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1、学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型对话课课题 Where did you go?A Lets try/Lets talk课时安排1主备教师方春莲教学目标Knowledge aims:1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing 2.能够运用一般过去时询问别人在过去的某个时间点去哪里.Emotion aims:培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质,增强集体荣誉感.教学重点The key vocabulary and structures.教学难点 To use the n

2、ew structures in the real situation. 教法学法Ask and answer, examples教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-upGood morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. How are you? Now, what did you do last weekend? Good, can you tell me “where did you go ?”Step 2. Presentation 1.教师拿出一张自己爬山的照片,说:I went to Xinj

3、iang/last year. Guess. What did I do there? 请学生猜。如果有学生猜到go camping,教师就向学生展示照片: Yes, thats right. I went camping. 2. 教师板书went camping,带读,引导学生对动词原形和过去式形式进行比较。教师继续问:Have you ever been went camping? Where have you been? 引导学生说:I went camping in the mountain.3. 教师可继续提问:When did you went camping? I went ca

4、mping in spring/April 8th.4. 教师再次展示爬山的照片,说:I went camping in spring. Then I was hungry. I went to a river. Guess. What did I do there? 如果学生猜到吃东西,教师就拿出一张鱼的照片说:Yes, fishing. I went fishing. 板书went fishing和go fishing,带领学生比较不同之处。教师带读,注意强调went的发音。Step 3. Practice1.教师依次出示野营和钓鱼的照片说:I went camping. I went f

5、ishing, too. What else did I do there? Guess.2. I like riding a bike, but I often hurt my foot,出示骑自行车摔跤的图片,并解释hurt 的原型及过去式。3. 教师放 Lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读。4. 运用句型Where did you go last Saturday? What did you do there?把本节课学习的动词词组运用在对话中。Step 4. Consolidation and Extension同桌、小组内相互问答巩固本课知识板书设计Unit 3 Where di

6、d you go?- What happened?- I fell off my bike and hurt my foot. - Are you all right?-Im ok now. 教学反思作业设计1. Read the dialogue three times. Choose three sentences you like and copy them in your exercise book.2. Try to make a new dialogue.学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型词汇课课题 Main scene, A Lets learn课时安排2主备教师方春莲教学目标1

7、. Aims on knowledge (1)Key vocabulary: rode a horse, went camping, went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my foot(2)Key structures: Where did + 主语+go ?主语+ look/looks +其他2.Aims on abilities (1)To learn to use the key structures. (2)Be able to complete the answer and write.3.Aims on emotion Cultivate the stu

8、dents cooperation spirit. 教学重点The key vocabulary and structures.教学难点 To use the past tense to express in the situation. 教法学法Ask and answer, examples教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-up Lets sing a song together: P53Step 2. Presentation 1. “打擂台”游戏请五名学生到教室前面,教师任意抽取一张短语卡片,让五名学生根据卡片上的内容造句,如:I went cam

9、ping inspring. 不能正确造句的学生即被淘汰出局。然后教师出示另一张卡片,留在台上的学生继续比赛。能最后留在台上的学生成为擂主。2.学生听Lets try部分的录音,完成练习。3.教师出示一张新疆的风景照说:Look at this picture. This is a picture of Xinjiang. I went to Xinjiang two years ago. 教师再拿出一张公园的照片,说:This is a park. I went to the park last weekend. 教师板书:I went to指导学生拼写单词went。4.教师出示一张中国地图

10、说:This is a map of China. I went to a city last year. Its in Guangdong province. Its a new city. Guess. Where did I go? 引导学生用句型Did you go to .? 猜一猜,然后教师说:Yes, I didStep 3. Practice1.教师邀请一名学生到讲台前面来描述自己曾经去过的一个地方,教师问:Where did you go on your holiday? 引导这名学生回答。再请几名学生轮流上台,台下的学生其问:Where did you go on your

11、 holiday? 教师指导讲台上的学生回答。2.听录音,跟读Lets talk部分的内容。3.教师出示能拼成重点句型的单词卡片,要求学生在最快的时间内组合成句。Step 4. Consolidation and Extension学生课后用一般过去时询问同学或老师曾经去过的地方,完成调查表。板书设计Unit 3 Where did you go ?Rode a horse rode a bikeWent camping went fishingHurt my foot 教学反思作业设计1. Copy the key words three times in your exercise boo

12、k. 2. Try to make three sentences use the key structures.学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型对话课课题 B Lets try / lets talk课时安排3主备教师方春莲教学目标1. Aims on knowledge (1)Key vocabulary: Winter holiday, be far from, lots of, sometime, (2)Key structures: Where did you go over the winter holiday?My family and I went to Sanya.How

13、did you go there? I went there by plane.2.Aims on abilities 1)To learn to use the key structures. 2)Be able to talk about your winter holiday.3.Aims on emotion Cultivate the students cooperation spirit.教学重点The key vocabulary and structures.教学难点 To use the past tense in the situation. 教法学法Ask and ans

14、wer, Examples教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-up教师请几名学生描述自己上周做了些什么。如:I was busy last week. On Monday I went to a restaurant .On Tuesday I went to a park .I rode a bike. On Wednesday I played ping-pong. On Thursday I went camping2.教师让学生用句型I am going to this weekend. 或者I will this weekend.造句。Step 2

15、: Presentation 1. 教师让学生尝试将句子How do you go to school?改成过去形式,同时进行适当引导,使学生得出句子:How did you go to school?教师用更多地点进行替换操练:How did you go to HainanHunanTurpan? 2.出示Lets talk部分的教学挂图,鼓励学生用所学动词词组说出四幅图的行程安排,教师适当辅导。如: Day1,went to Sanya by plane;Day 2,went swimming and took pictures;Day3,payed football on the sa

16、nd;Day4,rode a bike.Step 3: Practice1.播放Lets talk部分的录音,第一遍录音,学生静听,了解对话大致内容。第二遍录音,带着问题听录音,问题如下:Where die Amy go last winter holiday?How did she go there?What didi she do?2.听第三遍录音,学生核对答案,并标记出不懂得地方,如:Sounds great.教师答疑。最后学生一边跟读一边用手指出所读句子,并分角色朗读课文。Step 4: Production:学生两人相互询问对方曾经去过的地方和所乘坐的交通工具,然后制成表格,并请几名

17、学生上台汇报调查情况。板书设计Where did you go over the winter holiday?My family and I went to Sanya.How did you go there? I went there by plane.教学反思作业设计1. Read the dialogue three times 2. Copy the key sentences three times in your exercise book.学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型词汇课课题 B Lets learn / Look and say课时安排4主备教师方春莲教学目标1.

18、Aims on knowledge (1)Key vocabulary: Ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts,(2)Key structures: How was your summer holidays? It was good.2.Aims on abilities 1)To learn to use the key structures in the correct situation. 2)Be able to complete describing the pictures using the past

19、 tense.3.Aims on emotion Let students learn to help each other.教学重点掌握四个动词词组的一般过去式形式。教学难点1. The change of verbs. 2. To use the past tense in the situation. 教法学法Ask and answer, Examples教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-upAsk students : Where did you go yesterday? How did you go there? Step 2. Presen

20、tation 1.教师拿出相机做拍照动作,说:I took many pictures last holiday .What about you? Did you took pictures too?学生回答:Yes.教师板书短语took pictures. 2.教师出示自己旅行时拍的照片:I took many pictures.出示ate fresh food的照片。问:What did I do?帮助学生回答:You ate fresh food.请学生尝试写出ate 的动词原形eat,并着重强调二者的发音,将两个动词结合起来教读.Step 3. Practice:1.教师借助于图片学生

21、展开对话。如:T:What did you do ? S: I went swimming.(教师帮助学生回答,板书并教读短语,分组比赛)2.教师帮助学生回答,板书并教读短语bought gifts,教师出示日常的生日礼物,学生一边模仿一边说单词gifts请几名学生比赛拼读单词gift,教师板书bought的动词原形。3.教师放lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读。熟读后,同桌之间进行对话练习。Step4:Consolidation and Extension1.教师指导学生把本课的动词短语和句型结合编成chant形式练习。如:T:What did you do ? S: I went s

22、wimming.T:What did you do ? S: I bought gifts.T:What did you do ? S: I ate fresh food.T:What did you do ? S: I took pictures.Look and say 2.教师出示Look and say部分的图片,请学生看图片,并让他们根据自己的理解说一说图片中所描绘的事。板书设计Where did you go yesterday? I went to the park with my grandpa.How did you go there? We went there by bu

23、s.教学反思作业设计1. Copy the key words three times in your exercise book. 2. Try to make three sentences use the comparative adjectives. 学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型读写课课题 Read and write课时安排5主备教师方春莲教学目标1. Aims on knowledge (1)Key vocabulary: rode a bike, sat in a basket, ate some food(2) To know the text meaning.2.Aim

24、s on abilities 1)Develop the students reading ability.2)Develop the students speaking ability.3.Aims on emotion Set up the students environmental awareness.教学重点The meaning of the text. 教学难点Retell the story. 教法学法教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-upGreeting and free talk,Sing the song “Tell me about

25、 your holiday”.Step 2. Presentation 1.教师让学生观看课本P28上方的图片,学生分组讨论图片中所描绘的故事,并回答下列问题:How did Wu Yifan meet max?What will happen next? 2.小组汇报讨论结果,教师进行评价,鼓励学生发挥想象力,用自己的话将故事补充完整。3.播放Read and write部分的录音,学生先静听一遍,了解短文大致内容。然后教师将学生分成四大小组,两个大组负责阅读短文第一段,另外两个大组负责阅读短文第二段。4.学生完成Number the pictures部分的练习。并将每个图片所对应的句子在文

26、中找出来进行朗读。Step 3. Practice1.播放Read and write部分的录音,学生一边跟读录音,一边用手指出相应的句子。2.教师朗读短文最后一段,提问:What happened to Wu Yifans family? What was bad for them? What was good for them? Find out the answers and write them down on the book.3.学生独立完成练习,教师引导学生将所填信息进行朗读。Now write about your bad but good day.学生独立完成此部分练习,教师

27、适当辅导。Step4:Consolidation and Extension让学生再次阅读课文,并进行复述。板书设计Phrases:Rode a bike, sat in a basket ,on the front of,Took pictures, bought some gifts, ate some delicious food, didnt feel well, wanted to , dressed up , made a funny play, played the part of, liked, jumped , laughed, but also教学反思作业设计Homewor

28、k 1. Read the text three times. 2. Copy the dialogue .学科英语年级六单元Unit 3课型综合技能活动课课题 Lets check/Lets wrap up/Story time课时安排6主备教师方春莲教学目标1. Aims on knowledge 1) The change rule of comparative adjectives.2) Complete the task of Page Ten.2. Aims on abilities 1) Develop the students reading and acting abilit

29、y. 2) Develop the students summary and conclusion ability. 3.Aims on emotion Help each others.教学重点The change rule of comparative adjectives.教学难点The change rule of comparative adjectives. 教法学法教学用具Multi-media教学过程复备内容Step 1. Warm-upGreeting and free talk about the students changes.Step 2. Presentation

30、Lets check1. Ask the students to look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the tape and ask them listen and tick. 3. Play the tape again and tell them to listen and write the answers to the questions.4. Check the answers.Lets wrap it up1.教师引导学生观看图片,学生独立完成此部分练习,然后听录音回答问题。2.教师放嫦娥奔月的影视片段,为学习能理解故事做铺垫.出示Sto

31、ry time部分的教学挂图,说:Look, Zoom is on themoon. The girl must be Change. What happened? Pleaseread the story.给学生几分钟时间自主阅读故事,同时让学生找出不理解的单词或句子。Step 3. Practice1.让学生分组进行阅读,并进行提问: How was zooms holiday?Where did he go?How did he go there? What did he see? How did he come back?Did zoom really go to the moon?

32、Why? Which pictures is real? Which is Zooms dream?2.学生根据教师提问,自主阅读,寻找答案,最后师生按照问题顺序一起梳理故事。3.教师反复播放Story time部分的录音,学生一边跟读一边用手指出所读的句子,注意模仿语音语调。4.从故事中挑出本单元重点句型和短语,师生一起大声朗读。Step4:Consolidation and Extension让学生分角色进行阅读,并复述故事的大概内容。板书设计Am/is-was are-were eat-ate run-ranDrink-drank can-could ride-rodeOn the moon cant believe it must beIts time to go went to the moonTake any pictures here comes a spaceship教学反思作业设计Homework1. conclude the change rule of comparative adjectives. . 2. Try to read the story to your parents.

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