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1、自然 NATURENature系列期刊投稿指南1、自然系列期刊对作者的承诺(保证)自然系列期刊的编辑努力为作者提供高效、公正和充满关切的投稿、同行评议及发表经历。作者期望被接受发表的投稿都是经过同行以最严格的专业标准进行过评审,他们也希望编辑是根据其提供深刻和有益分析的能力来挑选同行评审的专家。编辑在选择自然期刊的内容需要权衡诸多因素,但他们会在尽可能保持最高决策质量的前提下努力减少做出决定的时间。经过评审后,编辑会努力提高一篇论文的可读性,因此对读者来说,通过建议和对文章的编辑,所有的研究工作都将这样的形式呈现,即对领域内专家来说它是易读的,对直接领域外的科学家来说它是可以理解的。通过我们的


3、自然杂志发表在某一学科内具有高最影响、其它领域的科学家也会感兴趣的研究工作;8种学术期刊的名称是根据其报道领域命名的,它们都发表在其领域中质量最高、影响力显著的论文,这8种期刊的名称分别是:自然生物技术、自然细胞生物学、自然遗传学、自然免疫学、自然材料学、自然医学、自然方法学、自然结构和分子生物学(自然杂志的主页有它们的直接链接)。所有的这些期刊都是国际性的,它们在美国、英国和日本出版和印刷。点击这里可获得更多这些期刊间相互关系的信息。 自然杂志和自然系列月刊的影响因子位居世界影响因子最高的期刊之列。每种期刊的影响因子都在可以其期刊的主页上找到。期刊的崇高声望让作者受益良多,但也意味着论文发表

4、的竞争异常激烈,因此有许多投稿未经同行评审就被拒绝。 自然系列期刊与绝大多数其它期刊的不同之处在于它们均没有编辑委员会,取而代之的是,论文是否出版是由具备深厚专业背景的编辑在与科学界作广泛的商议后决定的。这篇文章只是为您提供这些非凡期刊的常规编辑过程。虽然所有的期刊都基本相似且有共同的编辑方针(3、编辑过程下面的部分概述了期刊的编辑过程,描述了编辑在投稿和发表过程中是怎样如何处理稿件的。您可以通过进入在线投稿系统了解这一过程中的每一个步骤,并了解您的稿件的状态。4、投稿前询问在将论文全文投稿前,研究人员也许可以从编辑处获得非正式的反馈信息。这种服务的目的是节省您的时间如果编辑认为论文不适合发表




8、虑您的要求排除一定数量的指定姓名科学家作为审稿人。8、决定和修订订后它又会怎么样地好。在收到所有审稿人的意见后,编辑会在编辑之间讨论这份投稿,然后再给作者写信。在这封信中,编辑或是拒绝发表您的论文,或是建议您修改后重投,或者说论文不需要进一步的修改就可发表。如果编辑建议您修改论文,他或她会提供特别的建议,并在信中陈述这种修改是大改还是小改,以及是否会与审稿人进一步讨论您再投的修改稿件。9、接受以后 您的论文被接受以后,文件编辑(或副编辑)会对这篇论文做出版前的准备,他们会对文章进行推敲、润色,以便文字和图具有可读性,对直接领域外的读者来说也是清晰明白的,并且让论文符合期刊的风格。文件编辑将为英

9、语为非母语的作者提供建议,并且在编辑这些论文时特别小心。10、出版后所有的论文都会在印刷版本的形式出版,在期刊的网站上以PDF和HTML格式全文刊登。如果编辑和审稿人认为补充信息对于论文的结论至关重要(比如大的数据表格或有关一种方法的详细信息),而且许多专家对此的兴趣甚于论文的其它部分,那么补充信息将随同论文一同在电子网络版发表。许多链接和导航服务会提供给自然系列期刊以在线形(HTML)出版的所有论文。 我们的新闻发布服务将包括所有论文和通讯作者的详细联系方式,这意味着您的工作会引起世界上所有主流媒体机构的关注,他们也许会选择在报纸或其它媒体中对您的工作进行特别报道。部分论文会在自然杂志、自然


11、的论文被拒绝了您就将论文投交到别处,而不要将时间花在与编辑进一步的交流上。(信息来源:附:Nature系列期刊投稿指南(英文)Nature journal pledge to authors Editors of the Nature journals strive to provide authors with an outstandingly efficient, fair and thoughtful submission, peer review and publishing experience. Authors can expect all manuscripts that are

12、 published to be scrutinized for peer-review with the utmost professional rigor and care by expert referees who are selected by the editors for their ability to provide incisive and useful analysis. Editors weigh many factors when choosing content for Nature journals, but they strive to minimize the

13、 time taken to make decisions about publication while maintaining the highest possible quality of that decision. After review, editors strive to increase a papers readability, and thereby its audience, through advice and editing, so that all research is presented in a form that is both readable to t

14、hose in the field and understandable to scientists outside the immediate discipline. Research is published online without delay through our advance online publication system. Nature journals provide more than 3,000 registered journalists with weekly press releases that mention all research papers to

15、 be published. About 800,000 registered users receive e-mailed tables of contents, and many papers are highlighted for the nonspecialist reader on the journals homepage, contents pages and in News and Views.Throughout this process, the editors of Nature journals uphold editorial, ethical and scienti

16、fic standards according to the policies outlined on our journal websites. We periodically review those policies to ensure that they continue to reflect the needs of the scientific community.How to publish your research in a Nature journal The Nature journals comprise the weekly, multidisciplinary Na

17、ture, which publishes research of the highest influence within a discipline that will be of interest to scientists in other fields, and eight monthly titles, publishing papers of the highest quality and of exceptional impact in the disciplines indicated by their titles: Nature Biotechnology, Nature

18、Chemical Biology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Genetics, Nature Immunology, Nature Materials, Nature Medicine, Nature Methods, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. All these journals are international, being published and printed in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. See here for more

19、 information about the relationship between these journals.Nature and the Nature monthly journals have impact factors that are among the highest in the world. The impact factor for each journal can be found via its home page. The high prestige of these journals brings many rewards to their authors,

20、but also means that competition for publication is severe, so many submissions have to be declined without peer-review. The Nature journals differ from most other journals in that they do not have editorial boards, but instead are run by professional editors who consult widely among the scientific c

21、ommunity in making decisions about publication of papers. This article is to provide you with an overview of the general editorial processes of these unique journals. Although the journals are broadly similar and share editorial policies, all authors need to consult the Guide to Authors of the speci

22、fic Nature journal before submitting, to obtain detailed information on criteria for publication and manuscript preparation for that journal, as some differences exist.EDITORIAL PROCESS The following sections summarise the journals editorial processes and describe how manuscripts are handled by edit

23、ors between submission and publication. At all stages of the process, you can access the online submission system and find the status of your manuscript.Presubmission enquiries Researchers may obtain informal feedback from editors before submitting the whole paper. This service is intended to save y

24、ou time if the editors feel it would not be suitable, you can submit the manuscript to another journal without delay. If you wish to use the presubmission enquiry service, please use the online system of the journal of your choice to send a paragraph explaining the importance of your paper, as well

25、as the abstract or summary paragraph with its associated citation list so the editors may judge the paper in relation to other related work. The editors will quickly either invite you to submit the whole manuscript (which does not mean any commitment to publication), or will say that it is not suita

26、ble for the journal. If you receive a negative response, please do not reply. If you are convinced of the importance of your paper despite editors reservations, you may submit the whole manuscript using the journals online submission system. The editors can then make a more complete assessment of yo

27、ur work. Initial submission When you are ready to submit the paper, please use the online submission system for the journal concerned. When the journal receives your manuscript, it will be assigned a number and an editor, who reads the paper, seeks informal advice from scientific advisors and editor

28、ial colleagues, and compares your submission to other recently published papers in the field. If the paper seems novel and arresting, and the work described has both immediate and far-reaching implications, the editor will send it out for peer-review, usually to two or three independent specialists.

29、 However, because the journals can publish only a very few of the papers in the field or subfield concerned, many papers have to be declined without peer-review even though they may describe solid scientific results. Transfers between Nature journals In some cases, an editor is unable to offer publi

30、cation, but might suggest that the manuscript is more suitable for one of the other Nature journals. If you wish to resubmit your manuscript to the suggested journal, you can simply follow the link provided by the editor to transfer your manuscript and the reviewers comments to the new journal. This

31、 process is entirely in your control: you can choose not to use this service and instead to submit your manuscript to any other Nature or Nature Publishing Group journal, with or without including the reviewers comments if you wish, using the journals usual online submission service.Peer Review The

32、corresponding author is notified by e-mail when an editor decides to send a paper for review. The editors choose referees for their independence, ability to evaluate the technical aspects of the paper fully and fairly, whether they are currently or recently assessing related submissions, and whether

33、 they can review the manuscript within the short time requested.You may suggest referees for your paper (including address details), so long as they are independent scientists. These suggestions are often helpful, although they are not always followed. Editors will honour your requests to exclude a

34、limited number of named scientists as reviewers.Decisions and Revisions When making a decision about publication in the light of reviewers comments, editors consider not only how good the paper is now, but also how good it might become after revision. When all the reviewers comments have been receiv

35、ed, the editors discuss a manuscript among themselves and then write to the author. In this letter, the editor will either decline to publish your paper, or suggest that you revise it for resubmission, or offer to publish it without further revision. If the editor suggests revising your paper, he or

36、 she will provide specific suggestions, will state in the letter whether the revisions are major or minor, and whether further consultation with referees is likely when you resubmit the revised version. If the editor invites you to revise your manuscript, you should include with your resubmitted ver

37、sion a new cover letter that includes a point-by-point response to the reviewers and editors comments, including an explanation of how you have altered your manuscript in response to these. After acceptance Your accepted manuscript is prepared for publication by copy editors (subeditors), who refine

38、 it so that the text and figures are readable and clear to those outside the immediate field and the papers conform to house style. The copy editors will give advice to authors whose native language is not English, and will edit those papers with special care. After publication All papers are publis

39、hed in the print edition and, in PDF and HTML format, in the online edition of the journal, in full. Additional supplementary information is published with the online version of your paper if the editors and referees have judged that it is essential for the conclusions of the paper (for example, a l

40、arge table of data or the extra details of a method) but of more specialist interest than the rest of the paper. Many linking and navigational services are provided with the online (HTML) version of all papers published by the Nature journals. All papers and contact details of corresponding authors

41、are included in our press release service, which means that your work is drawn to the attention of all the main media organizations in the world, who may choose to feature the work in newspaper and other media reports. Some papers are summarized and highlighted within Nature and Nature Publishing Gr

42、oup publications and subject-specific websites.Journals published by Nature Publishing Group do not ask authors for copyright, but instead ask you to sign an exclusive publishing licence. This allows you to publish a PDF of your paper on your own or institutions website. Disagreements with decisions

43、 If a journals editors are unable to offer publication of a manuscript and have not invited resubmission, you are strongly advised to submit your paper for publication elsewhere. However, if you believe that the editors or reviewers have seriously misunderstood your paper, you may write to the edito

44、rs, explaining the scientific reasons why you believe the decision was incorrect. Please bear in mind that editors prioritise newly submitted manuscripts and manuscripts where resubmission has been invited, so it can take several weeks before letters of disagreement can be answered. During this time, you must not submit your manuscript elsewhere. In the interests of publishing your results without unnecessary delay, we therefore advise you to submit your paper elsewhere if it has been declined, rather than to spend time on corresponding further with the editors.6

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