译林7B Unit1教案,知识点详解

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1、海豚教育个性化教案(内页)7B Unit1 Dream homesWelcome to the Unit新词速记1. Palace n. 皇宫 宫殿 可数名词 课文原句:Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 注意与place区分,地点,地方,位置2. Town n. 镇,城镇,可数名词 拓展:city 城市 village 村庄 课文原句:There are twenty restaurants in town. Eg: Some young people like living in town.3. Russia n. 俄罗斯 The capi

2、tal of Russia is Moscow. 拓展:Russian做名词时,意为“俄语,俄国人”,做形容词时,意为“俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,俄语的” Eg: The girl is from Russia. She speaks Russian.4. Country n. 国家 可数名词 复数形式countries 课文原句:The Class 1,Grade 7 students at Sunshine Middle School are learning about homes in different countries. Eg: China is a great country. 拓

3、展:the country 农村,乡下= countryside Eg: My uncle has a farm in the country /countryside.5. Capital n.首都 可数名词 课文原句:Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? 拓展:capital 作名词 还可以为“省会,大写”要点详解1. Dream homes 梦想家园 Dream的用法:(1) n. 梦,梦想 My dream is to be a teacher. 注意:in your dreams 用于口语中,意为“你妄想,你在做梦”,表示希望的事情不可能发生。(2) Vi&V

4、t 做梦,梦见,梦想 三单dreams,过去式dreamed,现在分词dreaming。 Eg: Do you often dream at night?固定搭配:1. Dream of/about 意为做梦,梦想,向往,梦见 I often dream about/of my grandmother. 2. Dream + that 从句 He dreamed that he was on the sea.辨析 home house familyhome一般指抽象意义的“家”,既包括家人,也包括房屋,指出生及日常生活的环境。house指家庭居住的房屋。family主要指组成家庭的成员,其复数

5、形式是families。Family做主语时,如强调的是家里的每一个人,谓语动词用复数形式,如指一个家庭,则谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。Eg: He is not at home now. His house is very old.2. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? Would like 意为“想要,愿意”,相当于动词want,后接名词、代词或者动词不定式。 Would you like to go swimming with me ? =Do you want to go swimming with me ?注意:Would you

6、like? 用来委婉地征询对方的意见或劝诱对方做某事。常用Yes,please. 或Yes,Id like/love to.作肯定回答;用No,thanks. 或Sorry,I cant.作否定回答。3. Id like to live next to a restaurant. Next to 为方位介词,意为“在旁边”。 He sits next to me. =He sits besides me. There is a bookshop next to our school.辨析:near,next tonear表示“在附近”Next to表示“在旁边,靠近,邻近”,next to所表

7、示的位置比near要近。 There is a big supermarket near my home.(指离我家不远,不一定在旁边) The big supermarket is next to my house.(表示紧挨着)4. The biggest one in Fifth Street! Biggest是big的最高级形式,形容词最高级前通常加定冠词the。 Wang Qiang is the tallest boy in our class.辨析:big large greatbig侧重于物体的重量、人的身体高大或长大,有时暗含笨重的意思,其反义词是little。large侧重

8、于物体的宽度和数量,暗含广阔和众多的含义,其反义词是small,large也可表示“宽大的,慷慨的”great带有感情色彩,有“宏大的,伟大的”之意。辨析:one it One和it 两者都可用作代词,都与前面提到的名词有关, One指已经出现的同类可数名词中的一个,其复数形式是ones It表示特指,指代前面提到的那个单数名词。Eg: Please give me another MP3,because I dont like this one. I want to borrow your pen. Could you lend it to me?5. The Class 1,Grade 7

9、 students at Sunshine Middle School are learning about homes in different countries. Learn about意为“了解关于的情况”,其中learn表示得知,获悉,该短语既可合在一起用,也可以分开用。 Id like to learn something about your study.拓展:learn还有“学,学会”的意思,learn to do sth.意为学会做某事 Never too old to learn. Im learning to swim now.Reading新词速记1. garden n

10、.花园,果园,可数名词 课文原句:We have a beautiful garden.Eg: There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. Dalian is a garden city.拓展:gardener是可数名词,意为“园丁,园林工人” My mother is a gardener.2. Centre n. 中心,中间 注意:centre是英式英语,而center是美式英语。 课文原句:I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.Eg: Look! He is standing in the c

11、entre of the room.含有centre的短语:in the centre of 在的中间 The shopping centre 购物中心辨析:centre Middlecentre指圆、球体、城市或方形的中心,还可表示重要活动或事物的中心。Middle指长方形的中央或道路两侧的中央等,也可指某期间。 I walk around the centre of the town and often see a dog lying in the middle of the road.3. Share vt.合用,分享 课文原句:I share a bedroom with my sis

12、ter. The sisters share the cake together.固定搭配:share sth. With sb Ill share the coat with you. Can you share your toys with her?4. Own adj.&vt. 自己的,拥有,所有 课文原句:I have my own bedroom and bathroom, I can use my own bike. Which of these would you most like to own? 含有own的短语:of ones own 属于自己的 On ones own 独

13、立,独自拓展:owner作可数名词,意为“物主,所有人,主人” The owner of the house is Mr. Green.5. Beach n. 海滩,可数名词,复数形式是beaches 课文原句:I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. We spent the whole night on the beach. We often lie on the beach and enjoy the sun.6. Sea n. 海洋,海 They go to Japan by sea every year. 拓

14、展: seaside 作名词,意为“海边,海滨” Many people spend their holidays by the seaside.要点详解1. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea. Enjoy 是动词,意为“喜爱,享受的乐趣,欣赏”,其后接名词、代词或动名词,但不可接动词不定式。Enjoy oneself “过得愉快,玩得开心”Eg: My little brother enjoys reading picture books. Do you enjoy the work? I enjoy talking

15、 with her.2. I always have fun with my dog there. Have fun意为“玩得开心”,相当于have a good time,其中fun是不可数名词,意为“乐趣,有趣的事”,have fun doing sth.”做某事很开心”Eg: The children had a lot of fun at weekends.=The children had a good time at weekends. The boy has fun playing computer games. They have fun together.固定搭配:make

16、fun of sb. 取笑某人,开某人的玩笑 Its not right to make fun of others.拓展:funny做形容词,意为“有趣的,滑稽的”,一般指人或事物,而不指事情 These books are funny, and reading them is fun.3. We often listen to music in bed. In bed为介词短语,意为“在床上” My mother is ill in bed.辨析:in bed on the bedIn bed表示“在床上”(指盖着被子)On the bed表示“在床上”(指东西放在床上)Eg: Its a

17、 fine day. Dont lie in bed. There is a new dress on the bed.4. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. Look out at 在句中意为“向外眺望”,其中out是副词,at是介词 Tom often looks out at the playground while in class. 拓展:(1)look out还表示“小心,当心,留意” Look out!There is danger ahead. (2)look out of意为“从向外看” Do

18、nt look out of the window. Its dangerous. 固定搭配:look after 照看、照料;look for 寻找;look forward to盼望、期待;look like看起来像; look over 检查、复习;look up向上望、查寻5. Simon wrote down some sentences ,but he mixed up the underline words. Write down 意为“写下,记下”,是“及物动词+副词”型短语。如果是名词作其宾语,该名词可放在副词之前,也可放在副词之后;如果是代词做其宾语,该代词只能放在副词之前

19、。 Please write the new words down。 Please write it down.6. The bathroom is the best place to chat and watch. (1)Best 意为“最好的”,是good的最高级形式。 Han Mei is my best friend. Who is the best student in your class? (2)to chat and watch是动词不定式短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词place We have a lot of homework to do every day. The pa

20、rk is a good place to meet friends.Grammar新词速记1. Hundred num. 百,其前有具体数字修饰时,其后不加-s,也不接of短语。 There are a hundred books on the desk. There were three hundred and sixty-five days that year.拓展:当hundred表示概数时,要用复数形式,并且后接of短语。类似这种用法的还有thousand,million等词。 hundreds of 数以百计的 数词的用法 thousands of 成千上万的 millions o

21、f 数以百万计的,许许多多的 Hundreds of people go there every year.2. Foot n. 英尺,可数名词,复数形式feet 课文原句:The CN tower is 1,815 feet tall. on foot 步行 Eg: He is six feet seven inches tall. 含有foot短语 at the foot of 在的脚下 拓展:foot作名词,还可以为“脚,底部” A dog has four feet. His house is at the foot of the hill. We often go to school

22、 on foot.=We often walk to school.3. Over 1. Prep. 多于,超过 同义词组为more than,反义词组为less than 课文原句:Tokyo,the capital of Japan,has over 13,000,000 people. Eg: There are over fifty men teachers in our school. 2. Prep. 在的上方,其反义词是under。 Eg: There is a wooden bridge over the river. 拓展:over adv.全部地,从头到尾地,翻转过来。 E

23、g: Youd better think it over carefully. Turn the page over.辨析:over above onover“在的上方”,物体之间不发生接触,一般指正上方,反义词underabove“在的上方”,仅仅指上方,但不一定指正上方,反义词是belowon“在的上面”,物体之间发生接触 There is a light over Toms desk. He is now living in a flat above the bank. There is a map of China on the wall.要点详解1. The CN Tower is

24、1,815 feet tall. 英语中,表示人或物体的大小、长短、高矮等常用“数词+单位名词+形容词”来表示。 Eg: Amy is twelve years old. The river is about 10 kilometres long. The street is 16 metres wide. The box is 5 kilograms heavy.2. Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size. (1)Square metre 意为“平方米,平方公尺” Our school is about 20,0

25、00 square metres in size. The area of my house is about 120 square metres. (2)In size 意为“在尺寸上,在大小方面” We dont have the shoes in your size. The playground is about 4,000 square metres in size.3. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. Have an area of意为“有的面积” The playground has an area of 10,0

26、00 square metres. Chinas land has about an area of 9,600,000 square kilometres.4. Womens Day is on the eighth of March. 名词所有格的变化 teachers office 表示具体某一天的上下午或晚上时,介词用onIntegrated skills新词速记1. Knife n.刀,小刀 可数名词,复数形式knives Can you pass me the knife? There are two knives on the table.2. Shower n. 淋浴器,淋雨,

27、阵雨 可数名词 My brother takes a cold shower every day. The shower may last in an hour or two.固定搭配: take a shower 淋浴拓展:shower v. (洗)淋浴,洒落3. Message n. 消息,音信 可数名词 课文原句:Can I take a message? I often get a message from Tom. Take a message for sb. 为某人捎个信 含有message的搭配 give sb. a message 把口信捎个某人 Leave a message

28、 留个口信要点详解1. Listen to Neil telling more about his house. Listen 是不及物动词,意为听,强调有意识地倾听这一动作本身,常与介词to连用,可用于进行时。Listen to sb. doing sth.意为“听某人在做某事”. Listen to me carefully, please. The students are listening to her singing this English song.拓展:hear是及物动词,意为“听见,听到”,指听觉器官接触到声音,不一定是有意识地听,强调“听” 的结果,它不能用在进行时态。

29、Can you hear some animals? He listened carefully, but heard nothing.2. Your house is really different from the flat here in our town. Be different from意为“与不同”,是固定搭配,其反义词组be the same as“与一样,相同”。 My schoolbag is different from yours. My shirt is the same as Daniels. 拓展:different是形容词,意为“不同的”,名词形式differ

30、ence“不同点,差异,差别”,可数名词。 Can you find out the two differences between the two pictures?3. I hope to visit your home some day. Hope意为“希望,盼望”,其用法如下:(1) hope to do sth.意为“希望做某事” I hope to see you soon.(2) Hope 后接从句 I hope that she will be well soon. Some day意为“总有一天,有朝一日”,只能指将来的某一天,有时也可写成someday。 We will m

31、eet again some day, I believe. 拓展:one day 既可指过去的某一天,也可指将来的某一天。 One day, Mr. Green met her in the street.4. May I speak to Daniel, please? 常用的打电话用语,意为“我可以和通电话吗?”应答语“This is(speaking)”,询问对方是谁时,不用Who are you?而常用Whos that?或Whos speaking, please?5. Can you ask him to call me back? Ask sb(not) to do sth 意

32、为“(不)让某人做某事;要求某人(不要)做某事” Mum asks me to clean the kitchen. Mr. Wu asks us not to be late for school. Call sb back给某人回电话,相当于ring/phone/telephone sb back, call 为动词,意为打电话 Im going to call Amy back this afternoon.Study skills1. The stressed syllable sounds stronger.重读的音节听起来更强。 Sound是连系动词,意为“听起来”,其后接形容词或

33、介词短语。 拓展:常见的系动词还有look,taste,smell,feel等等 She looks beautiful. It feels soft.Task 1. Study n.书房,是可数名词,其复数形式studies He is doing his home work in his study. 拓展:study作动词和名词,意为“学习,研究”。Studies还可以为“功课,学业” You should study the map carefully. How are you getting along with your studies?2. Machine n. 机器,可数名词

34、The machine is new.含有machine的短语,washing machine洗衣机,computer machine计算机,flying machine飞机,飞行器,by machine用机器,start a machine发动机器3. Field n. 地,田 可数名词 How many fields do they have? His father is working in the cotton fields.含有field的短语:football field 足球场,field flower 野花,field work野外考察,实地调查, the field of s

35、cience科学领域4. Invite vt. 邀请 invite sb to sp 邀请某人去某地;invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 课文原句:I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend. Eg: Id like to invite my friends to my home this Sunday. David often invites me to go dancing with him. 拓展:invite的名词形式是invitation,意为邀请 I often

36、get a letter of invitation.5. Stay vi/n 停留,逗留 课文原句:My friends like to come and stay here. Eg: He is ill and has to stay in bed. I visited many places of interest during my stay in Nanjing.拓展:stay作连系动词,意为“保持” We should do more exercise to stay healthy.含有stay的固定搭配:stay at home 待在家里,have a stay 逗留,stay

37、 away 外出,不在家, stay away from school 旷课,stay with sb 和某人在一起重点语法 英语中的可数或不可数是个语法概念,而不是理解上的能否数出来个数。 Chinese和Japanese是单复数同行的词,即, 一个中国人是 a Chinese, 两者或更多则为Chinese。 American 则是有单复数的变化,即 Americans(复数)English 和French较复杂:1:EnglishmanEnglishmen(英国男人) 2: EnglishwomanEnglishwomen(英国女人) 3:男女统称,则为 English People。法

38、国人的变法和英国人变法一样。记住一句口诀:变人有单复。中日不变,英法变,其余S加后面。数词:表示数量和顺序的词叫做数词。数词又分基数词和序数词。1基数词:表示数量的数词叫基数词。 基数词的构成:(1)2199的两位数,十位与个位之间用连字符“-”;(2)101999的三位数,百位数和后面的数之间用连词and,百、千等数词一律用单数形式;(3)1000以上的多位数字,从右面向左数,每三位中间标“,”,第一个“,”前为“个thousand”,第二个“,”前为“个million”,第三个“,”前为“个billion”。如: 19,958,300可写成:nineteen million nine hu

39、ndred and fifty-eight thousand three hundred 基数词的用法: (1)表示日期:2012年10月,写作October 2012,读作October,two thousand and twelve。 (2)表示钟点:5:45,写作five forty-five或a quarter to six。 (3)表示年龄:表示某人几岁的确切年龄,用“基数词+years old”或“基数词+of age”或“at the age of+基数词”,也可直接用基数词;表示某人几十多岁这样的大概年龄,用“in ones+ 表整十的基数词的复数形式(如tens,twenti

40、es,thirties等)来表达。 (4)表示编号:可在基数词前加number,简写为No,如:“第八”写作No8。与普通名词可以构成专有名词,如:108房间写作Room 108;用于电话号码或车辆的号牌(用基数词逐个念,0念字母O)。 (5)可进行四则运算:数学中的加减乘除的运算都用到基数词。如: Two and three isequals five2加3等于5。 Ten minus(减)ten is zero10减10等于0。2序数词:表示顺序的数词。 序数词的构成:(1)序数词“第一”、“第二”和“第三”表达为first,second和third,其他序数词的构成是在基数词后加-th。

41、如:four-,fourth,si xsixth,seven-seventh,tententh。(2)fifth(第五)、eighth(第八)、ninth(第九)和twelfth(第十二)是特殊变化。(3)二十、三十等逢整十的基数词变为序数词时,要把y变成ie再加-th。如:thirty-thirtieth。(4)基数词几十几变成序数词时,表示整十的数词不变,只把个位数的基数词变成序数词。如:twenty-one-twenty-first。序数词的用法:(1)序数词在使用时,一般其前要加上定冠词the(2)序数词在多数情况下都用作定语修饰单数名词或代词,有时与基数词一起修饰复数名词则表示“第几批”;有的也可以作表语、主语和宾语。如:The first ten people will get a gift首批的十个人将会得到一个礼物。Columbus was the first who discovered America哥伦布是第一个发现美洲的人。(作表语)(3)序数词与不定冠词a连用,表示“再一;又一”的意思。如:They had a third child in 2012他们在2012年又生了第三个小孩。

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