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1、完型填空1、A very new, young officer was at a railway station. He was on his way to visit his mother in 21 town. He wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his 答案(1)C:another (2) B:so that (3)、B:station (4) C:found (5) C:around(6)C:for (7)、A:answered (8) D:pocket (9)、 A:start (10)、D:quickly2、 An

2、old man died and left his son _21_ money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent _22_ money, so that he had _23_ left. 答案(1)B:a lot of(2)、 B:all the (3) D:nothing (4) C:left (5) A:they (6)、 B:happen (7) B:worry (8) A:much(9)、 C:get rich (10)、B:didnt3、A city man was on holiday in t

3、he mountains. He talked _21_ a mountain man and found that the man was stupid, _22_ he suggested they would _23_ a game. 答案(1)、A:with (2)、D:so (3)、 C:play (4)、 B:each other (5)、C:pay(6)、A:about (7) D:than (8)、B:What (9) C:then(10)、 D:either4、 As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how di

4、fficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas _21_ for her father. She wished that he were as easy to please 答案(1)D:gift (2)、C:always (3)C:Besides(4)、A:unhappy (5) B:find(6)A:real (7)A:stopped(8)、C:only (9)、A:excitement(10)、 C:surprised5、 A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out

5、. A thirsty Goat, came to the same well, 21 the Fox, asked if the water was good.答案(1)B:seeing (2) A:from (3)C:jumped (4) D:on(5) A:up(6)B:afterwards (7)A:reached (8)、B:fast(9)、A:But (10)、 D:leap6、 Almost everyone _21_ the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the names of men. Mrs is used

6、 for married women and Miss is for unmarried woman. 答案(1) A:knows (2)B:what (3)D:some time(4)C:better than (5)D:Mr(6) A:men (7)、B:Not all (8)、D:it (9)、A:sounds like (10)、B:do7. Americans have always had great faith in education. They believe that all citizens must have some 21 in order to understand

7、 economic and political matters and 22 答案(21).D. education (22)A. vote (23)B. absorb (24).A. local (25).B. systems (26).C. including (27) C. vocational (28)D. specialized (29).C. abilities (30)C. available 8. A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply-all these we

8、re important factor in helping England to become the center for the 答案(21)A. But (22).D. creative (23).B. sources (24)A. came (25).C. more (26).D. so (27).C. to (28). A. single (29).C.some (30).A. as 9. After I had been waiting there for more than ten minutes, I felt certain I must have missed the b

9、us. There was only one thing I could do about that: I should just 答案(21)C. stopped (22)C. take (23) D. full (24) B. farther (25) A. had (26) D. lose (27)A. or (28)B. find out (29) D. until (30)C. come10. American inventor Thomas Edisons manufacturing facilities in New Jersey were heavily 21 by fire

10、one night in December 1914. Edison lost almost 答案(21) B. damaged (22) A. and (23)D. 67-year-old (24)C. burned up (25) A. principle(26) D. affected (27)D. from (28)C. better (29) A. what (30) B. adopt11. Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains

11、 were used only for long-distance transportation.答案(21).)D. sort (22). B. nearly (23). A. buy (24). B. in (25). B. average (26)D.purchasing (27).A. proportionally (28)A. cost(29).C. superior (30).D. as 12、Children use their parents as models, whether the model is good or bad. My neighbours are very

12、good _21_.答案(1) C:examples (2)D:When (3)A:outside (4)、B:in (5) B:finished (6)B:them (7)C:dirty (8) D:larger (9) A:came (10)、 C:only one13. Eastern Europe is considered the most polluted of all the worlds 21 areas because heavy metals 22 coal mining have contaminated the areas waters. Many 答案(21) C.

13、industrialized (22)B. from (23) A. dead (24) D. in (25)B. bringing (26) C. villagers (27) D. whether (28)A. slow (29) D. serious (30)B. encouraging14. Good business ethics in Hong Kong are the key 21 the territorys success in the future. As a 22 international service center of the 1990s, good standa

14、rds 答案(21) B. to (22) A. leading (23)D. behavior (24)B. in (25) C. participants (26) A. deal (27)B. in (28)D. edge (29)A. account (30) C. shortages15、In the USA, children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school 21 they are sixteen. But most students are sev

15、enteen答案 (1) C:till (2) A:leave (3) B:Most(4)B:pay for (5) D:money(6)A:still (7)C:stud 8) C:if (9)、D:work(10)、A:good16、 Its very interesting to study names of different countries. Chinese names are different _21_ foreign names. Once an English lady came to _22_ me. When I was 答案1). B:from (2).C:visi

16、t (3)、A:put (4)、 D:firs (5)、 B:not (6)、B:comes (7)、C:should (8)、 A:But (9)、C:are (10). D:like17、 Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be 21 to raise worms. He could sell them to farmers and people who fished. So 答案(1)、C:fun (2)、B:spring (3)、 D:p (4)、A:tried(5)、

17、 D:so (6)、B:sells (7)、 C:had(8)、 C:happened (9) A:talked (10)、B:unfair18、 John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. He called the doctor and make sure they _21_ meet at five. He arrived at the doctors at twenty _22_ five. 答案(1). C:would (2). B:to (3)、 B:get (4)、 D:Then (5)、 D:around(6). A:mad

18、e (7)、 C:heard (8) D:address (9)、 B:angry(10)、D:nothing19、Mr. Johnson was asking Tom a lot of questions, but Tom couldnt answer _21_ of them. Mr Johnson then decided to ask him some very simple questions _22_ he 答案(1) B:any (2)D:so that (3) B:a few (4) C:some time (5) A:now (6)、C:show (7) C:Who (8)、

19、A:anything (9)、 B:towards (10) D:back20、 Mr. Simpson liked to be exact(确切的). One day when he was walking in the street, a man _21_ and asked him:答案(1)、 C:came over (2)、 B:but (3)、A:cross (4) B:to (5)、C:Very (6) D:towards (7)、B:after (8)、 C:remembered (9)、 A:as (10)、 D:to do21、Michel is a young girl

20、who works for the police 21 a handwriting expert. She has helped catch many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents.答案(1)、 D:as (2)、 A:so (3)、 B:studying (4) B:in (5)、 D:impossible (6)B:by (7)、C:that (8)、 B:sign (9)、A:adds (10)、 A:before22. Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hun

21、dred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of 21 from chicken feathers and fixed them to his 22 . Then he jumped from a 答案(21).C. wings (22).D. shoulders (23).C. Instead (24)C. took (25).A. If (26)B. fly (27).B. fell (28).C. away (29).D. what (30) D. do 23. Move ahead or 21 behind is th

22、e American attitude that leads to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is a 22 and precious resource to them, so every 答案(21) B. fall (22)C. real (23)D. pushing (24). A. occur (25D. since (26)B. saving (27)D. through (28)A. whereas (29)C. more (30B.into 24. Mary and Peter were having a pic

23、nic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, Look! Thats a spaceship up there and its going to land here.答案(21)D. most (22) B. curious (23) C. into (24) A. hear (25)D. consciousness (26)C. surprised (27) C. Their (28) B. dream (29) A. glass (30)D. earth 25. Mr. Smith was a wealthy industria

24、list, but he was not _21_ with life. He didnt sleep well and his food did not agree with him. The situation lasted for some time. 答案( (21) C. satisfied (22) A. series (23) B. hurt (24)C. Avoid (25) A. move (26)B. raise (27) A. bones (28) C. making (29)D. Pleasantly (30)A. property 26. Many people ma

25、y fail to notice it, but as a matter of fact, most women are serious about their work. On the job, they 21 equal pay for equal work. Work gives a man答案(21)C. expect (22)D. true (23) B. seriously (24)A. around (25)B. transferred (26)A. until (27) C. attached (28)B. cheering (29) D. point (30)C. becau

26、se of27. Many teachers worry about the effects of television on young people. According to studies, 21 children spend more time watching television than they spend in school.答案(21) B. some (22)C. of (23) A. develop (24) D. reading (25)B. themselves (26)C. noisy (27)C. At (28)C. more (29) A. written

27、(30) C. quite 28. Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act 21 they like. No one, however, can have his own way all the time. Society means a group 答案(21) A. as (22)C. way (23)A. harmful (24)B. race (25)D. vehicles (26) A. There (27)C. run into (28)B. killed (29)D. A great (

28、30)A. through29、New comers to the United States are often surprised by the schools. American schools sometimes seem so different from schools they know in _21_ parts of the world.答案(1) A:other (2) B:idea (3) C:for (4)、A:place (5) B:how (6)、B:want (7)C:nothing (8)、A:important (9) B:growth (10)、 D:cha

29、nce30、Of all the things we eat and drink, water _21_ the most important. Not _22_ people realize this, _23_ it is quite true. The human body can go without 答案(1) D:is (2) A:many (3)B:but (4)、A:or (5) D:much (6)、A:at (7) D:enough (8)、 B:thirsty (9)、 A:when (10)B:ways31、 One day a young man had to sto

30、p his car soon after he started for London because he heard a strange noise from the back of his car. He 21 of it and examined 答案(1). C:got out (2)、A:nothing (3)、A:reached (4)、C:in (5)、 D:quickly (6). B:pulled up (7)、A:Then (8)、C:had to (9)、D:thankful (10).A:back32、 On May 27, 1995, our life was sud

31、denly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, _21_ my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over 答案(1)、 C:when (2)、B:unable (3)、 A:sharing (4) C:wonderful(5)A:medical (6) D:mail (7)B:a family (8)、 B:laugh (9)、 D:successfully(10)、 A:here33、People used to say, The hand that rocks(摇)t

32、he cradle(摇篮)rules the world and Behind every successful man theres a woman.答案(1)、 B:Both (2)、 B:and (3)、 A:like (4) D:themselves (5) A:jobs (6) B:pay (7) D:still (8)、C:less than (9)、C:beside (10)、 B:its34、 Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul said to him, Im going to _21_ a birthday par

33、ty on Saturday, Peter. _22_ you come?答案(1)、 C:have (2)、A:Can (3)、C:can go (4) B:to tell (5) D:to be polite (6)、B:someone (7)、A:on (8) B:any (9)B:in the air (10) C:anyone35. Rumor is the most 21 way of spreading stories-by passing them on from mouth to mouth. But civilized countries in normal times h

34、ave better 22 of news than 答案(21) A. primitive (22)C. sources (23)B. however (24) C. times (25) A. do (26)A. through (27)A. wherever (28)B. even (29)B. voice (30)C. Optimistic 36、The hippopotamus(河马), or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa. 21 humans, dogs, and whales, it is a mammal(哺乳动物). That

35、is, its babies are 22 答案(1) D:Like (2) D:born (3) B:large (4) B:weighs (5) A:spends (6) A:day (7) C:plants (8) C:under (9)、A:far from (10)、 B:back37、 The game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the Chinese played a game 21 football over 2000 years ago. In the答案

36、(1) A:like (2) B:rough (3)A:players (4) D:rules (5) C:popular (6) C:South America (7)B:as well (8)、 D:growing (9)、C:prize (10)、 A:different38、Two women on a train were arguing. At _21_ one of them called the conductor. She said, If the window is open, I will _22_ cold. And Ill probably.答案(1)、 B:last

37、 (2)、D:catch (3)、 C:die(4)、 B:feel difficult(5)、C:what to do (6)、 A:time (7)、 C:an idea(8)、D:one(9)、 A:Ne (10)、 B:the other39. The main purpose of this greeting is to 21 a good relationship between the people concerned, and each language usually has 22 set phrases which can be used for this purpose.

38、 Sometimes, 答案(21).B. build up (22) A. a number of (23)C. considerable (24)B. result (25) D. arrival (26).B. at (27)B. as to (28).D. work out (29).D. conclusion (30).C. did she discover 42.40. There are more than forty universities in Britain-nearly twice as many as in 1960. During the 1960s eight c

39、ompletely new ones more founded, and ten other new ones were 答案(21) B. by (22)A. more (23)C. own (24) D. well (25)D. funds (26)C. where (27)D. rich (28)D. for (29) A. responsibility (30) C. on 41. The birth rate in Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing c

40、risis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for 答案(21)A. in spite of (22)B. left (23)A. birthrate (24)C. Even though (25)D. single (26) B. reluctant (27)D. lose (28) D. pressure (29)C. build up (30)B. similar 42. The British love to think of themselves as polite, and everyone knows how fond

41、they are of their pleaseand thank you. Even the simplest business such as buying答案(21) A. at least (22) C. sign (23)A. true (24)D. unless (25) A. universal (26) A. politeness (27)B. reserved (28)C. hardly (29)D. blocked (30)B. ruder 43、 When someone asks me what business I am in. My face feels _21_.

42、 I envy (嫉妒) people who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these答案(1)、 C:hot (2)、A:laughing (3)、D:like (4)、 B:it (5)、B:sadly (6)、 D:hardly (7)、A:weaker (8)、C:but (9)、C:copy (10)、 B:my44. While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teaching job wanted at a

43、 school about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of money 答案(21)B. experience (22)D. slight (23) B. headmaster (24)A. which (25 C. three (26)C. levels (27)D. good (28)B. having (29)B. feet (30) A. runs45. What is it you want to do, but havent done yet? Is it because you think its too lat

44、e, or too scary, or because maybe you might 答案(21)B. fail (22) A. kept saying (23) D. crazy about (24) C. cheaper (25) B. stuck (26) C. challenging (27)D. that (28) B. go through (29) C. go for (30)D. in 46. Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything

45、 you want in life. 21 just letting life happen to you, 答案(21)B. Instead of (22) A. imagine (23) B. taking control of (24) C. map (25)A. two (26)D. wasted (27)C. but (28) B. using up (29)A. plans (30)D. Unsuccessful 47. When Beethoven was 28, he began to notice a strange noise in his 21 . As it grew

46、worse, he went to see doctors, and was told that he was going deaf. This 答案(21)B. ears (22) D. bear (23)C. where (24)A. how (25) B. what (26)B. after (27) C. Instead of (28)A. of (29) D. in spite of (30)B. will 48. Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have. Thats one good reason 21 hes your bo

47、ss.答案21) A. why (22) B. but (23)D. who (24)C. get ahead (25) A. thoughts (26)B. at ( 27)D. also (28) B. raise (29) C. in turn (30) B. enriching49 In our daily life we need to communicate with one another. We can do this easily when we are close to other people. However, thanks to the 21 of the telep

48、hone, we are still able to 22 with one another when we are far apart.答案(21). C. invention (22). D. communicate (23). C. visible (24). A. heard (25). D. arouse (26). B. inquired (27). D. receiver (28). B. wire (29). B. realized (30). A. won 50. William J. Sidis, Jr., was born in 1898. 21 fathers was

49、an American psychiatrist. At the age of six months, William 22 the English alphabet; he could read and write when he was two. When he was eight years 23., young Sidis had completed both elementary and high school. At the age of nine, William entered Harvard University. 答案(21)A .his (22)D. knew (23).

50、 A .old (24) A. student (25). B. often (26) A. at (27)B .The (28) .A of (29). A in (30) D in51. Kelly is a clerk. She works in a town. She is 21 from morning to night.She gets up at six oclock in the morning and goes 22 at half past six. Then she has breakfast 23 the family at a quarter past seven.

51、She goes to 24 at a quarter 25 eight.答案(21). B. busy (22)C. to work (23). D. with (24). A. work ( 25). A. past (26). B. finishes (27.) C. goes (28.) D. a little (29.) A. studies (30). D. and 52 A. Hi, Sun Yan! What are you busy doing these days?B. Im busy _21_ for the Spring Festival.A. What do you

52、mean by the Spring Festival?B. Dont you know about the Spring Festival? Its _22_ your Christmas holiday. Its _23_ 答案(21C. preparing(22) B. like (23)B. the most(24) A. How long (25) B. isnt allowed(26) B. for (27A. is given (28. A. to buy (29)B. themselves (30.)C. telling53. For thousands of years, p

53、eople thought of glass as something beautiful to look at. Only recently _21_ come to _22_ something looked through. Stores _23_ their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars _24_ food and drink allow us _25_ the contents. Glass _26_ spectacles, microscopes, telescopes, and _27_ very use

54、ful 答案(21)B. do they (22)D. think of it as (23)C. display (24)C. that hold (25)B. to see (26)B. is used to make (27)B. many other (28)A. and (29)A. perfectly (30) A. from 54. Helen was a very _21_ girl, and her parents were quite proud of her. A lot of young men in the town wanted to marry her, but

55、she was not satisfied _22_ any of them.答案(21. A. pretty 22. B. with 23. D. marry 24. C. wont 25. D. play26. C. really 27. B. talking 28. C. up 29. C. left 30. D. man55 The last patient left his office. Mr. South had a look at the _21_ on the wall. It was a quarter to six. It meant that he had to sta

56、y there for fifteen minutes. A friend of his asked him to dinner that evening. Of course he should _22_ some flowers for her. He brought out the purse and _23_ the money in it. He had sixty dollars and it was enough to do 答案21. C. clock 22. A. buy 23. B. counted 24. B. remembered 25. D. about 26. B.

57、 strange 27. B. Nothing 28.C. remember 29. B. tell 30.A.doctor 56 Mr. Brown is a very rich man, _21_ he loves money more than any other thing. One day, Mr. Brown went into a hotel. He _22_ the clerk for a _23_ room _24_ a bath. The clerk was very _25_. He said, “Dear Mr. Brown, your son always lives

58、 in 答案21. D. but22. A. asked 23. C. cheap 24. A. with 25. B. surprised 26. C. the best 27. A. choose 28. D. better 29. B. much 30. A. dont 57. Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years 21 . At that time, zoos were places 22 people could go to see animals from many parts of

59、 the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 23 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. 答案(1) B:ago (2) D:where (3)C:of (4)A:Unfortunately (5)D:anything but (6) D:Although (7)A:freedom (8)B:comfortably (9)B:through (10)A:that 58 Fire can help people in many ways. Fire c

60、an heat water, 21 your house , give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows 22 people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He 23 the sun by a rope and brought fire down.答案 21. B. warm 22. D. how 23. C. went up to 24. B. make 25.A

61、. dangerous 26. A. about 27. B. put out 28. C. oxygen 29. D. from 30. B. hurt 59. Paris, which is the capital of the European nation of France , is one of the most beautiful and _21_ cities in the world.答案21. B. most famous 22. A. all over 23. A. divides 24. C. cross 25. D. which 26. D. located 27.

62、B. such as 28. 29. B. built 30. C. where 60 Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found 21_the look of the package has a great effect 22_the quality of the product and on how well it 23 _because Consumers generally cannot 24 _between a product and its package. Many 答案21. A. that 22. D. on 23. B. sells 24. C. tell 25 .A. attention 26. C. going up 27. B. Shapes 28. B. pleasing 29. D. why

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