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1、教育性小学英语语篇教学案例(故事教学)Changing Seasons一、 案例背景:教学时间:2010年6月2日教学内容:上海版牛津教材1B Module3 Unit1 Seasons教学片段: 故事教学 (While-task)执教老师:黄春霞 上海师范大学附属外国语小学执教对象:上海师范大学附属外国语小学一(1)班学生教材内容:上海版牛津教材1BM3U1的主题是Seasons,基于教材提供的这一主题,我用单词“changing”串起与季节相关信息:季节的颜色变化、气候变换、人们的行为变化,并以季节变化为背景,整合新旧语言,在第三课时讲述了the Grasshopper和 the Ants

2、 的故事。二、案例片段:片段目标:A. 语言知识与技能:1. 在故事中学习掌握单词:busy, lie2. 在故事中理解体验句型的表达:I like to lie on the _and _.3. 能够在图片、文字和场景的辅助下理解故事大意,并能对故事进行简单地朗读和演绎。B. 语言文化和情感:通过语言学习,感知故事背后的隐含意义:No pains, no gains. (不劳无获),同时通过对单词busy的理解,激发学生对身边默默付出劳动的人们的感激之情,使语言的学习与德育相结合。Part1:屏幕呈现故事画面,通过动画图片和文字录音,让学生对故事有一个初步的感知。G: Its spring.

3、 Its warm. I go to the park.G: I like to lie on the grass and smell the flowers. What a nice season!G: Hi, ants. Lets smell the flowers.Ant: Sorry, Im busy.G: Ha-ha, its spring. Its not winter now.教师简单提问,引入故事的主人公the Ants, 并把人物图片贴于黑板。T: In spring, what small animal does the grasshopper meet?S: The an

4、ts.T: How many ants?播放录像片段,帮助学生更好地理解单词意义S: Three ants.T: What are the ants doing? Do you remember? Lets watch again.引出新授单词“busy.”T: The ants are putting food away. They are getting ready for winter. They are busy.儿歌接龙,不断复现单词。T: The ants are busy. What other animal is busy, too?S: The beerabbit.is bu

5、sy.Ss: Busy, busy, busy.呈现the grasshopper图片,引出新授词组:lie on the _.T: The bee is busy. The ants are busy, too. Look at the grasshopper. Is he very busy? S: No.T: He lies on the and Guessing game巩固T: What other places does the grasshopper like to lie on?引出新授句型,全班跟读,个别反馈。Ss: lie on the grassbeachleavesso

6、fabedT: In spring, the grasshopper says:” I like to lie on the and ”全班活动,学生初步运用新授语言。SS: Im a little _. I like to lie on the _ and _.语言迁移,用新授语言简单描述夏、秋天,为故事的推进做铺垫。 How happy!T: What will the grasshopper say in summer and autumn? Lets fill in the blanks.T: Listen and read the part of the story in sprin

7、g.Part2:G: Its summer. Its hot. I go to the beach.书面呈现完整的故事片段2.G: I like to lie on the beach and eat an ice cream. What a happy season!G: Hi, ants. Lets eat an ice cream.Ant: Sorry, Im busy.G: Ha-ha, its summer. Its not winter now.T: Now the season is changing. What season is coming?S: Summer is com

8、ing.小组合作,朗读故事提取信息。T: Where are the ants and the grasshopper? What are they doing? Lets read the part of the story inyour groups.角色演绎T: Lets perform the story.板书呈现两种小动物在夏天的不同行为。T: Does the grasshopper like summer? S: Yes.Part3:屏幕画面呈现填空似的故事片段3.G: Its _. Its _. I go to the _.G: I like to lie on the _ a

9、nd _. What a _ season!G: Hi, ants. Lets _.Ant: Sorry, Im _.G: Ha-ha, its _. Its not_ now.在图片和文字的辅助下学生和教师一起续编故事。T: The season is changing again. What season comes after summer?S: Autumn.T: Look at the pictures and try to help Helen to go on the story in autumn.T: What happened about the grasshopper a

10、nd the ants in autumn?Part4G: What? Its winter now.视频欣赏,通过两种小动物在春、夏、秋不同的行为,导致不同的结果,揭示主题。G: Its winter. Its cold.I go to the snow land.总结,板书呈现两种小动物在秋天的不同行为。G: Www-www! I lie on the snow and feel sad.What a cold day!Ants: We have a lot of food. We are happy.三、案例分析:故事教学在语篇教学中的教育性元素渗透教材语言分析:上海版牛津教材1BM3U

11、1的主题是Seasons,基于教材提供的这一主题,我用单词“changing”串起与季节相关信息:季节的颜色变化、气候变换、人们的行为变化,并以季节变化为背景,整合新旧语言,在第三课时讲述了the Grasshopper和 the Ants 的故事。通过两个小动物在春天、夏天和秋天不同的行为以及最后到冬天得到不同的结果,揭示本课隐含的主题:No pains, no gains. (不劳无获),同时通过对单词busy的理解,激发学生对身边默默付出劳动的人们的感激之情,使语言的学习与德育相结合。教学目标设定:根据一年级孩子和年龄特征和现有语言能力,我把本课的语言目标定为:在文本中体验感知词汇cha

12、nging,在故事中学习掌握单词busy,在故事中理解体验句型的表达和初步运用:I like to lie on the _and _.能够在图片、文字和场景的辅助下理解故事大意,并能对故事进行简单地朗读和演绎。在故事的推进中学习语言,在两种小动物的不断比较中感知故事背后的隐含意义。教学情景选择:根据牛津英语教材1 B M3U1上的主题,我把这节课话题定为Changing seasons,基于对这节课整体性设计的思考,我把新旧语言整合在小故事The Grasshopper And The Ants中,根据一年级孩子年龄特征和现有语言能力,重新组织语言。每一个知识点的教授都穿插在各个故事片段中,

13、把新旧语言和有趣的故事情境有机整合,使学习过程有趣又有意义。教学内容再构:再构的文本是The Grasshopper And The Ants这个小故事,语言材料有一定篇幅,但语言难度不大。Part1:G: Its spring. Its warm. I go to the park.G: I like to lie on the grass and smell the flowers. How nice! G: Hi, ants. Lets smell the flowers.Ant: Sorry, Im busy.G: Ha-ha, its spring. Its not winter n

14、ow.Part2:G: Its summer. Its hot. I go to the beach.G: I like to lie on the beach and eat an ice cream. How happy! G: Hi, ants. Lets eat an ice cream.Ant: Sorry, Im busy.G: Ha-ha, its summer. Its not winter now.Part3:G: Its autumn. Its cool. I go to the garden.G: I like to lie on the leaves and sing

15、a song. How wonderful! G: Hi, ants. Lets sing a song.Ant: Sorry, Im busy.G: Ha-ha, its autumn. Its not winter now.Part4: G: What? Its winter now.G: Its winter. Its cold.I go to the snow land.G: Www-www! I lie on the snow and feel sad. What a cold day!Ants: We have a lot of food. We are happy.教学活动设计:

16、一、复习引入,感知体验词汇我结合学生前2个课时所学语言,通过季节的颜色变化,季节的气候变化,和季节中人们的活动变化,让学生不断的感知体验新授词汇changing. 复习的内容又为接下来的故事内容作铺垫。再由一首歌曲changing seasons说说自己喜欢的季节,自然地引入到新授故事。二、故事文本推进,关注整体理解在故事教学部分,首先呈现的是春天的故事,并在其中穿插了两个新词句的教学。在教学busy时,为了使学生能够更好理解单词意思我还选取了Disney动画片中蚂蚁的片段作为辅助。同时通过儿歌接龙的活动,在单词的不断复现中,帮助学生巩固旧知识,操练新内容。在句型I like to lie o

17、n the and 的教学中,我设计了一个猜一猜的游戏先操练词组lie on the .继而展示多幅图片的组合,把生活中的场景引入教学中,通过小动物扮演的的活动方式,操练和运用语言。 从词-词组-句的推进中,给学生一定的语言坡度,降低难度。三、语篇推进,加强过程指导故事在季节的变化中不断推进,由于几个季节中语言比较相似,所以其它三部分故事的推进我采用了分层教学。夏天是通过学生阅读的方式,小组活动,个别反馈。秋天是在图片的辅助下,我和全班一起续编故事。冬天是在动画片段的辅助下理解故事结尾。在语篇推进中,我把语言的训练与语言学习的过程性体验和整体理解有机结合,力求使学习过程有趣又有意义。本课根据低年级英语教学的直观性、趣味性、实践性的特点,采用多样化的教学手段,将玩、唱、看、听、说、演溶为一体,通过动画图片、直观录像等方式辅助教学,使学生从视觉、听觉等各方面接受大量的信息输入,更好的理解词义,操练句型的同时,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和主动参与的愿望,使学生掌握初步运用语言的能力。

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