2022年人教精通版五年级下册英语教案Lesson 30教案

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1、精通版小学英语五年级下册 Lesson 30 教学设计 教学目标:能够听说、认读句型:Is he looking at the moon? No, he isn t.Hes looking at the sun. Are you looking at the picture? Yes, Iam. No, I m not. 引导学生从整体上感知、模仿、学习和体验语言, 学会如何购物, 在创设的真实情景中进行简单交流 . 重点难点:1. 能够听、说、认读本课的目标语言.2. 能够在真实情境中灵活运用这些功能语句进行交际.教具准备:电脑、图片、PPT 课件、教材配套光盘教学过程:Step 1: Wa

2、rm-up1. Greetings.2. Review the phrases of this unit.Step 2: Presentation1. Show these pictures, learn the phrases.Look at the picture, talk about the picture, stand, sit2. Listen to the tape, read after it.3. Practice the sentences.T: Look at the picture. Is he sitting in the sofa?S: Yes, he is.T:

3、And is Li Yans cousin looking at the picture?S: No, she isnt.T: Are you looking at the picture?S: Yes, I am.4. Writ e and do the dialogue.5. Design a short reading passage. Fill in blanks.Look at these_. What are they doing? Oh, Peter is _ _at thepicture. Li Yan and Peter are _the picture. Is the m

4、an _in theclassroom? No, _. He is _near the lake. Is he sitting in the sofa? Yes, _.6. Teacher shows the performances of famous persons. Let the students talk them.Step 3: Practice1. Play a guessing game.2. Let s chant.Step 4: Language use.Make up a new dialogue.Step 5: Assessment.Do the workbook.St

5、ep 6: Homework:Lets act.板书设计Lesson 30Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt.Hes looking at the sun.Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, I mnot.第二课时 cleaning my room.一教材分析本课来自人教精通版三年级起点五年级下册, 是第五单元的第四 课时.二学情分析本节课的教学对象是五年级学生 , 他们有很强的求知欲 . 本课是在前几节课初步学习了一般现在进行时的知识的根底上 , 进一步学习现在进行时问答句的掌握 , 让学生在

6、真实情景中自然使用语言 , 进行会 话练习.三教学目标1.知识目标听说认读 play the guitar, play the violin 和句型 Whats Li Yan doing? She is singing a song.听说读写 tell a story ,sing a song 和句型 What are you doing? Im telling a story.2.能力目标能够在相关话题背景以及生活情景中灵活运用这些功能语句进行会 话练习.四教学重点:通过感知, 模仿, 学习和体验, 能用 What are you doing? Im V-ing. Whats he/ she

7、 doing? He/She is V-ing.进行语言交流运用.五教学难点:通过游戏的形式 , 让学生在自然的语言环境中进行目标语言交际 , 同 时提高学习英语的兴趣.六学习策略培养直观演示法, 自主学习与合作学习结合法, 自然拼读法, TPR 教学法. 七教学准备卡片、玩具小提琴、吉他、故事书、话筒、多媒体课件八教学步骤Step1. Warm-up1. GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you!Ss: Hi! Miss Wang. Nice to meet you,too.T: Are you happy today?Ss:Ye

8、s.T: If you are happy ,clap your hands.If you are happy, pat your shoulders.If you are happy,show me your beautiful smile,OK?2. Wonderful! Lets sing a song together.学生边唱边做3.训练含 ing 单词 king wing ring sing 读音, 进一步强化教学难点.用 PPT 复习 make a call, write an email, wash the clothes, cleaning the room. 引导学生用这几

9、个词编一段 chant:Make a call , make a call, Lily is making a call.Write an email, write an email, dad is writing an email.Wash the clothes, wash the clothes, mom is washing the clothes.Clean the room, clean the room, Im cleaning the room.【设计意图】采用师生互相问候, TPR 教学法热身更容易吸引学生的注意力, 增强他们的学习兴趣, 通过 chant 复习旧知导入新课.

10、 Step2. New lessons1T: Listen to the video. What are you doing?Ss: sing a song.T:Yes, you are singing a song.( 导入新词学习, 用卡片范读后请学生读, 再听音 sing, sing ,sing a song,然后让学生仿读)四线格板书 sing a song, 领读后让学生观察书写Group1singGroup2ingGroup3singingGroup4singing asong(分组朗读降低难度)让更多的学生朗读训练用道具话筒Im singing a song.2. 情景教学 te

11、ll a storyT: Look at the picture. Whats this?Ss: storybook.T: Yes. Its a storybook about three little pigs. Now read after me.T: Listen! Whats Xie Shuran doing?Shes telling a story.(出示卡片教学单词)tell a story 检查掌握朗读和拼读情况d教学 tell ing telling telling a story( 注意 tell 的读音)学生拼单词老师板书板书的同时李东晋做准备3.实物教学 violin生闭

12、上眼睛听本班学生李东晋拉小提琴, 导入 violin 教学.T:Now open your eyes. Whats this?Ss:Its a violin.T: Yes, its a violin, violin . Whats he doing? 引导学生答复 Hesplaying the violin. 教学 play the violin , Im playing the violin. 让学生模仿老师边说边做, 做得好的学生给予奖励. 导入 PPT 引入 play 中 ay的自然拼读法教学, 教师说学生拼 day、pay、may、way、say、 拼完教师板书, 引导学生观察 pla

13、y the violin 的书写, 检查学生掌握情况. 4.同法教学 play the guitarStep3 Practice1. 快速读教师准备的单词卡.2. 教师读学生出示单词卡.3. 教师表演, 学生说英语.4. 给学生一个单词卡, 让他表演, 其他学生说英语.5. 展示动态 PPT, 教学 Whats he/she doing?6. Group Work四人小组每人表演一个动作, 每个组指定一个同学代表描述.【设计意图】这局部通过各种方法 , 让学生稳固所学内容 , 通过小组活动创造更多的时机让学生锻炼口语表达、交流、表演等技巧, 使学生能够更深入地理解和掌握所学知识 , 到达学以致

14、用的效果 , 使学生对英语学习更加感兴趣, 知识的获得也会在开心和愉悦中进行. 字母在重读闭音节单词中发音的教学.1. 学生听 chant 找出其中 u 字母的共同发音.2. 通过以下单词稳固, 教师读学生拼sun fun bus cup cut but duck muchunder shut truck drum【设计意图】通过 chant 让学生感悟 u 字母在重读闭音节单词中发音,然后通过单词稳固 , 教师读学生拼 . 从最简单的单词训练学生的自然拼读能力 , 循序渐进让学生掌握了单词中字母和字母组合发音 , 了解英语拼写和读音之间的关系, 为今后的英语学习奠定坚实的根底. Step 5

15、 课堂小结T:同学们 , 今天这节课你有什么收获?用你喜欢的方式夸夸自己 , 今天大家表现都很棒 , 老师送给大家一首歌 ,Lets sing the songtogether.【设计意图】关注学生的情感开展 , 课程在歌声中结束 , 强化学生学习的兴趣, 提高学生的学习效果, 到达“课虽尽而意无穷的效果.Step 6 Homework1.Write down these phrases on your exercise book:tell a story sing a song play the violin play the guitar .2.Practice the sentences with the following pictures. Whats he/she doing?Hes/Shes.板书设计Lesson 28What are you doing?Im singing a song.Im telling a story.Whats he/she doing?Hes playing the violin.Shes playing the guitar.

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