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1、2.1 Outline of Energy Conservation Policies(1) Brief history of energy conservation policies in JapanSince the first oil crisis, Japan has made impressive achievements in energy conservation, mostly due to the combined efforts made by both public and private sectors. In1973 when the first oil crisis

2、 occurred, the oil resource dependency of Japan was as high as 80% of its total primary energy demand. The oil crisis revealed that the countrys fragility of energy supply and demand structure, but the government took advantage of the situation as a precious lesson and has made utmost efforts that s

3、ubsequently have built a robust supply and demand structure. On the supply level, the diversification of energy sources has been facilitated by successfully switching to alternative energies such as natural gas or nuclear power. On the demand level, the industrial sector has played a central role in

4、 energy conservation. As the result of those tireless efforts, the countrys oil dependency has declined to 48%, which enables Japan to realize an energy conservation oriented society while staying as an economic power at the same time. In terms of energy consumption per GDP, Japan has been successfu

5、l in curbing increasing the consumption, compared with other major developed nations.日本节能政策简史 自从石油危机之后,日本在节能方面获得了巨大的成就,这在很大程度上归功于从大众 到个人的不懈努力。在1973 年第一次石油危机爆发的时候,日本的原油需求量占其一次能 源需求总量高达80%份额。石油危机显示了日本能源供需结构的脆弱。日本政府却充分利用 了这次教训,尽最大的努力在其后逐渐建立了健康强壮的能源供需结构。在供应层面,日本 成功转向替代能源的开发,比如天然气和核能,使其能源供应呈现多样化。通过不断努力,

6、日本对原油的需求已减少至48%,这使得日本成为一个以节能为向导的经济度发达的社会。In the meantime, the member nations reached an agreement with the target that required developed nations to cut their GHG emissions at the 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP3) in Kyoto 1997. Further energy conservation efforts have since been p

7、erceived to reach the goal and conserve the environment on a global level. More than 90 % of GHG is carbon dioxide and approximately 90% of carbon dioxide is emitted from combusting fossil fuels, which means nearly 80 % of GHG emissions originates from energy use. For that reason, potent and effecti

8、ve energy policies are regarded to be the key player in resolving the environmental problems.与此同时,1997 年在日本京都召开的气候框架公约第三次缔约方大会上通过的国 际性公约,为各国的二氧化碳排放量规定了标准。温室气体中有多于90%的是碳氧化物,而 接近 90%的碳氧化物来自化石燃料的燃烧,这意味着近80%的温室气体来自能源的使用。鉴 于此,行之有效的能源政策可谓解觉环境问题的要素之一。The government decided to set up measures covering both

9、energy supply and demand to achieve the 6% GHG emission reduction goal set by the Kyoto Protocol. On the demand level, the government will urge the industrial, the commercial and residential and the transportation sectors to promote further energy conservation, even though considerable efforts have

10、already been taken since the oil crisis. If these measures are put into place, an aggregate of 56 million kL energy is estimated to be saved in 2010, almost equivalent to the annual energy consumption in all households in Japan. This indicates the goal of the energy conservation measures presents it

11、self highly ambitious one. However, based on the recent continuing rising trend of energy consumption in the commercial sector and the transportation sector partly due to peoples lifestyle changes, the Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has reviewed the measures for energy conservati

12、on from 2001. The committee put forward additional measures in 2005 and reviewed them in 2007 (refer to Page 71, 3.6 (3). Furthermore, the government announced on 23rd September, 2009 that Japan will aim to reduce GHG emission by 25% by 2020 compared to the 1990 level.日本政府决定采取措施既能保证能源供应,又能完成京都议定书规定的

13、减少温室气体排 放 6% 的目标。在需求层面,政府促进在工业,公共建筑和居住建筑,交通运输领域的节能 减排工作,即使自从能源危机之后已经开始了这项工作。如果这些措施实现了,在2010年 日本将有可能累计节约5600 万千升的能源消耗,这大约是日本全国家庭的一年耗能量。此 外,日本政府2009年9 月23 日宣布到2020 年与1990年相比要减少温室气体排放量25%。(2) Promotion of energy conservation measures1) Financial support of energy conservation equipment and systemsTo pr

14、omote energy conservation equipment, investment in industry and commerce, loan programs and tax reduction measures have been established (low interest loans by Japan Finance Corporation and a tax system for promoting investment to reform energy supply and demand structure) by Law for Energy Conserva

15、tion and Recycling Support.2) Acceleration of development and practical application of energy conservation technologiesTo technologically ensure the practice of energy conservation in future, the R&D of technologies concerned with energy conservation has been promoted under the cooperation among ind

16、ustries, the government, and academy.促进节能的措施1 对节能设备和系统的财政支持 促进节能设备的研发和推广,加大相关工商业投资,设立便捷的贷款程序和降低税收政 策(日本金融公司为能源供需结构改革提供低息贷款和税收体系)。2 加速节能技术的发展和应用 工业组织,政府组织和研究机构的合作极大地推动未来节能技术的研究和发展。3 基于能源保护法的节能方针的构想和实施 工业领域:针对工厂等节能的指导方针,例如设备操作是否节能的判断标准和目标值。 交通运输领域:各种汽车的能源消耗标准。 公共建筑和居住建筑领域:对于建筑和电气设备节能的判断标准。4 通过公共活动提高人们

17、的节能意识 能源和资源保护措施促进会开展的一些活动,像“冬夏节能运动”。 准备和分发一些节能宣传单的传单和海报,举办座谈会,和通过大众传媒传播节能信息。3) Formulation and application of guidelines based on the Energy Conservation Law(a) Industrial sector: Guidelines for factories etc. such as standards of judgment and target value for operating equipment, etc.(b) Transporta

18、tion sector: Fuel consumption standards for automobiles and trucks.(c) Commercial and residential sector: Standards of judgment for buildings and appliances4) Raising peoples awareness of energy conservation by publicity activities(a) Being thoroughly informed of various measures by the Council for

19、Promotion of Energy and Resources Conservation Measures, such as “Energy conservation campaign in summer and winter.”(b) Preparing and distributing posters and pamphlets, holding symposiums and offeringinformation through mass media.(3) Promotion of international energy conservation measuresUnder th

20、e government policy and support, ECCJ conducts various training programs targeting developing countries mainly in Asia to promote energy efficiency and conservation as well as to enhance Japans stable energy supply. Programs include lectures; practical trainings at trial plants; factory tours, etc.,

21、 aiming at transferring Japans experiences and information including energy conservation policies, energy management activities and status, technologies regarded highly efficient, etc., which could serve as useful reference for their planning/implementation/diffusion of energy efficiency and conserv

22、ation.促进国际节能措施在政府支持下,日本节能中心ECCJ)针对发展中国家尤其是亚洲地区的发展中国家组 织了一系列的促进节能活动。包括:演讲,实验性的实际培训,工厂参观,等,旨在传播日 本节能经验和政策,能源管理活动,以及高能效的先进技术。2.2 The Basic Energy PlanThe Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) submitted the Basic Energy Plan to the Diet in October, 2003. This plan defines the next 10-year direc

23、tion of measures on the demand and supply based on the three principles set in the Fundamental Law on Energy Policy Measures. The three principles are as follows:日本基本能源规划(1) Energy securityTo deal with the future growth of energy demand in the Asian region and Japans high oil dependency on the Middl

24、e East countries, the following measures should be promoted: (i) Energy conservation, (ii) Diversifying imported energy resources and strengthening the relationship withmajor oil exporting nations, (iii) Diversifying energy resources, such as developing domestically produced fuels, (iv) Securing the

25、 oil and LP gas reserves. The supply-demand problem of electricity in the Kanto area should be considered, and reliability and stability of domestic supply should be secured. Securing energy is a prerequisite for the stable energy supply. The government and business owners should make full efforts t

26、o secure the stable supply.(2) Adaptability to the environmentIn addition to reducing the emissions of NOx and SOx, the following measures will be promoted to combat global warming: (i) Energy conservation, (ii) Use of non-fossil energy and switch to gas energy and (iii) Development and introduction

27、 of clean fossil fuel systems and energy efficiency technology.(3) Utilization of market mechanismPromote the institutional reforms and design plans to utilize market principles in the framework that meets Japans real situations, considering “Securing the stable supply of energy” and “Environmental

28、sustainability”According to the law, the Plan is called for review in every three years and shall be amended when necessary. In 2007, the amendment was made for the 2003 Octobers “Basic Energy Plan”, taking into account the recent fluctuation of energy related status. The amendments are as follows:1

29、. Promotion of nuclear power generation including nuclear fuel cycle and expansion and steadyincrease of new energy,2. Strengthening of strategic and comprehensive actions toward energy security of energy resources such as oil, etc.,3. Strengthening of energy conservation policies, active initiative in setting an international framework that is effective to the issue of climate change.4. Breakthrough of constraint on energy or environment through technology (Strengthening of technologies and promotion of its strategic use).

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