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1、Lesson 1 At the airport一、能按要求写出下列单词:suitcase(复数)suitcases, arrive(过去式)arrived, live(单数第三人称)lives, want(单数第三人称)wants,come(现在分词)coming,five(序数词)fifth二、 课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. at 表示“在某处”,一般指较小的比较具体的地点。如:at school 在学校, at home 在家2. This is “这是某某”这句型在这里用来介绍他人。常用于第一次见面中。如:Hi! Lynn! 嗨!林!This is my friend, Wang Li

2、n. 这是我的朋友,王林。3. want 想要 want to do sth. 想干某事 如:I want to see him./ I want to go home.4. What time是特殊疑问词,用来提问时间,特指具体几点钟。What time is it? Its 11:30.5. Did you have a good trip? Yes,thanks.6. Lets go home./ Let me help you.7. learn EnglishLesson 2 Jennys house一、会说会读会写单词:kitchen, room, bathroom, bedroom

3、, living room二、 课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. This is / That is / These are/ Here is/ Here are2. Whats in the bedroom?3. 名词性物主代词mine, yours的用法。Lesson 3 Making breakfast一、 会说会读会写单词:stove, refrigerator, sink,二、能按要求写出下列单词:make(现在分词)-making, dish(复数)-dishes,cook(现在分词)-cooking三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Time for breakfast.= Its

4、 time for breakfast.2. Its time for sth./ Its time to do sth.3. Would like sth./ Would like to do sth.4. What would you like for breakfast / lunch/supper? I would like5. Breakfast is ready.6. in the kitchen / refrigerator /sink on the stove / table7. wash dishesLesson 4 In the bathroom一、 会说会读会写单词:ba

5、thtub, mine, yours, shower, clean, dirty二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. A is mine. / B is yours.2. Where is Li Ming? He is in the living room. / Where are the dishes? They are on the table.3. help sb(to) do sth. 如:Can you help me learn English?/ Lets help Mum make breakfast.4. on 用于特指的某一天(上午、下午等)。如:on Sunday / on

6、 Friday / on Monday morning5. in the bathroom6. take a shower / take a bath7. brush teethLesson 5 Making supper一、 会说会读会写单词:dry, wet, 二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Time for supper. / Time for lunch. / Time for class./ Whats for supper?2. What are you doing? / We are washing hands. / She is making supper. / We ar

7、e drying dishes.3. You can dry your dishes. / The dishes are dry.4. Lets wash the dishes.5. May I help you? Sure.Lesson 6 In the living room一、能按要求写出下列单词:watch(现在分词)-watching, sit(现在分词)-sitting, read(现在分词)-reading, write(现在分词)-writing, quiet(副词)quietly, loud(副词)-loudly, do(现在分词)-doing, play(现在分词)-pla

8、ying, couch二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. What are you doing? / What are they doing?2. watch TV / read the newspaper3. Whats in the living room?4. What else can you find in the living room?5. Do you see a book?6. in the corner.7. Everyone in the living room is quiet.Lesson 7-Lesson8一、 句型:1. Is this a bathtub or

9、a shower? Its a shower.2. Are these shoes yours or mine? They are mine.3. Lets make cards./ Lets make lunch.4. I am writing a letter.(play cards / wash dishes / dry the dishes)(前面已出现过的知识点,在这里不再重复。)Lesson 9 On the school bus一、能按要求写出下列单词:always,usually, sometimes, never, bus stop, bus driver, school b

10、us二、能按要求写出下列单词:boot(复数)boots, umbrella(复数)umbrellas, wet(反义词)dry,三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. 祈使句:Dont go there./ Dont forget your boots and umbrellas.2. 频率副词用法:一般都放在行为动词之前,助动词和情态动词之后。 如:He never wears dresses./ I never walk.1. I live too far from school.1. on the school bus.2. Do you usually go to school by ?

11、3. 注意下列动词的单三形式:do-does, go-goes, wash-washes, watch-watches, teach-teachesLesson 10 Li Ming meets Jennys class一、能按要求写出下列单词: kilometer(复数)kilometres, same(反义词)different二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Where are you from?I am from China.2. Is that far from?3. Do you like?4. Whats the name of your city?5. at home6. W

12、hen did you come to? I came on Friday.7. Can you speak English? Lesson 11 Mr.Wood teaches a lesson一、会说会读会写单词:temperature, shape, line, circle, square, triangle,二、能按要求写出下列单词:degree(复数)degrees,hot(反义词)cold,outside(反义词)inside三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. Hows the weather today? Its rainy. 2. Whats the temperature

13、? Its ten degrees. 3. Whats your favourite shape? My favourite shape is a circle./ I dont have a favourite.I like all the shapes. 4. How many lines make a triangle?Lesson 12 How many are there?一、能按要求写出下列单词:pencil(复数)-pencils, stamp(复数)-stamps, dress(复数)-dresses, dish(复数)-dishes, bus(复数)-buses, man(复

14、数)-men, woman(复数)-women, child(复数)-children二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. This is a / These are (some/many) 2. Here is a / Here are (some/many) 3. How many pens are there?Lesson 13 Always do your homework!一、能按要求写出下列单词: wear(同音词)where二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Do you always? / Does he usually?2. walk to school / help his

15、 mother / ride my bike / do your homework4. Lets putfor/ Lets putinLesson 14 Lets sing a new song!一、掌握短语:play the guitar, play the piano, go inside to play, down the street二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. I like/love to sing. 2. Who likes to sing? / Who can ? 3. Time to sing. 4. I didnt know that. 5. I want you t

16、o sing softly. 6.掌握形容词loud、soft和副词loudly、softly的用法。Lesson 15 - Lesson16一、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Lets play a game.2. Are you ready for?3. How did you do?4. in Canada / on a rainy day / make a chart / read a book / sing a song5. How many triangles do you see? 6. by bus / take the bus7. I know.8. There is a/

17、There are (some/many)9. My family lives in an apartment.10. many people(前面已出现过的知识点,在这里不再重复。)Lesson 17 Seasons一、会说会读会写单词: spring, summer, fall, winter, scarf, ice, sun ,rain ,wind ,snow ,winter jacket / winter clothes二、能按要求写出下列单词:season(复数)-seasons, leaf(复数)-leaves, rain(形容词)rainy, wind(形容词)windy, su

18、n(形容词)sunny, snow(形容词)snowy三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. What a hot, sunny day! 2. put on / take off 3. put on 表示穿的动作,wear表示“穿着”的状态。如:Please put on your sweater. / He wears a red jacket today. 4. There are four seasons in a year. 5. I like the rain, but I dont like to get wet. 6. What do you wear in winter / s

19、pring / summer / fall?Lesson 18 Snow! Its winter!一、会说会读会写单词:mittens / mitts,二、能按要求写出下列单词:skate(现在分词)skating, ski(现在分词)skiing, teach(对应词)learn, nine(序数词)ninth二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. November ninth 2. Jenny and Li Ming are getting ready for school. 3. Snow is falling. 4. What a cold ,snowy day! 5. Look out

20、 (of) the window! 朝窗外看! 6. Look out! 当心,小心! 7. What do you like to do in winter? 8. I like to skate on the ice. / I like to ski on the snow.9. Can you skate? / Can you teach me? 10. I want to learn. Lesson 19 Dannys winter clothes一、能按要求写出下列单词:outside(反义词)inside, like(单三)likes, love(单三)loves, forget(

21、过去式)forgot, put(现在分词)putting,take(现在分词)taking二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. I am going to 2. I want to go outside to play in the snow. 3. Why? Because its cold outside. 4. Lets go outside! / Lets go inside! 5. There he comes.吆,他来了。/ There! 瞧Lesson 20 Winter fun一、 能按要求写出下列单词:snowman(复数) snowmen, snowball(复数)snow

22、balls, stick(复数)sticks, rock(复数)rocks, small(比较级)smaller二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. Do you know what a snowman is? 2. make a face / make a big ball of snow / make snowmen / make a snowman 3. puton/ puton top 4. I think I can. 5. What else do you do in winter in China? 6. I have two sticks for his arms. 7. A

23、is smaller than B.Lesson 21 A skating lesson一、会说会读会写单词:think, skate二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. a skating lesson / a skiing lesson. 2. Can you skate forwards? / skate to sb.3. a pair of skates. / put on your skates. / put them on.4. Danny is walking forwards / backwards.5. turn around6.Li Ming skates backwards

24、 slowly.7.stand up / come on / fall down8. teach sb to do sth.9. You learn fast.Lesson 22 I like winter一、会说会读会写单词:wind, rain, sun , snow, splash, fun, favourite二、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Whats your favourite ?2. Is winter your favourite season?3. I like to do sth.4. ski on the snow. / splash in the rain. / s

25、it in the sun./ play in the wind.5. Do you like to do sth?6. run in the park. / ride a bike down the street. / fly kites in the wind.7. I love spring,do you?8. Temperatures are cool.9. I see my friends at school.Lesson 23- Lesson24一、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Are you ready to listen?2. What season is this?(前面已

26、出现过的知识点,在这里不再重复。)Lesson 25 Christmas is coming一、会说会读会写单词:Christmas, Christmas tree(s), Christmas lights, holiday, song, card(s), gift(s), Santa, special,bring二、能按要求写出下列单词:bring(单三)brings, west(形容词)western三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Whats Christmas? Its a Western holiday.2. Who is Santa? He is a merry man in r

27、ed clothes.3. on/at Christmas 4. Merry Christmas!5. invite sb to someplace. 如:We invite family and friends to our house.6. bring sth for sb. 如:They bring gifts for us.7. give sb sth. 如:We give our family and friends gifts,too.8. sing special songs9. Christmas songs are carols.10. We have fun togethe

28、r.11. When is Christmas? Its December twenty-fifth.12. Christmas is coming.Lesson 26 Christmas cards一、会说会读会写单词:today, yesterday, tomorrow, often, find二、能按要求写出下列单词:. walk(单三)-walks, (过去式)-walked, (将来式)-be going to walk eat(单三)-eats, (过去式)-ate, (将来式)-be going to eat bring(单三)-brings, (过去式)-brought, (将

29、来式)-be going to bring注意区分:buy(过去式)-bought, bring (过去式)-brought三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. walk to + 地点2. bring sth to +地点. / bring sth for sth3. writing Christmas cards. / write sth to sb.4. Do you want to send a card?5. Lets find the card with Santa.6. put up 装饰,包装7. Jennys family is getting ready for the Ch

30、ristmas holiday.8. write soon.9. I am going to Lesson 27 Christmas gifts一、会说会读会写单词:something, give,二、能按要求写出下列单词:shop(现在分词)-shopping, toy(复数)-toys三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. something special 2. give sb sth. / give sth to sb. 如:Are you going to give something to Jennys family? / I am going to give them someth

31、ing special from China for their Christmas tree. 3. I want to buy something for my family for Christmas. 4. What do you want to buy? 5. What would you like for Christmas? I would like 6. Would you like a new sweater? 7. some toys. 8. Are you going to?Lesson 28 Oh, Christmas tree一、会说会读会写单词: invite, s

32、tar,二、能按要求写出下列单词:star(复数)-stars, buy(过去式)-bought, gift(复数)-gifts,三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. Where does the star go?2. invite sb to do sth. 3. Would you like to do sth? Great. 4. Its fun to do sth. 5. put up / put on 装上 / puton / putunder 6. Its done! 做好了! 7. The star always goes on top. 8. on Christmas day

33、9. so lovely / happy / bright 10. Lets sing a carol. 11. Christmas things 圣诞节物品 / Christmas gifts 圣诞节礼物 12. What would you like? I would like / What would you like to do? I would like to buy a gift. 13. see you soon. 14. Today we are putting up the Christmas tree.Lesson 29 The Christmas story一、能听懂会说

34、会读单词和短语:special, story, born, wise, birthday, long ago, each other, Jesus,二、能按要求写出下列单词:be(过去式)-was/were, see(过去式)-saw, bring(过去式)-brought, know(过去式)-knew, teach(过去式)-taught, grow(过去式)-grew, put(过去式)-put, give(现在分词)-giving, god, shine(过去式)-shone, follow(过去式)-followed, shine(现在分词)-shining, follow(现在分词

35、)-following, bring(现在分词)-bringing, teach(名词)teacher三、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. That is an old story. 2. a special baby 3. one day, long long ago4. in the sky 5. grow into a man 长大成人 6. a great teacher 一名伟大的教师 7. We giveto 8. on this special winter morning 9. go to sleep 10. Jesuss birthday is Christmas day.L

36、esson 30 Its Christmas morning一、会说会读会写单词:open, 二、能听懂会说会读单词:lantern, whisper悄悄地, 三、能按要求写出下列单词:quiet(副词)-quietly, quick(副词)-quickly, slow(副词)-slowly四、课文重点、难点、疑点解析: 1. Lets go and see. 2. Its Christmas morning. 3. We open our gifts. 4. whisper to sb 5. bring sb sth 6. This is for you. 7. take pictures.

37、 8. I wanted a camera. 9. Is it from China? 10. Its a Chinese lantern. 11. something Chinese 12. I asked my mother to send it. / ask sb to do sth. 13. He did bring gifts.Lesson 31-Lesson32一、课文重点、难点、疑点解析:1. Merry Christmas.2. be going to do sth. / What are you going to do?3. something 东西 / thing 物4. three wise men(前面已出现过的知识点,在这里不再重复。)

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