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1、工程硕士士英语试试卷姓名:年年级:专业:成绩:I. CChooose thee beest ansswerr:(每题1分,共20分) 1-566-10011-15 116-220 II. Commpleete thee foolloowinng ssenttencces witth tthe misssinng pprepposiitioons or advverbbs: (每题11.5分分,共15分)1 22 3 4 55 6 77 8 9 100 III. Reeadiing commpreehennsioon: (每题2分,共20分)1 A B CC D 22 A B CC D 33 A

2、 B CC D 44 A B CC D 5 AA B C DD6A BB C D 7 A B CC D 88 A B CC D 99 A B CC D 10 AA B C DDIV. Traansllatiionss (共30分) VII WWrittingg (共15分)My jjob工程硕士士英语试试卷姓名:年年级:专业:成绩:I.Chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer:20%1. TThiss maan _ to telll aa liie.a. wwas nevver knoown b. haas nneveer kk

3、nowwnc. wwilll neeverr knnow dd. iis nneveer kknowwn2. TThe chiildrren _ mmanyy tiimess noot tto ggo nnear tthe strreett.a. hhavee toold bb. ttoldd cc. hhavee beeen tolld d. werre bbeinng ttoldd3. TThe neww tyype of commputter is goiing to _ thhe mmontth aafteer nnextt.a. tturnn ouut b. bee tuurneed

4、 oout c. wiill be turrn oout d. wiill turrn oout4. AAfteer tthe synntheeticc _, enggineeerss haad aa beetteer cchoiice forr maaterrialls ffor connstrructtionn. aa. hhad beeen ddeveelopped bb. hhad devveloopedd cc. ttobee deevellopeed dd. bbeinng ddeveelopped5. AAfteer bbeinng ttestted in manny wways

5、s, tthiss neewlyy-deesiggnedd maachiine willl _ in thee neear futturee. aa. bbe ttakeen aactiion bb. ccomee too usse c. be putt innto usee dd. ttakee itts pplacce6. HHe oofteen vvisiitedd thhe ggraiin mmilll off Peeterr, _ to expperiimennt wwithh neew tthinngs. aa. tthatt liikess b. whoom llikeed c.

6、 whoo liikedd dd. wwhicch llikeed7.Shhe ffounnd aa pllacee inn thhe bbuilldinng _sshe useed aas herr fiirstt laaborratoory. a. whiich b. wheere cc. iin wwhicch d. whhen 8. DDo yyou knoow tthe exaact timme _ thhe mmeettingg wiill beggin?a. wwhicch b. whhen cc. wwhy dd. aas9. SShe wanntedd too jooin t

7、hee grroupp off meen _ wass too exxploore thee myysteeriees oof tthe mouutaiins.a. ttheiir wworkk bb. wwho worrk c. whoo dd. wwhosse wworkk10. Thiis iis tthe reaasonn _ aan aairpplanne ccant ffly in spaace. a. forr thhat bb. wwhicch c. whyy dd. wwherre11. He wallkedd innto thee reesraauraant _ itt h

8、aad bbeloongeed tto hhim.a. llikee b. as if cc. sso tthatt d. if12. Dont eeat thaat ffruiit_ it is rippe.a. uunleess b. inn caase c. iff d. so thaat13. I ddont tthinnk iitll raiin, butt Ill takke aan uumbrrellla _ it doees.a. bbefoore b. inn caase c. unnlesss d. as if14. Shee feelt verry ssillly _ e

9、veeryoone lauugheed aat hher queestiion. aa. aafteer b. befforee c. wheen d. as sooon aas15. He inssureed hhis carr _ hhe hhad an acccideent. aa. uunleess b. iff c. in casse d. sinnce16. Manny ppeopple favvourr _ mmoree nuucleear powwer plaant.a. tto bbuilld b. buiilt c. buuildd dd. bbuilldinng17. P

10、roofesssorr Smmithh _ abboutt hiim aand he preetenndedd noot tto mmindd.a. hhearr thhe sstuddentts tto ttalkk b. heaard thee taalk by thee sttudeentssc. hhearrd tthe stuudennts tallkinng d. heaard thee sttudeens tallkedd18. _tto tthe offficee waas vveryy sllow thiis mmornningg beecauuse of thee trra

11、fffic .a. TTo ddrivve b. Driivinngc. BBeinng ddrivven d. I ddrovve19. I wwoulld aapprreciiatee _ itt a seccrett beetweeen us.a. yyou to keeep b. thaat yyou wouuld keeepc. yyourr keeepiing d. thhat youu arre kkeeppingg20. Thee dooctoor hhas diffficcultty_ thhis inffecttionn. aa. iin ttreaatinng b. to

12、 treeat c. foor ttreaatinng d. beeingg trreattinggII. Commpleete thee foolloowinng ssenttencces witth aa prrepoosittionns oor aadveerbss: 115%1. The devellopiing couuntrriess haave to commpette_ tthe devveloopedd foor wworlld mmarkket.2. It iis aalwaays verry ddiffficuult to havve tthiss grroupp off

13、 peeoplle tto bbe _ thhe ssamee miind.3. At tthatt tiime, thhe UUnitted Staatess haad aa huuge tecchollogiicall leead _ alll oof tthe resst iin tthe worrld.4. Finaallyy, _ thhe ggradduatte lleveel, Jammes reccognnizeed hhis ow vallue.5. It iis oot rrighht tto sshifft tthe blaame _ aanyooe eelsee.6.

14、If ootheer mmeanns ffaill, wwe sshalll rresoort _ fforcce.7. Ray wennt oout, leeaviing thee dooor _ thhe llatcch.8. Poliice aree keeepiing thee arrea_ coonsttantt suurveeilllancce.9. Crueel eexpeerimmentts oon aanimmalss arre ccarrriedd ouut _ thee naame of sciiencce.10. Theyyve hadd teechnnicaal pp

15、robblemms_ aany ratte tthatts wwhatt thhey tolld mme.III. Reeadiing commpreehennsioon: 20%Passsagee 1:A cconssumeer wwalkks iintoo a stoore. Hee sttandds iin ffronnt oof hhunddredds oof bboxees oof llanuundrry ddeteergeent. Hee chhoosses onee brrandd, ppayss foor iit, andd leeavees. Whyy dooes he pi

16、cck tthatt sppeciificc kiind of soaap? Is it truuly bettterr thhan thee ottherrs? PProbbablly nnot. Thhesee daays, maany prooduccts aree neearlly iidennticcal to onee annothher in quaalitty aand priice. Iff prroduuctss arre aalmoost thee saame, whhat makkes connsummerss buuy oone braand inssteaad oo

17、f aanottherr? AAlthhouggh wwe mmighht nnot likke tto aadmiit iit, commmerrialls oon tteleevissionn annd aadveertiisemmentts iin mmagaazinnes proobally iinflluennce us mucch mmoree thhan we thiink theey ddo. AAdveertiisinng iingoormss coonsuumerrs aabouut nnew prooduccts avaailaablee onn thhe mmarkke

18、t. Itt giivess uss innforrmattionn abboutt evveryythiing froom sshammpooo too tooothhpasste to commputterss annd ccarss. BBut theere is onee prrobllem witth uus. Thee“infformmatiion” iss acctuaallyy veery oftten missinfformmatiion. Itt teellss uss thhe pprodductts beenfiits butt hiidess thheirr diia

19、dvvanttaess. AAdveertiisinng nnot onlly lleadds uus tto bbuy thiingss thhat we donnt nneedd annd ccant aaffoord, buut aalsoo coonfuusess ouur ssensse oof rreallityy.“Zooom ttootthpaastee prreveentss caavittiess annd ggivees yyu wwhitte tteetth!” thhe aadveertiisemmentt teellss uss. BBut it doeesnt t

20、telll uss thhe ccompplette ttrutth: thaat aa heealtthy dieet aand a ggoodd tooothhbruush willl hhavee thhe ssamee efffecct. AAdveertiiserrs uuse manny mmethhodss too geet uus tto bbuy theeir prooduccts. Onne oof ttheiir mmostt suucesssfuul sshoww uss whho wwe aarennt annd wwhatt wee doont hhavee. OO

21、ur teeeth areent wwhitte eenouugh. Ouur hhairr issnt sshinny eenouugh ourr cllothhes areent ccleaan eenouugh. Addverrtissemeentss maake us afrraidd thhat peooplee woont llikee uss iff wee doont uuse thee addverrtissed prooduccts.“Whyy doont II haave anyy daatess?” ann atttraactiive youung womman sad

22、dly askks iin aa coommeerciial.“Herre,” reepliies herr rooommmatee,“tryy Zooom tooothppastte!” off cooursse sshe triies it, annd iimmeediaatelly tthe whoole foootbaall teaam ffallls iin llivee wiith herr.“Thaats aa sttupiid ccommmercciall,” wee miightt saay. Butt wee sttilll buuy ZZoomm tooothhpasst

23、e outt off beeingg unnpoppulaar aand havvingg noo frriennds. Iff feear is thee neegattivee mootivve ffor buyyingg a prooducct, theen wwanttingg a goood iimagge iis tthe possitiive reaasonn foor cchooosinng iit. Eacch oof uus hhas a mmenttal piccturre oof tthe kinnd oof ppersson we wouuld likke tto b

24、be. Forr exxampple, a moddernn yooungg woomann miightt liike to thiink thaat sshe loooks likke aa beeauttifuul mmoviie sstarr. AA miiddlle-aagedd maan mmighht wwantt too seee hhimsselff ass a strrongg atttraactiive athhlette. Advverttiseers knoow tthiss. TTheyy wrritee sppeciificc adds tto mmakee ce

25、ertaain grooupss off peeoplle cchooose theeir prooducct. Twoo peeoplle mmay chooosee diiffeerennt bbrannds of tooothppastte wwithh thhe iidennticcal priice, ammounnt, andd quualiity; waach perrsonn beelieevess thhat he or shee iss exxpreessiing hiss peersoonallityy byy chhoossingg thhat braand. AAdv

26、eertiiserrs gget psyychoologgistts tto sstuffy tthe wayy coonsuumerrs tthinnk aand theeir reaasonns ffor chooosiing onee brrandd innsteead of anootheer. Theese exppertts ttelll addverrtisserss abboutt thhe mmotiivess off feear andd seelf-imaage. Thhey alsso iinfoorm theem aabouut rreceent stuudiees

27、wwithh coolorrs aand worrds. Pssychholoogissts hevve ffounnd tthatt ceertaain collorss onn thhe ppackkagee off ann atttraactiive prooducct wwilll caausee peeoplle tto rreacch oout andd taake thaat ppackkagee innsteead of buyyingg ann iddentticaal pprodductt wiith diffferrentt doolorrs. Alsso, cerrta

28、iin wwordds aattrractt ouur aatteentiion. Foor eexammplee, tthe worrds“new”,“impprovve,”“natturaal,” annd“giaant sizze” arre vveryy poopullar andd seeem to draaw oour eyees aand hannds towwardd thhe ppackkagee. MManyy peeoplle bbeliievee thhat advverttisiing doees nnot afffectt thhem. Thhey feeel tt

29、hatt thhe hhavee frreeddom of chooicee, aand theey llikee too thhinkk thhey makke wwisee chhoicces. Unnforrtunnateely, thhey proobabbly donnt rreallizee tthe powwerfful efffectt off addverrtissingg. TTheyy maay nnot cleearlly uundrrstaand thaat aadveertiiserrs sspennd bbilllionns oof ddolllarss eaac

30、h yeaar iin aaggrresssivee coompeetittionn foor oour monney, annd ttheyy arre eextrremeely succcesssfuul. Do youu beelieeve thaat aads donnt iinflluennce youur cchoiice of prooduccts? Juust loook aat tthe braandss inn yoour kittcheen aand batthrooom.1. AAdveertiisinng_.A. iinfoormss uss evveryythiin

31、g aboout somme pprodductts. B. doeesnt iinflluennce us verry mmuchh.C. iis aalwaays stuupidd. D. doeesnt aalwaays telll uus eeverrythhingg abboutt a prooducct.2. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss NOOT tthe reaasonn foor aa peersoon tto bbuy a pprodductt?A. HHe oor sshe is sattisffiedd wiith himmsell

32、f oor hhersselff.B. HHe oor sshe hass thhe nneedd foor aa goood sellf-iimagge.C. TThe collorss onn thhe ppackkagee.D. CCerttainn woordss onn thhe ppackkagee.3. AAdveertiiserrs _ too maake us buyy prroduuctss.A. eemplloy verry llow priicess B. gett innforrmattionn frrom psyychoologgisttsC trry tto mm

33、akee uss feeel goood D. neeed to usee beetteer ppackkagee4. PPsycchollogiistss teell advverttiseers_.A. wwhicch bbrannds of tooothppastte tto pprodducee B. to stoop iinflluenncinng sshoppperrsC. aabouut ppeopples mmotiivess foor bbuyiingD. hhow mucch mmoneey tto sspennd oon tteleevissionn coommeerci

34、ialss5. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss trrue acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee?A. aadveertiisinng iinflluenncess uss too buuy oone kinnd oof pprodductt innsteead of anootheer.B.“TThe psyychoologgy oof sselllingg” iss ann immporrtannt ccourrse in manny bbusiinesss ccolllegees.C. IIf yyou usee Zooom

35、 tooothppastte ttherre wwilll bee noo moore proobleems in youur llifee.D. AAdveertiisemmentts aalwaays prooviddes us witth iimpoortaant inffrommatiion aboout prooduccts.Passsagee 2:Altthouugh thee poossiibillityy off liivinng aa loong andd haappyy liife nowwadaays is greeateer tthann evver befforee,

36、 eeverry dday we wittnesss tthe inccreddiblle kkilllingg onn thhe rroadds. Mann veersuus tthe mottorccar! Itt iss a nevver enddingg baattlle wwhicch mman is lossingg .It hhas beeen rrighhtlyy saaid thaat wwhenn a mann iss siittiing behhindd a steeeriing wheeel, hiis ccar beccomees tthe exttenssionn

37、off hiis pperssonaalitty, whiich oftten unddoubbteddly briingss ouut aa maans vveryy woorstt quualiitiees. Norrmallly quiiet andd plleassantt peeoplle mmay beccomee unnreccognnizaablee whhen theey aare behhindd a steeeriing wheeel. Thhey sweear; thhey aree illl-mmannnereed aand agggresssivve, willlf

38、uul aas ttwo-yeaar-ooldss annd uutteerlyy seelfiish. Alll ttheiir hhiddden fruustrratiionss, ddisaappoointtmennts andd jeealoousiies seeem tto bbe bbrouughtt tto tthe surrfacce bby tthe actt off drriviing .The surrpriisinng tthinng iis tthatt soocieety smiiless onn thhe mmotoorisst aand seeems to to

39、lleraate hiss beehavviorr. EEverrythhingg iss doone forr hiis cconvveniiencce . Ciitiees aare allloweed tto bbecoome almmostt unninhhabiitabble beccausse oof hheavvy ttraffficc; ttownns aare madde uuglyy byy huuge carr paarkss; aand thee maass annnuall deeathh beecommes notthinng mmoree thhan a ssta

40、ttisttic, too bee coonveenieentlly fforggottten . It iis hhighh tiime a wworlld ccodee weere creeateed tto rreduuce thiis ssensseleess wasste of humman liffe. Witth rregaard to driivinng, thee laaws of somme ccounntriies aree exxtreemelly lloosse aand eveen tthe strricttestt arre nnot strrictt ennou

41、ggh. A ccodee whhichh waas uunivverssallly aacceepteed ccoulld oonlyy haave a ddrammatiicallly bennefiiciaal eeffeect on thee accciddentt raate .Heree arre aa feew eexammplees tthatt miightt bee doone. Thhe ddrivvingg teest shoouldd bee sttanddarddizeed aand madde ffar morre ddiffficuult thaan iit i

42、is ; alll tthe driiverrs sshouuld be madde tto ttakee a tesst eeverry tthreee yyearrs oor sso ; thhe aage at whiich youung peooplee arre aalloowedd too drrivee anny vvehiiclee shhoulld bbe rraissed to at leaast 21; alll vvehiiclees sshouuld be putt thhrouugh annnuall teestss foor ssafeety. Prreseent

43、 driinkiing andd drriviing lawws sshouuld be madde mmuchh sttriccterr. MMaxiimumm annd mminiimumm sppeedd liimitts sshouuld be impposeed oon aall roaads. Gooverrnmeentss shhoulld llay dowwn ssafeety speecifficaatioons forr maanuffacttureers, ass haas bbeenn doone in thee U.S.AA. Alll addverrtissingg

44、 sttresssinng ppoweer aand perrforrmannce shoouldd bee baanneed, Theese meaasurres mayy sooundd teerriiblyy haarshh. BBut remmembber: thhe wworlld iis ffor humman beiingss, nnot mottorccarss.6.Thhe mmainn iddea of thiis ppasssagee iss _.A. ttraffficc accciddentts aare maiinly cauusedd byy mootorrist

45、ts B. tthouusannds of peooplee thhe wworlld ooverr arre kkillled eacch yyearr C. tthe lawws oof ssomee coounttriees aabouut ddrivvingg arre ttoo looose D. sstriicteer ttraffficc laaws shoouldd bee maade to preevennt aacciidennts7. WWhatt dooes thee auuthoor tthinnk iis ssociietyys aattiitudde ttowaa

46、rd mottoriistss ?A. SSociietyy laaughhs aat mmotoorissts. B. Soccietty ttoleerattes theeir rudde ddrivvingg.A. Sociietyy immposses a llot of resstriictiionss onn mootorristts. D. SSociietyy enncouuragges mottoriistss too beehavve tthemmsellvess8.Whhat doees tthe autthorr meean wheen hhe ssayss“hiss

47、caar bbecoomess thhe eexteensiion of hiss peersoonallityy”(Liine 1-22 , Parra.22 ) ?A. DDrivvingg caan sshoww hiis rreall seelf. B. DDrivvingg caan sshoww thhe bbestt paart of hiss peersoonallityy.C. DDrivvingg caan bbrinng oout hiss chharaacteers. D. HHis carr onnly dissplaays thee daark sidde oof

48、hhis temmperr.9.Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is NOTT meentiioneed aas aa waay aagaiinstt trrafffic acccideentss?A. TTesttingg drriveers eveery thrree yeaars. B. Makkingg sttriccterr drriviing tessts.A. Builldinng mmoree hiighwwayss. D. RRaissingg agge llimiit aand layyingg doown saffetyy sppeciific

49、catiionss.10.TThe atttituude of thee auuthoor iin tthiss paassaage is _.A. iironnicaal B. crritiicall C. apppeallingg D. inndiffferrenttIV. Traansllatiionss: 330%Secttionn A: Enngliish to Chiinesse: 20%1. The iroony is thaat cchilldreen sstarrt oout as natturaal sscieentiistss, iinsttincctivvelyyeag

50、ger to invvesttigaate thee woorldd arrounnd tthemm.2. Scieencee iss noot jjustt faactss buut tthe meaaninng tthatt peeoplle ggivee too thhembby wweavvingg innforrmattionn innto a sstorry aabouut hhow natturee prrobaablyy opprattes.3. Studdiess ovver thee paast thrree deccadees hhavee shhouwwn tthatt

51、, aafteer aaskiing a qquesstioon, aduultss tyypiccallly wwaitt onnly onee seeconnd oor llesss foor aa reespoonseeno timme ffor a cchilld tto tthinnk.4. Instteadd off deepenndinng oon llarggelyy innefffecttivee laaws agaainsst iilleegall huuntiing, itt giivess loocall peeoplle aa goood ecoonommic rea

52、asonn too prreseervee pllantts aand aniimalls.5. Susttainnablle mmanaagemmentt off fooressts reqquirres conntrools on thee nuumbeer oof ttreees wwhicch aare cutt doown, ass weell as invvesttmennt iin rrepllaciing theem.Secttionn B: Chhinssesee too Enngliish: 100%6. 完成这项项工作至至少需要要10人。7. 我们的目目的是通通过英语语考

53、试。8. 她还有许许多作业业要做,所所以她不不能同你你去舞会会。9. 为了实现现这一目目标,我我们必须须努力工工作。10. 我叫他打打扫房间间。V. WWrittingg taask: 155%Writte aabouut 1120 worrds on thee toopicc“My jobb”. TTry to covver thee foolloowinng ppoinnts:1. whatt joob yyou do;2. whatt itt taakess too suucceeed on youur jjob; annd3. whatt yoou hhavee gaaineed ffromm yoour jobb.

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