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1、Day1词汇识记I. 1. experienced 2. academic 3. extra 4. devote 5. sculptures 6. headmaster 7. respect 8. earning/making 9.exchanged 10. struggling II. 1. planned on 2. Looking back on 3. get used to 4. used to 5. was happy with 6. have been fond of 7. are different from 8. for free 9. at first 10. Next to

2、时文阅读1. C。从Americans ages 18-29 send and receive an average of nearly 88 text messages per day, compared to 17 phone calls. The telephone call is a dying institution可以看出,年轻人更多地发短信而非打电话。2. D。文中第三段说到text messages make things easier,比如不用假装很高兴地祝福别人生日快乐。3. A。从texting might also harm young peoples still-de

3、veloping interpersonal skills可知A正确。文中说having a conversation with another person teaches kids to have a conversation with themselves - to think, reason and self-reflect,而发短信恰恰相反,使人不能think, reason and self-reflect。4. C。文中建议的是youre actually seeing and interacting with another person,C正确,而不是说不要用短信或者是多打电

4、话。一句多译1. I have difficulty with note-taking. 2. I have difficulty in taking notes. 3. It takes me great trouble to take notes. Day 2 I1-5 DCBCAII. 1. improved 2. respect; have for 3. favourite 4. with satisfaction 5. as/so; soIII. 1. break; the rules of the school 2. gave me much encouragement 3. sp

5、ent; thinking 4. surfing the Internet 5. hold a class party 6. at the end of term经典重温I. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 II. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. AIII. 1. howled 2. drowned 3. twins 4. survived 5. rescued 6. splashed 7. mourning 8. niece 9. reasonable 10. favoriteIV. Possible summary1. On a dark stormy night, a ship, wit

6、h the twins Viola and Sebastian on it, sank. The captain of the ship and Viola landed on an island that was close to where the captain was born. 2. Viola thought that it was a good idea to dress up as a boy because it was too dangerous to be alone as a girl. 3. Olivia, the counts daughter, was in mo

7、urning because her father and brother had died, so she would not see any men, not even her uncles friend Sir Andrew Toothache. 4. Duke Orsino told Viola, whom he thought was a boy, the love he had for Olivia and sent her as a messenger to Olivia to tell her about his love.Day 3I. 1. former 2. fluent

8、 3. donate 4. splendid 5. somehow 6. recent 7. composition 8. run 9. outing 10. broadcasting/broadcast 11. selected 12. eventsII. 1. graduation 2. kindness 3. painting 4. literary/literature 5. preparationsIII. 1. made use of 2. in charge of 3. approves of 4. in preparation for 5. in the charge of 6

9、. be independent of 7. under the title of 8. graduated from 9. more than 10. thinking about时文阅读1. B。本文主要讲的是女性比男性更长寿的原因,故选B。2. C。由第六段的“two special types of white blood cells, which produce antibodies and protect the body from infection, decreased faster in men than in women”可知C为正确答案。A中文中没有提及;文中提到“Tha

10、t womens immune system ages slower makes them better able to fight off diseases and therefore live longer.”女性的免疫系统衰老速度比男性慢,所以她们比男性更长寿,而B项所述与文中表述不一致,故不对。D项but后的部分不对,文中没有提及。3. B。由最后一段的第二句话可推知B正确。由最后一段“and men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women, which increases their chances of contrac

11、ting cardiovascular diseases”可知A、C不对;最后一段提到了某些基因与荷尔蒙与女性长寿有关联,但是文中并没有提到基因、荷尔蒙与免疫系统的关系,所以D不对。翻译句子You must obey the rules and regulations however rich you are. Day 4 I. 1. about/ of 2. for 3. without 4. to 5. As 6. at 7. With 8. between 9. to 10. OnII. 1. so that 2. on/upon hearing 3. wish; enjoy 4. be

12、ing shown 5. the rest经典重温I. 2, 4, 5, 3, 1II. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. aIII. 1. veil 2. removed 3. plotted 4. insisted 5. offered 6. realized 7. arrested 8. punished 9. serious 10. voiceIV. (Possible summary)A messenger arrived to see Olivia. Viola told Olivia that Duke Orsino was a good man and that she sh

13、ould love him. After speaking to Viola, Olivia started to fall in love with her. She told Malvolio to give Viola a ring. When Malvolio gave her the ring, Viola realized that Olivia thought she was a boy and was falling in love with her. Sebastian, Violas brother, was not dead. He and his friend Anto

14、nio decided to meet Duke Orsino. After a night of drinking, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew were making lots of noise and it made Olivia angry. So Malvolio told them to be quiet. As they didnt like Malvolio, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew along with Maria decided to a trick on him.Day5I. 1. rude 2. curtain 3. cash

15、 4. garbage 5. adult 6. tolerate 7. fault 8. scene 9. emergency 10. anyhow 11. deserves 12. clinic 13. sighing 14. bent 15. starvingII. 1. frightened 2. behaviour 3. explanation 4. defended 5. sankIII. 1. was supposed to 2. be hard on 3. Now that 4. feel like 5. went out 6. done with 7 in a mess 8.

16、shouting at 9. instead of 10 find fault with时文阅读1. C。由第三段This 17-year-old student bought his first gumball machine about 18 months ago “just for something to do”.可知答案为C。2. A。由下文提到的“My sales doubled when I added that sign”可知在贴上“大学基金”的牌子后,David的生意变得非常红火,销售量大增,故选A。skyrocketed意为“突升,猛涨”,与took off (腾飞,突然成

17、功)意思相近。3. C。由最后四段可以推知C为正确答案。A文中没有提及,由倒数第三段可知母亲对David的所作所为非常欣赏,故B不对;C项的后半句“is also running a small restaurant now”不对。4. B。由全文可以看出David是一个非常独立的、有远大志向、富有创新精神且百折不挠的人,故答案为B。其他选项都有一个词体现不出来,如A项的cooperative, C项的generous, D项的cautious。一句多译1. Its high time we set off.2. Its high time we should set off.Day 6 I.

18、 1-5 ADCCBII1. what; or 2. no more/ longer 3. too busy 4. planned 5. to be congratulated 经典重温 (Possible summary)1. After talking with Viola about his love for Olivia, Orsino gave her a jewel to take to Olivia immediately.2. As Malvolio was walking in the garden, he thought how it would be if Olivia

19、was in love with him and said to himself. 3. Sir Toby and Sir Andrew heard Malvolio and they were angry. They watched him as he found the letter that Maria wrote to him pretending to be Olivia and saying she was in love with him. 4. After Olivia told Viola that she was not in love with Orsino but Vi

20、ola, she said that she would bring no more messages from Orsino again. Day7I. 1. distant 2. guidance 3. lasted 4. annoyed/ angry 5. balance 6. selfish 7. confused 8. Limiting 9. challenged 10. chattingII. 1. argument 2. Patience 3. independence 4. harmful 5. wisdomIII. 1. staying up 2. mixed up 3. i

21、nsisted on 4. at present 5. along with 6. as if 7. depends on 8. turned out 9. went through 10. keep up with时文阅读1. C。从this grocery store held so many sweet memories以及后文作者不断想起丈夫的片段可知C正确。2. D。从作者劝说那位女士Buy him the steaks. And cherish every moment you have together可得出答案,D正确。3. B。文章主要讲述了作者劝说一位女士,应当珍惜和丈夫的

22、幸福时光,那位女士反过来给她买了几朵黄玫瑰,正好是作者丈夫生前经常给她买的,让作者很感动。通过这个故事,作者想要表达,对别人的善意经常能得到好的回应。完成句子as we had expected beforeDay 8 I 1. for 2. Among 3. for 4. in 5. with 6. at 7. after/by 8. for 9. of 10. instead ofII 1. her freedom 2. dealt with 3. With the development 4. tends to 5. takes prideIII 1. at the same time

23、2. went out of control 3. Every time I see 4. the choice she made 5. such as singing; reading; and playing basketball经典重温I. 4, 5, 2, 1, 3II. (Possible summary)Sir Andrew told Sir Toby that he was going home. Sir Toby told him that he should have a duel with the Dukes messenger to show Olivia that he

24、 loved her. Sebastian arrived in town with his friend Antonio, who was nervous because he was an enemy of the Duke. He gave Sebastian his money to hold and went to a hotel to rest. Everyone thought that Malvolio was acting and dressing very strangely. They thought that he might be sick. Sir Andrew c

25、hallenged Viola to a duel.Thinking that Viola was Sebastian, Antonio stopped the duel, but he was recognized and arrested. He asked Viola for his money, but of course she did not know what he was talking about, since she was not Sebastian. This made him angry. Day 9I. 1. satisfaction 2. donate 3. re

26、cent 4. run 5. harm 6. charged 7. challenge 8. handling 9. deserved 10. guidance 11. experienced 12. enjoyable 13. scenes 14. Misunderstanding 15. tendedII. 1. patient 2. behaviour 3.independence 4. wisdom 5. explanationIII. 1. get along with 2. gone through 3. insisted on 4. looked back on 5. plann

27、ed on 6. deal with 7. made use of 8. fit in 9. are confused with 10. staying up时文阅读1. C。本文作者主要谈的是自己在美国做一项物理实验的经历带给他的感受,所以答案为C。2. D。由第一段的“the experiments they do are usually “well-designed” by teachers, so students dont take the initiative to think hard for themselves. Therefore, experiments are more

28、 like drills of students basic knowledge instead of self-driven projects”可以推知D为正确答案。A、B、C文中没有提及。3. A。由第三段和第四段的首句可推知A正确,B、C不对;由第四段描述的美国学生的反应可知D项的all of his other teammates不对。4. D。由最后一段的“This experience made me aware that Asian students sometimes do lag behind Americans at solving problems in particul

29、ar situations.”可知D为正确答案。句型转换 does taking part in after-class activities make your school life colourful but also improves your learning_Day 10I 1. think of 2. not following/taking 3. On average 4. are forbidden from 5. free of charge 6. is supposed toII 1. mixed up 2. devoted her whole life to helpi

30、ng 3. have/show respect for 4. are in a mess 5. is hard on 经典重温I. 3, 2, 1, 5, 4II. 1. e 2. a 3. h 4. d 5. g 6. b 7. f 8. c 9. j 10. iIII. (Possible summary)1. Sebastian was taken to Olivia because the servants thought he was Viola. 2. Malvolio was locked in a dark room by Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and M

31、aria as a joke to make people think he was crazy.3. Everyone thought Sebastian was Viola. But when he saw how beautiful Olivia was, he fell in love with her and agreed to marry her. 4. Everyone was happy when they found out Viola was a woman. Orsino immediately fell in love with her and asked her to

32、 marry him. _Day11I. 1. work 2. figure 3. overnight 4. pressure 5. chemical 6. damage 7. embarrassed 9. recovered 10. containII. 1. energetic 2. failure 3. treatment 4. painful 5. attractiveIII. 1. working out 2. go on a diet 3. resulted from 4. recovered from 5. was ashamed of 6. in truth 7. heard

33、of 8. used to 9. is popular among 10. heard about时文阅读1. Ruby vs. Wolfgang 2. Little Red Riding Hood 3. Michael Staley 4. May 5. wolf 6. 14 7. lack of experience 8. strange middle school student 9. watching videos使用省略形式改写句子If possible, I will go there with you. Day 12 I . 1-5 BBDACII 1. dont need /ha

34、ve to 2. took care of 3. the way 4. the most valuable 5. both of whomIII . 1. follow my advice/suggestions 2. went on a picnic 3. insisted on doing the experiment 4. In the last few months. 5. as I am经典重温I. 1. b 2. d 3. c II. Complete the summary by writing the correct phrase in each blank.1. born i

35、n the city 2. be a sailor 3. be a lawyer 4. hours of rowing5. reached the shore 6. invited him to go 7. was successful 8. his bad luck returnedDay13I. 1. branches 2. systems 3. useless 4. properly 5. mostly 6. experts 7. Athletes 8. downtown 9. equipment 10. skippedII. 1. achievements 2. sadness 3.

36、comfortable 4. peaceful 5. loss III. 1. getting into shape 2. make the most of 3. falling out 4. concentrate on 5. as a matter of fact 6. along with 7. in the long term 8. gave up 9. in no time 10. put on weight时文阅读1. A。作者先提出了Eating junk food wont help with your bad mood. On the contrary, it may act

37、ually make moods worse,再用Pennsylvania State University的研究来证明这一点。2. B。neglected意为“忽视,没有注意到”。3. A。作者举了2010和2012年的两个例子是为了证明the relationship between the two has often been the subject of scientific studies。用强调句型改写句子Its our attitude towards study instead of our ability that counts. Day 14 定语从句(一)1-5DBCBC

38、;经典重温I. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5II. Complete the summary by writing the correct phrase in each blank.1. attacked by pirates off the coast of Africa 2. as a slave by the pirate captain3. a way to escape after two years 4. down the coast until they saw a ship5. them on board and they sailed to Brazil 6. an hones

39、t man who helped Robinson find a job in BrazilDay15I. 1. loss 2. experts/engineers 3. counts 4. slim 5. work 6. mostly/mainly 7. pressure 8. properly 9. dieting/diet 10. athlete 11. affects 12. painful 13. preferring 14. skips 15. containsII. 1. energetic 2. failure 3. treatment 4. attractive 5. com

40、fortableIII. 1. as a matter of fact 2. at the moment 3. work out 4. falling out 5. in no time 6. make the most of 7. put on 8. along with 9. was ashamed of 10. recovered from时文阅读1. south 2. destination 3. Natural 4. breathtaking 5. witness 6. warm 7. friendliest 8. variety 9. Literature 10. band翻译No

41、t only is the film so enjoyable, but also it gives us a valuable lesson.Day 16 定语从句(二)1.when 2.inwhich/where 3.forwhich/why 4.inwhich5.underwhich6.fromwhom经典重温I. 2, 1, 4, 5, 3II. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. aIII. Complete the summary by writing the correct phrase in each blank.1. happy in Brazil 2. a voyage t

42、o Africa 3. storms along the way 4. tried to escape into5. tipped the boat over 6. onto the beach 7. got some supplies from 8. storm hit the island答案Day17I. 1. changed 2. running 3. defend 4. hard 5.sank 6. comfort 7. work 8. averaging II. 9. damages 10. challenged 11. host 12. former 13. act 14. in

43、cluding 15. postedIII. 1. experienced 2. lasting 3. respectful 4. guidance 5. adolescenceIV. 1. On average 2. worked out 3. finding fault with 4. under the title of 5. be independent of 6. approve of 7. have respect for 8. have an effect on 9. concentrating on 10. is devoted to时文阅读1. The story of a

44、talented teenage magician.2. Random.3. Smart, creative, outgoing and talented.4. I was deeply impressed5. 在这个魔术的视频中,当围观的孩子们看见打开的纸上画着鸟和那些数字,他们不由得瞪大了眼睛。完成句子Whether we are men or women, old or youngDay 18 定语从句(三)1-8AACABDAA经典重温1. a safe place to live with a fence around it2. how to plant seeds and grow

45、 crops to eat3. and Robinson caught the flu and was sick for two weeks4. to explore the island and found a grassy area with wild fruit trees5. very rich because he now had two homesDay19I1. I hope you will e-mail me often and inform me of your progress.2. Every student is required to follow the rule

46、s of the school.3. As soon as the teacher entered, we stopped talking.4. I dont want to go shopping. For one thing, Ive no money. For another thing, Im too busy.5. Whether we go or stay, the result will be the same.6. Developing an interest in a subject is the key to learning it well.7. Linda works

47、all year round, without a holiday.II. 1-6 ACBBDCIII. 1. change 2. practice 3. broadcast/broadcasted 4. listen to 5. as well as 6. meet up 7. record 8. report 9. including 10. create时文阅读1. C。文章的主旨是说明由盖茨握手的动作引发的争议,作者并没有完全界定他的行为是disrespectful。2. A。superiority是指优越感,傲慢的态度。3. D。文章中的人们对于盖茨的行为持两种看法,一种认为他很随意

48、,另一种认为他就是故意不尊重,第5-6段主要提到了认为他不尊重的观点。4. B。文中提到了在亚洲国家,Using one hand with the other in the pants pocket is considered rude,因此韩国人认为盖茨的行为不礼貌,不合适。翻译句子I might not have succeeded yesterday were it not for your timely help. Day20 Ia) Mr. Black is thought of as the strictest teacher in our school.b) In our sc

49、hool, students are forbidden from using cellphones during the school day.c) Afternoon graduating from university, Amy fits in society as soon as possible.d) Everyone here likes Jeff who is very easy to get along with.e) Its common for students to do homework late everyday , which is bad for their he

50、alth.f) It seems that that they have learned everything about our plan.g) One of the biggest difficulties the scientists face in the desert is that there is not enough water.h) I badly want to know where my brother who has been lost for ten years is now.II 1-6 ACBDCAIII 1. are known as 2. meaning 3.

51、 happen 4. Physically 5. Socially 6. reason 7. importance 8. grown up 9. moves 10. understand经典重温A Foolish MistakeI. 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 II. 1. parrot 2. grind 3. hollow 4. canal 5. chopped 6. prison 7. proud 8. husk 9. Ashes 10. FlourIII 1. for making baskets 2. side of the island 3. though it was far away4. but then remembered all of 5. his life on the island 6. learned how to bake bread7. pots and hot ashes 8. it was too big to move

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