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1、广东碧桂园学校高二英语期末复习 词汇练习Unit 19 Language1. _ (准确) is more important than speed in his new job.2. He can speak French with Great _ (流利).3. The youth like to follow the latest _ (趋势) in fashion.4. We cannot _ (保证) the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather.5. This kind of desk can be _ (调整) to the hei

2、ght you need.6. I _ (祝贺) myself on my narrow escape.7. This wounded soldier was _ (没有知觉) from his loss of blood.8. Weve decided to _ (谈判) with the employers about our wage claim.9. The _ (文凭) is very important for him to get the job.10. She was _ (窘迫) when they asked her age.11. The competition is o

3、pen to both _ (业余的) and professional photographers.12. He is always _ (准时的) for appointments.13. The car was _ (注册) in my name.14. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners _ (加速).15. Commercial television is an effective _ (媒介) for advertising.16. The police had the photograph of the m

4、issing girl _ (放大).17. In my estimation, he is a more suitable _ (候选人). 18. They have _ (包围) the town with troops.19. Shes going in for the Cambridge First _ (证书).20. In the _ (不在场) of the manager I shall be in charge.on purpose been aware of get down to turn out keep in mind consist ofget ahead in

5、case differ from regardless of focus on provided thatin advance in person take into account as though catch on 1. By doing extra homework, he soon _ of his class-mates.2. Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase _. Dont cry!3. Man _ beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latt

6、er arent.4. John has _ having done something wrong.5. _ circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week.6. We should _ the suggestions of our parents and vice versa.7. He continued speaking, _ my feelings on the matter.8. I wish hed stop fooling around and _ some serious work.9. It was fit

7、ting that he should be here to receive the prize _.10. If the day _ wet we may have to change our plans.11. Thats something we have always to _.12. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter _ atoms.13. I am so tired that I cant _ my study. That is, I cant fix my attention on it.14. To m

8、ake sure that he was at home, I called him up _.15. Write the telephone number down _ you forget.Unit 20 New Frontiers1. The news of the _ (辐射) leak caused widespread public alarm.2. The flight was delayed owing to t_ (技术的) reasons.3. It was a race against time to stop people dying from _ (饥饿).4. Wo

9、men are still struggling for true _ (平等) with men.5. My _ (同事) has broken off the habit of smoking.6. I saw them through a _ (望远镜) from the top of the building.7. He got a _ (专利) for this invention. 8. Heavy duties on imports and exports are a _ (障碍) to international trade.9. International terrorism

10、 is not just a recent _ (现象).10. Whats the _ (程序) for opening a bank account?11. The government calls on the youth to _ (捐献) their blood voluntarily.12. Some mushrooms are p_ (有毒的).13. I bought this bag as a _ (纪念品) of my visit to London.14. It is said that the first _ (殖民者) of this country are pris

11、oners.15. Britain _ (宣布) war on Germany in 1914.16. His only _ (消遣) are drinking beer and working in the garden.17. There has always been some _ (冲突) between employers and employees.18. Most of the computers we are using are _ (数字的) computers.19. Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to

12、 laugh, while the _ (后者) arent.20. Had Jim not dived in to _ (拯救) him, the boy would have drowned.figure out take over range from make up for put off give awaycarry out be suitable for due to wrestle with be grateful for single outturn to be based on drop off get over in contact with get at1. He dec

13、ide to _ everything he possessed and become a monk.2. When she fell ill her daughter _ the business from her.3. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, _ your plan.4. Nobody in the first lot of applicants _ the job.5. Adam was singled out to take part in the competition.6. The frontier _ the n

14、orthern hill to the southern coast.7. It didnt take the children long to _ the correct answer.8. Great changes are in progress in this area _ foreign investment.9. Judgment should _ facts, not on what you hear.10. Many scientists are _ the problem and trying to find a solution.11. Can you give me so

15、me advice on how to _ the time I have lost?12. As a result of the scandal, sales _ in the fourth quarter.13. We _ the great convenience IT has brought us.14. Whenever the boy feels down, he will _ his mother for comfort.15. This afternoons meeting will have to be _.Unit 21 Human Biology1. This rich

16、food doesnt _ (消化) easily.2. The excitement quickened my _ (脉搏).3. There is an hours _ (间隔) to the next train.4. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug _ (滥用)5. If you want to join, theres an entrance fee of 20 and an _ (每年的) membership fee of 10.6. They _ (反对) th

17、e governments new policies.7. The report _ (与矛盾) what we heard yesterday.8. Politicians love to use _ (统计数字) to support their arguments.9. The patient finally died from _ (癌症).10. She underwent a _ (彻底的) examination at the hospital. 11. The boss hired some _ (临时的) workers.12. In India the cow is a _

18、 (神圣的) animal.13. Repairing your car will cost a _ (最低) of 100 dollars.14. We should _ (提交) our plans to the council for approval.15. We must introduce some system into our office _ (常规).16. You can find out many advantages in _ (城市的) life.17. The doctor gave me a _ (处方) for pain-killers.18. Due to

19、_ (情况) beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.19. The soldiers were well _ (装备) with weapons.20. The students were asked to draw two _ (平行的) lines.return to normal rather than make up in vain straight away on top ofcome up go over sweep through at random at all costs come across even though br

20、ing up work out in the wrong hand at any rate1. Day after day she waited for him to telephone her, but _.2. The stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp _.3. I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news _.4. _, the medical supplies will reach you within a week. 5. I _ an old school

21、friend in Oxford Street this morning.6. The librarian took a book _ from the shelf.7. The disease can _ whole populations in a very short time.8. _ borrowing 50, he asked me to lend him my car. 9. _ I hadnt seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.10. She is a career woman _ a

22、housewife.11. These are matters that you can_ in committee.12. She _ her lines before the first night of the play.13. I believe that you can _ this problem by yourself.14. _, this technology may cause disasters to human beings.15. When preparing for the exam, you should go through all the things wha

23、t might _ in it.Unit 22 Environmental Protection1. We adhere to the _ (原则) that everyone should be treated fairly.2. _ (农业) in this country has developed greatly after liberation.3. By a strange _ (巧合) we happened to be travelling on the same train.4. Its the companys policy to _ (牺牲)e short-term pr

24、ofits for the sake of long-term growth.5. The hijackers _ (威胁) to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met.6. We used the money to set up an _ (灌溉) project.7. After many years of _ (分离), different part of the country finally got united.8. The statue was _ (雕刻) out of marble.9. He studie

25、d the German market to find the _ (潜力) there for profitable investment.10. Having no children of their own they decided to a_ (收养) an orphan.11. Oh, grow up! Behave in a more _ (成熟的) way.12. There are only a few c_ (贪污的) officials that have been condemned.13. She is none the less beautiful for her _

26、 (破烂的) clothing.14. Many materials can be _ (再循环), such as glass, paper and plastics.15. He started to study _ (生态) and decided to devote his whole life to the science.16. Unless we can get more _ (资金), well have to close the store.17. Glasses are _ (易碎的) and must be handled with great care.18. Of a

27、ll the c_ (顾问), only Mr. Wang gave us some proposals in point.19. Concerned about global warming, she is collecting _ (相关的) information.20. He lay on the floor with a _ (垫子) under his head.apart from as a matter of fact look ahead cut down refer to carry offanswer for wipe out or else get over on be

28、half of in turnall in all beyond the control of after all break away from turn on1 Have you _ to what youll be doing in five years time?2 The word can also _ a conflict or disagreement, often involving violence.3 The students clean the classroom everyday _.4 _ my colleagues and myself I thank you.5

29、You will have to _ your crimes one day.6 He has his faults, but, _, he is a good helper.7 He _ that lawless group years ago.8 He pretended not to know her. However, _, they were in league (together).9 Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.10. The forest fire was so fierce

30、 that it was _ the fire fighters.11. Stop smoking now, _ your health will be ruined.12. You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; _, he is over seventy.13. The attack is to _ data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk.14. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell _ it.15. She _

31、 most of the prizes for swimming.Unit 23 Conflict1. As long as you dont _ (背叛) me, Ill do whatever you ask me to (do). 2. Honey can substitute for sugar in this _ (配方).3. To do her _ (公正), we must admit that she did deserve to win.4. A new law has been brought in to discourage racial _ (偏见).5. You h

32、ave the alternative of marrying or remaining a _ (单身汉).6. The reporter was killed because he tried to _ (暴露) a plot.7. Would you _ (分类) her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?8. Abraham Lincoln abolished _ (奴隶制度) in the United States.9. He _ (问候) me in the street with a friendly w

33、ave of the hand.10. Each year Americans _ (消费) a high percentage of the worlds energy.11. The _ (外科医生) is performing a delicate operation.12. The soldiers _ (加强) their defenses.13. It is a pity that he doesnt have enough money to _ (投资) the project.14. The _ (雕塑) of Venus fell off the shelf and brok

34、e into pieces.15. Agriculture in this country has developed greatly after _ (解放).16. Its a _ (理论上) possibility, but I dont suppose it will happen.17. The _ (新领域) of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on.18. I saw the vase in the window of an _ (古董) shop. 19. Mary is a one of th

35、e _ (代表) who are against the proposal.20. He _ (发誓) that he would never hunt any animals again.hold out in a flash have a gift for come about look down upon call onblow out hand over put forward stand up for give in be exposed toget rid of send for sort out be fed up more or less keep off1. She tric

36、ked them into _ all their money to her.2. Plants and animals that live near nuclear plants _ radiation we dont know about.3. I didnt get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone _.4. An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been _.5. Do you think the Pre

37、sident will _ to the terrorists demand?6. The child is running a high fever. We must _ a doctor at once.7. The parents thought their child _ music and forced her to play the piano 3 hours a day.8. We can stay here for as long as our supplies _.9. How did it _ that he knew where we were?10. I wish yo

38、u wouldnt _ this kind of work.11. Its no use getting at each other; Lets find a way to _ the problem.12. The government _ the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.13. He drew on his cigarette and _ a stream of smoke.14. It took _ a whole day to paint the ceiling.15. Mary told me that she _ with t

39、he job and wanted to leave.Unit 24 Society1. Many social services are still provided by _ (志愿的) societies in our city.2. The president declared that a new _ (货币) would be issued.3. Think it over before you put your _ (签名) on the document.4. The _ (重负) on his back seemed to be crushing him to the ear

40、th.5. Several candidates had been competing for position long before the leadership became v_ (空缺的).6. Size of _ (养老金) depends on length of service with the company.7. If you make a mistake, use the _ (删除) button to erase backwards.8. The air in the garden was warm and _ (芳香的).9. Gentleness is the _

41、 (优点) he appreciates in his wife.10. Our club is a member of the Football _ (联合会).11. Therell be enough room if we all _ (挤) up a bit.12. Her_ (祷告) answered and her son came home safely.13. A molecule of water consists of two atoms of _ (氢) and one atom of oxygen.14. The strongest man (that) you can

42、 think of cannot tear the log apart with _ (赤裸的) hands.15. Voters always _ (选举) the candidate most tuned in to their needs.16. I care more about the _ (精神的) life than the substantial life.17. He _ (存) a sum of money in the bank each month.18. Ive made a few minor _ (调整) to the seating plan.19. The s

43、econd _ (版本) of the book greatly improves on the first one.20. The children were _ (荡) on a rope.on principle by and by hold up come into being be worth it do upknock into talk over keep an eye on broke into date back be well offabove all in the hope that dress up at risk show off be trapped in1. A

44、car _ through a series of complex operations.2. I _ an old friend of mine in the park.3. Many people are opposed to the sale of arms _.4. His house was _ (eg by burglars) last week.5. What a child should do, _, is to do well in his studies.6. The two men tried to _ the traffic, fearing that they mig

45、ht run off the broken bridge.7. Our partnership _ to (ie We have been partners since) 1960.8. Many people flocked into the stock market _ they might make a fortune overnight.9. Mike has driven to the pub to _ his new car-he usually walks!10. We are supposed to _ as movie characters for the party, wh

46、at a novel idea!11. The disease is spreading, and all young children are _.12. They decided to _ the cottage before moving in.13. Could you please _ my luggage while I buy the ticket?14. Be patient. There is still a chance of going out. Its very likely to clear up _.15. She call on her friend in ord

47、er that she may _ her problem with him.Unit 191. Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job.2. He can speak French with Great fluency.3. The youth like to follow the latest trend in fashion.4. We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather.5. This kind of desk can be ad

48、justed to the height you need.6. I congratulate myself on my narrow escape.7. This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.8. Weve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.9. The diploma is very important for him to get the job.10. She was embarrassed when they ask

49、ed her age.11. The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.12. He is always punctual for appointments.13. The car was registered in my name.14. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.15. Commercial television is an effective medium for advertisin

50、g.16. The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged.17. In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate. 18. They have surrounded the town with troops.19. Shes going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.20. In the absence of the manager I shall be in charge.1. By doing extra homewor

51、k, he soon got ahead of his class-mates.2. Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase on purpose. Dont cry!3. Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter arent.4. John has been aware of having done something wrong.5. Provided that circumstances permit, we sha

52、ll hold the meeting next week.6. We should take into account the suggestions of our parents and vice versa.7. He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter.8. I wish hed stop fooling around and get down to some serious work.9. It was fitting that he should be here to receive the pri

53、ze in person.10. If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans.11. Thats something we have always to keep in mind.12. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms.13. I am so tired that I cant focus on my study. That is, I cant fix my attention on it.14. To make

54、 sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.15. Write the telephone number down in case you forget.Unit 201. The news of the radiation(辐射) leak caused widespread public alarm.2. The flight was delayed owing to technical (技术的) reasons.3. It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation (饥饿).4. Women are still struggling for true equality (平等) with men.5. My colleague (同事) has broken off the habit of smoking.6. I saw them through a telescope (望远镜) from the top of the building.7. He got a patent(专利) for this invention. 8. Heavy duties on imports and exports are

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