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1、Unit oneMy DreamDreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean. Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams protect our hearts. Martin Luther King had a dream it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream it was to set the slaves free. They sought their dreams and finally

2、 made them come true. I have a dream, which is to help those people who need help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation. I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We

3、should help them. We should save their lives so they can pursue their own dreams. As the lyric of a song goes, “We are the ones who make a brighter day, so lets start giving.” Well, thats my dream, a simple but meaningful dream.Summary When in high school, Monty Roberts was asked to write a paper ab

4、out his dream. In the paper, he described his dream that someday he would own a large horse ranch. His teacher gave him an “F”, saying that Montys dream was unrealistic. The teacher said that he would reconsider his grade if Monty rewrote the paper. Monty thought hard about it for a week before he f

5、inally turned in the same paper. He said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.” Now Monty Roberts owns a 200-acre horse ranch in San Ysidro. Two summers ago, that same teacher visited his farm with the kids he was teaching. Realizing that he had been wrong all along, he said to

6、Monty that he had been something of a dream stealer. Dont let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. 英译汉:1. 他把住宅借给我举办募款活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。2. 在这个200英亩的梦想农场中他要建一个4000平方英尺的房子,并且画了一个详细的平面图。3. 他花了好大心血把文章写完,第二天交给了老师。4. 这个满怀梦想的男孩下课后去见了老师,问道:“您为什么给我不及格?”5. 男孩整整想了一个礼拜,最后又把原稿一字未改地交给了老师。汉译英:

7、1. I rewrote the last two paragraphs (我重写了最后两段) to make my paper better.2. If you have unrealistic expectations(如果你怀有不切实际的期望), they will rarely be met.3. The club decided to take a hand in youth at risk programs(为问题青少年项目出一份力)4. The committee will use every means to raise money(想方设法筹措资金)5. Would you

8、please explain the theme in detail(详细地说明一下主题)Unit twoAn old man went to a temple in a mountain and visited a monk there. The monk was snobbish. He didnt welcome the old man because he wasnt rich or powerful. Later, a man, son of a minister, also came to the temple. He brought many servants with him.

9、 As the monk saw the man, he quickly ran up to welcome him with a smile. After the man left, the old man unhappily asked the monk, “Why did you treat him so much better than me?” “Thats not true. Although I seemed nice to him, in fact, I was not. And I didnt treat you so well because I respect you i

10、n my heart.” The monk lied. The old man heard that; he hit the monks head with a cane and said, “Good. Now I hit you because I respect you in my heart, too.” The monk didnt know what to say, so he could only cry out for pain.Summary:One day, a horseman who looked like a roughened countryman with his

11、 clothes and face spattered with mud asked for lodging at one of the best hotels in Baltimore. The landlord, however, turned him away, thinking that his guests in the hotel would not like the idea of having a farmer stay with them in the same hotel. Soon after the rider had gone, a well-dressed gent

12、leman came to the hotel to look for Mr. Jefferson, Vice President of the United States. The landlord cursed himself as a dunce when he realized his mistake: The farmer-like horseman was no other than Vice President Thomas Jefferson.The landlord told his staff to build a fire in the best room while h

13、e himself went to see Mr. Jefferson to ask for his pardon. He begged him to return to his hotel, but Jefferson rejected his offer, saying that where there was no room for a farmer, there was no room for himself. 英译汉:1. “他似乎一路很辛苦。”另一个人说道,“不知道他会在哪儿住宿?”2. 大约一个小时后,一位衣着考究的绅士走进这家旅馆,说:“我想求见杰弗逊先生。”3. 我真是个大傻

14、瓜,竟然把杰弗逊先生拒之门外!4. 您刚才一身泥巴,我还以为您是个老农呢。5. 农民和其他人一样,没有农民住的地方,也就不可能有我住的地方。汉译英1. Instead of following the captains order(没有听从船长的命令)the passengers jumped into the icy sea.2. His wife died last week and he has had a hard time of it.(他日子过得很艰难)3. He said that the only job he could offer me would be that of a

15、 deliveryman. (他能给我的唯一工作送货员的工作)4. She prides herself upon having a billionaire uncle(他自诩有个亿万富翁的伯父)who lives somewhere in South America.5. What a dunce you are to put a newly-met man up in your house(让一个刚认识的男人住在你家)Unit threeIt never occurred to me that the ownership of the tuck shop would be transfer

16、red and I would lose my job. I had never been engaged in any other field. So, I took the retraining course for domestic helpers to learn how to handle household chores. Just like other job-seekers, I had to face keen competition after the course. None of my jobs lasted long, and I felt helpless. I f

17、elt at a loss. I was scared and the sky seemed to be falling down. I lost my temper even over very trivial things. My friends said that it was not the way I had been. While I was in a state of depression, Mrs. Lam asked me to enroll in the Employment Program for the Middle-aged together with her. Th

18、en I attended the workshop under the Program. At first I only tried my luck, but later on I began to realize that it was quite useful. I recalled what an instructor said, “You cant change the weather, but you can change your mood.” I didnt quite get it when it first came to my ear. Now I understood

19、what he meant was that we should not panic in the face of difficulty. Only then would we be able to make the best of our talents. After attending a number of interviews, I finally got a suitable job. It gave me a salary and relieved the pressure of basic needs.SummaryOnce a Flea, a Grasshopper and a

20、 Leap-frog wanted to find out which of them could jump highest and they invited the King and all the folks to see the show. The winner would marry the Princess. Both the Flea and the Grasshopper boasted about their family backgrounds and talents, while the Leap-frog didnt say anything. Though the Le

21、ap-frog did not jump as high as the other two in the competition, he won the Princess. This was because he did not jump higher than the Princess height, which was exactly what the King wanted to see. The King thought that the Leap-frog had brains. The Flea and the Grasshopper were not happy with the

22、 result and thought the Leap-frog had won the game by his good looks rather than by his ability. But they could do nothing about it as this was the way of the world. 英译汉:1. 他优雅地向观众点头致意。他血统高贵,且经常出入人类社会,光这一点就不得了。2. 况且,他(蚱蜢)声称其祖上是埃及的一个古老家族,他在本地也备受尊崇。3. 跳蚤和蚱蜢都吹嘘自己如何了得,都说自己才配得上公主。4. 与此同时,跳蛙却一言不发。人们都以为他在苦

23、苦思索,而那只宫廷犬在嗅过他以后,却说他确信这位跳蛙出身世家。5. 跳高最多只能跳到和公主一般高,因为她是不能被超越的。汉译英:1. The president is highly thought of over here (在本地很受尊崇) as his company has contributed a great deal to the community construction.2. The companys indifference to his complaint made him so annoyed (使他如此气愤) that he decided to tell his e

24、xperience to the local newspaper. 3. His peers mockery and criticism did not put him down. Instead he worked all the harder (他更努力工作了). 4. Let him have the first prize for all I care (让他得一等奖好了,我才不在乎呢)! What I care about most is the participation. 5. Both men bragged about their abilities, thinking they were fit for the position of general manager (他们才是总经理一职的合适人选).

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