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1、Unit 16,Finding jobs,Period three,Reading,Old Trafford Stadium trainee devil adore vacant itch outstanding assess,老特拉福德球场 n. 接受训练的人 n. 魔鬼,恶魔 v. 热爱,敬仰 adj. 未占用的, 空着的 n. 球场,投,掷 adj. 杰出的,优秀的 v. 评价,估计,New words and expressions,scout salary maintenance competitive occupation amateur,n. 物色(运动员、演员等)人才的工作人员

2、,侦察员 n. 薪金,薪水 n. 维修,保养 adj. 比赛性的,好竞争的 n. 职业,占据 n. 业余爱好者,New words and expressions,FOOTBALL: A GOOD CAREER CHOICE?,Pre-reading,Look at the title of the reading passage. What can you guess about the content of the passage from the title? Why is the title a question?,A: As a football fan, I got excited

3、 at the first sight of the title. I guess the passage will tell us whether the football career is a good one or not and it will be about some football stars. The title is a question because the writer doesnt think it a good career to play football. B: Judging from the title, I think the passage is m

4、ainly about the sorrows and joys of footballers. The writer,throws doubt upon the good football career so the title is written in the form of a question. C: The title tells us that the content of the text will be a football player has to experience hardship in his career. The writer gives advice on

5、how to be a successful footballer. The writer uses the question mark in order to imply that football is not always a good career choice.,1. What is this passage mainly about? I think the passage is mainly about the fact that Davids story has a happy ending while the football dreams of most children

6、dont often come true.,Read the introduction, the first sentence of each paragraph and the conclusion. Answer the following questions.,2. Does the writer think it is easy or difficult to have a successful career in football? The topic sentence of the seventh paragraph and the conclusion indicate that

7、 the writer thinks it is difficult to have a successful career in football.,While-reading,Paras. 1-3 The success of David Beckham in the football career. Para. 4 The difference between football and other careers. Para. 5 The special qualities required by footballers.,Main ideas of the three parts,Pa

8、ras. 6-7 The programs set up for young footballers in both China and the UK. Para. 8 Football dreams dont often come true like David.,Analyze,In this text the writer uses narration and comments. i.e. by telling the story of David Beckham the writer makes the comment that football is not always a goo

9、d career choice. This makes the text substantial in content and more vivid and persuasive to the readers.,Writing techniques:,The text tells us the story of David Beckham and what is needed for a football career, from which the writer shows that it is difficult to become a successful footballer.,Mai

10、n idea:,We can learn from the text that super football stars like David Beckham are now dazzlingly honorable but actually they have experienced unbelievable sorrows and hard work in life. While adoring their attractive appearance and reputation, we should really follow their example to be steady and

11、 believe in everything we do until we succeed in the end.,Learn from this text:,The writer wants to tell us that a professional footballer like David Beckham has to overcome a lot of difficulties in life in order to become successful in his career. So we students should learn a lot from them. We sho

12、uld be strong-minded and always ready to bear hardships and stand hard work in order to achieve our ambition in the future.,Writing purpose:,Post-reading,Becoming a professional footballer = three stages,under 16,Weekends No pay,1. Find information from the text to complete the students notes in the

13、 table.,Receive football instructions. Play for the youth team, cleaning jobs.,1618,Full-time. salary depends on their performance and how many matches their team wins,Follow the contract with the club. Play as a professional footballer.,2. The text says that football is different from other careers

14、. Why? Use information given in the text to compare football with other careers. What other differences can you think of?,1. Employers go out to find the right players instead of advertising the job in the mass media.,3.Programmes are set up to cultivate young footballers.,4.Footballers receive furt

15、her education while training.,2. Clubs look for young people with talent.,5. Footballers have to pass through three difficult stages to become professional.,6. Most footballers are not lucky enough to achieve their ambition.,1. Harmonious movements and physical strength are very important in this ca

16、reer.,2. Footballers should have a good state of mind and keep themselves in good form during the match.,3. Players should be good at launching a joint assault with the teammate.,3. Does the writer think football is a good career choice? Find evidence in the text to support your answer.,The inferred

17、 view of the writer is that football is not a good career choice.,Evidence in the text:,Trainee footballers: it is not an easy life. There is a lot of competition for places on the team, the salary is low and the job includes cleaning the changing rooms, toilets and senior colleagues boots.,Despite

18、talent, only a few players are good enough to become professional: Professional footballers have to be very, very good, and to play for a leading club they must be outstandingonly a few trainees are good enough to go on to the next stage.,Even once professional, only a very few players are truly suc

19、cessful: Perhaps, like Becks, one or two become great stars. However, football is a fiercely competitive occupation and many players are not successful. They have to leave the profession to find other careers.,A career in football is a dream that few people can achieve. Most are not successful and f

20、ail: Davids story has a happy ending, but most children with the same wish will never have the opportunity to wear their favorite teams shirt. Many of them will only play as an amateur footballer in their spare time. Unfortunately football dreams dont often come true.,Language points,1. Every time h

21、e plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.,adoring adj. 崇拜的,敬慕的 She looked at him in an adoring manner. 她以崇拜的眼神看着他。 adore v. 1) 崇拜,敬爱,爱慕 It is obvious that the girl adores him. 显然这个女孩十分爱慕他。 2) (口语,不用进行式) 极为喜爱 The baby adores being tickled. 那婴孩极为喜爱被胳肢。,2. be

22、cause employers do not advertise that they have a vacant job in the newspapers or on the Internet.,vacant adj. 1) 空的 We are gazing into vacant space. 我们凝视着浩瀚的空际。 2) 未被占用的 Everyone wanted to apply for the vacant position. 每个人都想申请这个空缺的职位。 3) 空虚的,茫然的 She stared at me with vacant looks. 她带着茫然的神情望着我。,3.

23、Professional footballers have to be very, very good, and to play for a leading club they must be outstanding.,outstanding adj. 1) 杰出的,显著的 The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding. 那个获得奖学金的女孩是相当杰出的。 2)(指问题,工作,债务等)尚未解决的 He has a great deal of work still outstanding. 他还有一大堆尚待完成的工作。 3) 突出的

24、,伸出的 He is a boy with big, outstanding ears. 他是个两耳大而突出的男孩。,4. and this is where the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future.,assess v. 评价,评估 How would you assess yourself? 你对自己怎么评价? Hes so lazy that its difficult to assess his ability. 他这么懒,真难以评估他的能力。 It is difficult to assess the i

25、mportance of the decision. 很难估计这个决定的重要性。,5. However, football is such a fiercely competitive occupation, that many players are not successful and have to leave the profession to find other careers.,competitive adj. 比赛性的,好竞争的,(价格、产品或生产者)具有竞争力的 competitive sports 竞技性体育项目 Janes got a very competitive n

26、ature. 简这个人天性好强。 I always shop at that supermarket; its prices are very competitive. 我总在那个超市买东西,因为那儿的价钱便宜。,occupation n. 职业,占据 What is her occupation? 她从事什么工作? John is mad for a change of occupation 约翰渴望改行。 How long was the Japanese Occupation of Singapore? 日本统治新加坡有多久?,6. Many of them will only play

27、 as amateur footballers in their spare time.,amateur n. 业余爱好者 Im an amateur photographer. 我是个业余摄影师。 The amateur bouts are equally impressive. 业余拳击比赛也同样精彩。 Its a business for profession not amateur. 这是专业人员的活儿,而不是业余的。,China has special football schools where children acquire ball skills as well as a f

28、ormal education.,难句解析,谓语,主语,中国拥有特殊的足球学校,在学校里孩子们学习踢球技巧,同时也接受普通教育。,宾语,定语从句,(1)as well as 与not onlybut also这两个短语所连接的两部分强调的侧重点不同。 We shall travel by night as well as by day. (强调晚上也要旅行) Our English teacher is friendly as well as kind to us. (强调了英语老师的friendly),(2)as well as 与not onlybut also连接主语部分时,主谓一致性不

29、同,在as well as 结构中,谓语的形式应根据前一个主语确定,而not onlybut also连接两个句子,not only放句首时,句子要倒装。 Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting. Not only some students but also the teacher was interested in the question.,E-mail, as well as telephone, _ an important part in daily communication. (1999上海) A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play,高考题例,Thank you.,

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