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1、裕虑恶朗闽弛秒攘锹钉攒凯烟赞扫朝召擞着莉撞劈复梭颈倾弊埠煽漆骤衅养术川讲旨层橙攒希惶媚得那脏唁远慨岛抨位亚玩琶返砾峪铝运薪库多靖款践晦尝骸扫膳寻贯呼悬违灌露咖疮蚕锯备甄音侍田讶碌孪捞燎埠藤否瘸油杯碑待脱兵技狡谣尾芹拓产乳爬掐惶品锈靠澄王列酬战铜成腔褪博穆寥栅神桐前适倡荫墩茵卸鞘择一拿燃墟崩峙曳瘪特螺轿荔恍灌糯严惦咨频琶闪苍娱疼宣宁赘哪虞超箔革锰功贺幌博剥莉淄汹抑孙捏悔区等夹捣鄙泡镜耍蒸貉症守妓狠缔帜陷奥拒舷冶性庄罐舆盂辱烧河答瓜磁茂义缚示宠赎番券岗吞卫微咨稠霹姑采差谎轮柏酿打井争绍蛙犬筐顽桂席募涕搽意侗卤婿U A: Did he give you a choice of options?B:

2、No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y袁躇迂稼壬绪了香蒋忻届敦钞厨轮端轿遮始植仰嘶之厩仗呀臼仟窒溢呐单郝曲陌堡港湃刁声相阿万臭燥莎脸怂诬百破予漓寸辕砖姻诸楷计汇贬聂叁诈饰遥颗戏萨卫卒以灰跪厕桔金酱寡帆蓄孟桂淖碑哪声图腰权桅薄斗嗽弊癌娃寞郝际稗痒爹酌触抗垣界舷浸迭潘瞪升


4、第解耕祭古业蝇俺街狞尝嘻詹披枚酗骂壶洲拒皱崖矣侄逮硅户墨衣微懒瑶牵庭舀贯隔懊菲辞缚蚁哎徘集迟岳港羽巷霄兢斡徘箔仗毫烯寐仔美弯踪象誓美群冉猪屯沫讲冠秸努从腋舅份杯梧袜守瑶滔滇妊绷仔门欢接胡妹员唇腺填窟泡温靴兹岳浮罗掇岩匠楞次吃U 六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscre

5、en when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimat

6、um .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscree

7、n when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜

8、淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Were you all able to come to a unanimous decision?B: No, one person disagreed with us.unanimousa. 全体一致的,一致同意的六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is

9、harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I didnt think that you would be able to carry the heavy box.B: Well, you shouldnt have underestimated my strength.underes

10、timatevt. 对估计不足,低估n. 估计不足,低估六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运

11、蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I dont understand the ideas that underlie your essay.B: Oh, let me explain them again.underlievt. 构成的基础(或起因),引起六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our ski

12、n.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: What is the underlying reason for doing this journey?B: To explore a new region of the country.underlyinga. 含蓄的,潜在的六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did

13、he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Philip always

14、 undermines my opinions.B: Dont worry, he is just trying to start an argument.underminevt. 1。暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;2。侵蚀的基础六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen w

15、hen you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Even my underwear got wet in the rain.B: That must have been a heavy shower.underwearn. 衬衣,内衣六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultima

16、tum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Doctor, do I really need to undress ?B: Well, I need to examine your back.u

17、ndressvi. 脱衣服vt. 除去的衣服n. 裸体(或半裸体)的状态六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实

18、浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: There is a high rate of unemployment in my region.B: But I hear that it is not as bad as last year.unemploymentn. 失业,失业人数六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is

19、harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Havent you finished the book yet?B: No, the plot is just unfolding .unfoldvi 1。展开,打开;2。显露,展现vt. 展开,打开六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A:

20、Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Lets all

21、sing a song.B: Do you think that will help to unify our group?unifyvt. 1。使联合,统一;2。使相同,使一致六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in th

22、e sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Gavin unleashed some nasty comments at me.B: Dont mind him, he is always rude.unleashvt. 1。发泄,发出;2。解带子放开六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultim

23、atumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Did you hear the latest news?B: No, can you update me on the details?updatevt. 更新,使现代

24、化n. 最新信息六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹

25、笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: You always stick to your word.B: Yes, I like to uphold my principles.upholdvt. 支持,维护,赞成,认可六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen wh

26、en you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: There was an uprising in my country in the 1920s.B: Was that when you declared an independent nation?uprisingn. 起义,暴动六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No,

27、he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: There will be uproar if my homework is not submitted

28、 in time.B: Oh, but you are usually such a good student.uproarn. 吵闹,喧嚣,骚乱六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultraviole

29、ta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I heard that some toxic uranium was dumped into the sea.B: Yes, it is shocking news.uraniumn. 铀六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviole

30、t light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: There is a terrible smell of urine in this room.B: I agree, but I dont know where it is coming from.urinen. 尿六

31、级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫

32、悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: The usher directed me to the wrong seat.B: Oh, I think that he has just started the job.ushern. 引座员,招待员,迎宾员vt. 1。引,领,陪同;2。预报(的来到),宣告;3,创始,开辟六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our ski

33、n.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Can we make this dish for dinner tonight?B: No, I dont have the right cooking utensils .utensiln. 器皿,器具六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you

34、a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸V 六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he

35、 give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I have to an op

36、eration, a valve in my heart is broken.B: That sounds serious.valven. 1。阀,活门;2。(心脏的)瓣膜,(管乐器的)活瓣六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out

37、 in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: You have been looking into that mirror for half an hour.B: I am just practicing my vanity.vanityn. 1。自负,自大,虚荣;2。空虚,无用,无价值六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered

38、 me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Have you finished painting the door?B: Yes, now all it needs i

39、s a varnish.varnishn. 1。清漆,罩光漆,凡立水;2。光泽,光泽的表面vt. 1。给涂清漆,使光亮;2。粉饰,文饰,掩饰(over)六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravi

40、oleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Do you have a vase of the flowers?B: No, will this bottle do?vasen. 花瓶六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to

41、our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Where did you put the expensive diamond?B: I locked it in a vault in the bank for safe keeping.vaultn. 1。储藏室,金库,保险库;2。墓穴,教堂地下室;3。撑杆跳

42、;4。拱顶vt. 用手支撑跃过,撑杆跳过六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴

43、伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Would you like beef or chicken for dinner tonight?B: Neither, I am a vegetarian.vegetariann. 素食者,草食动物六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better

44、 wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Why are you covering your face with a veil?B: Because Im a Muslim and it is part of my religious practice.veiln. 1。面纱,面罩;2。遮盖物,掩饰物vt. 遮盖,掩饰draw a veil over 避

45、而不谈,隐瞒六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公

46、祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Did you give blood at the hospital?B: Yes, but the nurse had difficulty finding a vein.veinn. 1.静脉,血管; 2.叶脉; 3.纹理,纹路; 4.方式六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you

47、 better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Do you know what velocity the wind was yesterday?B: No, I didnt listen to the weather forecast.velocityn. 速度,速率六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a c

48、hoice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I wore a velvet dress to the

49、 dinner party.B: I am sure that you looked very elegant.velvetn. 天鹅绒, 丝线六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultraviolet

50、a. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: I finished my book with a vengeance.B: I am sure you are glad that it is finished now.vengeancen. 报仇, 报复, 复仇with a vengeance 猛烈地, 激烈地, 极度地六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no

51、 ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Sorry for screaming at you.B: Its OK. I understand that you just had

52、 to vent your anger.ventn. 1.通风口,排放口; (衣服底部的)开衩vt. 表达,发泄(情感等)give vent to 表达,发泄(感情等)六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun

53、.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Can we open a window to ventilate the room?B: Sorry, but the window is jammed.ventilatevt. 1.使通风; 2.把.公开, 公开讨论六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ulti

54、matumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: My boss always shouts verbal abuse at me.B: Is there anything that you can do about

55、it?verbala. 1.口头的; 2.用言辞的, 用文字的; 3.动词的六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件

56、掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Has a verdict been reached in the case?B: Yes, the man was found guilty.verdict n. 1.裁定; 2.定论, 判断性意见六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin

57、.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Our car nearly skidded over the verge of the cliff.B: You were lucky that you were able to stop in time.vergen. 边,边缘vi. (on) 接近,濒临on the ver

58、ge of 接近于,濒临于六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕

59、锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Do you know the next verse of the poem?B: No, I have a terrible memory.versen. 诗,诗句六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when

60、 you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: What countries were playing in the match?B: It was France versus Holland.versusprep. 1.以为对手, 对; 2.与相对, 与相比之下六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered

61、me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Im cold!B: You are not wearing enough clothing. Here is a vest

62、to keep you warmvestn. 背心,马甲, (无袖的)防护衣vt (in) 授予,赋予, 给予(权力,财力等)六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A:

63、 Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Did the law get passed by the government?B: No, it was vetoed at an early stage.vetovt./ n. 否决六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is

64、harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: Are there any hospitals in your vicinity?B: No, the nearest one is an hour away.vicinityn. 周围地区,临近地区in the vicinity (of)

65、(在)附近, (与)接近六级单词解析造句记忆UVWYZU A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the sun.ultravioleta. 紫外线的A: Were y混滇哦敲市嚼七杜淡下田仍歇锭检筹轩件掩实浓惠榷龙耗红核运蹲沂残柴老袍景朴伦休琵肇蚀续呕锹榜懈投丹笆公祟泉袖洁珊猿苫悟汰辑员窍揪卸A: That dog looks vicious.B: Oh. he wont bite. H

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