第六章 英语从句的翻译(13)

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1、英汉互译理论和实践(选修)第六章 英语从句的译法(教学安排:4课时)第一节 英语定语从句的译法英语和汉语分属两种不同的语系,其差别很大,翻译起来有诸多困难,英语定语从句的汉译便是困难之一。由于定语从句在英语中应用十分广泛,往往置于所修饰的名词之后,而且还可以继续延长,环环相扣,语法关系十分复杂,因此,我们必须想办法、找方法、寻规律,从而很好地解决它。一、限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句对所修饰的先行项起限制作用,在意义上与先行项密切不可分。 如被省去,主句的意思就含糊不清,甚至变得毫无意义。关系词和先行项之间一般不用逗号分隔。(一)前置法:定语词组前置法一般用于翻译比较简单的英语定语从句。汉语多

2、使用简单的前置修饰语,很少使用很长的定语从句。翻译较短的定语从句,常常是将关系词省去,在句未加“的”字,放在被修饰项之前,从而将复合句译成汉语单句。当然,也可视其情况不用“的”字,如例1。这种译法用得普遍,尤其适用于译简短的定语从句。例1原文:I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided.译文: 例2原文:The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. 译文: 例3原文:In recent years, however, people have begun to become

3、 aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems. 译文: 例4原文:Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned

4、 at all.译文: (二)后置法:并列从句如果从句结构复杂,译成汉语前置定语显得太长而不符合汉语表达习惯时,往往可以译成后置的并列分句。1)省略英语的先行项例5原文:The lungs are subject to several diseases which are treatable by surgery.译文: 例6原文:As a result, a hum of gossip was set going which moved about the house in that secret manner common to gossip.译文: 例7原文:A will had bee

5、n made which divide the small tax-eaten property equally among the remaining four, so that it was really of no interest to any of them.译文: 例8原文:He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each. 译文: 上述定语从句例句比(一)里的定语从句例句长些,因此,就不宜译成定语词组形式。否则,译句就会显得太长且不符合汉语的表达习惯。如例8就

6、不宜译成“把这片快要给税吃光的薄产平分给四个孩子的中遗嘱早已立好,谁都对此不感兴趣。”这类从句不是长、难复杂定语从句,一般就按原文的顺序位置译。2)重复英语的先行项例9原文:At dinner I found myself placed between Mrs. Bradly, and a shy drab girl who seemed even younger than the other.译文: 例10原文:A writerin fact every one of us in lifeneeds that loving-mother force from which all creati

7、on flows.译文: 例11原文:Man possesses an expressive faculty that goes far beyond gestures, that allows and even compels him to express his thoughts, feelings, dreams, and intuitions.译文: 例12原文:John is a clean-cut, great-looking guy who likes his father and mother, who frowns on drugs, who takes his profes

8、sion seriously, who likes to have a good time, who enjoys the company of the opposite sex, and who has his own goals and values. 译文: 这些先行项的重复,有时用的是代词,有时用的是限定词。汉译时,需重复先行项的地方,就要重复。否则会影响意思的连贯和清楚。(三)状语从句(具体在非限制性定语从句)例13译文判断:原文:He insisted on building another house which he had no use for.译文1:他坚持再建一座他不用的

9、房子。译文2:他坚持再建一座房,这房他不用。译文3:他虽自己不用,但仍坚持再建一座房。例14原文:I think the clover will grow even on non-irrigated land where there is a forest belt.译文: (四)溶和法翻译英语There be 句型和带定语从句的复合句时,常用溶合法。溶合法就是把原句中的主语同定语从句溶合在一起译成一个独立句的翻译方法。由于限制性定语从句与主句关系紧密,所以溶和法比较适用于限制性定语从句。溶合法要求改变句子的构造形式。具体作法是,将原主句的词或词组用作独立句的主语,再将定语从句用作谓语,这样便

10、译成独立句。例15原文:He paid that peculiar deference to women which every member of the sex appreciates.译文: 例16原文:What were the hopes and dreams that had made of them the incredibly stubborn warriors?译文: 例17原文:This was the first time I had serious trouble with my boss.译文: 还可以将英语主句压缩成汉语词组做主语,而把定语从句译成谓语,溶和成一个句

11、子。例18原文:“We are a nation that must beg to stay alive,” said a foreign economist.译文: (五)复合宾语当主句的谓语动词是表示“感观”或“心理活动”等意义时,修饰宾语的定语从句多译为复合宾语。例19原文:I also found on the ground near the tracks of the camels groups of ants which were pulling grains of corn.译文: 例20原文:He did not find any one in the house who pa

12、rticularly cared to see.译文: 二、非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句同其先行项之间的联系是松散的。它不是先行项的必不可少的组成部分,而仅是对先行项作些描写或补充说明。非限制性定语从句前常有逗号将它与主语分开。非限制性定语从句也主要是采用前面已说过的分译法和溶合法来译。它常被译为并列分句、独立句和状语从句,偶尔还可译为定语词组等,这与它的作用仅是对先行项提供一些补充说明有关。在意义上,非限制性定语从句相当于一个并列分句,可以完全脱离主句而独立出现。(一)后置法:译成并列分句1. 译成并列分句,省略先行项例21原文:He saw in front that haggard

13、white-haired old man, whose eyes flashed red with fury.译文: 例22原文:“Wait a minute,” said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up.译文: 例23原文:Carrie reached home in high good spirits,which she could scarcely conceal.译文:2. 译成并列分句,重复英语的先行项例24原文:He came wi

14、thin the meaning of a still newer term, which had sprung into general use among Americans in 1880.译文:例25原文:The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.译文:例26原文:The doctor examined the rat that carried the flea th

15、at harbors the germ that infects the poor Indian.原译:大夫检查了那只身上长了带有使那个可怜的印第安人传染上并的细菌的跳蚤的老鼠。改译: 例27原文:The eagle catches the snake that gobbles the toad that swallows the insect that nibbles at green leaves. 译文:(二)译成独立句例28原文:It has long been my wish to encounter one of the oldest civilizations in earth.

16、 I have come amidst you from Egypt, on the banks of the Nile, which also has a most ancient civilization.译文:例29原文:One was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective.译文:例30原文:The modern nuclear family was rooted in the desire to live happily in a more equal marriag

17、e, where the raising of children and the investment to both parents in the childrens lives were guaranteed by bonds of friendship between the parents, which were based on rational love. 译文:(三)译成状语从句1译成表“让步”的分句例31原文:These actions, which have aroused universal and unreserved disapproval, must neverthe

18、less give us a pause.译文:例32原文:My assistant, who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment, could not obtain satisfactory results, because he followed them mechanically.译文:2译成表“条件”的分句例33原文:In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involve

19、d.译文:例34原文:Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families.译文:例35原文:Nothing is hard in this world for one who dares to scale the height. 译文:3译成表“果”的分句例36原文:Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance.译文:例37原文:Ther

20、e was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.译文:4译成表“因”的分句例38原文:We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.译文:例39原文:Einstein is often portrayed in bourgeois writings as a “genius” whose t

21、heories are so complicated that no one but a few best scientists can understand. 译文:5译成表“目的”的分句例40原文:He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument.译文:例41原文:Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective government

22、s. 译文:(四)译成定语词组一些较短而具有描写性的英语非限制性定语从句,可译成带“的”的前置定语,放在被修饰词前面。例42原文:As I came in, Gus Meyer, who owned the taxicab that used to stand at the corner of our street, waved to me from a table.译文:例43原文:The emphasis was helped by the speakers mouth, which was wide, thin and hard set.译文:例44原文:He liked his sis

23、ter, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant.译文:定语从句可用“分述法”和“溶合法”进行翻译,形式有定语词组,并列分句、状语从句、复合宾语等。这些形式是英译汉的主要框架结构,并非全部标准答案。在具体和翻译实践中,我们应该视其不同情况,选用不同的形式或作灵活变通处理。翻译练习(一) 原文中的定语从句译为前置定语1. There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the f

24、atiguing climb of the steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous(光辉的) summits. 2. The moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails.3. Miggles laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. (二) 原文中的定语从句译为后置的并列分句4Nearly everyone knows the story of “the dog tha

25、t worried the cat that caught the rat that ate the grain that lay in the house that Jack built.”5He gave in his resignation, which was the best thing he could do in the circumstance.(三) 把原文中的主句与定语从句溶合成一个独立的句子6There is nothing that does not contain contradiction. 7Ours is a profession which tradition

26、ally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering truth for truths sake, and that is “as far as possible do no harm”.(四) 把定语从句译成状语从句8 We engage professor Wu, who understands English. 9Steel parts are usually covered with grease, with which they may not rust.10Glass, which brea

27、ks at a blow, is nevertheless capable of withstanding great pressure.第二节 英语状语从句的译法英语状语从句表示时间、原因、条件、让步、目的等等, 英语状语从句用在主句后面的较多, 而汉语的状语从句用在主句前的较多, 因此, 在许多情况下, 应将状语从句放在主句前面。状语从句的翻译一般比较容易处理,不会构成翻译的主要障碍。问题在于怎样将它们放入恰当的位置,怎样处理好句与句之间的连接关系。 一、 时间状语从句(一) 译成相应的表示时间的状语例1原文:While she spoke, the tears were running

28、down.译文: 例2原文:Please turn off the light when you leave the room.译文: (二) 译成“刚(一)就”的句式例3原文:He had hardly rushed into the room when he shouted, “Fire! Fire!”译文: 例4原文:When I reached the beach, I collapsed.译文: (三) 译成并列的分句例5原文:They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid. 译文: 例6原文:Mrs. Acland g

29、azed at him, her eyes darkening with a curious expression of dislike and distrust as he silently turned away. 译文: 二、 原因状语从句(一) 译成表“因”的分句例7原文:As the moons gravity is only about 1/6 the gravity of the earth, a 200-pound man weights only 33 pounds on the moon. 译文:一般来说汉语表因的分句在表果分句之前,英语则比较灵活,但在现代汉语中,受西方语

30、言的影响,也有放在后面的。例8原文:The strike leaders were alarmed when I told them what had happened as the reporter was unfriendly.译文:(二) 译成因果偏正复句中的主句例9原文:Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion. 译文:例10原文:The perspiration embarrasses him slightly because the dampness on his b

31、row and chin makes him look more tense than he really is. 译文:(三) 译成不用关联词而因果关系内含的并列分句例11原文:“You took me because I was useful. There is no question of gratitude between us,” said Rebecca.译文:例12原文:After all, it did not matter much, because in 24 hours, they were going to be free.译文:三、 条件状语从句(一) 译成表示“条件

32、”的分句英语中表示“条件”的从句前置后置比较灵活,汉语中表示“条件”的分句一般前置。在语气上,“只要”、“只有”的语气最强,“如果”最弱。例13原文:If something has the ability to adjust itself to the environment, we say it has intelligence. 译文:例14原文: “Sure, there are jobs. There is even Egberts job if you want it.”译文:(二) 译成表示“假设”的分句例15原文:If one of them collapsed, as the

33、y often did, the guide used to carry him over the mountains. 译文:(三) 译成补充说明情况的分句例16原文:Any body above the earth will fall unless it is supported by an upward force equal to its weight. 译文:例17原文:You can drive tonight if you are ready. 译文:四、 让步状语从句(一) 译成表示“让步”的分句例18原文:Although he seems hearty and outgoi

34、ng in public, Mr. cooks is a withdrawn, introverted man.译文:例19原文:While I grant his honesty, I suspect his memory.译文:(二) 译成表“无条件”的条件分句例20原文:No matter what misfortune befell him, he always squared his shoulders and said, “Never mind, Ill work harder.”译文:例21原文:All living things, whether they are animal

35、s or plants, are made up of cells.译文:五、 目的状语从句(一) 译成表示“目的”的前置分句例22原文:He pushed open the door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her. 译文:例23原文:We should start early so that we might get there before noon.译文:(二) 译成表示“目的”的后置分句例24原文:A rocket must attain a speed of about five

36、miles per second so that it may put a satellite in orbit. 译文:例25原文:The murderer ran away as fast as he could, so that he might not be caught red-handed.译文:翻译练习一、英译汉1. A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it. 2. While demand for executives is likely to outpace supply for years, wor

37、d is spreading that job-hopping, in the long run, can hurt a career. 3. Electricity begins flowing and the lamp lights when we close an electric circuit. 4. Such a study is well worth the effort, even though some aspects of English and the meaning of many words have changed since Shakespeares day. 5

38、. Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.6. Any body above the earth will fall unless it is supported by an upward force equal to its weight. 二、修改或润饰下列误译1. How can I help them to understand when they wont listen to me?原译:我怎么能帮他们了解呢,这个时候他们连我的话都听不进去?改译: 2. Some

39、sulfur dioxide is liberated when coal, heavy oil, and gas burn, because they all contain sulfur compounds. 原译:当煤、重油和煤气在燃烧时,它们会释放出一些二氧化硫,因为它们全都含有硫化物。改译: 3. Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people

40、will have to accept more “unnatural food”.原译:直到意识到要把人口减少到使地球能为所有人提供相当的供应之前,人类将不得不接受更多的“非天然食品”。改译: 4. When marketers do not understand and appreciate the values, tastes, geography, climate, superstitions, religion, or economy of a culture, they will fail to capture their target market.原译:当营销商不重视也不了解一种文化的价值观、品位、地理、气候、迷信、宗教以及经济等等的时候,他们就占领不了目标市场。改译: 5. Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak.原译:在他又能开口说话之前,两天就这样过去了。改译:11第六章 英语从句的译法

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