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1、英汉翻译辅导英译汉试题总结 总共四或五句话, 平均字数112,往往有30个单词以上,甚至40个50个单词的长句子和复杂句子。 翻译过程中,这些句子往往名词化倾向非常明显,要启用“静态语势动态语势”的思路。丢分 1. 可能会有生词,或者一词多义时,选择词义错误。错一词,丢0.5分。 2. 句子结构太复杂而分析不清。 这一点最危险。如果整个句子理解错误,则可能丢掉整个句子的分数。如果总分10分分散在5句话中,则会丢失2分。 但是不仅如此,往往一个句子理解错,剩下的句子也会出现失误。则丢分更可怕。与语法有关的误译 1. 冠词在固定词组中的含义有所不同。 At a crossroads 在一个十字路口

2、 At the crossroads 在重要抉择关头 In front of the car 在车的前面 In the front of the car 在车的前座 In office 执政 In the office 在办公室冠词的作用 A red and a white flower 一朵红花和一朵白花 A red and white flower 一朵红白相间的花请翻译1 In his first year in office, he has given all men and creeds(主张), no matter how preposterous (荒谬), a respectf

3、ul hearing. 表达方式:give a hearing to sth. 洗耳恭听参考答案 任职第一年,他认真倾听所有人的意见和不同的主张,不管这些主张有多么荒谬。请翻译2 He took the chair at the board of directors. 参考答案 在公司的董事会上他担任主席。请翻译3 This is a most interesting book. 参考答案 这是一本非常有趣的书。请翻译4 A fluent speaker never lacks a word, but an accurate speaker never lacks the word. 参考答案

4、 讲话流利的人从来不缺词汇;而讲话精确的人却从来不缺恰当的词。名词的误译一词多义 People-集合名词 人民 Peoples-复数各国人民,各族人民 Paper 纸张 不可数 An evening paper 一张晚报 Value:价值 Values:价值观请翻译 The United Nations Organization was born at the end of the Second World War our of the reaction of peoples determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge

5、of war. 注意语序:要按照汉语的时间、逻辑顺序娓娓道来。参考答案 第二次世界大战末期各国人民决心拯救后代免于战争灾祸,联合国组织因此诞生了。请翻译2 Slowly it dawns on man in general that science is something of interest and concern to all mankind. 参考答案 人类逐渐明白了,科学不仅很有趣,而且是和全人类的利益密切相关。爱因斯坦 The Einsteins, however, could not afford to pay for the advanced education that y

6、oung Albert needed. 问题:The Einsteins 是谁?是一个人吗? young Albert 是谁?参考答案 然而父母却无力负担年轻的爱因斯坦深造所需的费用。请翻译4 价值观 The United Nations has forged a framework guaranteeing the flourishing of man and respect for his values. 参考答案 联合国制定了一个框架,来保证不同的人类社会都得以繁荣,保证各种不同的价值观都得到尊重。请翻译5 Agreement on control and reduction of co

7、st within the executives of the joint venture is impossible, as it has been for so many years. 注意:agreement 是个具体的协议呢,还是达成一致意见呢? 这是一个名词化非常明显的句子。请启用“静态语势动态语势”的转化思路。参考答案 正如多年来那样,合资公司管理层要在成本的控制和削减方面达成一致是不可能的。请翻译6 No war has ever started with such a victory for one side at the very beginning of the hosti

8、lities. 参考答案 从来没有一场战争在一开始就发现一方取得了如此重大的胜利。请翻译7 His high school and college days marked the time when his intellectual interests were broadening and when he sought the company of books. 参考答案 他的高中和大学阶段正是他知识趣味不断扩大,开始寻求以书为友的时候。请翻译8 We attacked restrictive practices wherever they existed; we instituted me

9、asures for the more rational deployment of labor; and we greatly improved the relationship between management and workers. 参考答案 我们反对所有的限制性措施,采取措施来促进劳力的更合理分配,极大地改善了劳资双方的关系。请翻译9 As a result of those economies, many of our most important new projects became possible. Economy: 经济,经济制度,节约参考答案 由于这些节约措施,我们

10、许多最重要的新工程才得以实施。请翻译10 Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 注意:student 启用“静态语势动态语势”的转化参考答案 林肯擅长演说,又刻苦学习政治哲学。代词的误译 人称代词的特殊用法 We have 365 days in a year. You can never tell. A translator has to know everything of something and something of everything. 参考答案 一年有365天。 谁也无法预料。 译员既

11、要博闻强记,又要学问精深请翻译1 Where people once tried to influence natural events with magic and supernatural forces, they now had science to guide them.参考答案 以前人们试图用巫术和超自然的力量来影响自然事件,但现在已有科学来指导他们。请翻译2 My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. 参

12、考答案 我的看法是,人们对下一代人的抱怨是不可避免的。请翻译3 Evening would come before you know it. 参考答案 黄昏不知不觉就要来到。请翻译4 Someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind. 参考答案 习惯于多动脑筋的人,在进入老年之后要比一个从来不积极动脑筋的人的认知能力更为健全。请翻译5 You can almost

13、 put it down as a general rule that he often invite “honest criticism”, but seldom gets it, and usually doesnt follow it when he does. 参考答案 你几乎可以把这个看成一个惯例:他经常请人提出“直率的批评”,不过通常没有人批评他,但是当真的有人这么做的时候,他也不照着做就是了。请翻译6 Few countries supported such aggressive acts and therefore the military burden had fallen

14、on the aggressors alone. So would the agony of their new armed intervention in the affairs of other countries. 参考答案 几乎没有什么国家支持这种侵略行径,因此军事负担就只落在侵略者自己身上,如果他们再武装干涉别国事务,吃苦头的也只会是侵略者自己。请翻译7 I would inevitably make mistakes at one time or another and operate on someone who did not need surgery or sit on so

15、meone who did. Sit on: 搁置 For weeks they did nothing about my case, they just sat on it. 参考答案 说不定时候我会出错,这几乎是不可避免的。我会给不需要手术的病人开刀,也可能会忽略需要动手术的病人。请翻译8 Health is about wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. 参考答案 健康比财富重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人们带来幸福。动词的误译 及物还是不及物动词 Within the first few hours, he i

16、ssued the orders to murder over the radio and television. 参考答案 在几个小时之内,他通过无线电和电视下令进行屠杀。情态动词1 I could have laughed to hear him talk like this. 有可能发生,但没有发生参考答案 听到他这样讲话,我差点笑出来。情态动词2 I must have dialed the wrong number. There must be a law behind all these phenomena. He was astounded that the man who pr

17、esided over his fate should come pleading to him.参考答案 我一定打错电话了。 所有这一切现象背后一定有规律。 他很惊讶,这个主宰着他命运的人居然来向他央求。否定转移 You should not despise him because he is backward. I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. We dont read novels for amusement. 参考答案 不要因为某人落后,你们就看不起他。 我并不是因为教书容易才教书的。 我们读小说不是为了消遣。部分否定 All

18、the bacteria are not harmful. All that glitters is not gold. 参考答案 并不是所有的细菌都对人体有害。 闪光的并非都是黄金。双重否定 The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height. No more than “正如”参考答案 一个民族的伟大不取决于其人口的多少,正如一个人的伟大不决定于他的身高。形近词请翻译画线词: He founded the

19、 University of Chicago Lab School around the turn of the century. His family ground its own grain in a windmill. Drive carefully on the road in bad weatherIts very winding. 时态的混淆 I havent heard from him since he lived in Beijing. 自从时候我再也没有收到过他的信。 注意:since 通常都表示动作或者状态的结束。 Its been ten years since he

20、became a teacher. 自从已经十年了。时态的混淆 It was the last service he was to render his fellow countrymen. Was to 表示过去将发生,但尚未发生的动作。 It was the last service he rendered his 请翻译并比较:请翻译:时态 It will also form the introduction to the book to be published by UNESCO. The most important factor is the magnitude of the p

21、roblems to be solved. 参考答案 这也将充当联合国教科文组织即将要出版的一本书的引言。 最重要的因素还是有待解决的问题的规模大小。请翻译:将时态翻译出来 This country is one of the countries which struggled for independence and is in the vanguard in all matters concerning problems of the developing world. 参考答案 该国曾经为独立而进行过斗争,而现今它在有关发展中国家问题的所有事务中站在前列。被动语态vs.主动语态 Trem

22、endous research work is required /to bring about such fantastic speed. 不定式表目的 被动语态is required 要则需参考答案 要达到这样神奇的速度,需要进行很多的研究工作。被动vs.主语 They were imprisoned, refused anything to read. Here are the questions the author thought the average people would like answered. 参考答案 他们被监禁了,不准阅读任何书刊。 下面是作者认为一般人想要得到解

23、答的问题。虚拟语气 Had this been an analysis on why there is scarcely any poetry here, it would have been useful. 表示对过去的虚拟,和过去事实相反。 有用还是无用? 分析了本地缺少诗歌的原因,还是没有分析? 将“如果” 转换成“可惜”参考答案 可惜这篇文章对这里几乎没有诗歌的原因没有进行任何分析,否则本来应该是有裨益的。虚拟语气 They could easily have learned that the success or failure of an enterprise is closely

24、 linked with the qualities of its labor force. 参考答案 他们本来不难知道企业的成败与劳动力的素质有着密切的关系。虚拟语气 It is good these laborers leave the country. The job they would have secured can go to others. 参考答案 这些劳工离开本国是件好事。本来可能属于他们的工作可以给别人。形容词和副词 But firemen succeeded in confining the outbreak to warehouses containing less

25、inflammable materials. 问题:less 修饰的是inflammable, 还是materials 如果翻译的话,有什么不同?参考答案 然而消防队员成功地将火势控制在存放不易燃烧物品的仓库范围内。主语的误译 理解英语句子时,最重要的,是找到主语和谓语。 形式主语和不定式,有时不是很好分辨。请翻译 It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished achievement is so widely respected and appreciated. 参考答案 当你知道你的杰出成就如此广泛地受到尊重和赞赏时,你就会力量

26、倍增。定语和状语的误译 Having reviewed various technical possibilities, I would now like to comment on the dangers that might be represented by their fulfillment and to compare these with the consequences of efforts to prevent this development. 不定式,作定语 注意:代词参考答案 分析了技术上的各种可能性后,我现在想对这些可能性变成现实所可能带来的各种危险谈些看法,并将这些危

27、险和阻止这些技术的发展所带来的各种后果进行比较。其他结构的误译 There will be no heroics in a war where the safest place will be the front line, if there is one, and the most dangerous the house of our civilian population. 参考答案 如果一场战争中,前线最安全,而平民房屋最危险,那么是谈不上什么英雄行为的。分隔词语的误译 The strength thus developed, however, carried within it the

28、 seeds of its own decline. 主语是_? 谓语动词是_?参考答案 然而这样发展起来的力量,在其内部就具有衰退的因素。分隔词语的误译 Many sketches are in existence of peasants seated by the roadside and men and women at work in the field. 主语: 谓语是: Pictures of Stalin 画的内容是参考答案 至今保存着许多速写,画的是坐在路旁的农民们和在田里劳动的男男女女。分隔词语的翻译 News came through on the wireless of

29、a rich oil field. News of sth. 关于什么的新闻参考答案 无线电传来了发现丰富油田的消息。分隔词语的翻译 They plan to publish a work on the effects on international law of the establishment of a new nature reserve along the border. 注意:effects of sth on sth A work on sth 一本关于的书分隔词汇的翻译 I would not change my present situation for that of m

30、y accusers, to escape all that torture can inflict upon me. 注意:changefor 改变为参考答案 我不会为了逃避可能加诸我身上的种种苦刑而改变我的立场,转而采取控告我的人的立场。参考答案 他们计划出版一本书,论述在边境建立一个新的自然保护区对国际法的影响。省略词的翻译 Potatoes are an important source of food in temperate countries and bananas in tropics. 参考答案 马铃薯是温带国家食物的重要来源,香蕉是热带地区食物的重要来源。省略词汇的翻译 T

31、his technique has been available in Britain for years, but its multiple uses have never been exploited as they have in Germany. 参考答案 这一技术多年来在英国得到了采用,不过它的多种用途却没有像在德国那样得到广泛利用。比较意义的固定词组 He was less hurt than frightened. 与其比如参考答案 他与其说受了伤,还不如说是受惊更恰当。比较意义的固定词组 This is as much the by-product of his marketi

32、ng strategy as it is a deliberate move by the two sides to mend relations. As much as既是,也是 Not so much as 与其不如参考答案 这既是双方为改善关系而有意采取的措施,又是他营销策略的一个副产品。比较意义的固定词组 The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. 与其不如 参考答案 与其说海洋把世界分隔开来,不如说把世界联系起来。比较意义的固定词组 Such work requires more than indomitable w

33、ill. More than:不仅仅参考答案 这类工作不仅仅需要坚忍不拔的意志。例子1 Nevertheless, knowledge of the nature of cancers is advancing in such a way that it seems likely that some definite control may be achieved in the fairly near future; but only if research and application of research on cancer are carried out in a far more

34、vigorous, orderly and scientific way than they are at present. (56) 第一个问题:有生词吗? 第二个问题:将生词抹去的话,句子能读懂吗? 第三个问题:分号“;”前后的句子是什么样的逻辑关系? 第四个问题:分号之前的句子,suchthat 参考答案 尽管如此,关于癌症的科学研究正在大步向前,相信在不久的将来就可以遏制这种疾病了。但是条件是我们的科研必须更积极、更有序、更科学。题材:科普 (129) Quitting smoking is more of a matter of willpower than of individua

35、l choice, for smoking is widely recognized as addictive. (21) 娓娓道来:先说原因,再说结论 More than 与其不如 A matter of 最重要的,是主题词不能翻译错。这个段落的主题是“戒烟”。这个词绝对不能错,否则10分就丢掉9分了。 A matter of: It is a matter of complete indifference to me. 这是我根本不关心的事。 It is only a matter of time before the general is removed. 将军下台不会太久了。 They

36、 were shown the door in a matter of minutes. 没过几分钟他们就被赶出了门。 It is a matter of how to get things done. 事关,关系到,取决于参考答案 人人都知道吸烟容易上瘾,所以戒烟与其说是和一个人的意志力有关,不如说是一个人如何选择的问题。第二句 Although counseling and medication can increase the odds that a smoker quits permanently, the best way to avoid dilemmas is never to

37、take up smoking to begin with. (29) 静态语势动态语势 the odds are that he is no longer alive. 可能他已经死了。 the odds against this ever happening are high. 这种情况永远不会发生的可能性很大。 尽管去心理咨询和吃药可以大大增加永远戒烟的几率,但是一开始就不吸烟才是避免这种困境的最佳办法。第三句 The irreversible effects of cigarette smoking vary in intensity and are related both to t

38、he amount and duration of exposure and the age at which the person is initially exposed. (31) 吸烟对健康的影响虽然不可逆,但是影响却有大有小,由于吸烟的时间长短、数量大小和最初吸烟的年龄高低而有所不同。第四句 This report challenges the notion that a few years of exposure to smoking will have no lasting harmful consequences. (20) 静态语势动态语势 名词化参考答案 有人认为,只是吸几

39、年烟,不会对健康造成永久的有害影响。但是这个报告对此观点提出了质疑。第五句 We hope to discourage this prevalent but vital habit and suggest that tobacco-related health effects decline substantially as time away from smoking increases. (24)参考答案 我们希望能劝阻吸烟这种随处可见、对健康造成致命影响的习惯。而且,戒烟时间越长,吸烟所造成的负面影响也会大幅减少。2005年6月(121个单词) This book derives fro

40、m decades of teaching in various schools across the country. (13) 体裁:教材的前言 第一句参考答案 这本书是根据数十年来我在全国各地不同的学校的教学经验所写而成的。第二句 It is based on the belief that philosophy is a genuinely exciting subject, accessible not only to specialists and a few gifted undergraduate majors but to everyone. (27)参考答案 本书认为,哲学

41、其实是一个非常有趣的课程,不仅专家可以学,少数有才华的本科生可以学,而且人人都可以学。第三句 Everyone is a philosopher, whether enrolled in a philosophical course or not. (12)参考答案 每个人都可以研究哲学,无论是否参加哲学与否。第四句 The difference is that someone who has studied philosophy systematically has the advantage of having encountered stronger and more varied ar

42、guments than might have been available otherwise. (27)参考答案 区别只在于,如果系统学习过哲学,则遇到过的论证更严密、更多样。这是其他人所无法比的。第五句 What is special about this book is that it offers introductory students the opportunity of having direct contact with substantial readings from significant books on philosophy, but without the un

43、reasonable demand that they confront these books in full, which are often incomprehensible. (42)参考答案 这本书的特殊之处在于提供给初学者直接接触哲学著作的机会,不过却不会强行要求学生通读这些著作,因为这些著作往往晦涩难懂。2006年1月 第一句 (89个单词) The wise man knows the place of these things in the scheme of life as a whole. (17)参考答案 如果一个人够明智,就会了解这些因素在整个人生的规划中有多重要。第

44、二句 He knows that money and possessions are means, not ends. (10)参考答案 他会了解金钱和财产都只是手段,并不是目的。第三句 He knows the difference between pleasures of the moment and enduring satisfactions, between being great and being famous, between reverence and superstition, between solidity and show in literature, art and

45、 life. (31)参考答案 他了解文学、艺术和生活中,一时之快并不等于恒久幸福,成业不等于成名,尊重不等于迷信,真实不等于宣传。第四句 He knows that in the human lot some evils are unavoidable, that loss and disease and old age are bound to come; and he has made his peace with their coming.(31)参考答案 他清楚人类命中注定无法避免某些负面的事物,也清楚丧失、疾病、和老年是不可避免的,他已经能够心平气和地迎接它们的到来。2006年6月

46、(120个单词) 第一句 Social progress has done away with the need for backbreaking work and has provided time and leisure for personality development. (21) 静态语势动态语势参考答案 社会进步了,已经不需要艰苦繁重的体力劳动。人们有了更多的时间和闲暇,可以发展自己的个性。第二句 With it, indeed because of it, today the middle-class family expects each of its members to

47、develop his unique personality, and so does each individual, more or less, himself. (30)参考答案 随着这个情况的发展,并且也正因为这个情况的发展,今天的中产阶级家庭就会期待家里的每个成员都能够发展自己独特的个性,同样的每个人也都会期待自己能够发挥自己的个性。第三句 This new obligation of the family to provide a setting for the development of a unique personality makes family consensus e

48、xtremely difficult.(23)参考答案 这样家庭就有了新的义务,即为家庭成员个性的培养提供环境,而这也使得家庭成员达成一致意见极为困难,即使不是完全不可能的话。第四句 Nothing is more problematic for a small group of quite different, unique individuals than to live in close quarters, in close harmony with each other. (26)参考答案 要让一小群个性不一、独特无二的人在家里亲密无间、和和睦睦地生活,没有什么比这更难的事情了。第五句

49、 Besides, the necessity of cultivating teenagers moral character adds to the difficulty in parenting. (16)参考答案 而且,家长也必须培养孩子的品性。这也使得抚养孩子更加困难。2007年1月(112个单词) 第一句 One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact w

50、ith one another. (25)参考答案 世界扁平了,所造成的一个意想不到的结果就是不同的社会和文化开始更加直接地彼此接触。第二句 It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves.(15)参考答案 各个民族之间联系的速度更快了,往往使得这些民族和文化措手不及。第三句 Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intima

51、cy makes possible. (15)参考答案 地球村形成后,涌现了很多跨国合作的机遇,有些文化因此而繁荣起来。第四句 Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which, among other things, makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. (32)参考答案 但是还有些文化却由于这种紧密的联系而遭遇挫折,甚至蒙受羞辱,不说别的,其中一个原因就

52、是现在很容易就能被所有人看出自己在世界上的地位如何。第五句 All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most devastating forces today-the suicide bombers and other terrorist organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interest to wipe out. (42)参考答案 当今世界最可怕的一股势力自杀式炸弹和其他恐怖主义组织的出现

53、也和这个有关。恐怖主义根本就不珍惜生命,只有完全消灭恐怖主义,才最符合我们的利益。2007年6月第一句(106个单词) In this book, we offer advice that we hope will seem reasonable and worth serious consideration. (16)参考答案 在这本书里,我们提供了一些建议,希望能自圆其说,并引起严肃的思考。第二句 But as any experienced writer knows, there are occasions when even the best advice may not apply.

54、 (17)参考答案 但是任何有经验的作家都知道,有些时候即使是最好的建议也可能用不上。第三句 The demands of writing for different audiences, with different purposes, on different subjects, at different levels of formality are so varied that they cannot begin to be anticipated in a book like this, and we recognize that what is appropriate for on

55、e piece of writing may not be appropriate for another. (51)参考答案 不同的读者,不同的目的,不同的主题,正式还是非正式,写作的要求是如此多样,以致于想我们这样的一本书是无法全部满足的。而且我们也意识到,对于一篇文章来说适合的内容,对于另外一篇文章来说则不适合。第四句 In most cases, you will have to avoid ambiguity at all costs so as not to leave your words open to misinterpretations. (22)参考答案 在大部分情况下,你必须尽可能地避免模棱两可,绝对不能让人误解你的文字。

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