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1、A1 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:If you want to live to be 100 years old. You need healthy food and lots of exercise. In the morning, cereal and congee are good for breakfast. They give you energy. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. Healthy people seldom eat lots

2、of snacks. Sweet snacks give you energy but they are not healthy. You can have an orange or an apple after each meal. You need lots of exercise too. You can exercise for about 30 minutes every day. You will feel healthier in a month. You can swim. You can run. You can play basketball. However, do no

3、t play computer games or chat with friends on the Internet for many hours every day. That is not exercise. Get up from your chair, everyone! Change your diet and lifestyle today! You can live to be 100 years old. You can always feel young with the right food and right exercise.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提

4、示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如有人问你附近有没有旅馆,你说附近没有,最近的旅馆离这儿约两公里,最好乘20路或35路公共汽车前往,车站就在街道右边。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:李雷是初中七年级学生,数学很好;喜欢玩计算机游戏,喜欢游泳;今夏毕业;2、礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都喜欢他;3、1991年出生于上海,全家现在住在南京。A2 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:The man in the advertisement on the right is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue tr

5、ousers. This is interesting because these two colours have different meanings. Orange represents success and can cheer you up if you are feeling sad about something. Blue represents sadness and calm. I think success is important to him, but he also looks like he needs to calm down. His shoes are whi

6、te, which represents calm and peace, but his glasses are black. Black represents power and passion. I think this man has trouble making decisions. He seems to be moving very fast and doing many things at the same time. I do not think this is a good advertisement because most people would rather rela

7、x and feel calm than be very busy, like the man in the picture. However, red is a good colour for the phone because red represents power and strength. People who enjoy being busy also like to feel strong and powerful.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如有人询问有关扎龙的情况,你回答说,扎龙在东北黑龙江省,它是一个自然保护区,每年有许多旅游者去那

8、里观鸟。扎龙給各种不同鸟类提供食物和栖息地,其中还包括一些濒临灭绝的鸟类。鸟儿在那里以蠕虫、小鱼、植物为食。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:为了健康,我改变了饮食;2、以前,很少吃水果、蔬菜,却吃许多甜的零食,喜欢糕点、糖果、可乐;3、我知道甜的零食对我没有好处;现在,早餐时总吃个苹果,常喝牛奶;正餐时,通常吃肉和蔬菜;不再吃甜的零食。4、身体越来越健康,学习情况也大大改变了。 A3 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Many teenagers suffer from stress. Although their proble

9、ms can make them worry, there are some simple ways to deal with stress. Firstly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercising are very important. How can we be happy if we are not fit? For school work, planning ahead can help. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning to

10、 do them can help students organize their time. If they are weak in a subject, studying hard and asking a teacher for advice can help. Students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them. Instead, they should think about the things they are good at. Finally, students should also make enough

11、 time for their hobbies. Playing sport, reading and watching films can help them relax.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你的朋友问你们在谈论什么,你回答说在谈论即将在下星期六举行的运动会。你准备参加跳高,能跳1.5米左右;你还准备参加接力赛跑。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:人们都喜欢大熊猫,它们只生活在中国;大熊猫黑白相间,貌似熊,平静而安详,吃竹笋、竹叶;2、现仅存一千只左右,数目越来越少;3、熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,人们在为取其毛皮而猎捕它们;如此下

12、去,世界上很快将再无熊猫。 B1 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door. The man never spoke to anyone and no one knew what he did for a living. One day, when Tom came home from work, he found a diamond necklace outside his door. Tom

13、wondered where it came from. Tom thought that perhaps someone had dropped the necklace, so he planned to take it to the police station the next day. He thought the police would be able to find the owner. Just then, the police came to Toms home and saw the necklace in his hand. Tom was very shocked w

14、hen he was charged with robbery. A policeman told him that a jewellery shop had been robbed. A witness said that she had seen someone run from the jewellery shop into Toms building right after the robbery. Tom was not guilty, but how could he prove it ?二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你的朋友和你在谈论宠物

15、,你说你最喜欢扇尾金鱼,因为这种金鱼易于照料,价格不贵。你还说,与一般金鱼稍有区别是扇尾金鱼都长着长而漂亮的鳍。你也喜欢鹦鹦,但不喜欢狗,因为狗发出吠声,养狗需要悉心照料。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:凯特是我最好的朋友,她住我家隔壁,我们做朋友已经快10年了;2、她高而苗条,一头长发;非常聪明,乐于助人;有幽默感,常讲笑话逗我笑;3、长大后想当个歌手,周游世界;我们可能不会经常见面,但我们将永远是最好的朋友。 B2 2007年江苏省初中学生口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Hi everybodyMy name is Lucy. I am in Y

16、ear 9 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite subject is Home Economics. I like learning how to cook and sew. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals.Our

17、school has a reading week every year. My classmates and I love it. We can read any books from the school library. We can even bring in books and magazines from home but we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. Near the end of each class we can talk to our friends about our books. The

18、 reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends books as well. 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如海伦打来找你的同学李明,李明不在。你在电话中询问对方是谁,并告诉对方李明刚去书店买书,不知他何时返回,只知道他中午肯定回校吃饭,有事可代为转告。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要求:一些颜色使我们感到平静和安宁;蓝色便是其一;穿蓝色的衣服或住在蓝色的房间里,对身心有益;蓝色产生和谐的感觉;蓝色也表示难过;感到难过的人可以说:“我感到忧伤”;2、

19、使人感到平静和安宁的另一种颜色是白色;白色代表纯洁;你感到压力大的时候,就应该穿白色的衣服。 B3 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Giant pandas are beautiful black-and-white animals. They look like bears. They live in China. They are very quiet and peaceful.They eat bamboo shoots and leaves. They never eat meat. Baby giant pandas spen

20、d a lot of time drinking their mums milk-up to fourteen hours a day!Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time. When the babies are born, they look like little white mice.There are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world now. Their number is getting smaller and smaller because

21、 their living areas are becoming farmlands. If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. Also, people hunt them for their fur. If this continues, then there will be no giant pandas in the world.So, what action can the club take? We should write to newspapers and magazines

22、 about the giant pandas in China. We should tell them about the problems for giant pandas. If more people know about these problems, then maybe they will do something to help.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你的朋友询问你们今天下午的活动安排,你说你们将在少年宫与五中的一支球队进行篮球比赛,球赛将于三点半开始,哪支球队获胜难以预料。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:我是9年级

23、学生,有个问题不知怎样解决;2、我有许多爱好,喜欢阅读、写诗、散步和购物,最喜欢的是绘画;3、但是,每天我有很多课外作业;我花很多时间来完成,以至不能为我的爱好找到时间了;对此我感到遗憾;我应当集中精力做课外作业而放弃爱好吗?这个问题使我很发愁。 C1 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Dear Mr WuOur class held a meeting to talk about holding a charity show. We decided to call the show “Sunshine For All ”. The sh

24、ow will be held on the 29th of April at 7.30 p.m. It will finish at 9. 30 p. m. We want to raise money for a charity called Project Hope. We think it does a very important job so we hope to raise a lot of money for it. The tickets will cost ¥20 each.Many classmates have volunteered to do some work f

25、or the show. Kitty and I will design the poster. Millie will be the hostess of the show. She will also help Simon organize a play. Amy and I have volunteered to set up the stage. Daniel and Kitty will sing a song.We will ask all our friends and families to come.We hope to see you there!Sandy 二、根据实际情

26、况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你是一位外国学生,你告诉你的朋友,你来自澳大利亚,去年二月来到南京,生活十分愉快。你没去过深圳,准备下星期五去那儿游览一周时间。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:不同的学生对不同的电视节目感兴趣;阿尼塔是7年级的学生,最喜欢看的电视节目是观看老虎,通常每天花2小时看电视;2、汤姆是8年级的学生,最喜欢的电视节目是体育城,每天看1小时左右的电视;3、萨姆是9年级的学生,最喜欢看的节目是音乐世界,每天看3小时左右的电视。 C2 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:In most

27、places in the U.S. children must attend school until sixteen, or until they finish high school, usually at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Some children who are not good students drop out of school at sixteen. This is a growing problem, for it is harder and harder for people to find work when they

28、 havent finished their high school education.Public schools are free to all boys and girls, but some parents prefer to send their children to private schools. Usually private schools have small classes and very good teachers, so parents think their children will get a better education there than in

29、public schools. The government doesnt give any money to these private schools, so most of them ask the students to pay several thousand dollars a year to pay for the cost of the school. Boys and girls go to the public schools together, but many private schools are for girls only or boys only.二、根据实际情

30、况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如一位外国朋友和你谈论季节,你说你家乡最好的季节是春天,还说你最喜欢夏天,因为在夏天你可以去游泳。你也喜欢秋天,因为秋天天气既不大热也不太冷。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:火星上的生活在许多方面比地球上的生活要好;人们将有更大的空间;火星上可能将没有学校,每个学生家里都有一台计算机,将他/她与行星间因特网联结;学生将有网上教师;2、然而,在某些方面,火星上的生活可能不会好于今天地球上的生活,食物不会一样;宇宙旅行会使人们感觉不适;航天飞机飞得很快,但是,到火星的旅行可能并不舒服。 C3 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟

31、试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:We are always using body language in our daily communication. When we talk with each other, we may use body language. For example, in the USA, people point to their heads when they think someone is clever. However, human beings are not the only ones who use body language. An

32、imals also use body language and facial expressions to tell each other how they feel and what they think.When a dog is happy, its ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open When it is angry, it will look straight at you. If an elephant spreads its ears, it means “Watch out!” To show friendshi

33、p, elephants will touch each other with their trunks. Dolphins live in groups and like to show each other their feelings. An angry dolphin will sometimes slap its tail on the water. A happy dolphin will play with its friends, making small jumps into the air. Not only humans but also animals can use

34、body language to communicate, but the ways they “talk” to each other are different.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你的朋友出差在外,来电询问家乡的天气情况,你说在下雨,气温为摄氏22至29度。你还说这场雨是从星期三下午开始下的,但雨天不会持续太久,因为收音机里说雨随后就会停。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:北京是中国的首都;市中心是紫金城;紫金城已有近600年的历史了,但仍然很美丽;挨着紫金城的是天安门广场,世界上最大的广场,它总是挤满了旅游者;2、在北京的西北

35、角,是颐和园,一个建在自然风景里的中国式园林;3、最引人注意的是长城,是世界奇观之一。 D1 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:New York, London, Paris and some other cities are exciting places to live. There are many interesting things to see and to do . You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy thin

36、gs from all over the world.But there are serious problems in big cities, too . It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places in big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find work, study at good schools and receive good medical care . But sometimes these

37、people cant find work or good places to live. Also it is hard to keep big cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems they might encounter there.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你去商店买东西,你告诉营业员你

38、要两双26码的短袜,一双是棕色的,另一双是白色的,不要其他东西。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:中秋节通常在9月或10月,家庭团聚,晚上,喜欢在户外聚餐;当晚,月亮更亮更圆;老人们給孩子们讲嫦娥的故事;2、在中秋节,人们很喜欢吃月饼;月饼种类很多,小圆饼里带有网、蛋、果仁或甜的东西,都很可口;每年这时,许多商店都卖月饼。 D2 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, “Friends are Gods way of taking care

39、of us. ” But how do you find real friendship and keep it ?First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to

40、 help. To make a friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things cannot always go smoothly. Even the best of friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When you are alone, with your f

41、riend, have an honest talk. If he or she doesnt want to talk, you could write a letter.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你是班长,有同学问你下周的活动安排,你说下周去农场劳动,农场离这里不远,可步行前往。你们打算星期一上午出发,在那儿劳动两、三天,和农民一起摘橘子。四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:在我的学校附近有一个新的购物中心;购物中心很大,五层楼面上都是商店,而且每层楼面都宽敞;2、有许多服装商店,这对女孩子们来说是太好了;但是,为男孩子们服务的商店不多;

42、只有一个体育商店;电脑游戏中心不大,里面人又太多;3、在顶楼有很多餐厅,在那里你可尝到不同国家的不同食物;这真是个好玩的地方。 D3 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(学生卷)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea.In China people like to

43、 have tea together with their friends. They may drink tea at any time of the day. They put only tea leaves in their cups. They prefer the tea with nothing else in it.Tea is also important in Japan. It is very popular there. People drink tea every day. But they have it in a way different from that in

44、 China.In the USA people drink tea at breakfast or after meals. They usually use tea bags to make their tea. Making tea with tea bags is faster and easier than making it with leaves in teapots.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你们将在元旦举行英语晚会,你没有确定給英语老师什么节日礼物,你的同学建议送一张自制贺卡,你认为很好,并说要在贺卡上用英语写上“新年快乐!”四、

45、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:我设计了一件上衣、一条短裙、一件女式衬衫和一双靴子;2、蓝色的上衣是用羊毛制成的,长而漂亮;短裙是用丝绸制成的,很轻,适合在夏天穿;知裙上面有绿色和白色的花朵;衬衫是V領,是用白色的棉布做的;3、最后,靴子是长筒皮靴,与衣服很相配。 A1 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(教师用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:If you want to live to be 100 years old. You need healthy food and lots of exercise. In the morning, cereal and cong

46、ee are good for breakfast. They give you energy. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. Healthy people seldom eat lots of snacks. Sweet snacks give you energy but they are not healthy. You can have an orange or an apple after each meal. You need lots of exercise too. You can exercis

47、e for about 30 minutes every day. You will feel healthier in a month. You can swim. You can run. You can play basketball. However, do not play computer games or chat with friends on the Internet for many hours every day. That is not exercise. Get up from your chair, everyone! Change your diet and li

48、festyle today! You can live to be 100 years old. You can always feel young with the right food and right exercise.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:1. Would you please tell me your name? my name is2. What do you usually have for breakfast? Milk, an egg and some porridge.3. How do you feel about your family life? We li

49、ve a happy life.4. Where is your classroom? Its on the third floor in Building A.5. How are you getting on with your studies? Very well.三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如有人问你附近有没有旅馆,你说附近没有,最近的旅馆离这儿约两公里,最好乘20路或35路公共汽车前往,车站就在街道右边。A: Excuse me , is there a hotel near here? B: No, there isnt.A: How far is the neares

50、t hotel? B: Its about two kilometers away.A: How can I get there ? B: Youd better take a bus.A: Which bus should I take? B: The No, 20 bus or the No,35 bus.A: Wheres the bus stop? B: Its over there on the right.A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome.四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况: 要点:李雷是初中七年级学生,数学很好;喜欢玩计算机游戏,喜

51、欢游泳;今夏毕业;2、礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都喜欢他;3、1991年出生于上海,全家现在住在南京。Li Lei is a secondary school student. Hes in Grade Seven. Hes very clever at Maths. Li Lei enjoys playing computer games. He loves swimming. This summer hell graduate from school. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and his classmates li

52、ke him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1991. Now his family lives in Nanjing.A2 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(教师用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:The man in the advertisement on the right is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue trousers. This is interesting because these two colours have different meanings. Oran

53、ge represents success and can cheer you up if you are feeling sad about something. Blue represents sadness and calm. I think success is important to him, but he also looks like he needs to calm down. His shoes are white, which represents calm and peace, but his glasses are black. Black represents po

54、wer and passion. I think this man has trouble making decisions. He seems to be moving very fast and doing many things at the same time. I do not think this is a good advertisement because most people would rather relax and feel calm than be very busy, like the man in the picture. However, red is a g

55、ood colour for the phone because red represents power and strength. People who enjoy being busy also like to feel strong and powerful.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:1. When were you born? I was born in 199.2. When do you usually get up in the morning?3. How many people are there in your family?4. How often do you h

56、ave your classmeeting? Once a week. 5. What subject do you like best? I like best.三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如有人询问有关扎龙的情况,你回答说,扎龙在东北黑龙江省,它是一个自然保护区,每年有许多旅游者去那里观鸟。扎龙給各种不同鸟类提供食物和栖息地,其中还包括一些濒临灭绝的鸟类。鸟儿在那里以蠕虫、小鱼、植物为食。A: Would you please tell me where Zhalong is ?B: Its in Heilongjiang Province in North-East Chin

57、a.A: Why do a lot of tourists go to Zhalong every year?B: Because its a nature reserve. They go there for birdwatching.A: What kind of birds live there?B: Many different kinds of birds live there, including some endangered ones.A: What does the reserve provide for the birds? B: It provides food and

58、shelter for them.A: What do the birds eat there? B: They eat worms, small fish and plants.A: Thank you for telling me so much about Zhalong.四、根据所給话题和内容要点介绍情况:要点:为了健康,我改变了饮食;2、以前,很少吃水果、蔬菜,却吃许多甜的零食,喜欢糕点、糖果、可乐;3、我知道甜的零食对我没有好处;现在,早餐时总吃个苹果,常喝牛奶;正餐时,通常吃肉和蔬菜;不再吃甜的零食。4、身体越来越健康,学习情况也大大改变了。 I changed my diet

59、because I want to be healthier. Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. I ate a lot of sweet snacks between meals. I liked cakes, sweets and Coke. I know that sweet snacks are not good for me. Now I always eat an apple for breakfast, and I often drink some milk . I usually eat meat and vegetables

60、 for dinner. I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more. Im now becoming healthier and healthier. Because of this, my studies have been greatly improved.A3 2007年江苏省初中英语口语等级测试模拟试卷(教师用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文:Many teenagers suffer from stress. Although their problems can make them worry, there are som

61、e simple ways to deal with stress. Firstly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercising are very important. How can we be happy if we are not fit? For school work, planning ahead can help. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning to do them can help students organize t

62、heir time. If they are weak in a subject, studying hard and asking a teacher for advice can help. Students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them. Instead, they should think about the things they are good at. Finally, students should also make enough time for their hobbies. Playing spor

63、t, reading and watching films can help them relax.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题:1. Where are you from? Im from.2. Where do you usually have lunch, at school or at home?3. Whats your hobby? I like. .4. What does your mother do? Shes a .5. What do you think of your school? I think its a nice school. I love it.三、根据所給提示用英语进行交谈:提示:假如你的朋友问你们在谈论什么,你回答说在谈论即将在下星期六举行的运动会。你准备参加跳高,能跳1.5米左右;你还准备参加接力赛跑。A: What are you talking about? B: We are talking about the coming sports meet.A: When will it be

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