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1、高考总复习:高考词汇和阅读理解撰稿:霍莹审稿:牛新革责编:陈玉莲高考重点词汇讲解matter(n.) 事情;问题This is a matter of life and death. 这是一个生死攸关的问题。 (只用单数,与the连用)毛病;麻烦事There is nothing the matter with the machine. 这机器没有毛病。物质; 物料 The brain consists of grey and white matter. 大脑由灰白色的物质构成。(v.) (主要用于疑问句、否定句、不用于进行时态)有关系;要紧It doesnt matter to me whi

2、ch way you take. 你走哪条路我无所谓。短语:as a matter of fact 事实上;其实no matter (与疑问词连用)无论;不管辨析:matter, affair, eventmatter 所表示的“事情”在含义上比较模糊,通常指客观存在的或有待处理的问题, 常用于 “a matter of” 的结构中。Its a matter of duty.affair 可用于描述严肃认真的公共或政治“事务”;也可描述与个人生活密切相关的“小事”。We hold regular seminar to discuss international affairs.She want

3、ed the celebration to be a simple family affair.event 通常指“重要事件”“大事”。The election was the main event of 2005.mean(meant, meant)(vt.) (接名词、代词、动词-ing或从句)意思是;意味着Missing the train means waiting for an hour.(接不定式或复合宾语)意欲;打算;怀着I meant to come, but a friend of mine went to see me.短语:be meant to被认为;理应Festiva

4、ls are meant to celebrate important times of year. 节假日是庆祝一年中重要时刻的日子。(adj.) 自私的;吝啬的;卑鄙的;平均的Its mean to speak ill of others. 说别人坏话是卑鄙的行为。measure(n.) 量度;尺寸;计量单位take sb. measure/take the measure of sb. 程度;适度措施;办法(vt./vi) 量;测量;可计量;有长(或宽、高等)The doctor weighed the baby and measured its height. 大夫给婴儿称了体重,量了

5、身长。The room measures 10 metres across. 这个房间宽十米。(注意:不用被动)短语:maketo sb.s measure 根据某人的尺寸做take measures 采取措施meet(met, met)(vt./vi.) 遇到;碰见;相遇;相识 会见;会面;集合Lets meet next week to discuss the project. 迎接Ill send my friend Charlie to meet you at the airport when you arrive. 满足;达到(目标等)This new videophone will

6、 meet almost all requirements. 接触;会合(n.) 会;集会短语meet with (偶然)遇见;碰到He has overcome all the difficulties he met with.mention(vt.) 提到;说起 +n./-ing/that(n.) 提及;说起No mention was made of her illness. 没有提到她的病。短语Dont mention it. (答复别人道谢时用语)不用客气。mess(n.) 零乱状态;混乱的局面;脏乱状态(vt.) 把搞乱短语mess up 弄脏;弄乱;弄糟I told her I

7、would mess it up, because I had never worked at the bar before.我告诉她我会把事情搞砸的,因为我从来没有在店里工作过。message(n.) 消息;口信;文电;电报你可以用手机发短信。You can use mobile phone to send text messages.贺电 a message of greeting (书籍、演讲等的)要旨;启示;教训a film with a message 有寓意的影片短语get the message (sl 俚) 明白, 理解, 领悟, 知悉(某人的暗示等)She said it w

8、as getting late: I got the message, and left. 她说时间不早了; 我心领神会, 于是告辞。mind(vt./vi.)(常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句)介意;在意;反对 用作不及物:Do you mind if I use your telephone?+n./ pron. /-ing/ 从句Do you mind my/me/smoking here?I dont mind how much it cost. 注意;留心;听从+n./pron./从句Mind your step. 走路小心。Mind you dont slip. 小心别滑倒了。用作不

9、及物动词Mind! There comes the bus. 注意!汽车来了。 专心于;从事Mind your own business.短语change ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind (to do) 下决心;决意never mind 没关系;不要紧mirror(n.) 镜 (用于比喻)镜子;能反映真相的东西;榜样;典型(vt.)反射, 映照(某事物)The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake. 静静的湖水映出岸上的树木. * (fig 比喻) a novel that mirrors mode

10、rn society 反映现代社会的小说.短语mirror image: reflection or copy of sth with the right and left sides of the original reversed 镜像, 反像(与原像左右相反).miss(vt.) 未击中;未达到;没找到;没遇到Its a huge hotel on the corner. You cant miss it. 未看到;未听到;未察觉;为领会I missed what you said because of the noise outside. 未出席;未赶上;错过 逃脱;幸免miss an

11、 accident 免于事故 想念;惦念短语:miss out 遗漏;省去Please miss out the first two verses when you sing this song.唱这首歌时,请跳过前两行。mistake(vt./vi) (mistook, mistaken) 误解;弄错The headmaster has mistaken her idea. 误认;把误以为Perhaps he had mistaken me for someone else.(n.)错误;过失;误会We should have the courage to correct our mista

12、ke.短语:by mistake 错误地make a mistake 犯错误moment(n.) 片刻;瞬间;时刻Everyone has unforgettable moments in his/her life.短语:at the moment 此刻;那时for the moment 暂时;目前the moment (that) (引起时间状语从句,相当于连词as soon as)一就艾莉莎一上床就睡着了。Alisa fell sleep the moment she got into bed.mix(vt./vi.) 使混合;掺入;拌和;混淆;使混合(n.) 混合;掺和;混合物短语:mi

13、x up 拌和;搅匀;混淆Miss Xu mixed up my results with someone elses.徐老师把我的成绩与别人的搞混了。mixwith 把和混合I dont like to mix business with pleasure. 我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混在一起。more(adj.) (much, many的比较级) 更多的;较多的;较大程度的 另外的;附加的(n.) 更多的数量;更重要的东西;另外的一些There is more in it than you imagine. 其中还有你想象不到的含义。(adv.) (much的比较级;常和两音节以上的形容词或副词

14、连用构成比较级)更多;更 (与than连用)倒不如说The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar.这本书看来与其说是一本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。短语:(and) what is more 更重要的是;更有甚者;而且more and more 越来越more or less 或多或少;有点;几乎;差不多no more 不再no more than 不过;仅仅;同一样不the more, the more 愈,愈move(vt.) 移动;搬动;使改变位置It is cold. Move your chair nearer to th

15、e fire.开动;使运转;使前进;摇动Move the handle to the right and the door will open.感动;激起His speech moved the audience to tears.(vi.) 移动;走动;动身;前进The traffic in this city just doesnt move. 运转;摇动;转动迁移;搬家But then she moved to California. (工作等)进展;发展Things begin to move. 事情开始有了进展。(n.) 动作;移动;迁移;步骤;行动Whats your next m

16、ove? 你们下一步有什么举措?Martin made a move towards the door. 马丁向门的方向移了移。much(more, most)(adj.) 许多;大量的(修饰不可数名词)(adv.) (more, most) 很;非常(修饰动词和过去分词)Im much pleased with it. 我对此非常满意。(用以加强比较级和最高级)多; 更This is much the best way to do it. 做这事这是最好的办法。(n.) 大量;许多短语:as much 同样数量;同样的事as much as 像那么多;多达as muchas 和同样多的;和一

17、样;正如as much as sb. can/could do 尽最大努力(=as much as possible)how much 多少;什么价钱;到什么程度so much 这么多;十足的;纯粹的name(n.) 名字;名称;名义;(只作单数)名声The college has a good name for languages. 这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。( vt.) 给取名;正确叫出的名字;列举;任命;提名Can you name a great nineteenth-century Chinese artist?你能说出一位十九世纪伟大的中国艺术家吗?短语:by/with/unde

18、r the name of 名叫in name (only) (只是)名义上的in sb.s name/ in the name of 以某人的名义/代表She booked a room in your name.I arrest you in the name of law.make a name (for oneself) 成名;出名She first made her name as a writer of childrens books.name after 以命名Being a huge basketball fan, he wanted to name his son after

19、 Jordan.nature(n.) 大自然;自然界Photos record the beauties of nature. 照片记录大自然的各种美景。天性;本性;本质;性质Being naughty is childrens nature. 顽皮使孩子们的天性。短语by nature 天生地;出于本性地;Children are curious by nature. 孩子们天性好奇。in ones nature 本性如此It is not his nature to be “selfish” and “rude”. “自私”“粗鲁”不是他的本性。neither(adj.) (与单数名词或代

20、词连用)(两者之中)均无的;(两者)都不的In neither case will he come.(pron.) 两者之中无一Neither of them has a car.(adv.) (conj.) 也不I hadnt been to New York before and neither had Jane.短语:neithernor (可连接并列的主语、宾语、谓语、表语等,连接并列主语时,谓语与靠近它的主语相一致)既不也不Neither you nor I am wrong.need(vt.) 需要;必需+n./pron./to do/-ing/复合宾语My windows nee

21、d cleaning and my car needs washing.(=My windows need to be cleaned and my car needs to be washed.)I need my coat mended.I need you to work for me.(modal v.) (无时态、人称变化,多用于否定句和疑问句)需要;必须(n.) 必要;需要There is a growing need for new houses. (常用复数)需要的东西;需求satisfy sb.s needs 满足某人的需要短语be in need of 有的需要We are

22、 in great need of money. neednt have done 原本不必作(实际上做了)As you worked late yesterday, you neednt have come this morning. 你昨天工作到很晚,今天早上你原本可以不来。Theres no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事There is no need to regret what has happened.next(adj.) 紧接在后的;次于的;紧接着来到的;You can do better next time.隔壁的;贴近的Who lives in the ne

23、xt house?(adv.) 其次;然后;贴近;下一次When I next saw her she completely ignored me. 我第二次见她的时候,她理都不理我。(n.)下一个人/物短语next to 贴近;紧挨着;仅次于;几乎It is the largest city next to London. 它是仅次于伦敦的最大城市。Next to riding, I like swimming best. 除骑马外,我最喜欢游泳。It is next to impossible to finish the job in such a short time. 在如此短的时间内

24、完成这项工作几乎是不可能的。note(n.) 笔记;草稿He spoke for an hour without a note. 他不用演讲稿,讲了一个小时。 注释;按语notes to/on a text 课文注释便条;短信票据;纸币a five-pound note 一张五英镑的钞票(vt.) 记下;记录 The police noted down what I said. 注意 Please note how the computer is operated.特别提到;指出;表明 The speaker noted that it was very important to set a

25、goal for our life.短语make/take notes 记笔记take note of 注意到Id like everyone to take note of the changes Ive made to the timetable. 我希望所有人注意我对日程表所做的改动。nothing(pron.) 没有东西;没有事情(n.) 微不足道的人/事物(adv.) 一点也不;并不.Its nothing surprising. 这毫不奇怪。短语:be nothing to对无关紧要I used to love her but shes nothing to me any more

26、.for nothing免费地;徒劳;没有结果地When I arrived, he had left. Id made the journey for nothing.我到达时,他已经离开了,我白跑了一趟。have nothing to do with 和无关;不与来往nothing but/except 除了以为什么也不;只有;只不过Dont worry, it is nothing but a joke.notice(n.) 布告 注意The detail caught my notice.细节引起了我的注意。(vt./vi.) 注意到;察觉到;正式通知 +n./pron./从句/复合宾

27、语He must have been working too hard to notice. 他肯定工作太认真了没注意到。短语:bring to sb.s notice 引起某人对的注意come to sb.s notice 引起某人的注意take notice (of) 注意;理会I warned him, but he took no notice of it. 我警告了他,但他没当回事。nurse(n.) 护士,保姆(vt.) 看护, 护理(病人或受伤者); 照顾(某人):She nurses her aged mother. 她照顾年迈的母亲. 特别照料(某事物); 培养: nurse

28、 young plants (along) 培育幼苗 nurse a project 协助一计划词汇测试(一)重点词汇moment, more, most, mostly, move, much, must, name, nature, nearly根据句意填空1_, what shall we do? 假如他缺席,我们怎么办?2Ill come on_ John is invited, too.如果约翰也被邀请,我就来。3I will come _(that) I am well enough.只要我身体好,我一定来。4_ an inch, _ hell take a mile.他会得寸进尺

29、的5_, _youll miss the train. (= If you dont start at once) 立即动身,否则你会崔国那班火车的。6I dont like to _.我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混在一起。7_, she is a role model for young people nationwide! 她思想积极,是全国青年人的榜样。8Wherever you go, do _.无论到哪里,务必要谦虚、诚实。9Alisa fell asleep _ she got into bed.艾丽莎一上床就睡着了。10Do the most _.尽你最大努力去做。11There is

30、_ you imagine.其中还有你想象不到的含义。12Its a useful book, _, not an expensive one.这是一本很用的书,更重要的是,它并不贵。13I was _your engagement.听说你订婚了,我特别惊讶。14His new novel is _ for all lovers of crime fiction.他的新作是所有犯罪小说爱好者的必读书。15He college has _ languages.这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。16He had a _ when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他差点

31、出事。17Photos record _.照片记录大自然的各种美景。18Christmas _.圣诞节就要到了。19. Life is filled with _.生活充满了同样多的痛苦和欢乐。20. She has got _.她对音乐有很敏锐的鉴赏力。用适当介词填空1_ the moment此刻;那时2_the moment暂时;目前3_ the foot of a mountain在山脚下4fly _mountains飞越群山5His speech moved the audience_ tears他的演讲感动得听众都哭了。6Im much pleased _ it我对此非常满意。7No

32、thing can remove him _ the memory of the people 没有什么能把他从人民的记忆中抹掉。8He was accused _murdering a policeman他被控谋杀了一名警员。9I arrest you _ the name of law我依法逮捕你。10Twenty dollars isnt nearly enough _ my journey二十块钱远不够我旅行用的。根据中文写出空缺的动词(动词搭配)1The house is much too expensive for me to _这房子太贵,我买不起。2_ your name he

33、re, please请在这里签上你的名字。3_ _ a museum参观博物馆4Ive _ a table in your name我已经以你的名义预定了一张桌子。5He had to _ his eyes in the strong light of the sun 在强烈的阳光下,他只得眯着眼睛。根据中文写出词组1多变的心思_2道德标准_3有勇无谋_4珠穆朗玛峰_5搬进新居_6相互之间的尊重_7共同的利益_8以命名_9天生地;出于本性于_10在不久的将来_keys:根据句意填空1Suppose/ Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? 如他缺席,

34、我们怎么办?2Ill come on (the) condition that John is invited, too如果约翰也被邀请,我就来。3I will come provided (that) I am well enough 只要我身体好,我一定来。4Give him an inch and hell take a mile 他会得寸进尺的5Start at once, or/otherwise youll miss the train (= If you dont start at once) 立即动身,否则你会崔国那班火车的。6I dont like to mix busine

35、ss with pleasure.我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混在一起。7 With her positive thinking, she is a role model for young people nationwide! 她思想积极,是全国青年人的榜样。8Wherever you go, do be modest and honest. 无论到哪里,务必要谦虚、诚实。9Alisa fell asleep the moment she got into bed. 艾丽莎一上床就睡着了。10Do the most that you can.尽你最大努力去做。11There is more in i

36、t than you imagine. 其中还有你想象不到的含义。12Its a useful book, and whats more, not an expensive one.这是一本很用的书,更重要的是,它并不贵。13I was most surprised to hear of your engagement.听说你订婚了,我特别惊讶。14His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.他的新作是所有犯罪小说爱好者的必读书。15He college has a good name for languages. 这所大学的

37、语言教学颇有名气。16He had a narrow escape when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他差点出事。17Photos record the beauties of nature. 照片记录大自然的各种美景。18Christmas is drawing near. 圣诞节就要到了。19Life is filled with as much pain as happiness. 生活充满了同样多的痛苦和欢乐。20She has got a very fine ear for music. 她对音乐有很敏锐的鉴赏力。用适当介词填空1at th

38、e moment此刻;那时2for the moment暂时;目前3at the foot of a mountain在山脚下4fly over mountains飞越群山5His speech moved the audience to tears. 他的演讲感动得听众都哭了。6Im much pleased with it. 我对此非常满意。7Nothing can remove him from the memory of the people. 没有什么能把他从人民的记忆中抹掉。8He was accused of murdering a policeman. 他被控谋杀了一名警员。9

39、I arrest you in the name of law. 我依法逮捕你。10Twenty dollars isnt nearly enough for my journey. 二十块钱远不够我旅行用的。根据中文写出空缺的动词(动词搭配)1The house is much too expensive for me to afford.这房子太贵,我买不起。2Sign your name here, please.请在这里签上你的名字。3visit pay a visit to a museum参观博物馆4Ive booked a table in your name.我已经以你的名义预

40、定了一张桌子。5He had to narrow his eyes in the strong light of the sun. 在强烈的阳光下,他只得眯着眼睛。根据中文写出词组1多变的心思 a mobile mind2道德标准 moral standards3有勇无谋more brave than wise4珠穆朗玛峰Mount Everest5搬进新居move in6相互之间的尊重mutual respect7共同的利益mutual interests8以命名name after9天生地;出于本性于by nature10在不久的将来in the near future词汇测试(二)重点词

41、汇need, neither, news, newspaper, none, normal, note, notice, number根据句意填空1、Einstein who _ money never _. 爱因斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。2、Handle the package _.小心搬运这包裹。3、The chemical plant _, and it had been _for half an hour. 化工厂突然起火了,大火已经持续半小时了。4、My dear friends, _ that its easy to _, but its difficult to _

42、 the others. 亲爱的朋友们,记住:落后容易,但要赶上他人很困难。 Ok. Well _.好的。我们将铭记于心。5、The policemen are running fast to _ the thief. 那些警察正快跑着去抓那个小偷。6、_, you may contact me at home. 必要的话,你可以与我在家里取得联系。7、Necessity is _.需要是发明之母。8、_ regret what has happened. 没必要为已经发生的事感到后悔。9、Never _ appearances.千万不要以貌取人。10、I didnt like the spe

43、ech, but at least it was _.我不喜欢这篇演说,但它还算短小精悍。11、Larry is _mine.拉里谈不上是我的朋友。12、_ which team will win.无法预知哪个队会赢。13、A reporter must have _.记者必须对新闻很敏锐。14、Will she be there?她会在那儿吗?I _.但愿不会。Will it rain this afternoon?今天下午会下雨吗?_.大概不会。15、Universities are _.大学是培养专家和学者的摇篮。用适当介词填空1、He is new _ the job.他对这项工作很生

44、疏。2、greet sb. _ a nod向某人点头打招呼3、_/ _ normal超过标准/不符合标准4、They repaired my bike _ nothing.他们免费为我修了自行车。5、lead sb. _ the nose牵着某人的鼻子走6、Visitors came _ great numbers.参观者蜂拥而至。根据中文写出空缺的动词(动词搭配)1、_ sbs needs满足某人的需要2、_a negative attitude采取消极态度3、_ ones duty玩忽职守4、_/ _ a net撒网5、_/ _ notes记笔记根据中文写出词组1、留神,小心_2、被所困_

45、 3、撞见某人干某事_4、有的需要_5、朋友网_6、呈现一片新面貌_7、直到深夜_8、一张五英镑的钞票 _9、壮观的景色 _10、核心家庭_keys:根据句意填空1Einstein who cared little for money never cared about his salary. 爱因斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。2Handle the package with care.小心搬运这包裹。3The chemical plant caught fire all of a sudden, and it had been on fire for half an hour.化工

46、厂突然起火了,大火已经持续半小时了。4My dear friends, keep in mind that its easy to fall behind, but its difficult to catch up with the others.亲爱的朋友们,记住:落后容易,但要赶上他人很困难。 Ok. Well bear it in mind.好的。我们将铭记于心。5The policemen are running fast to catch hold of the thief. 那些警察正快跑着去抓那个小偷。6If necessary, you may contact me at h

47、ome. 必要的话,你可以与我在家里取得联系。7Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是发明之母。8There is no need to regret what has happened.没必要为已经发生的事感到后悔。9Never judge from appearances.千万不要以貌取人。10I didnt like the speech, but at least it was nice and short.我不喜欢这篇演说,但它还算短小精悍。11Larry is no friend of mine.拉里谈不上是我的朋友。12. Theres

48、no knowing which team will win.无法预知哪个队会赢。13A reporter must have a nose for news.记者必须对新闻很敏锐。14. Will she be there?她会在那儿吗?I hope not.但愿不会。Will it rain this afternoon?今天下午会下雨吗?Probably not.大概不会。15. Universities are nurseries for specialists and scholars.大学是培养专家和学者的摇篮。用适当介词填空1He is new to the job.他对这项工作

49、很生疏。2greet sb. with a nod向某人点头打招呼3above/ below normal超过标准/不符合标准4They repaired my bike for nothing.他们免费为我修了自行车。5lead sb. by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走6Visitors came in great numbers.参观者蜂拥而至。根据中文写出空缺的动词(动词搭配)1satisfy sbs needs满足某人的需要2assume a negative attitude采取消极态度3neglect ones duty玩忽职守4cast/ throw a net撒网5blo

50、w ones nose擤鼻子6make/ take notes记笔记根据中文写出词组1留神,小心 take care2被所困be caught/ trapped/ stuck in 3撞见某人干某事catch sb. doing sth.4有的需要be in need of5朋友网a network of friends6呈现一片新面貌take on a new look7直到深夜far/ late/ deep into the night8一张五英镑的钞票a five-pound note9壮观的景色 a noble sight10核心家庭nuclear family阅读理解新题型7选5(1

51、) “You are what you eat,” goes the common English saying. But actually, you are what you drink. Why? Because 75 percent of your body is water!1When we dont give our bodies enough water, our organs cannot work properly. We are also easier to catch diseases. When we are sick, drinking plenty of water

52、should be one of the first things we do.2Is your body asking for more water?If you experience headaches, sleepiness, allergies (过敏) or dizziness (头昏眼花), your body might be telling you to drink more water.3Even problems such as nervousness or forgetfulness can be caused by lack of water. In addition, the medicines that treat these illnesses can sometimes dry out your body further. The more water you are lacking in, the worse your he

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