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1、Module 5 Cloning二. 教学目标:本模块话题是“克隆”,阅读课文的第一部分介绍小说弗兰肯斯坦的故事梗概,第二部分是小说节选。 要求学生掌握相关词汇,培养相关语言技能。 (一)单词短语clone terrify wrinkled wing chase disgust emotion fiance murder refuse burn out breathe vein contrast with rush throw oneself on fear make a sound again and again nightmare gene identical beneficial by

2、mistake cure treatas imaginary head incredible nonsense acid bacteria embryo enzyme tissue organism stem cell upbringing genetic make-up genetics transparent twisting fundamental component pea procedure unzip a sequence of insert be identical to controversial valid optional reproduce exceptional con

3、tradictory vice virtue flexible compulsory regulation handy resist sow rot pest rely on biodiversity breed analyze suspect saliva spit fingernail code as follows sci-fi eccentric accompany knock out get out of control as far as we know absorb sample intact break down arise vice versa bring back to l

4、ife violence (二)重点单词短语terrify wrinkled wing chase disgust emotion fiancee murder refuse burn out breathe vein contrast with rush throw oneself on fear make a sound again and again beneficial by mistake cure treatas incredible nonsense upbringing make-up transparent twisting component a sequence of b

5、e identical to valid optional exceptional virtue regulation handy resist sow rely on breed analyze suspect as follows sci-fi accompany knock out get out of control as far as we know absorb sample break down arise bring back to life violence (三)语言要点归纳:1. In 1816,a nineteen-year-old Englishwoman calle

6、d Mary Shelley wrote a novel called Frankenstein.1816年,一位名叫玛丽舍利的年仅19岁的英国女士写了一本名叫弗兰肯斯坦的小说。该句中两个called短语都是过去分词作定语。(1)单个分词作定语前置,分词短语作定语则后置。如:a flying kite一个正在飞的风筝Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?你认识那个躺在大树下的男孩吗?(2)现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别:从逻辑意义上讲,现在分词与被修饰的词之间有主谓关系,可替换成主语语态的定语从句;过去分词则表示被动,可替换成被动语态的定语从

7、句。如:The girl sitting under that tree is my sister.坐在那棵树下的女孩是我妹妹。对比:The girl who is sitting under that tree is my sister.Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.被邀请参加聚会的艺术家大部分来自南非。对比:Most of the artists who were invited to the party were from South Africa.从时间概念上讲,现在分词作定语,表示动作正

8、在进行;而过去分词则表示动作已完成或没有一定的时间性。boiling water滚开的水boiled water开水falling leaves正在落下的叶子fallen leaves落叶a boy sitting on the left坐在左边的男孩a teacher respected by all受人尊敬的老师注意:如果作定语的动作和谓语动作有先有后,不能使用现在分词作定语,应使用定语从句。The teacher scolded the student breaking the window.()The teacher scolded the student who had broken

9、 the window.()老师批评了砸坏窗户的学生。做一做 练一练The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. having writtenB. to be written C. being writtenD. written 2. create v.创造,创建识同辨异create,discover与invent(1)create“创造,创建”,是指产生以前没有的东西,也可指精神上的东西。如:God created the world.上帝创造了

10、世界。Shakespeare created quite a number of characters in his plays.莎士比亚在他的戏剧中创造了大量的人物。(2)discover“发现”,是指发现原来存在而没有被人所知的东西。如:They dug up the road and discovered a box hidden under it.他们挖路时发现了一个盒子。(3)invent“发明”,是指发明原来不存在的新东西,往往是具体事物。Paper was invented in China.纸是中国发明的。It is well known that Thomas Edison

11、invented the electric lamp.众所周知,托马斯爱迪生发明了电灯。做一做 练一练Oil has been _ under the North Sea.A. invented B. found C. created D. discovered 3. make宾语宾补 make一词可搭配的宾语补足语有以下几种情况:(1)名词作宾补We have made him our monitor.我们推选他为班长。类似:make London the base使伦敦成为根据地;make her his wife使她成为他的妻子;make it a rule使之成为习惯;make oth

12、er peoples experience your own使别人的经验成为自己的(2)形容词作宾补The news of her death made us sad.她死亡的消息使我们悲伤。(3)介词短语作宾补 Please make yourself at home.请不要客气。(4)不带to的不定式They made me retell the story.他们要我重讲一遍这个故事。(5)过去分词作宾补The strange noise made the child frightened.奇怪的声音使孩子感到恐惧。(6)现在分词作宾补In harvest time,they made t

13、he tractors working all night long.收获季节他们让拖拉机整夜不停地工作。注意:作宾语的不定式短语或从句多用it作形式宾语,构成:make it形容词名词不定式从句。如:They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important job.他们想让公众清楚他们做的是一件重要的工作。He makes it a rule to take part in some physical labor though he is old.虽然年龄已大,他仍习惯于参加一些体力劳动。(7)makeoneself

14、p.p.,此结构中make作“使、令”解。make oneself understood使被理解;make oneself heard使被听见Her voice was so low that she couldnt make herself heard.她的声音太小,别人听不到她讲的话。Will you please make yourself known to us in English?请你用英语给我们作自我介绍,好吗?做一做 练一练She was quite angry because she was made _ for over an hour in his office this

15、 morning.A. waitingB. wait C. waited D. to wait 4. destroy vt. 毁灭,消灭 识同辨异 destroy,damage,harm,hurt,injure与wound(1)destroy毁灭,消灭,指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能或很难修复,有时可用于比喻意义。如:The earthquake destroyed the whole city.地震毁了整个城市。All her hopes were destroyed.她所有的希望都破灭了。(2)damage伤害,损害,主要指对价值和功能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般

16、还可修复。如: Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of the disease. 由于生病,她的心脏轻微受损。 They managed to repair the houses that had been damaged. 他们设法修复了受到破坏的房屋。 (3)harm伤害,损害,主要用于有生命的东西,偶尔也用于无生命的事物,常指伤及一个人或其健康、权利等。Smoking seriously harmed his health.吸烟严重损害了他的健康。They had their hearing harmed by the loud noi

17、se of machines.他们的听力被机器巨大的噪音所损害。(4)hurt指精神上或肉体上的“创伤、伤害”。用作不及物动词,是指“疼”,其过去分词不能作定语。如:His words hurt memy feelings.他的话伤了我我的感情。He fell and hurt his leg.他摔倒并弄伤了腿。My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.鞋太紧了,以致于使我的脚疼。(5)injure指因意外伤害事故造成的伤害,有危及功能发展之意。如:Several children were injured in the accident.好几个孩子在那次

18、事故中受伤。注意:the injured指因事故造成的“受伤者”。(6)wound一般指刀伤、枪伤、战场上受的伤,也可指感情的伤害。后跟的宾语是整个人而不是受伤的部位。另外,wound还可作名词。如:He got wounded in the battle.他在战斗中受伤。注意:the wounded表示“伤员”,wounded前也可用具体数字修饰。如:There were twenty wounded in the field hospital.野战医院里有20名伤员。wound还可用作名词,意为“伤,伤口”。She received a serious wound in the battl

19、e.战斗中她受了重伤。做一做 练一练What happened to the priceless works of art? _.A. They were destroyed in the earthquakeB. The earthquake was destroying them C. They destroyed in the earthquake D. The earthquake destroyed them5. regret v./n.遗憾,抱歉;悔恨 识同辨异 regret to doregret doing regret to do sth.表示“抱歉去做某事” regret

20、doing sth表示“后悔做了某事” regret forregret at(over) regret for后接v.-ing或what从句,表示“对自己的过失感到遗憾或后悔” regret atover后接n.或-ing,表示“对别人的行为感到遗憾。”I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed.我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。To my surprise,he said to me. “I only regret having taken the wrong job.”使我惊奇的是,他对我说:“我惟一后悔的是选错了工作。”He expre

21、ssed regret for what he had done.他对自己的所作所为感到后悔。We feel regret atover her absence.对她的缺席我们感到遗憾。做一做 练一练(1)I regret _ him a thief, but regret even more _ my watch.A. having called;his stealingB. to call;that he stole C. my calling;he stoleD. to call;him stealing(2)I feel _ her absence.A. regret atB. reg

22、rets at C. regret inD. regrets in 6. refer to参考;指的是;涉及。如:You can refer to your book when you are in the exam.考试时不能查阅书本。This is not the dictionary which I referred to.这不是我所指的那本词典。Dont refer to that problem again,please.请不要再提那个问题了。拓展(1)referto呈交;提交;归因于。如:You may refer the matter to him if necessary.必要

23、的话你可以把这件事委托给他。We refer our success to the Party.我们把成功归功于党。(2)refer toas把称为。如:English is referred to as a universal language.英语被称为世界语言。做一做 练一练(1)The novel only _ the causes of the war, but doesnt do justice to the influence of the terrible killings.A. refers toB. makes up C. leaves outD. takes on (2)

24、We all demanded the new type of machine _ put into use as soon as possible.A. refer toB. referred to beC. refer to be D. referring be 7. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter.还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样赋予无生命的东西生命的秘密。while studying at university是由while he is

25、studying at university省略而来。如: While waiting for the bus,she learned 10 English words by heart.等公共汽车时,她记住了10个英语单词。 识同辨异 while,when与as 这三个词都可用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,但有所不同。 (1)while的意思是“当的时候(at the time that)” “(某一段)时间里(during the time that)”,常表示一段长的时间或一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。注意:由while引导的从句中的动词必须是延续性

26、动词。 While we were in Paris,we saw him twice. 我们在巴黎的时候,见过他两次。 While I was writing letters last night,he was watching TV. 昨晚我在写信的时候,他在看电视。 (2)when的意思是“当(在)的时候(at the time that)”,既可指某一点时间,也可指一段时间。或者说由when引导的从句中的动词,既可是延续性的,又可是非延续性的。如: When the clock struck twelve, all the light went out. 钟敲十二下时,灯全都熄灭了。(

27、此句中when不能用while代替) When I went into the lab,the old scientist was doing an experiment. 当我走进实验室时,老科学家正在做实验。(此句中when不能用while代替) When I was at college,I went to the reading-room every day. 我上大学的时候,每天都到阅览室去。(此句中when可用while代替) (3)as的意思也是“当的时候”,常可与when或while通用,但它强调主句和从句中的动作或事情同时发生,因此,常作“一面一面”解。如: AsWhenWh

28、ile I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of number 37. 我沿着大街往前走的时候,注意到37号门前停着一辆警车。 The students sang as they went along. 学生们边走边唱歌。 注意: while和when也可引导现在分词短语,表示分词所表示的动作与谓语所表示的动作是同时发生的。 They talked,while pointing to the empty rooms. 他们指着那座空房子的时候,谈论着什么。 While waiting for the tra

29、in, I had a long talk with Jim. 在等火车的时候,我与吉姆谈了很长时间。While discussing the matter, many comrades got very excited.在讨论这件事时,很多同志非常激动。做一做 练一练She thought I was talking about her daughter, _ I was talking about my daughter.A. whomB. where C. which D. while8. so that,in order that与sothatsuchthat (1)so that,i

30、n order that多用于引导目的状语从句,且从句中的谓语前常伴有can,could,may,might等情态动词。 He spoke in a loud voice so that he could make himself heard. 他说话声音很大,以便让别人听见。 (2)sothat和suchthat多用来引导结果状语从句。但不同的是sothat中间须用形容词或副词(单数可数名词例外),suchthat中间须用名词形式。如: He got up so early that he got the first bus. 他起得很早,赶上了早班车。 He is so good a te

31、acher that he is loved by his students. 他是一个这样好的教师,学生们都很爱戴他。 They made such rapid progress that their teacher was very pleased. 他们取得了这样快的进步,老师非常高兴。 They are such good workers that we should learn from them. 他们是这样好的工人,我们应当向他们学习。做一做 练一练In order to make our city green, _.A. it is necessary to have plan

32、ted many treesB. many trees need to plantC. our city needs more trees D. we must plant more trees9. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time. 那是一个寒冷的十一月份的晚上,我第一次看到了我的“杰作”。 这个句子是个强调句,被强调部分是on a cold November night,英语中为了强调一个句子的某一成分,常用“It iswas被强调的成分thatwho(m)句子的其他部分”。使

33、用该结构时注意以下几点: (1)该结构可用来强调句中的主语、宾语、地点状语、时间状语以及原因状语等。除被强调部分指“人”时可用who(m)外,其他一般用that。如: I went to meet Mary at the airport this afternoon. 今天下午我去机场接玛丽了。 It was I thatwho went to meet Mary at the airport this afternoon. 今天下午是我去机场接的玛丽。(强调主语)It was Mary thatwhom I went to meet at the airport this afternoon

34、.今天下午我去机场接的是玛丽。(强调宾语)It was at the airport that(不用where)I went to meet Mary this afternoon.今天下午我是去机场接的玛丽。(强调地点状语)It was this afternoon that(不用when)I went to meet Mary at the airport.我是今天下午去机场接的玛丽。(强调时间状语)(2)若原句为否定句,则改为强调句型时应注意否定转移。如:Jack didnt catch the fish;instead,his brother did.It was not Jack t

35、hat caught the fish;it was his brother instead.Regular radio broadcasts didnt begin until 1920.It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.(3)强调主语时主语不发生变化,原谓语动词也不发生任何变化。It is I that am leaving for London next week.()It is me that am leaving for London next week.()It is I that is leavin

36、g for London next week.()(4)强调特殊疑问句、疑问词时,用下列结构:特殊疑问词(What,Where.)iswas is that?When was it that he picked up his French?他究竟是什么时候学会的法语?注意:该结构用作宾语从句时,要用陈述语序,即把be放在it之后。如:I cant remember where it was that I first met him.我记不起第一次见他是在什么地方了。 (5)定语从句与强调句在同一个句子中出现,这时应注意理清关系,防止理解有误。如:Can it be in the restaur

37、ant where you had dinner with me yesterday that you left behind your keys and wallet? (该句中where引导定语从句,修饰the restaurant)(6)区分定语从句与强调句的办法:把句中的it be,that,三词去掉,在不增加或减少任何单词的情况下,句子仍然能成立,则为强调句。否则,为定语从句。(7)该结构可用来强调从句,但不能强调since,as,although等引导的从句。He didnt come because he was ill.句It was because he was ill th

38、at the didnt come.(8)构成反意疑问句时,其附加问句的构成与原句无关。It was me that he blamed,wasnt it?()It was me that he blamed,didnt he?()做一做 练一练I cant remember _ I first met him.A. where it was thatB. it was where that C. where was D. where was that 【模拟试题】一. 单项选择1. I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The f

39、ood is terrible _A. Nor am IB. Neither would IC. Same with me D. So do I2. Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music. A. making herself hearB. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard3. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _she could turn for help. A. t

40、hatB. who C. from whomD. to whom4. Is this the reason _at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained5. I shall never forget these years _I lived in the country with the farmers, _has a great effect on my life. A. that;wh

41、ich B. when;which C. which;that D. when;who6. He was wearing a lot of clothes to _himself from the cold. A. protectB. prevent C. keepD. stop7. Your composition is well written _ a few spelling mistakes, his is also well written _ yours.A. except;except B. except for;besides C. besides;except D. exce

42、pt for;except8. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _I could answer the phone. A. asB. sinceC. beforeD. until9. He is a man of _and he had _interesting _in his life.A. much experience;a lot of;experience B. many experiences;much;experienceC. many experience;much:experie

43、nce D. many experience;a lot of;experience10. About 25,000 US troops. _Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. A. are uponB. were upon C. are forD. were for11. _I used to go mountain climbing every summer. A. At one timeB. At a timeC. At other timesD. At the times12. One good way to study well is to read what

44、 will be taught tomorrow.A. ahead timeB. in front of peopleC. in advanceD. at night13. I really dont want to go to die parry, but I dont see how I can _ it. A. get back fromB. get out of C. get awayD. get off14. Oh. it is you, I _ you. Ive just have my hair cut, and Im wearing dark glasses.A. didnt

45、recognizeB. hadnt recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize15. Is Mr. Smith well? _ so far as I know. He is still in hospital now. A. Im afraid notB. Yes, he isC. I hope soD. I think so二. 完型填空 In the desert a rich man met a group of Arabs. It was not long 16 they were all friends. The Arabs

46、offered him food. At night a fine tent was prepared for him. The rich man was so 17 that he pulled out ten gold bars from his bag to the Arabs. The next morning the rich man discovered his gold was 18 “Someone 19 it during the night,” he thought. When the chief of the Arabs heard that, he said, “My

47、friend, if someone here has taken your gold, he will give it back to you before the sun 20 this afternoon.” The chief told his men 21 had happened. “Ill 22 who the thief 23 us is.” he said, “ 24 of you must go to my tent and pull my donkeys 25 .You all know that my donkey is very wise. When a 26 tou

48、ches his tail, he will bray.” One by one the Arabs went into the chiefs tent, but when the last person 27 out, the donkey 28 had not brayed. Then the chief asked his men to open their hands. He smelled their hands. After he smelled the hands of the last one he shouted, “You are the thief. Go and 29

49、back our friends gold at once, 30 , Ill kill you!” 31 of losing his life, the man brought the gold to the rich man. The rich man was surprised. The chief told him, “I was 32 that the real thief dare not pull my donkeys tail, 33 I rubbed the tail 34 some strong-smelling oil. There was no 35 at all fr

50、om the thiefs hands.”16. A. before B. after C. since D. until17. A. nice B. afraid C. thankful D. anxious18. A. disappearing B. left C. losing D. gone19. A. must take B. must have taken C. could have taken D. might have taken20. A. rises B. gets C. sets D. falls21. A. what B. that C. it D. which22.

51、A. find out B. work out C. make23. A. of B. among C. for D. to24. A. Every B. Everyone C. Each D. Either25. A. head B. ear C. leg D. tail26. A. stranger B. man C. thief D. chief27. A. came B. gone C. rushed D. turned28. A. yet B. hardly C. still D. also29. A. hold B. bring C. carry D. take30. A. or

52、B. and C. then D. while31. A. Full B. Fear C. Afraid D. Frightened32. A. satisfied B. told C. lucky D. sure33. A. because B. for C. so D. since34. A. with B. by C. over D. without35. A. sign B. smell C. dirt D. oil三. 阅读理解 (A) In Britain in the 1890s there was a postcard “craze”. People formed clubs

53、and collected and exchanged postcards Even Queen Victoria had her own private collection. When Edward was the king, the British had a cheap and good postal system, If anyone wanted to tell a friend that they were coming for tea in the afternoon, they would send a postcard in the morning. “Drop me a

54、card” was as common then as “give me a ring” as now. In 1902 an important step was taken. The government said that haft of the side that was used for the address on the postcard could be used for messages, and the whole of the other side could be used for a picture. It was then that the simple postc

55、ard, as we know now, was created.36. In Britain in the 1890s,_. A. people were interested in sending cards B. people were interested in playing cards C. people were interested in collecting postcards D. people were interested in buying postcards37. “Give me a ring” in the passage means_. A. send me

56、a gold ringB. send me a card C. give me a telephone callD. give me a bell ring38. Which statement is true? A. Postcards were not used in the 19th century. B. It was not until 1902 that the simple postcard as we know was created. C. Postcards were used only for collection in the 1890s. D. There was n

57、o message on the old postcard.(B) I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. At the end I said “Sonny remember:slow and steady wins the race. Dont you think theres something to learn from the tortoise?” He opened his eyes wide. “Do you mean next when Im entering for the 60-me

58、tre race I should wish that Billy and Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep half-way?” I was shocked. “But the tortoise didnt wish the hare would fall asleep!”“He must have wished that,” Sonny said. “Otherwise how could he be so stupid as to race with the hare?He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he time if did.” “He didnt have such a wish,” I insisted. “How won the race by perseverance, (毅力),by pushing on steadily.” Sonny thought for a while. “Thats a l

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