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1、最新奥林匹克运动会奥林匹克运动会Olympic Games起源The origin of Olympics 举办城市 cities吉祥物 主题曲 开幕式Mascots of Summer Olympic Games champions in the Olympic history 奥运精神Olympic Slogan The Olympic motto and creed 瞬间moments of the Beijing Olympics 最新奥林匹克运动会The origin of Olympics There are many different stories about the beg

2、inning of the Olympics.One myth says that the guardians of the infant god Zeus held the first footrace,or that Zeus himself started the Games to celebrate his victory over his father Cronus for control of the world.Another tradition states that after the Greek hero Pelops won achariotrace against Ki

3、ng Oenomaus to marry Oenomauss daughter Hippodamia,he established the Games.Athletic games also were an important part of many religious festivals from early on in ancient Greek culture.In the Iliad,the famous warrior Achilles holds games as part of the funeral services for his best friend Patroclus

4、.The events in them include a chariot race,a footrace,a discus match,boxing and wrestling.The footrace was the sole event for the first 13Olympiads.Over time,the Greeks added longer footraces,and separate events.The pentathlon and wrestling events were the first new sports to be added,in the 18th Ol

5、ympiad.The Vase Footrace.Two nude youths are racing while two men watch.In the center of the scene,the two nude youths run toward the right.They have fillets around their hair.On either side stands a cloaked spectator looking toward them.Their chitons are black and their himations red,they wear litt

6、le red caps,and they are clean 最新奥林匹克运动会最新奥林匹克运动会Which cities hold Olympic Games twice?There are always beautiful stories about the cities hold the Olympic Games.Some cities even held the Olympic Games more than once.Do you know what are they?The first city need to mention is Athens,the place where

7、the first Olympic Games took place in 1896.And this city has a long history of ancient Olympics since 776BC.Athens chose olive branch as symbolization of peace and friendship in the first modern Olympic Games.In the new Millennium Athens held the Olympic Games again;this symbolizes for the Olympic c

8、ycle and also the hope of peace and happiness in the world during the new century最新奥林匹克运动会PARIS Which cities hold Olympic Games twice?In 1900,the World Fair and Olympic Games both held in Paris.Women attended the Olympics for the first time.They attended the performing event.In 1924,Paris held the O

9、lympics again 最新奥林匹克运动会Which cities hold Olympic Games twice?The 30th Olympic Games is going to be held in London.This city have already held the Olympic Games twice.In 1908,because the Vesuvius erupted,the Olympic Games was transfered to be held in London.In 1948 right after the World War,it was co

10、ntroversial whether to hold sports event or not for a while.The 1948 London Olympics went popular and comforted peoples hearts suffered from the war.Now London is going to be the city holding the Olympic Games most times.最新奥林匹克运动会Mascots of Summer Olympic Games,1972-2008 Waldi-Munich 1972 Waldi,the

11、first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games,was a Dachshund.He was modelled after Cherie von Birkenhof,a longhaired breed of the species.Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot.1972年慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物沃尔蒂是只惹人喜爱的腊肠狗,它是奥运会历史上第一个官方吉祥物。它的身体上交织着奥运的色彩,深受人们喜爱。以沃尔蒂的模样出现的奥运周边产品数不胜数。最新奥林匹克运动会历届Amik-M

12、ontreal 1976 Misha-Moscow 1980 Sam-Los Angeles 1984 Hodori-Seoul 1988 最新奥林匹克运动会Cobi-Barcelona 1992 Phevos and Athena-Athens 2004最新奥林匹克运动会Beibei,passing the wish of flourish and harvest,it represents the blue ring and aquatic sports.Jingjing is a lovely panda,it brings joy and happiness,Jingjing come

13、s from the forest and symbolizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.It represents the black ring and strength sports.Huanhuan is the eldest in the five,and it symbolized the Olympic sports spirit and the passion people have towards the Olympic Games.It symbolizes the red ring and ball

14、 games Yingying is an agile Tibetan antelope,it comes from the North-West of China and it is the rare and endangered species.Yingying represents the yellow ring and the athletics sports.Nini comes from the sky,it is a swallow,and its image comes from the Chinese traditional kite and it is the symbol

15、ic image of Beijing.It represents the green ring and gymnastic sports.最新奥林匹克运动会The youngest champions in the Olympic history Marjorie Gestring-the youngest Olympic gold medalistAt age 13,Marjorie Gestring was our youngest Olympic gold medal Fu Mingxia-the youngest Olympic diving championFu Mingxia b

16、ecame the youngest Olympic champion at the age of 14.Her success became a cover story in Time magazine titled Olympic Height-Chinas gold medallist Fu Mingxia.最新奥林匹克运动会 Something about history of olympics olympics is always coming with passion.最新奥林匹克运动会Olympic Slogan 19842008 1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会年洛杉矶夏季奥运会 P

17、lay part in History参与历史参与历史1988年汉城夏季奥运会年汉城夏季奥运会 Harmony and Progress和谐、进步和谐、进步1992年巴塞罗那夏季奥运会年巴塞罗那夏季奥运会 Friends for life永远的朋友永远的朋友1996年亚特兰大夏季奥运会年亚特兰大夏季奥运会 The celebration of the century世纪世纪庆典庆典1998年长野冬季奥运会年长野冬季奥运会 From around the world to flower as one让世界凝聚成一朵花让世界凝聚成一朵花2000年悉尼夏季奥运会年悉尼夏季奥运会 Share the

18、spirit分享分享奥林匹克精神奥林匹克精神2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会年盐湖城冬季奥运会 Light the fire within点燃心中之火点燃心中之火2004年雅典夏季奥运会年雅典夏季奥运会 Welcome Home欢迎回家欢迎回家2006年都灵冬季奥运会年都灵冬季奥运会 An Ever Burning Flame永不熄灭的火焰永不熄灭的火焰2008年北京夏季奥运会年北京夏季奥运会 One World One Dream 同一个世界、同一同一个世界、同一个梦想个梦想最新奥林匹克运动会The Olympic motto and creed This phrase,Citius,Altius

19、,Fortius is the Olympic Motto.The Olympic Game is the international arena viewed by millions where the athletes spirit,mind and body endeavour to excel and achieve the higher standard than the presently existing ones;thus fulfilling the Olympic Motto.奥林匹克运动还有一句广为流传的名言信条:“重要的是参与,而不是取胜”。这句名言来源于1908年在伦

20、敦的圣-保罗大教堂一次宗教仪式上宾夕法尼亚主教的一段讲话。顾拜旦解释说:“正如在生活中最重要的事情不是胜利,而是斗争,不是征服,而是奋力拼搏”。The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.最新奥林匹

21、克运动会The 10 Best Movie Quotes About the Olympics “他们明天得第一名还是第五十名都不重要。那些小伙子已经赢得了走进体育场并挥舞自己国家国旗的权利。那才是一名运动员能得到的唯一的最高荣耀。那就是奥运会的全部意义。”凉快的跑道(1993)艾尔文布利泽(约翰凯蒂)It doesnt matter tomorrow if they come in first or fiftieth.Those guys have earned the right to walk into that stadium and wave their nations flag.T

22、hats the single greatest honor an athlete can ever have.Thats what the Olympics are all about.Cool Runnings(1993)Irwin Blitzer(John Candy)最新奥林匹克运动会“就像他们说的,奥运会重在参与,就像他们说的,奥运会重在参与,而不在于输赢。而不在于输赢。”侦察侦察(1972)米洛米洛坦德坦德尔(迈克尔尔(迈克尔凯恩)凯恩)“将比赛看完的力量来自哪里?来将比赛看完的力量来自哪里?来自内心。自内心。”火的战车火的战车(1981)埃里埃里克克里黛尔(伊恩里黛尔(伊恩查尔森

23、)查尔森)“每个年代都会有这么一次,某位每个年代都会有这么一次,某位运动员如此奋力地与强敌竞争以至运动员如此奋力地与强敌竞争以至于连最疲惫的观众都在为他喝彩助于连最疲惫的观众都在为他喝彩助威。威。”决战冰河决战冰河(1994)哈哈里里金斯利金斯利(凯文凯文斯派西斯派西)Well,as they say in the Olympics,its not the winning,its the taking part that counts.Sleuth(1972)Milo Tindle(Michael Caine)Where does the power come from to see the

24、race to its end?From within.Chariots of Fire(1981)Eric Liddell(Ian Charleson)Once in a generation an athlete pits himself against such overwhelming odds that even the most jaded spectator finds himself cheering breathlessly.Iron Will(1994)Harry Kingsley(Kevin Spacey)resolution 最新奥林匹克运动会Our olympics最

25、新奥林匹克运动会最新奥林匹克运动会moments of the Beijing Olympics 因脚伤无奈退出男子110米栏卫冕冠军的比赛时,刘翔沮丧地走出了跑道。刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的意外离场让他的无数支持者扼腕叹息。Liu Xiang dejectedly walks away from the track as he realizes he has to withdraw from the defense of his 110 meters hurdles title because of a leg injury.Liu was the most popularsports

26、man in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans.最新奥林匹克运动会超越 exceed 埃里克埃里克尚托,一位身患绝症尚托,一位身患绝症(incurable disease)的美国游泳运动员,的美国游泳运动员,当医生建议他放弃(当医生建议他放弃(GIVE UP)奥运接受治疗时,他选择了来到北京。)奥运接受治疗时,他选择了来到北京。他说:他说:“奥运会是我毕生奥运会是我毕生(LIFELONG)的追求的追求(PERSUE),我无法错,我无法错过。能来到水立方已实现了我的目标,并且

27、创造了我的最好成绩,我过。能来到水立方已实现了我的目标,并且创造了我的最好成绩,我做到了,这已经足够。做到了,这已经足够。”泳池中与死神(泳池中与死神(the King of Terrors)擦肩而过、甚至正并肩而行(擦肩而过、甚至正并肩而行(neck AND NECK),我,我们崇拜们崇拜(ADORE)英雄,更敬仰英雄,更敬仰(REVERE)生命的强者生命的强者 最新奥林匹克运动会心酸心酸pathos 德国举重运动员马蒂亚斯施泰纳在领奖台上亲吻亡妻苏姗娜的照片,含泪感叹他终于实现了对妻子的承诺:永不放弃奥运梦想。苏珊娜2007年遭遇车祸,在妻子弥留之际,守在病床边的施泰纳向她做出了上述承诺。

28、German weightlifter Matthias Steiner kisses a picture of his late wife Susann on the gold medal podium,choking back tears over the promise he made to her that he would keep their Olympic dream.The super-heavyweight made the pledge to Susann at her bedside in hospital as she lay dying after a car cra

29、sh in 2007.最新奥林匹克运动会传奇传奇 legend 在男子在男子4x100米自由泳接力赛中,迈克尔米自由泳接力赛中,迈克尔菲尔普斯的队友菲尔普斯的队友贾森贾森莱扎克在最后一棒超过法国选手阿兰莱扎克在最后一棒超过法国选手阿兰贝尔纳,使菲贝尔纳,使菲尔普斯打破了马克尔普斯打破了马克斯皮茨在斯皮茨在1972年奥运会上一人夺七金年奥运会上一人夺七金的纪录。那一刻,菲尔普斯如释重负,纵情欢呼。这是他的纪录。那一刻,菲尔普斯如释重负,纵情欢呼。这是他的圆梦时刻的圆梦时刻.Michael Phelps roars in triumph and relief after American team

30、 mate Jason Lezak overtook Frances Alain Bernard on the final leg of the 4x100 freestyle relay to keep alive Phelpss dream of beating Mark Spitzs record from 1972 of seven golds in a Games-a dream he was to realize 最新奥林匹克运动会坚强 resolution 她用一只手臂做到了常人用两只手都很难做到的事情。她的名字叫娜她用一只手臂做到了常人用两只手都很难做到的事情。她的名字叫娜塔莉


32、着世人。动的真谛,也感动着世人。最新奥林匹克运动会深情 affectionatenessAmerican Matt Emmons blows a 3.3-point lead on the very last shot of a 120-shot competition to throw away the gold medal in the marathon event of shooting.Four years ago in Athens he had fired at the wrong target and squandered a 3-point lead.马修埃蒙斯把头深埋在妻子怀

33、里,没有人看到这一刻他是否落泪。从雅典到北京,这一枪原本能击碎四年的噩梦,这一枪原本能成就一对奥运金牌夫妻,这一枪原本能写下一个童话般的结局。但历史总有惊人的相似之处。和四年前一样,卡捷琳娜坐在看台上给捷克电视台当解说嘉宾;马特站在男子50米步枪三姿的决赛2号靶位上;4.4的数字出现在显示屏上,冰冻了卡捷琳娜的脸,她张着嘴巴,眼睛一眨不眨,愣了好几秒钟,然后冲下看台,把丈夫拥入怀里,在他耳边轻轻地说:“命中注定还不是时候。”最新奥林匹克运动会震撼震撼 SHOCK8月月20日,在刚刚结束的奥运会女子游泳日,在刚刚结束的奥运会女子游泳10公里马拉松比赛中,来自公里马拉松比赛中,来自南非的独腿女侠纳

34、塔莉南非的独腿女侠纳塔莉-杜托伊特没能获得奖牌,也没能跻身前十名,杜托伊特没能获得奖牌,也没能跻身前十名,但是所有人都对她表示钦佩。更让大家惊奇的是,她在下水之前将假但是所有人都对她表示钦佩。更让大家惊奇的是,她在下水之前将假肢去掉,几乎用一条右腿游完肢去掉,几乎用一条右腿游完10公里。公里。最新奥林匹克运动会动容动容 moving在北京奥运会体操女子个人全能决赛中,出现了一张并不年轻的面容,其眼在北京奥运会体操女子个人全能决赛中,出现了一张并不年轻的面容,其眼神透出坚定与温柔。她就是已经神透出坚定与温柔。她就是已经33岁的德国老将丘索维金娜。为了给患白血岁的德国老将丘索维金娜。为了给患白血病

35、的儿子治病,一次次义无反顾地返回赛场,此次是她第病的儿子治病,一次次义无反顾地返回赛场,此次是她第5次参加奥运会比次参加奥运会比赛,并获得女子跳马银牌,我们永远记着这位伟大的母亲。赛,并获得女子跳马银牌,我们永远记着这位伟大的母亲。她是一位成功的运动员,她更是一位伟大的母亲。她是一位成功的运动员,她更是一位伟大的母亲。Mother MachreeTheres a spot in my heart which no colleen may own;Theres a depth in my soul never sounded or known;Theres a place in my memor

36、y my life that you fill;No other can take it no one ever will;Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by;Was made bright by the light of the smile in your eye;Like a candle thats set in a window at night;Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;Sure I love the dear silver that shines in

37、your hair;And the brow thats all furrowed and wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me;Oh!God bless you and keep you,mother machree!在我的心灵之中在我的心灵之中 有个有个地方,深不可测地方,深不可测 其境其境从未与闻从未与闻 哪个少女也哪个少女也难问津;难问津;在我的记忆在我的记忆之中之中 我的生命充满你我的生命充满你的身影的身影 谁也不能取代谁也不能取代 永远无人有此真情;永远无人有此真情;珍贵时光悠悠逝去珍贵时光悠悠

38、逝去 辛辛劳烦扰却永不消停劳烦扰却永不消停 你你眼中的微笑,其光彩眼中的微笑,其光彩 使烦劳转为光明;使烦劳转为光明;宛宛如点燃的烛光如点燃的烛光 深夜透深夜透窗棂窗棂 你深情的爱激励你深情的爱激励我我 引领我一直前进;引领我一直前进;是的,我爱你如银的是的,我爱你如银的发丝发丝 闪烁着深情的光闪烁着深情的光芒芒 我爱你额上道道皱我爱你额上道道皱纹纹 岁月刻满沧桑岁月刻满沧桑 我我吻你勤劳的手指吻你勤劳的手指 双手双手柔情温暖我心房;柔情温暖我心房;啊,啊,慈母在我心慈母在我心 苍天保佑,苍天保佑,福寿永绵长!福寿永绵长!最新奥林匹克运动会 8月月8日晚上日晚上8点,世人瞩目、举国期盼的北京奥

39、运会在国家体育场拉开帷幕。这是点,世人瞩目、举国期盼的北京奥运会在国家体育场拉开帷幕。这是“一一 台气势恢弘的史诗般的杰作台气势恢弘的史诗般的杰作”,“具有很强的艺术震撼力和感染力具有很强的艺术震撼力和感染力”,高度浓缩地展现了,高度浓缩地展现了中华民族的光荣与梦想,极大地激发了国人的民族自豪感。中华民族的光荣与梦想,极大地激发了国人的民族自豪感。我喜欢的灯光,但我喜欢的灯光,但8号今晚号今晚的灯光,神奇的变幻,让我惊呆了,首先展现时光的流逝,那么多人共同的表演,整的灯光,神奇的变幻,让我惊呆了,首先展现时光的流逝,那么多人共同的表演,整齐的让人折服。齐的让人折服。我爱烟火,但开幕式的我爱烟火

40、,但开幕式的29个脚印的烟光让我迷离,无法让人相个脚印的烟光让我迷离,无法让人相信,它们就那样快步自信的走向了北京,走近了我们信,它们就那样快步自信的走向了北京,走近了我们 然而奥运会开幕式的大型文然而奥运会开幕式的大型文艺表演独具匠心,体现了中国风格、中国气派,宏大的场面之中,蕴含着史诗的韵艺表演独具匠心,体现了中国风格、中国气派,宏大的场面之中,蕴含着史诗的韵味,是一场以文明魅力为内容的视觉盛宴,给人以强烈的震撼。从造纸术、活字印刷味,是一场以文明魅力为内容的视觉盛宴,给人以强烈的震撼。从造纸术、活字印刷术、指南针和火公文有约药四大发明,到书法、昆曲、京剧、国画,从海上丝绸之路术、指南针和



43、”。开幕式大型文艺表演把中国文化的和谐内涵艺。开幕式大型文艺表演把中国文化的和谐内涵艺术术地告诉世界,让世界更好地认识中国。地告诉世界,让世界更好地认识中国。当我看到北京上空绚烂的焰火,看到世界各地的运动员汇当我看到北京上空绚烂的焰火,看到世界各地的运动员汇集集到国家体育场,心中的自豪之情难以表达。到国家体育场,心中的自豪之情难以表达。最新奥林匹克运动会Month at 8 oclock in the evening on 8th,the common people focuses attention upon,Beijing Olympiad that whole nation looks

44、forward to pulls open in country stadium drapery.This is the masterpiece as the epic that momentum one develops,have very strong art shaking the force and appeal,the field concentrating highly has displayed the Chinese nation glory and fond dream,sense of national pride having aroused fellow country

45、men tremendously.My delighted lamp light,but the tonight the 8th lamp light,magical changing irregularly,lets me be stupefied,efflux displaying days first,the so many people performs commonly,tidy dodging person brings into submission.I loving 29 the footmark cigarette of fireworks,but opening cerem

46、ony up make me misted,have no way to let person believe in,they have moved towards the trend being confident at a quick pace like that Beijing,has walked us up to,.Large-scale Olympiad opening ceremony literature and art performance has an inventive mind but,the lingering charm being containing epic

47、,is the optesthesia grand banquet one taking civilized charm as content,gives intense being shocked to person in having embodied Chinese style,Chinese manner,grand appearance.Have making an appointment with medicine 4-big invention from the papermaking technology,typography,compass and fire official

48、 document,to calligraphy,Kunqu opera,Beijing opera,traditional Chinese painting,take history as classics from sea Silk Road to the modern starlit sky,take resplendent cultural heritage as latitude,bright civilization for 5000 years,cream large-scale literature and art of opening ceremony is performe

49、d having displayed China to the whole world are moving that gets along,almost fresh have leave out.最新奥林匹克运动会The giantism footprint that fireworks is composed of,has arrived at the country stadium along antiquited Beijing middle axis from Yong Ding county door,Tiananmen,has symbolized the to arrive a

50、t the modern Chinese history footmark,implied meaning of antiquited China profound.Be still that moment that sage fire ignites make person inspired with enthusiasm most.Gymnastics Prince Li Ning,runs swiftly in overhead,ignites sage fire.But be in favor for that moment until Li Ning ignites a sage,t

51、he whole audience the Chinese oiling resounding through the night sky sounds,Olympic Games come on,I am proud for China,pour oil to the motherland also really at that moment.Large-scale opening ceremony literature and art performance has shown the Chinese culture marrow outstandingly,theory that man

52、 is an integral part of nature has waited for idea to show very ingeniously with expensive,coupling hardness with softness,and with expensive,coupling hardness with softness and,sound of having expressed China who develops peacefully,builds harmoniously the worlds implicitly.Art field large-scale li

53、terature and art of opening ceremony is performed with harmonious Chinese culture connotation tell the world,let the world know China better.Think that I see splendid Beijing sky fireworks,the athlete who sees world everywhere assembles into country stadium,feeling of being proud at heart is difficult to express.最新奥林匹克运动会

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