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1、Unit 12 Art and literature一、学习目标和要求 1. 学习和掌握以下单词和习惯用语 1) 单词 literature; Leonardo da Vinci; Pablo Picasso; romantic; comedy; exhibition; local; magic; power; trick; wonder; series; scar; forehead; Hogwarts; witchcraft; wizard; wizardry; miserable; treat; unhappy; goodness; habit; villager; shoulder;

2、whisper; chamber; charm; stupid; password; sesame; compare; announcement; checklist 2) 习惯用语 a series of; in trouble; come across; believe in; turn abound2. 功能意念项目 学会用英语谈论文学艺术。 3. 语法 1)复习学过的定语从句的用法; 2)复习动词不定式的用法。 4. 语言运用 运用所学语言,围绕文学艺术这一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Art and literature”,确切理解并完成有关课文内容和

3、练习;练习设计一张海报。二、学 习 指 导 1. 单词和习惯用语的用法 1)power n. 能力;力量;权力 例: Carrying this baggage requires a lot of power. 搬运这个行李要很大的力气。 This parrot has the power to imitate human words. 这只鹦鹉有模仿人类语言的能力。 The dictator held absolute power over his people. 那独裁者握有对人民的绝对权力。 come to/into power 掌握政权;得势 He came to power in 1

4、987. 他1987年掌权。 2)trick n. 诡计;窍门;恶作剧 例:Her tears were just a trick to deceive others. 她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的诡计。 I havent got the trick of driving this car yet. 我还不晓得开这部车的诀窍。 Our children used to play tricks on us. 我们的小孩以前常常捉弄我们。 play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 Trick or treat! 不请吃糖,就恶作剧!(万圣节孩子用语)3)treat vt. 对待;视为;治疗;款待

5、 例:They treated us with all respect. 他们郑重其事地接待我们。 You should treat your textbooks with more care. 你使用教科书要更加细心。 They treated him with a new drug. 他们用新药医治他的病。 He treated her for a broken arm. 他为她医治那条骨折的手臂。 Its my turn to treat you tonight. 今晚轮到我请客。 She treated me to lunch. 她请我吃午饭。 treat as 把当作看待 My mo

6、ther treated my proposal as a joke. 母亲把我的提议当玩笑看待。 We treated this matter as one of importance. 我们把此事视为重要问题。 类似的短语还有:look upon as ; regard as ; consider as ; think of as 等等。 4) in trouble 处于困境中;在监禁中 例:She is in great trouble, so she needs your advice. 她遇到了很大的困难,所以需要你的忠告。 He was in trouble with the Cu

7、stoms. 他在海关那里有了麻烦。 ask/look for trouble 自讨苦吃;自找麻烦 get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境 put sb. to trouble 给某人增添麻烦 take the trouble to do 费神做;不辞劳苦地做 5)come across/upon 偶然遇到;碰上 例:Weve just come across an old friend we havent seen for ages.我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。含义基本相同的短语还有:ran into/across; meet(up)with例:I ran acros

8、s an old friend in the street. 我在街上碰到一位老朋友。His car ran into the post.他的车撞到柱子上。I met with an traffic accident.我遭遇到车祸。I met up with an old classmate in the crowd. 我在人群中偶然遇到了一个老同学。The President is to meet with the press this afternoon.总统预定今天下午会见记者。6)believe in 和 believe believe in 表示因可靠、有能力、品德好等原因而“信任”

9、某人,属总的评价,常跟简单宾语,偶尔跟含动词ing形式的复合宾语; 而believe 表示相信某人某时某地所说的话,并不涉及对其总的评价,含有信以为真的意味。 例:I believe him. 我相信(他说的话)。 They believe him to have done it. 他们相信他做了这件事。 I believe him an honest student. 我相信他是个诚实的学生。 I believe in him. 我信任他。 I dont believe in the theory. 我不相信这套理论。7)habit n. 习惯;习性 例:It is his habit to

10、 jog before breakfast. 他习惯在早餐前慢跑。 She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading. 她在阅读时有玩弄头发的癖好。 be in the habit of doing sth. = have a/the habit of doing sth. She is in the habit of listening to music while studying. 她有边读书边听音乐的习惯。 fall/get into the habit of doing sth. = form the habit of do

11、ing sth.养成做的习惯 get out of the habit of doing sth. 改掉做的习惯 He got out of the habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的习惯。8)compare v.比较;相比;比喻 comparewith 把和相比较;compareto把比喻成; 例:compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较 Walking cant compare with flying. 走路比不上飞行。Living in a town cant compare with living in the country i

12、n many respects.在许多方面城市生活比不上在乡村生活。Mans life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.诗人在他诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰花。 compare常指为了找出两种事物或现象的异同点而进行比较, 如:If you compare Marxs works with Hegels, youll find many differences. 如果你把马克思的著作同黑格尔的著作相比较, 就会发现许多不同之处。contrast 指两

13、者之间的“对照”、“对比”, 着重指“通过两种事物或现象的对比, 突出地指出它们的不同”, 如:contrast farm life with city life 对照一下城乡生活。 2. 语言要点 1)It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen. 这是一个存在着魔法和奇迹的世界,是一个任何事情都可能发生的世界。 本句中 “a world where anything can happen” 做同位语,而本身又包含一个where引导的定语从句。下文中的 “a boy with a scar on h

14、is forehead and a secret past” 也是同位语。 2),but they can still be friends if they share the same goals, hopes and dreams. 但是如果他们有着同样的目标、愿望和同样的梦想他们仍然可以成为朋友。share (in) sth. 分享share sth. with/between/among sb. (和某人)共同分享 We shared the sweets. 我们分吃了糖果。They share their joys and sorrows. 他们同甘共苦。Bill and Bob s

15、hared the work equally between them. 比尔和鲍勃两人把工作平分了。 3)The lady in the picture had such strange eyes that it was almost as if the woman in the picture was watching them. 画中女人的眼睛非常奇怪,就好像在窥视他们一样。 as if = as though 似乎是,好像是 例:She always talked to me as if/though she was my sister. 她总是以我妹妹的口气和我说话。 He walk

16、ed slowly as if he had hurt his leg. 他慢慢地走,好像腿受伤的样子。 She looks as if she is going to cry. 她看起来似乎要哭了。 It looks as if we will be late. 看起来我们似乎会迟到。 4),and that not all of them were safe. 他们不是所有的人都安全。 这是一个部分否定句。这里我们也可以说 “all of them were not safe”。 再如:Not all of us are students. 我们不都是学生。 All of us are n

17、ot students. 完全否定应该是 none of 。 None of them were safe. 他们都不安全。 None of us are students. 我们都不是学生。 5)He was about to say something when Helen turned around. 他正要说话的时候,海伦转过身来。 be about to do sth. when 正要做,(突然) 例:I was about to jump into the river for a swim when the guide shouted at me. 我正要跳下河游泳的时候向导向我大

18、喊起来。 6)We need a password to get through the wall. 我们需要咒语穿过这堵墙。 get through 到达;做完;通过;度过;打通 例:The road ahead is narrow, so a truck cant get through (it). 前面的路很窄,所以卡车没有办法通过。 How long does it take you to get through a letter? 你写一封信要花多长时间? I called all day yesterday, but I couldnt get through to you. 昨天

19、我打了一天电话,但是没有办法联络到你。 7)She did not have time to finish before the wall started moving and a hole open up below the picture. 还没等她说完,墙开始移动,在画的下面露出一个洞口。 open up 展开, 打开;开发;揭露;开始 例:Coughing like that might open up your wound. 你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开。 New mines are opening up. 新矿正在开发。 He never opens up his shop on a S

20、unday. 星期天他的商店从不营业。 Open up the package. 打开这个包裹。 3. 语法说明:1) 定语从句 (1) 定语从句是中学阶段英语语法中十分重要的一个语法项目。它在句子中出现的频率很高。对正确理解句子的意义起着举足轻重的作用。 定语从句一般都紧跟在它所修饰名词后面,所以如果在名词或代词后面出现一个从句,就要根据它与前面名词或代词的逻辑关系来判断是否是定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫做“先行词”。引导定语从句的词叫“关系词”。关系词有两个作用: 引导定语从句。 代替先行词在其引导的定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。理解和牢记这两条概念,弄清楚关系词在定语从句充当

21、什么成分,是掌握定语从句的关键。 正确选择关系词是掌握定语从句的关键。关系词的选择完全取决于先行词在定语从句中所充当的什么成分。关系词一共有九个,它们在从句中所充当的句子成分见下表。 关系词主语宾语表语定语状语That人/物/物Which物物Who人Whom人Whose人/物WhenWhereWhy在限定性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可以省略。 例:There is still one thing which/that is not explained.(主语)This is the boy who came yesterday. (主语) This is the picture (which/

22、that) he gave me. (宾语) The car which was following us seems to have disappeared. (主语) The woman whose daughter you met is Mrs. Brown. (定语) This is the boy (whom) we met last night. (宾语) 屋顶被毁坏的房子已经被修好。 whose roofThe house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired. of which the roof 那就是他工作的大

23、学。 at which he works. which he works at. That is the college where he works. that he works at. he works at. 他出生的那一天是1952年8月20日。 on which he was born which he was born on The day when he was born was Aug.20,1952. that he was born on he was born on 他被解雇的原因不难解释。 why he The reason that he was dismissed

24、is not difficult to explain. he 你提到的那个人时琼的爸爸。 of whom you spoke The man whom you spoke of is Joans father. that you spoke of you spoke of (2)只用关系代词that 的情况: 先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,通常用关系代词that; This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. 先行词前有the first, the last, the only, the same, the very以及an

25、y, few, much, some, no等修饰时,通常用关系代词that; You are the very boy (that) I want. This is the last chance (that) you have. 这是你最后一次机会。 He is the last person (that) I want to see. 他是我最不想见的人。 Please send us any information (that) you have about the subject. 先行词是much, little, none, all, any, no, everything, a

26、nything, nothing,等不定代词,通常用关系代词that; This is all (that) I know. There is nothing in the world that can frighten him. 先行词由“人物”构成时,通常用关系代词that; Look at the boy and his sheep that are coming down the hill. The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely. 当主句中有who, which时,而定语从句中也要用到who或which时

27、,为了避免whowho, whichwhich等重叠,定语从句用that引导。Who is the man that is standing by the door?Which of the two cows that you keep produces more milk? (3)限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 限定性定语从句是句中不可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不用逗号分开。而非限定性定语从句是对主句先行词的补充说明,没有从句不影响主句的意思完整。一般用逗号把主句和从句分开。不用关系代词that。非限定性定语从句的关系代词有时可以代表整个主句的含义,在非限定性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代

28、词不能省略。 例:The man who was driving the car was drunk. 开车的那人喝醉了。 This is the place where the three roads meet. 这是三条路交汇的地方。 The house whose windows are broken is Mr. Smiths. 窗户破损的房子是史密斯先生的。 I have two sisters, who are both students. 我有两个妹妹,她们都是学生。 I have lost the pen, which I like very much. 我弄丢了那支钢笔,是我

29、非常喜欢的那支。 Tom broke his eyeglasses, which made his mother quite angry. 汤姆打碎了自己的眼镜,这使他妈妈非常生气。(关系代词which代表汤姆打碎眼镜这件事) (4)as引导的定语从句 as用作关系代词和关系副词引导限定性定语从句,并在从句中作定语、表语或状语,构成the sameas, suchas等结构。 例:I like the same book as you do. (as作宾语) I shall do it in the same way as you did. (as作状语) I want to have suc

30、h a dictionary as he has. (as作宾语) as引导非限定性定语从句。as在定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,这个定语从句是说明整个句子,它可以放在主句之前。 例:As we all know, he studies very hard. (as作宾语) As is known to all, he is the best student in our class. (作主语) 常用的这种类似插入语的句式有as is said above, as is known to all, as it is等。 注意:关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和先行词保持

31、一致;关系代词which和as在定语从句中的区别是:which不能放在句首,而as则可以;在句中时,as有“正如”、“就像”之意,而which没有。 (5)其它注意事项: 在定语从句中做主语的who, which 或that后的动词的数应根据先行词的人称和数来确定; I want a girl who knows English. I want three girls who know English. He is one of the greatest men that are known to everyone. He is the only one of the students who

32、 has been to Canada. 关系代词做介词的宾语时,介词可置于whom 或which的前面或句末,但关系代词that不可直接放在介词之后做宾语; Is this the car for which you paid a high price? = Is this the car which you paid a high price for? = Is this the car that you paid a high price for? = Is this the car you paid a high price for? 关系副词 介词which(关系代词) where

33、= in/at which when = at/in which why = for which I can still remember the sitting-room where/in which my mother and I used to sit in the evening. 但为表意清楚,在关系副词where/when前可加介词from 或 to等。 China is the birthplace of kites, from where kite flying spread to Japan, Korea, Thailand and India. that可代替关系副词whe

34、n, why等,或省略。 in which heI am quite satisfied with the way that he has done it. he 2) 动词不定式 (1) 构成与特征 动词不定式事动词的一种非限定形式,由“to + 动词原形”构成,在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也保留动词的一些特征,可以带宾语或状语。 例:He tried to work out the problem in five minutes. 他试图在五分钟之内算出这道题。(带宾语和状语) (2) 不定式的时态和语态 不定式的时态: 不定式的一般式:不定式的一般式表示的动作与谓语的动作式同时

35、发生的或是在其后发生的; 例:I saw him go out. 我看见他出去了。 Thousands of young people are learning to ski. 数以千计的年轻人在学习滑雪。 不定式的进行式:不定式的进行式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时的,而且正在进行着; 例:I am very glad to be working with you. 我非常高兴能和你一起工作。 不定式的完成式:不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。 例:I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 不定式的语态: 当不定式的逻辑

36、主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动形式。 例:He asked to be sent to work in the countryside. 他请求被派往农村工作。 It is possible for our hopes to be realized. 我们的希望有实现的可能。 注意: 不定式在句中用主动形式还是被动形式,多数情况下时容易判断的,但有时的确比较复杂,请注意以下几点: 不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成了逻辑上的主谓关系,不定式往往用主动形式;例:Do you have got a key to unlock the door? 你有开门的钥匙吗? 不定

37、式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成了逻辑上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动形式; 例:I have got a letter to write. 我又封信要写。 He needs a room to live in. 他需要一个房间。 不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成了逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式用被动形式; 例:The doctor recommended him to air the room. 医生建议他让房间透透气。 The doctor recommended the room to be aired. 不定式作表语形容词(easy, difficult,

38、hard, fit等)的状语,和句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,可以看成时省略了动词的逻辑主语for us, for me, for you 等; 例:This book is difficult to read. 这本书很难读懂。 The food was not fit (for me) to eat. 这食物不能吃。 The path is easy to find. 这路很容易找到。 The film is great fun (=interesting) (for us) to see. 这部电影真有趣。 (3) 功能 作主语 例:To see is to bel

39、ieve. 眼见为实。 不定式短语作主语时,往往由it代替它作形式主语,不定式移至谓语之后。 例:It is right to give up smoking. 戒烟是正确的。 作表语 例:The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required. 下一步你要真正弄清楚需要的是什么。 My job is to help the patient. 我的工作是帮助病人。 They are to marry next week. (表示安排)他们下周结婚。 作宾语 例:He wanted to go with us. 他

40、想跟我们一起去。 feel, find, judge, make, think, believe, consider等动词后如果是动词不定式作宾语,补语是形容词(间或是名词),常用it作形式宾语,把不定式后移。 例:I find it difficult to work with him. 我发现和他一起共事很难。 I thought it a great pity not to have invited her. 我认为没有邀请她是很大的遗憾。 下列动词常跟不定式作宾语: agree, refuse, offer, promise, choose, decide, attempt, inte

41、nd, manage, fail, ask, hope, want, expect, wish, desire, plan, prepare, learn, pretend等等。 作宾语不足语 例:He asked me to do the work with him. 他让我和他一起做这项工作。 在feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, have, let, make等词后的补足语中,不定式不带to。但是这些句子如果变成被动结构时,就必须带to. 例:I often hear him sing the song

42、. 我经常听到他唱歌。 He is often heard to sing the song. 作定语 例:I have some books for you to read. 我有些书给你读。 动词不定式与其修饰的词之间往往有动宾关系,如果该不定式是不及物动词,其后应有必要的介词。 例:He is a pleasant fellow to work with. 他是个很好共事的人。 She bought a bookshelf to put her books on. 她买了一个书架放书。 There is nothing to worry about. 没有什么好担心的。 Please g

43、ive me a knife to cut with. 请给我一把刀。 当作定语的动词不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式既可以用主动语态,也可以用被动语态,当其含义有所不同。 试比较:Do you have anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是you) Do you have anything to be sent? 你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else) the first, the second, the last, the best等常跟动

44、词不定式作定语。 例:He is always the first to answer questions in class. 他总是第一个在课堂上回答问题。 He would be the last to agree to the plan. 他决不会同意这个计划。 作状语 不定式作状语的情况很多,可以表示目的、结果、原因或条件等。 例:I came here to see you .(表目的) 我来这是为了看你。 We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the project. (表原因)在此项目中与你们合作,我们非常高兴。 He h

45、urried to the school to find nobody there. (表结果) 他匆忙地赶到学校,结果发现没人在那。 She is very polite to show us the way. (表结果) 她非常有礼貌地给我们指路。 To look at him, you would like him. (表条件) 如果你看见他,你就会喜欢他。 You couldnt do that to save your life. (表条件) 你即使为了救自己的命也不能那样做。 We ran all the way so as not to be late. (表条件) 为了不迟到我

46、们一路跑来。 They divided the work, John to wash the vegetables and Marry to cook the meal. (表伴随情况) 他们分了工,约翰洗菜,玛丽做饭。 不定式可以表明说话人的态度,在句中作独立成分。 例:To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me. 说实话,我对此一窍不通。 To be sure, we can do it. 当然,我们能做好的。 类似的还有:to be brief 简言之, to be exact 精确地说,to be frank with you 老实对你说吧,t

47、o be honest 说实话,to start/begin with 首先 等等。这些短语大都位于句首,偶尔位于句中或句尾,需用逗号同其它句子成分格开。 不定式与疑问词who, which, when, where, how, what等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等。 例:He didnt know what to say. (宾语) 他不知道要说什么。 How to solve the problem is very important. (主语)如何解决问题非常重要。 My question is when to start. (表语) 我的问题是什么时候开始。 三、

48、课文理解 1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?A. JK Rowling is a world full of wonders and strange happenings.B. The books are about creatures and adventures and the real world as well.C. Rowling has written books about children with secret past.D. We can know ourselves

49、 better by reading the books.2. What is true about Harry Porter?A. He is unhappy because he has to change his life often.B. He lives miserably until he becomes a student at Hogwarts.C. He wants to become a wizard because he is normal enough.D. He has to change his life because his parents died.3. Ha

50、rry learns the following except _.A. the magic and how to become a wizardB. the importance and difficulty of making friendsC. the power of love and goodnessD. the secret of his life and choices4. According to the passage, _.A. you wont succeed if you dont have faith in what you are doingB. wizards h

51、ave to fight each other because nothing is always rightC. birth and appearance has something to do with a persons growing upD. people can be friends although they have little or nothing in common5. What is the suggested idea of the passage?A. Poor children with no past will succeed in the end.B. It

52、is easy for normal children to become a wizard.C. It is to believe in ourselves and to help others that make a good life.D. Things in the books are no value to the real world.四、语法知识训练 I. 单项选择 1. The man _ today left the message for you.A. calledB. has calledC. whom calledD. who called 2. He has to w

53、ork on Sunday, _ he does not like.A. whichB. which timeC. on which timeD. when 3. I dont think the number of people _ this happens is very large.A. whomB. whoC. of whomD. to whom 4. I, _ your friend, tell you so. A. that amB. that is C. who isD. who am 5. Thats the Science Museum _ we visited last y

54、ear.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which 6. The river _ are covered with trees is very long. A. which banksB. of which banks C. whose the banksD. the banks of which 7. He is the most boring speaker _ I have ever heard. A. whoB. that C. whoD. which 8. -Did you ask the guard what happened? -Yes, he

55、told me all _ he knew.A. about whichB. whichC. thatD. what 9. The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. of which 10. I helped him with his homework, _ was my duty.A. when B. asC. itD. that 11. The building _ all elderly university teachers prefer looks so beaut

56、iful.A. at whichB. whereC. whichD. in which 12. When you read the book, youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.A. at whichB. at whereC. the place whereD. where 13. I will provide you with such things _ you may need.A. thatB. whichC. as D. whose 14. This is the man _ is honest.A. who I believeB. whom I believeC. who believe I D. I believe who 15. You have many people around you _ are kind to you but _ you will soon forget.A. /;/B. /; whoC. who; /D. who; whom II.写定义Name 名称Category 类别Function/Action 功用

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