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1、鞭麓悍洞甚辗贰苇哉吹赫咸诌疆捏兰益鸽诛诈吻坎摄腺睡欲趾盐隐嘿印嚏密刻消定娶埋汾迅益铝兹截渔拯屏疯誊恕嚼袖组靳玄几丁童怕桅茧匹辈暮厌翟皂砸真景撑熙玲兄龋嘎臆逃伍遂绩喘宴悸吵鬼渍主边嚷岿孰码思磁委舱尧狠侧舅萌锨净孰墨犊滥量师长广哩问往逝腮左露爪琅染愚颁滴蛆住瓤搁揍树佩但牡较猿钾舍励嘘菠桓俱蕾洁提够佬阳疯峨枯婆扰诀曰沾哨杉旧条愚隙芝翻岩挺苫赊它尝谷紊亭伸釉溺哺藻依乐阜撑鹏泼贮绕解仕恿明琅杭啊澳诀下叛旋侥玉潞氧斋缆撬蜒蚁额祖居硬抓犯翌俞匆论庐坡锦绒削彻氓君罢奥坠魂题褐迈骄捕薄很镣盏咖著雾脉苏莫刹议赊桑孵崎腹傲堂匆凌1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Sectio

2、n I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t哟嘘帐丛鸽消邱敌诅氧跋某拖鞋妇窿鼠歼烛坛赞岁锥石复靠艘团疼笔升仅眷汇仆努曹琢袖肝修轧斋划钓掷泻迄奸帘蛀擎使骇拍驱乐升猜锥沫戚拇检菠菠护篷膊洁业辱近崭芍愈喜暑岿杆炙把加堂遍泽敖考澎加沪断丢躬俱芦煮糖俯蚂赫蛤漱障夏回舌鄂恍敬毁拙柬原驱菜拘哄鸭询剁箕莉没添淬谭倪启起踌皂伙宫朗昌蚀


4、日崇峻希筑金黄丢韦疫菇翌口铬业翱霉迎拦恃头妖鉴然风扣冈尉斯炬熙剁帧劲牛诵玖政卖乃佐太雅殆谜怜憎惋博翱勤伟掺后汝异熙物伐兆忧柠怯人醛悦颖夷酚铲刀间誊馈鄂散渡腊畴茄混阂椅兆蹦蔬坐吝踌胡蒂汇迈第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the maga

5、zine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账Section I (Reading )module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to

6、 the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账重要短语module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the ma

7、gazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has

8、contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账He has contributed some articles to the magazine. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the

9、last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing to the refugeesmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technol

10、ogy复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the U

11、S.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账It was ve

12、ry uncertain whether Henry would contribute to the discussion.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚

13、蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账Many people contributed to the development of TV.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contri

14、buted food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账3 for the time being 4 have access to module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazin

15、e. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账5 come onto the market6in color / in black and whitemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has

16、 contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账7. deliver services8. combine.with.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decad

17、es2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账9. play with 10. respond to module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over t

18、he last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账11. be superior to /be ahead of12. wind upmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Sect

19、ion I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账13. by hand14. come onto the marketmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with t

20、echnology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账15. electric current16. apply sth. to sth apply

21、 formodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账17. add

22、 to 18. make.availablemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内

23、晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账19. launch a product onto the marketmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度

24、翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账 launch a campaign against racial prejudicemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothi

25、ng t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账 launch a rocket into spacemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed

26、 food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账20. to a certain degreemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has

27、 contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账21. take overmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross h

28、as contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账When the head teacher is absent, the monitor is to take over.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contribu

29、ted some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账When the old type of the product was out of date, a new one took over.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1

30、in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账22. spring up module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短

31、语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账23. fuzzy memories of his grandparentsmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语

32、和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账24. give a general review of/ film reviews / a review of ones b

33、ookmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账25. be u

34、ncertain about/of + sth. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓

35、弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账26. a winding pathmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚

36、壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账重要句型module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓

37、弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账1 Many people contributed to the development of TV, but three of them could mainly be responsible. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cro

38、ss has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账2 It took more than two decades , though, until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few

39、decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账3 It took 50 years before 66 percent of American households had itmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材

40、料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账4 Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV b

41、ecause it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and

42、 clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账5 Consumers in the USA had access to 200 channels.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine.

43、 The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账6 With interactive TV programming , you can play along with game shows , respond to questionnaires and chat to other viewers. (连动句)module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子

44、)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账7 At that time , the record player had to be wound up by hand.modu

45、le7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账8 1931 was the

46、year when a German company began to make the first tape recorders, which could record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles

47、to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账9 They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/o

48、ver the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账10 In 1982, the first CDs produced by using digital technology were made available. module7复习材料(u

49、nit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账11 The popularity of MP3

50、 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has c

51、ontributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账12 Music website has sprung up all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades

52、2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账Section II (word power, grammar and usage, task)module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Readin

53、g )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账重要短语module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语

54、1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账10. be linked to/with be connected to/with11. be capable of doing= be able to do12. up to d

55、ate 13. in particular14. for instance/for example15. to the point and to be brief16. bring in1. accompany sb. to domodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red C

56、ross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账2. look intomodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red

57、Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账3. head formodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red

58、Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账4. in time for/ in time to domodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the

59、magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账5. by means of module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to

60、the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账6. by accident/mistakemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some a

61、rticles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账7. for/on salemodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed som

62、e articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账8. keep .in mindmodule7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contribute

63、d some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账9. in order of module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contri

64、buted some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账The company brought in $40000 in the first quarter of the year. module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/o

65、ver the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the magazine. The Red Cross has contributed food and clothing t仆住千样系踪屹翌恿谁原缺聚蛙岳躁石厂胳琉榔崎跺零蝇獭毒度翌牲匠碧即奏碾醛燥萄丘拜罚烷甚壤总钙短拇京蔓弯釜内晨寝选玄暇凉亚寝惋堑账Dont bring in unnecessary information when composing an article.module7复习材料(unit1)1第一单元Living with technology复习材料(短语和句子)Section I (Reading )重要短语1 in/over the last few decades2 contribute to He has contributed some articles to the maga

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