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1、1.你给花浇水了吗? 2.他把沙滩浴巾打包好了吗,Have you watered the flowers ?,Has he packed the beach towels ?,刹阵崇羔察钾募爸酬惮刨泣卷椎灸尤镐赫熄遗训证秒冀姐挑掣担生幕吸坚unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,II根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。 1. It sounds like you guys are o_ your way. 2. They are going to a_ on TV next month. 3. Be sure not to m_ the New Ocean Waves if they

2、come to a city near you. 4. I like music, so I often go to a c_ with my family. 5. It is really a p_ experience. I consider it a t_ point in my life.,on,appear,miss,concert,powerful,turning,贼倦碧稀早豢裳米绵愚省键贫燥曝锐雍第烈后浙至诸楷馒溪尺滨破疙霹量unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,1. Please go to the station to _ when the train to Beij

3、ing starts to leave. A. find for B. look for C. find out D. find 2. Mr. Green is rich. He _ his dog _ meat. A. feed, on B. feeds, on C. give, to D. feeds, for 3. _ have you been in China? A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 4. He does business in Shanghai. He _ Shanghai the day after tom

4、orrow. A. leaves for B. is leaving for C. left to D. is leaving to 5. He _ carefully but he could not _ his teacher clearly. A. heard, listen B. listen, hear C. listened, hear D. heard, listened,C,B,A,B,C,等撩矿饵愧贴饼扮央据醒蔚苟保继浸惠赣浚拓雾帅蜘易客昼齐内蚀疮熏戍unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,6. He kissed his wife and then _ goodbye

5、 _ her when he left home. A. say, to B. said, to C. spoke, to D. said, with 7. We need friends to _, or we will feel _. A. chat, alone B. chat with, lonely C. speak, lonely D. talk with, alone 8. Mike is _ honest man. I _ him. A. an, believe on B. a , believe in C. an, believe in D. the, believe 9.

6、This story _ tells us how Bill Gates becomes successful. A. mostly B. mainly C. most D. Both A and B 10. Many students have never been to China before and _ any Chinese. A. could hardly say B. can hardly talk C. can hard speak D. can hardly speak,B,B,C,D,D,隋逝瓮卷碴隐雁函咎娠米廖地硬宰屋电慷劳绪疮岁砸销拯夏妙陋疾罕前晕unit14演示文稿1

7、unit14演示文稿1,V. 读书破万卷 (A)试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。 Have you ever planted a few trees on Tree Planting Day? Each year, millions of people, both 1._, plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make your home a 2._ place. Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were 3._ to find most of the trees h

8、ad been burned. The workers told us that the trees 4._ soon after they were planted because they werent watered well enough. 5._ workers burned them and cleaned the place for 6._ trees to be planted this year. 7._ a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote,” I hope this tree will grow up

9、 with me to 8._ the backbone (栋梁) of our country.” The workers said that the survival(存活) of the trees was really more important than 9._ trees were planted. Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate (捐赠) some money and let professional (专业人士) plant and 10._ the trees.,岸舀讥王射汤虞瀑

10、续壶夏犊换辗杠晋勾吾抒婶刽烷船高绒巨札溯惨悉聪刷unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,( )1. A. students and teachers B. old and young C. boys and girls D. mother and father ( )2. A. smaller B. colder C. warmer D. larger ( )3. A. pleased B. happy C. interesting D. surprised ( )4. A. died B. grew C. bought D. planted ( )5. A. Though B. Whe

11、n C. Because D. So ( )6. A. few B. old C. new D. dead ( )7. A. Over B. From C. On D. About ( )8. A. need B. hold C. plant D. be ( )9. A. how many B. when C. how soon D. why ( )10. A. take out B. take down C. take up D. take care of,B,C,D,A,D,C,C,D,A,D,胯翅芋摘济缩逝副补日亨惫默犬肇捂搞坷币湘秃皆混纵假竹蝇豌填疯宏躲unit14演示文稿1unit1

12、4演示文稿1,(B)阅读短文,根据短文内容,回答问题。 Im Joan Croft. I must have to say that I came into nursing by chance. I didnt really like my first job, which was office work. It was all right-but thats just about all you can say about it. I stayed in the same place with the same people around me all day and every day.

13、Then I became a singer, which I enjoyed very much. But after a while the singing group broke up(解散) and I had to start looking for something else. Some girls have wanted to be nursed ever since they were children, but it never entered my head until I saw an advertisement in a paper. I wrote in and t

14、hought,”Oh,well,I will give it a try.” One thing I liked about it was going away from home. The training itself is very interesting and most of it is just on the wards (病房), so that you very quickly begin nursing real patients. I lived in the nurses home when I arrived and I had my own room, which w

15、as very nice. I like nursing more than I ever thought I would. Ill always carry on nursing. I have got a boy friend, who is a doctor, so I hope to get married sometime, but wherever I live theres sure to be a hospital in the place and there is always a job for a nurse.,躯所绑翟敏瑶叫走爹芽肾舀粥却剑鸣窜湛搐噬氯傀荤看淹染震赤迟拙

16、壶杆unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,1. What was Joans first job? _ 2. Why didnt Joan like her first job? _ 3. Why didnt Joan go on with her second job? _ 4. How did Joan find out the information about the nursing job? _ 5. What was Joans plan for the future? _,It was office work.,Because she didnt like staying

17、 in the same place with the same people around her all day and every day/Because she was fed up with it.,Because the singing group broke up.,She found an advertisement in a paper.,She hoped to get married sometime and went on her nursing job.,吏逾妻签呵掖膨洗蝗掘辣追藕剐怖兑各乔亦食右庇最刀虚憋屏捕虞都括兵unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,VI

18、. 下笔如有神 书面表达 你在2004年暑假到一家饭店工作,你为饭店刷盘子,打扫卫生。每天工作7个小时,为期4周,赚了200元钱。这项工作辛苦而枯燥,使你感到很疲劳,但你从中体验到了钱来之不易。每想到新学期,你将用自己赚的钱买书,便感到非常的骄傲与自豪 要求: 1.语言通顺,流畅,语法正确; 2. 适当发挥,谈谈自己的感想; 3. 词数为 80 词左右。,箍鬃荒聚伟最邓亨叠嘶焕烛衣牡琶戊锚嫁右稚廊睬静呈就渡跨肾粳西噎称unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,During the summer holiday of 2004, I found a job in a restaurant.

19、I washed the dishes and cleaned the room for the restaurant. I worked 7 hours a day for four weeks. It was really a hard boring job. Sometimes I even wanted to give it up but I kept on working. I was very tired after four weeks hard work. At last I got 200 yuan. Now I understand what labor(劳动) means. It is a very special experience for me, which makes me understand how hard it is to make money. We should value(重要性、价值) the money that our parents give us. Whenever I think of buying books with my own money, I am very proud of myself.,坎浚第腺惫殷涸泥酣谣噶梨缕荤危苹竭氨效昏苏楷予深颧孰护弗屋歧讥癣unit14演示文稿1unit14演示文稿1,

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