植物生理名词解释 (2)

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5、膨胀状态,叶子和幼茎部分下垂的现象。32质壁分离:植物细胞由于液泡失水,而使原生质体收缩与细胞壁分离的现象。33质壁分离复原:如果把发生了质壁分离的细胞放在水势较高的溶液中,外部水分便进入细胞,使液泡逐渐变大,这样整个细胞便会恢复原状,这种现象称为质壁分离复原。34喷灌技术:是指利用喷灌设备将水喷到作物的上空成雾状,再降落到作物或土壤中。35滴灌技术:是指在地下或土表装上管道网络,让水分定时定量地流出到作物根系的附近。36. Osmosis The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane toward the regi

6、on of more negative water potential, w (lower concentration of water).37. Plasmolysis Shrinking of the pertoplasm of a cell placed in an hypertonic (low osmotic potential) solution, away from the cell wall, due to loss of water.38. Water potential, Water potential is a measure of the free energy ass

7、ociated with water per unit volume (J W-3). These units are equivalent to pressure units such as pascals.w is a function of the solute potential, the pressure potential, and the potential due to gravity. w=s +p +g. The termg is often ignored because it is negligible for heights under five meters.39.

8、 Pressure potential (p) The hydrostatic pressure of a solution in excess of ambient atmospheric pressure40. Gravity potential. g A component of water potential determined by the effect of gravity on the free energy of water.41. Free energy A thermodynamic term representing a capacity to perform work

9、.42. Solute potential (or osmotic potential) s The effect of dissolved solutes on water potential.43. Transpiration ratio The evaporation of water from the surface of leaves and stems.1、矿质营养:亦称无机营养,指植物在生长发育时所需要的各种化学元素。2、必需元素:指植物正常生长发育所必需的元素,是19种,包括10种大量元素和9种微量元素3、大量元素:亦称常量元素,是植物体需要量最多的一些元素,如碳、氧、氢、氮、



12、:指一种植物体内原本没有,但在某些外来物质的诱导下所产生的酶。15、转运蛋白:指存在于细胞膜系统中具有转运功能的蛋白质,主要包括通道蛋白与载体蛋白两类。16、矿化作用:指土壤中的有机质通过微生物的活动转化为矿物质的过程。17、氮素代谢:氮元素及含氮化合物在生物体内同化、异化、排出等整个过程,被称为氮素代谢。18、养分临界期:指植物在生长发育过程中,对某种养分需要量并不很大,但却是必不可少的时期。在此阶段若养分供应不足,就会对植物的生长发育造成很大影响,而且以后难以弥补。19. Carriers Membrane-transport proteins that bind to s solute,

13、undergo conformational change, and release the solute on the other side of the membrane.20. Channels Transmembrane proteins that function as selective pores for passive transport of ions or water across the membrane.21. Cotransport The simultaneous transport of two solutes by the same carrier.Usuall

14、y one solute is moving down its chemical-potential gradient, while the other is moving against its chemical-potential gradient.22. Lipid bilayer The core of cellular membranes formed by two layers of phospholipid molecules facing each other through their nonpolar tails.23. Primary active transport T

15、he direct coupling of a metabolic energy source such as ATP hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction reaction, or light absorption to active transport by a carrier protein.24. Active transport The use of energy to move a solute across a membrane against a concentration gradient, a potential gradient, or both

16、 (electrochemical potential) .Uphill transport.25. Biological nitrogen fixation Nitrogen fixation carried out by bacteria or blue-green algae (cyanobacteria); about 90% of all nitrogen fixation on Earth.26. Micronutrient Minerals obtained from the soil and present in plant tissues at concentrations

17、usually less than 3 mol g-1 dry matter. Chloride, iron, boron, manganese, sodium, zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum.27. Secondary active transport Active transport that uses energy stored in the proton motive force or other ion gradient, and operates by symport or antiport.28. Symport A type of secon

18、dary active transport in which two substances are moved in the same direction across a membrane.29. Apoplastic pathway The route by which water and water-soluble solutes move exclusively through the cell walls without crossing any membranes.1、爱默生效应:如果在长波红光(大于685nm)照射时,再加上波长较短的红光(650nm),则量子产额大增,比分别单独




22、CO2量与呼吸释放的CO2量相等时,外界的CO 2浓度。18. Absorption spectrum A graphic representation of the amount of light energy absorbed by a substance plotted against the wavelength of the light.19. Assimilatory power The combined energy available in NADPH and ATP that can be used to drive the photosynthetic fixation o

23、f atmospheric CO2 into organic molecules.20. ATP synthase (ATPase or CF0-CF1) The enzyme that synthesizes ATP from ADP and phosphate(P). Consists of two parts:a hydrophobic membrane-bound portion (CF0) and a portion that sticks out into the stroma(CF1).21. C3 plants Plants in which the first stable

24、product of photosynthetic CO2 fixation is a three-carbon compound(i.e.3-phosphoglycerate).22. C4 cycle The photosynthetic carbon metabolism of certain plants in which the initial fixation of CO2 and its subsequent reduction take place in different cells, the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells respect

25、ively. The initial carboxylation is catalyzed by phosphoenylpyruvate carboxylase, (not by rubisco as in C3 plants),producing a four-carbon compound (oxaloacetate), which is immediately converted to malate or aspartate.23. C4 plants Plants in which the first stable product of CO2 assimilation in meso

26、phyll cells is a four-carbon compound that is immediately transported to bundle sheath cells and decarboxylated. The CO2 released enters the Calvin cycle. 24. Calvin cycle The biochemical pathway for the reduction of CO2 to carbohydrate. The cycle involves three phases: the carboxylation of ribulose

27、-1,5-bisphosphate with atmospheric CO2 , catalyzed by rubisco, the reduction of the formed 3- phosphoglycerate kinase and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and the regeneration of ribulose-1, 5-bisphospate through the concerted action of ten enzymatic reactions.25. CAM plants Plants tha

28、t fix CO2 during the night into a four-carbon compound(malate) that, after storage in the vacuole, is transported out of the vacuole and decarboxylated during the day. The CO2 released is assimilated by the Calvin cycle in the chloroplast stroma.26. Cytochrome b6 f complex A large multi-subunit prot

29、ein containing two b-type hemes, one c-type heme(cytochrome f), and a Rieske iron-sulfur protein. A nonmobile protein distributed equally between the grana and the stroma regions of the membranes.27. Mesophyll Leaf tissue found between the upper and lower epidermal layers, consisting of palisade par

30、enchyma and spongy mesophyll.28. Photosynthesis The conversion of light energy to chemical energy by photosynthetic pigments using water and CO2 and producing carbohydrates.29. Photosynthetic electron transport Electron flow from light-excited chlorophyll and the oxidation of water, through PSII and

31、 PSI, to the final electron acceptor NADP+.30. Photosystem A functional unit in the chloroplast that harvests light energy to power electron transfer and to generate a proton motive force used to synthesize ATP.31. Photosystem I (PSI) A system of photoreactions that absorbs maximally far-red light (

32、700nm), oxidizes plastocyanin and reduces ferredoxin.32. Photosystem II (PSII) A system of photoreactions that absorbs maximally red light (680nm), oxidizes water and reduces plastoquinone. Operates very poorly under far-red light.33. Rubisco The acronym for the chloroplast enzyme ribulose bisphosph

33、ate carboxylase / oxygenase. In a carboxylase reaction, rubisco uses atmospheric CO2 and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate to form two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. It also functions as an oxygenase that incorporates O2 to ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate to yield one molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate and anothe

34、r of 2-2-phosphoglycolate. The competition between CO2 and O2 for ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate limits net CO2 fixation.34. Chloroplast The organelle that is the site of photosynthesis in eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms.1呼吸作用:指生活细胞内的有机物质,在一系列酶的参与下,逐步氧化分解,同时释放能量的过程。2有氧呼吸:指生活细胞在氧气的参与 下,把某些有机物质彻底氧化分解,

35、放出CO2并形成水,同时释放能量的过程。3糖酵解:指在细胞质内所发生的,由葡萄糖分解为丙酮酸的过程。4三羧酸循环:丙酮酸在有氧条件下,通过一个包括三羧酸和二羧酸的循环而逐步氧化分解CO2的过程。5生物氧化:指有机物质在生物体内进行氧化,包括消耗氧,生成CO2和H2O,放出能量的过程。6呼吸链:呼吸代谢中间产物的电子和质子,沿着一系列有顺序的电子传递体组成的电子传递途径,传递到分子氧的总轨道。7P/O比:指呼吸链中每消耗1个氧原子与用去Pi或产生ATP的分子数。 8氧化磷酸化:是指呼吸链上的氧化过程,伴随着ADP被磷酸化为ATP的作用。9巴斯德效应:指氧对发酵作用的抑制现象。10细胞色素:为一类

36、含有铁卟啉的复合蛋白。细胞色素辅基所含的铁能够通过原子价的变化逆向传递电子,在生物氧化中,它是一种重要的电子传递体。11呼吸速率:又称呼吸强度。以单位鲜重千重或单位面积在单位时间内所放出的CO2的重量(或体积)或所吸收O2的重量(或体积)来表示。12呼吸商:又称呼吸系数。是指在一定时间内,植物组织释放CO2的摩尔数与吸收氧的摩尔数之比。13抗氰呼吸:某些植物组织对氰化物不敏感的那部分呼吸。即在有氰化物存在的情况下仍能够进行其它的呼吸途径。14无氧呼吸:指在无氧条件下,细胞把某些有机物分解为不彻底的氧化产物。15. ADP/O ratio The ratio of consumed ADP to

37、 1/2 O2 in oxidative phosphorylation. Provides the number of ATP synthesized per two electrons transferred to oxygen.16. Electron transport chain (in the mitochondrion) A series of protein complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane linked by the mobile electron carriers ubiquinone and cytochrome

38、c, that catalyze the transfer of electrons from NADH to O2. In the process a large amount of free energy is released. Some of that energy is conserved as an electrochemical proton gradient.17. Oxidative phosphorylation Transfer of electrons to oxygen in the mitochondrial electron transport chain tha

39、t is coupled to ATP synthesis from ADP and phosphate by the ATP synthase.18. Glycolysis A series of reactions in which glucose is partly oxidized to produce two molecules of pyruvate. A small amount of ATP and NADH is produced.1、类萜:由异戊二烯(五碳化合物)组成的,链状的或环状的次生植物物质。2、酚类:是芳香族环上的氢原子被羟基或功能衍生物取代后生成的化合物。3、生物


41、网相连接。4、压力流动学说:又叫集流学说,是德国人明希提出的。该学说认为从源到库的筛管通道中存在着一个单向的呈密集流动的液流,其流动动力是源库之间的压力势差。5、韧皮部装载:指光合作用产物从叶肉细胞输入到筛分子一伴胞复合体的整个过程。6、韧皮部卸出:是指装载在韧皮部的同化产物输出到接受细胞的过程。7、代谢源:指制造并输送有机物质到其他器官的组织、器官或部位。如成熟的叶片。8、代谢库:指植物接受有机物质用于生长、消耗或贮藏的组织,器官或部位。如正在发育的种子、果实等。9. Apoplast The mostly continuous system of cell walls, intercell

42、ular air spaces, and xylem vessels in a plant.10. Microtubule Component of the cell cytoskeleton made of tubulin, a component of the mitotic spindle, and a player in the orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall.11. Pressure-flow model A widely accepted model of phloem translocation in

43、angiosperms. It states that transport in the sieve elements is driven by a pressure gradient between source and sink. The pressure gradient is osmotically generated and results from the loading at the source and unloading at the sink.12. Sink Any organ that imports photosynthate, including nonphotos

44、ynthetic organs and organs that do not produce enough photosynthetic products to support their own growth or storage needs, e.g., roots, tubers, developing fruits, and immature leaves. Contrast with source.13. Symplast The continuous system of cell protoplasts interconnected by plasmodesmata.1.信号转导:

45、主要研究植物感受、传导环境刺激的分子途径及其在植物发育过程中调控基因的表达和生理生化反应。2.受体:受体是存在于细胞表面或亚细胞组分中的天然分子,可特异地识别并结合化学信号物质配体,并在细胞内放大、传递信号,启动一系列生化反应,最终导致特定的细胞反应。3. Calmodulin A conserved calcium binding protein found in all eukaryotes that regulates many calciumdriven,metabolic reactions.4. Signal transduction A sequence of processes

46、 by which an extracellular signal (typically light, a hormone or neurotransmitter) interacts with a receptor at the cell surface, causing a change in the level of a second messenger and ultimately a change in cell functioning.1、植物激素:是由植物本身合成的,数量很少的一些有机化合物。它们能从生成处运输到其他部位,在极低的浓度下即能产生明显的生理效应,可以对植物的生长发育

47、产生很大的影响。2、植物生长调节剂:是由人工合成的,在很低浓度下能够调控植物生长发育的化学物质。它们具有促进插枝生根,调控开花时间,塑造理想株形等作用。3、植物生长物质:是在较低浓度的情况下能对植物产生明显生理作用的化学物质,主要包括内源的植物激素与人造的植物生长调节剂。4、三重反应:乙烯可抑制黄化豌豆幼苗上胚轴的伸长生长,促进其加粗生长,地上部分失去负向地性生长(偏上生长)。5、激素受体:指能与激素特异地结合,并引起特殊的生理效应的物质。6、自由生长素:指易于提取出来的生长素。7. Plant hormones Substances that influence plant growth a

48、nd development at low concentrations, Major classes are abscisic acid, auxin, brassinosteroid, cytokinin, ethylene, and gibberellin.8生长素极性运输:是指生长素只能从植物体的形态学上端向下端运输。1、光形态建成:依赖光控制细胞的分化、结构和功能的改变,最终汇集成组织和器官的建成,就称为光形态建成。2、暗形态建成:暗中生长的植物表现出各种黄化特征,茎细而长,顶端呈钩状弯曲,叶片小而呈黄白色。 3、光敏色素:植物体内存在的一种吸收红光远红光可逆转换的光受体(色素蛋白)

49、。1、种子寿命:种子寿命是种子从采收到失去发芽能力的时间。2、组织培养:指在无菌条件下,分离并在培养基中培养离体植物组织(器官或细胞)的技术。3、分化:指形成不同形态和不同功能细胞的过程。4、脱分化:原已分化的细胞,推动原有的形态和机能,又回复到原有的无组织的细胞团或愈伤组织,这个过程称为脱分化过程。5. 顶端优势:顶端在生长上占有优势的现象。6. Apical dominance In most higher plants, the growing apical buds inhibition of the growth of lateral buds (axillary buds).1、单

50、性结实:子房不经过受精作用而形成不含种子果实的现象,称为单性结实。2、春化作用:低温促使植物开花的作用,称为春化作用。3、长日植物:指日照长度大于一定临界日长才能开花的植物。4、短日植物:指日照长度小于一定临界日长才能开花的植物。5、光周期诱导:植物只需要一定时间适宜的光周期处理,以后即使处于不适宜的光周期下,仍然可以长期保持刺激的效果,这种现象称为光周期诱导。6. Vernalization In some species, the cold temperature requirement for flowering. The term is derived from the word fo

51、r “spring.”.7. ABC model Proposal for the way a which floral homeotic genes control organ formation in flowers. According to the model, organ identity in each whorl is determined by unique combination of the three organ identity gene activities.8. Photoperiodism A biological response to the length a

52、nd timing of day and night, making it possible for an event to occur at a particular time of year. 1、单性结实:不经受精作用而形成不含种子的果实。2、呼吸骤变:指花朵、果实发育到一定程度时,其呼吸强度突然增高,尔后又逐渐下降的现象。3、休眠:有些种子(包括鳞茎、芽等延存器官)在合适的萌发条件下仍不萌发的现象。4、衰老:指一个器官或整个植株生理功能逐渐恶化,最终自然死亡的过程。5、脱落:指植物细胞组织或器官与植物体分离的过程,如树皮各茎顶的脱落,叶、枝、花和果实的脱落。6. Dormancy A living condition in which growth does not occor under conditions that are normally favorable to growth.

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