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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高二各校期中语法基础易错题大回顾一、填单词(鼓楼、金中、金中河西、中华等期中综合)1. You can not a_ your family for your thirst for wealth.2. Teachers have to update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c_.3. The findings a_ to both men and women, although fathers see their life length increase more than mot

2、hers.4. People who boast a lot and have no idea of their own are generally regarded as s_.5. The challenge is to _(精确地)and speedily diagnose all patients so that they can be offered best care.6. When I turned 13, my father decided to send me to a military school, a_(以为)that a little military trainin

3、g might be good for me.7. You are not allowed to build anything without first obtaining the a_ of the local government.8. The best-selling of The Da Vinci Code turned out to be a popular cultural _(现象), which caused widespread academic concern.9. The drug was _(撤回)from sale after a number of people

4、suffered serious side effects.10. The chemist gave e_ instructions on how to take the medicine.11. The teacher e_ the performance of each student and then gave a grade.12. People who are found _(散布,传播)false news are to blame.13. Many people in Europe can speak _(多种的)languages, such as English, Frenc

5、h, German or Spanish.14. Fluency in another language and good communication skills are important _(资格,资历)for a job in the import-export business.15. “Tell me your s_ and I will try to tell you what disease you have had.” said the doctor.16. He was charged for not having a v_ driving license.17. The

6、nurse w_ a bandage around my leg with care and told me to have a rest.18. This play is an a_ of a novel written by Moyan.19. The television program is designed to educate and not m_ to entertain.20. He was lucky that the bullet hadnt entered any v_ organ in his body.21. He tried to sound c_, but I k

7、new he was rather worried then.二、单选(鼓楼、金中、南师附中、金中河西、中华等期中综合)( )1.“Fortunately for me,I was _ to business very early,and I was never afraid,”said Trump.A. accustomed B. related C. drawn D. appointed( )2. The point is that you can dream great dreams, but theyll never amount to much if you cant turn th

8、em into reality at _ costs.A. valid B. extra C. high D. reasonable( )3. He _ annoyed when the girl asked him another silly question.A. turned B. grew C. went D. remained( )4. A balanced diet is _ important if you want to keep in good health.A. merely B. typically C. vitally D. potentially( )5. Clean

9、 water _ the village people in the _ area.A. is not easily accessible to; flooded B. has no easy access to; floodedC. is not easily accessible for; flooding D. has no easy access for; flooding( )6. While _ a conference Thursday, President Xi Jinping said the China-US ties are not a win-lose game but

10、 _ in which both can be winners.A. holding; the one B. addressing; that C. addressing; one D. holding; it( )7. Sorry for not having got what you wanted. She kept her mouth shut and just said _.A. thats here feet of clay B. a little bird told herC. she wanted to kill the fatted calf D. she was the sa

11、lt of the earth( )8. The photographs, taken by spy satellites over the past decade, _ that in recent years vast areas in high latitudes have lost their ice cover in summer months.A. confirm B. acknowledge C. inform D. claim( )9. More choice is often not better. People can be happier when they have f

12、ewer options _.A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. to be chosen from( )10. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ importance are skills.A. equal B. typical C. considerable D. relevant( )11. Due to the unreasonable individual income _, the gap between the rich and poor has bec

13、ome an outstanding issue.A. application B. qualification C. distribution D. contribution( )12. After the famous star _ in the film, the media focused on it.A. opposed to starring B. was opposed to starring C. opposed to star D. opposed star( )13. We _ his idea for a music club, and decided to have a

14、n art club instead.A. accepted B. disagreed C. rejected D. approved( )14. Rising evidence suggests that the use of the vaccines will be effective to _ the spread of common cold.A. interrupt B. threaten C. distribute D. abandon( )15. Her parents _ her have a good education.A. made sacrifices to let B

15、. took sacrifices for letC. made sacrifices to letting D. made sacrifices for letting( )16. Why do we have to _ Sues selfish behavior? We should teach her to care for others.A. get rid of B. put up with C. make up for D. split up( )17. - You are on business in London next weekend, arent you?- Yes, I

16、d _ on you during my stay there.A. drop off B. drop in C. drop out D. drop behind( )18. - About 9 billion chickens and 248 million turkeys turn into meals each year in the United States.- Exactly. Birds are _ to our existence.A. vital B. beneficial C. portable D. suitable( )19. When Anna manages to

17、get her best friends drunk and color her hair green, we _ her because her personality is quite familiar to many of us.A. relate to B. correspond to C. turn to D. contribute to( )20. - Shall we make an appointment at 9 oclock this Sunday morning?- _. Ill be available the whole morning.A. It counts fo

18、r nothingB. That suits me fine C. Go right ahead D. It makes no difference.abandon, competence, apply, superficial, accurately, assuming,approval, phenomenon, withdrawn,explicit, evaluated, circulating, diverse, qualifications,symptom(s), valid, wound, adaptation, merely, vital, casualCDBCACBABACBCA

19、ABBAAD春季高二英语期中鼓楼统考易错点分析语法单选易错题( )22. By 18:00,_ is almost the end of a school day, nearly all the snacks in the vending machine has been sold out.A. when B. which C. as D. that【答案】B【解析】考察定语从句关系代词的用法,从句不完整,根据意思“是一天学校生活的结束”可知从句是用来修饰先行词18:00的,所以只能用which。错误的学生会选C,没有看句子意思。( )24. Not until the subway expl

20、osion occurred in Russia _ the serious situation of anti-terrorism.A. we had understood B. we understood C. had we understood D. did we understand【答案】D【解析】考察倒装的用法,not until+时间放在句首,主句要倒装。错误的学生会选C,上下文如果没有给过去的语境是不会用过完的。( )25.“Fortunately for me, I was _ to business very early, and I was never afraid,”s

21、aid Trump.A. accustomed B. related C. drawn D. appointed【答案】C【解析】考察动词的用法,根据句意可知从小就接触做生意,所以be drawn to表示被吸引(draw ones attention)。错误的学生会选B,be related to和有关,硬是把固定搭配强加在句子中,不通顺。( )27. The question was frequently referred to at the conference _ it is economic to develop solar energy.A. why B. where C. tha

22、t D. whether【答案】D【解析】考察名词性从句的用法,从句完整,而且根据意思可知是question的同位语。错误的学生会选C,注意名从的特殊情况,比如question,not sure,doubt(肯定句)等后面的名从一般不会用that引导,因为不是既定事实。( )32. He _ annoyed when the girl asked him another silly question.A. turned B. grew C. went D. remained【答案】B【解析】考察系动词的用法。错误的学生会选A,turn表示变成后面一般接颜色,C常用于一些固定搭配go mad,g

23、o crazy。点评:鼓楼统考语法单选侧重高中基础语法的考察,比如定从,名从(高一知识点),动词辨析,倒装(高二知识点),难度普通,考察目的主要是了解学生对于高中所学的基础是否掌握扎实。完型易错题A few years ago, I was very suddenly, and unexpectedly, widowed in my early 50s. Friends kindly railed around and, about a month after the funeral, I was invited to a dinner party. I36myself to accept b

24、ut at the time, would have preferred to stay at home quietly and get used to my new37existence.Arriving at the dinner party, I noticed all the other guests were38.Before dinner started, one of the men stood up and suggested we should all39ourselves. I thought that was a good idea as I40knew anyone t

25、here. Then, he added that all the couples should41how they had met and when they had42 . I felt an overwhelming desire to 43 .( )36. A. arranged B. opposed C. expected D. forced( )37. A. happy B. single C. dull D. typical( )38. A. acquaintances B. strangers C. widows D. couples( )39. A. forget B. in

26、troduce C. reflect D. acknowledge( )40. A. hardly B. gradually C. almost D. actually( )41. A. foresee B. relate C. claim D. address( )42. A. divorced B. widowed C. married D. quarreled( )43. A. share B. speak C. stay D. escape36. D.【解析】上文说道作者刚离婚widowed,下文提到would have preferred to stayed at home,可知是勉

27、强答应去派对。37. B.【解析】上文说道作者刚离婚widowed,可知是习惯单身生活。38. D.【解析】下文提到所有的夫妇都要介绍一下自己如何认识的,可知客人们都是成双成对。39. B.【解析】下文提到我不认识任何人,可知是介绍自己。40. A.【解析】和上文介绍自己相呼应,可知我不认识任何人。41. B.【解析】错误的人会选D,address表示致辞,relate有沟通,叙述的意思,42. C.【解析】根据上文介绍他们是如何认识的,and并列,所以是何时结婚的。43. D.【解析】再次呼应文章开头刚刚离婚不愿出门的情况,听到别人说道婚姻,就非常想离开feel an overwhelmin

28、g desire to escape。点评:鼓楼统考完型侧重学生理解上下文的能力,文章话题浅显易懂,只要稍加思索便能做对,同时加入了高二新学的词汇比如oppose、acknowledge、typical、relate稍许增加了一点难度,总体难度一般。阅读易错题C篇Business: Food technology Liquid lunchA startup called Soylent wants to change the way people consume calories. “One should eat to live, not live to eat,” wrote Moliere

29、, the French comedic playwright.Soylent, a two-year-old startup, is trying to save consumers time and money by selling them a healthy, cheap “meal” that they can drink. Each vegetarian portion has only around 400 calories, costs around $3 and boasts of being as nutritious as, and more environmentall

30、y-friendly than, processed food and meat.Soylent has found a place among American workaholics who resent the cost and hassle of preparing regular meals. This is especially true in Silicon Valley, home of many “early-adopter” engineers too consumed withcodingthe future to break from work.Their bad di

31、ets can damage their health. Several years ago Sam Altman, an entrepreneur who is now president of Y Combinator, a startup boot camp, was so cost-conscious and focused on building his first company, Loopt, that for weeks he ate only ramen noodles and coffee ice cream, until he developed scurvy(坏血病).

32、 He later became an investor in Soylent.At first the product was sold as a powder, but even that was a hassle for some consumers, so on September 9th it started shipping version 2.0, which comes already mixed and bottled.The name Soylent is a tribute to a 1966 science-fiction novel, “Make Room! Make

33、 Room!”, set in an overpopulated world where everyone eats a mixture of lentils and soy (and, in the film version, human flesh) .Rob Rhinehart, the drinks 27-year-old creator, came up with the idea when he was working on a different startup, focused on wireless internet. He was so poor that he start

34、ed mixing his own food, and later dropped the other project to focus on food technology. He is, by any measure, extreme.He considers shopping at grocery stores, in the presence of “rotting” produce, a “multisensory living nightmare”, and no longer owns a fridge. Soylent has proved that it can appeal

35、 to a niche, as well as to a handful of financiers: in January the firm raised $20m from investors, including Andreessen Horowitz, a well-regarded venture-capital firm.But it has plenty of obstacles to overcome.Yucky-sounding ingredients like algal oil (yes, derived from algae) will put many off, as

36、 well as reviews from early users that Soylent makes them gassy. “I prefer my food with both flavour and texture,” says one young, vegetarian entrepreneur who has tried it. Mr Rhinehart insists that Soylents “neutral” taste is the best way to appeal to the broadest group of people.Just how big that

37、group really is, however, remains to be seen.( )61. Who are the potential consumers that Soylent targets at?A. Workaholics wanting to preserve the environmentB. Vegetarians hoping to relieve pressureC. Enterpreneurs focusing on the cost of foodD. Customers demanding both nutrition and efficiency61.

38、D【解析】文章第二段提到Soylent公司提供给顾客健康而且便宜的食物,这些食物不仅低热量,同时有营养并且环保。所以应该是重视营养和效果的顾客群,efficiency表示效率即指功能性。错误的人选了A,workaholics工作狂原文第二段未提及,和本题无关。( )62. The underlined word “coding” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.A. imagining B. shaping C. evaluating D. picturing62. B【解析】文章第三段提到Soylent公司的产品很受工作狂欢迎,这些人对于未来太而不能摆脱工作,

39、通过第四段的举例我们可以再次确认是对于未来太拼了,所以是shape the future。( )63. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sam fell ill before he invested in the companyB. Rob is an extremist to start up his own companyC. Soylent is named after a movie to show respectD. Soylent faces obstacles to find further f

40、inanciers63. A【解析】文章第四段提到Sam在投资Soylent之前得了坏血病,所以A正确。个别错误的同学会选D。通过倒数第四段Soylent吸引了一些投资人并且筹集了两千万资金来看,不存在资金问题,所以排除D。点评:鼓楼统考阅读侧重学生做题时候的细心,以及是否锁定关键信息之后能够就这些信息来解题,一旦学生没有把关键信息划下来,思考过程中就会收到其他细枝末节的影响,导致答案错误,所以查找并且锁定关键信息仍然是学生做题的一大习惯问题,总体难度一般。预测2017江苏高考英语最火表达方式我们要刷题不止,为啥要刷题不止?因为高三的题目随着时代的发展而多变,现在都2017届了,如果你还在刷2

41、014,2015年的题目,就会很落伍;自然,你就会不知道高考命题的最新动态。今天为大家总结2017届的模拟卷上出现的很火表达,希望能够对大家的听力、单选、完形、阅读、任务型还有写作有好处。最火短语一:settle for(勉强接受)Settle for最早出现是2016届南京盐城第一次模拟考试第34题,如题:34. He really wanted a bigger pay raise butdecided to _ what they offered.A. stand for B. allow for C. answerfor D. settle for解析:他想要升值,但是还是决定暂时勉强

42、接受他们提供的待遇。2017届,常州武进区高三期中考试完形的第40题,40. If you ever arent sure if you boughtthe very best computer, just“good enough”.A. make for B. settlefor C.makes out D. turns up解析:如果你不是很确定你买的电脑是最好的,那么勉强接受次一级好的电脑吧。2016年11月,特朗普胜选演讲中也提到了。America will no longersettleforanything less than the best. We must reclaim o

43、ur countrysdestiny and dream big and bold and daring.解析:美国人不会在勉强接受次一级好的东西,我们必须重新主宰我们国家的命运,并且拥有一个更大,更勇敢,更刺激的美国梦。最火句型二:you bet(当然)You bet在情景交际中出现得好多次。这个短语相当于of course,诸如南通如东县2016届期末考试第35题。35.- It would be so cool if I can winthis contest. I dont think Im good enough, though. - _! Youll never know.A. B

44、y nomeans B. Give it ashot C.Youbet D. Forget it答案选B。这里当然不能用you bet.再举个例子:-Will you go to the party tomorrow?- You bet.解析:-你明天去那个party吗?-当然。最后再举个例子:-Were you frightened by that bull?-Frightened? You bet I was; I was scared out of skin!解析:那头公牛把你吓坏了吧?吓坏了?的确是吓坏了;我被吓得魂不附体了!最火句型三: Tell me about it.(你说得很对

45、)老外最喜欢说这个!最早出现是在2017届扬州中学高三8月质量检测听力的第6,7题-So, I think inviting Johns sister to hisbirthday party would thrill him.-Tell me about it.然后,苏州中学11月底高一模块二第一单元测试卷的第20题也出现了这个句型。20. Every time I saw the film. l couldnthelp laughing.-_ . It was really funny.A. Got it B. Tellme about it! C. Its adeal D. You cant be serious.解析:-每次我看那个电影,我都情不自禁笑抽了。-你说得很对,这个电影太搞笑了。最火短语四:May as well /might as well (= had better,最好)2016届苏锡常镇二模考试的时候,听力测试里,you might as well walk.。再如:Wemight as wellfinishthis work tonight it will only take another half an hour.解析:我们最好今天晚上完成这个活,它只需要半个小时啊。专心-专注-专业

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