayss ecconoomy, itts esttimaatedd thhat on aveeragge tthe marrkett vaaluee sttandd

51、s aat $4.550 ffor eveery $1 thaat aappeearss onn thhe bbalaancee shheett. WWhille tthiss nuumbeer hhas drooppeed ffromm thhe hheaddy hhighhs oof $7.550 iin MMarcch 220000, tthiss 4.5:11 raatioo sttilll acccouuntss foor aa laargee poortiion of youur oorgaanizzatiions vvaluue. Figguree 1 shoows thee r

52、eesullts froom BBaruuch Levvs stuudy of marrkett-too-boook rattioss it cleearlly ddemoonsttrattes thee grrowtth iin tthiss raatioo siincee thhe llatee 700s.So whhat acccounnts forr thhe ddifffereencee? TTypiicallly, thhesee arre tthe orgganiizattionns inttanggiblle aasseets. Inntanngibbless inncluud

53、e a vvariietyy off faactoors succh aas bbrannd sstreengtth aand repputaatioon, rellatiionsshipps wwithh cuustoomerrs, pattentts aand a vvariietyy off faactoors thaat wwe ccalll huumann caapittal; thhesee inncluude quaalitty oof lleaddersshipp, eemplloyeee ccreaativvityy, pprodducttiviity, looyallty,

54、 paassiion andd knnowlledgge mmanaagemmentt. SScarrcitty iin oone or morre oof tthesse aareaas oor ssub-opttimaal pprodducttiviityiin tthemm iss offtenn moore connstrrainningg foor bbusiinesssess thhan finnancciall caapittal. Att tiimess, bbusiinesssess haave beeen ttakeen ooverr meerelly tto aacquu

55、iree thheirr inntelllecctuaal oor hhumaan ccapiitall.“As tthe corrrellatiion bettweeen qquallityy off huumann caapittal andd buusinnesss peerfoormaancee beecommes cleeareer, thee nootioon oof hhumaan ccapiitall beeingg reepreesenntedd onn fiinannciaal sstattemeentss haassuurfaacedd,” sayys MMarkk C

56、Ubeelhaart, Vaaluee-Baasedd Maanaggemeent Praactiice Leaaderr wiith HewwitttAsssociiatees. Ubeelhaart hass beeen worrkinng oon ddeveeloppingg meethoods thaat ccan hellp mmeassureethee coontrribuutioon oof hhumaan ccapiitall annd ddrivve ddeciisioons to invvestt inn peeoplle. He sayys, “Thhe nnewffro

57、nntieers of meaasurringg huumann vaaluee arre bbeinng ddeveelopped in finnancciall meetriics simmilaar tto tthosse bbeinng uusedd inn evveryydayy innvesstmeent proocesssess.”HCM ddesccribbes a vvariietyy off peeoplle mmeassureemennt ppraccticces thaat hhelpp orrgannizaatioons unddersstannd aand quaa

58、ntiify theeir peooplee innvesstmeentss. AAs aan aapprroacch, it alsso hhelpps HHR bbuilld ccreddibiilitty wwithh thhe llinee fuuncttionns, as HR meaasurres noww beecomme mmoree peerfoormaancee foocussed andd deemonnstrratee ann unnderrstaandiing of vallue creeatiion.It woouldd bee wrrongg too thhink

59、k off HCCM aas aa unnifiied boddy oof ppraccticce. Theere aree nuumerrouss appprooachhes, moodells, “offferrs” andd coonceeptuual fraamewworkks. A ssimpple wayy too trry aand gett ann unnderrstaandiing of HCMM, nno mmattter howw evvolvved thee thhinkkingg inn yoour orgganiizattionn, iis iilluustrrat

60、eed iin FFiguure 2.As orrgannizaatioons beggin to adoopt theese fraamewworkks, HCMM iss evvolvvingg veery quiicklly. Unttil reccenttly, thheree weere feww roobusst ccasees oor mmethhodss foor ddemoonsttrattingg thhe rrelaatioonshhipss thhat exiist bettweeen iinveestmmentts iin ppeopple andd buusinne

61、sss ouutcoomess. HHCM connsisstedd off meeasuurinng aand bennchmmarkkingg, ffor whiich thee meeasuuress inn vooguee weere foccuseed oon eeithher effficiienccy oor aaccuuraccy (forr exxampple, thhe rratiio oof HHR sstafff tto eemplloyeees, nuumbeer oof ppayrrolll errrorrs, timme tto ffilll vaacannt p

62、postts eetc).For eevalluattionn, tthesse pprodducttiviity mettriccs wweree thhen bennchmmarkked agaainsst bbestt prractticees aand werre nnot foccuseed oon tthe ressultts ttheyy prroduuce aa 100:1 or 20:1 eemplloyeee tto HHR sstafff rratiio ddoess noot nneceessaarilly pprodducee a tanngibble ressult

63、t. TThe majjoriity of orgganiizattionns cconttinuue tto ffolllow thiis aapprroacch tthatt foocusses mosstlyy onn peerfoormaancee off poolicciess. TThesse ccostt-foocussed appproaachees oofteen rresttricct tthe HRs rrolee inn thhe oorgaanizzatiion. Too beecomme aa sttrattegiic pparttnerr, ssomee HRR deeparrtmeentss arre uusinng mmoree soophiistiicatted HCMM appprooachhes (seee ffiguure 3). A smaall nummberr arre aalsoo meeasuurinng hhow humman cappitaal iimpaactss sttrattegiic ooutccomees.This chaangee inn phhiloosopphy to morre ssop

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