2022年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks(Period1)第2课时教学设计 新人教版必修4

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2022年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks(Period1)第2课时教学设计 新人教版必修4_第1页
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1、2022年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks(Period1)第2课时教学设计 新人教版必修4课堂教学设计Period 1互动多媒体设计思路说明:Step 1: Review(温故)互动设计:(1) 教师让学生观看几组搞笑图片,逗同学们开心一笑。(2) 通过搞笑图片来引出本课话题:英国人的幽默。设计缘由: (1)同学们对于身边搞笑的图片是有所涉猎的,在课堂上展示几张搞笑图片,可以引起同学们的兴趣。本单元的中心话题是“品味英语幽默”,其中涉及到了幽默的种类及其代表人物,并就中外幽默进行了粗略的比较,以此让学生感受英语幽默的内涵。(2)让学生观看幽默图片,目的是引出本课的学习话题:幽默。

2、注:这个环节的内容是课本里所没有的,添加得非常科学合理,营造轻松有趣的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,了解东西方的幽默。恰当的引入,能够为学生营造良好的学习环境,是成功教学的开端。Step 2: Learning the New(知新)互动设计:共设计了3个互动活动(activities)(1)Activity 1: Watch the video (观看一段与幽默的憨豆相关的视频,谈论视频内容,开始讲解英国人的幽默)(2)Activity 2: Talk and Discuss(3)Activity 3: Learn some new words and phrases设计缘由:(1)活动一是


4、ep 3: Summary(总结)互动设计:(1)教师引导,学生总结;(2)教师最终再次呈现总结内容。设计缘由:学生往往在听完一节课时,对前面的东西可能遗忘较多,通过作总结,目的是引导学生去思考,同时也是学生对课堂教学的一个反馈,符合学生的学习心理,有助于提高课堂教学质量。注:这个环节在传统课堂上容易被忽略,特别是当时间紧的情况下。尽管只是两三分钟的小结,但就对整个课堂的内容作了一次回顾,引发学生思考,防止遗忘,其作用不可忽视。Step 4: Assignment(作业)互动设计:(1)教师布置,学生记录;(2)布置课后复习任务和预习任务。设计缘由:课外需要巩固课堂所学的东西,就要布置课本上的

5、练习,除此以外,根据需要,再布置课本以外的任务(project);预习是为下一节课做准备,学生有必要先预习新课内容。无论是做复习练习还是预习,目的都是为了提高课堂教学效果。注:这个环节要注意课本练习的选择性,并非课本上的练习都必须做,教师有很大的自主取舍权,不切实际的或与现实生活脱节的题目,可以不做;预习内容要有趣味性,要利用高科技手段,如视频、动漫或电影片段等。Steps+What to teach+How to teach+How to organize (教学步骤+教什么+怎样教+教师串讲词)Step 1: Revision(温故)(5 mins)Activity: Check home

6、workT:Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Lets first review what we learned in the last period. In the last period, we learned the part Warming Up about the traditional parks and theme parks. You were asked to match the names of parks with the pictures. Now, first check each others h

7、omework in pairs.(1m later)T: Any volunteer to show your answers to us? (pause for a while). OK,please.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第1页;2. 学生展示完后,核对答案以下内容制作PPT,为第1页。S1: 1. Bei Hai park, traditional parks 2. Central park, theme parks 3. World Water park, theme parks 4. Disneyland, theme parks 5. Dollywood,

8、theme parks 6. Camelot park, theme parksStep 2: Learning the new (知新)(35 mins)Activity 1: Lead in (5)Warming up:Task 1: Race to be the first to give the answer.(抢答)T:Whats this in English?Please look at the following pictures. Then race to give an answer in English.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第2-10页;2. 学生

9、看完图片后说完自己的答案后,再呈现答案3.让学生熟悉与话题相关的事物的名称以下内容制作PPT,为第2页。a parade以下内容制作PPT,为第3页。:swinging ship(秋千船)以下内容制作PPT,为第4页。swinging ship (秋千船)以下内容制作PPT,为第5页。Roller coasters (过山车)以下内容制作PPT,为第6页。Ferris wheel (摩天轮)以下内容制作PPT,为第7页。Merry-go-round(旋转木马)The three pictures above are called rides (骑乘设施).以下内容制作PPT,为第8页。Stea

10、m-engine train (Steamer蒸汽火车)以下内容制作PPT,为第9页。Steam-engine train(Steamer蒸汽火车)以下内容制作PPT,为第10页。 the jousting area(格斗场)Task 2: Watch a video clip.T: Next you will watch a video clip. After watching the video, tell me what you can see and what you could do there.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第11页;2. 播放参观迪士尼乐园的视频3.

11、 学生回答在能看到什么,和能做什么。以下内容制作PPT,为第11页。视频地址:v.ku6/show/ZZ0foSd9Rnxrrz9OXIKDhg.html,可以截取与课文内容相关的部分或者很让人感兴趣的部分,合成一个约2分钟的视频Activity 2 Learn some new words and phrases(10) T: Now lets learn some new words and expressions. First listen to the audio of the words and expressions.对以下为音频进行截取: 截取到BC T: OK. Read th

12、e new words and expressions after me and then translate the sentences into Chinese.互动与多媒体使用说明:1.呈现PPT,点击第16-53页;2.播放录音,教师带读,学生跟读后翻译。以下内容制作PPT,为第12-26页。1. tourism n. 旅游业Developed tourism can bring in lots of money.发达的旅游业能带来很多的钱。2. wherever conj. 无论Wherever you are, home is the best place.无论你身居何方,家都是最

13、好的地方。3. unique adj. 独一无二的Happy camp is a unique program of Hunan TV.快乐大本营是湖南卫视的一个独一无二的节目。1. carpenter n. 木匠Would you like to be a carpenter when you grow up?你长大了想当一名木匠吗?2. craftsman n. 能工巧匠 This is done by the craftsman.这是由能工巧匠做的。3. engine n. 发动机This is the engine of the plane.这是飞机的发动机。4. preserve n

14、. 保护区This is a panda living in Wolong nature preserve.这是生活在卧龙自然保护区的一只熊猫。5. length n. 长度The length of the classroom is 20 meters.教室的长度是20米。6. deed n. 事Everyone should do a good deed every day.每个人应该每天做一件好事。7. be modeled after 仿照China folk culture villages were modeled after the old village in reality.

15、中华民俗文化村是仿照现实中的老村子做的。8. Merlin the Wizard 魔术师梅林Merlin is a magician like Liu Qian.梅林像刘谦一样,是个魔术师。9. sword 剑The people in old times used to use swords.古代人过去常常使用剑。10. tournament n 比武He was a winner in a tournament.他在比赛中获胜了。11. settler n. 移民Zhang Tielin bees a settler in America.张铁林成为了美国移民12. athletic 运动

16、的I like athletic sports, for example , playing table tennis.我喜欢运动项目,例如,打乒乓球。13. translator n.译员Yan Fu is a famous translator.严复是一个著名的译员。14. minority n.少数Only a minority of Chinese households do not have a puter.中国只有少数家庭没有电脑。15. cloth n. 布The color of the cloth is red.这块布的颜色是红色。Activity 3: Learn Read

17、ing(10)课文内容THEME PARKS FUN AND MORE THAN FUN Which theme park would you like to visit? There are various kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies or history. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, ot

18、hers for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you! The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland. It can be found in several parts of the world. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams e t

19、rue, whether traveling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. Of course Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from

20、giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. If you want to have fun and more than fun, e to Disneyland! Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeasternUSA, is one of the most unique th

21、eme parks in the world. Dollywood shows and celebrates Americas traditional southeastern culture. Although Dollywood has rides, the parks main attraction is its culture. Famous country music groups perform there all year in indoor and outdoor theatres. People e from all over America to see carpenter

22、s and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steam- engine train still working in the southeast USA. You can even see beautiful bald eagles

23、 in the worlds largest bald eagle preserve. And for those who like rides, Dollywood has one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead. It is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space. e to Dollywood to have fun learning all about Americas historical southeastern culture

24、! If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies, princes and queens, then Englands Camelot Park is the place for you. Every area of the park is modeled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In one place, you can watch mag

25、ic shows with Merlin the Wizard. If you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting area is a good place to visit. If you do well there, King Arthur may choose you to fight in the big jousting tournament. Do you like animals? Then visit the farm area, and learn how people in

26、ancient England ran their farms and took care of their animals. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, e to Camelot Park!Task 1: Listening and scanningT:Listen to the tape, then answer the question:互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第27页;2. 播放课文录音,听完后让学生回答问题3. 学生回答完问题后,核对正确答案以下内容制作PPT,为第27页。How many

27、theme parks are mentioned in the text ?(稍后点击出现)Three theme parks are mentioned.They are Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot Park.Task 2: Skimming T: Now group work. Please plete the table with the information after reading the text again.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第28页;2. 学生小组合作填表以下内容制作PPT,为第28页。Park Name The

28、me Example of ActivitiesDisneyland DollywoodCamelotPark互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第29页;1. 让不同的小组展示答案,质疑完后核对答案以下内容制作PPT,为第29页。Park NameThemeExample of ActivitiesDisneylandfairy tale storiestravel through space, visit a pirate ship, meet fairy tale characters, ride a swinging ship, go on a free-fall dropDo

29、llywoodculture of the southeastern USAlisten to American country music, see traditional craftsmen and their work, try some traditional candy, ride on an old steam engine, see bald eagles, ride on Thunderhead and other ridesCamelot Parkancient English history and storieswatch magic shows, see fightin

30、g with swords or on horseback, visit farm section, learn about farms in ancient EnglandTask 3: 解决疑难T: First solve the puzzles in groups. Then Ill ask volunteers to explain the following puzzles.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现ppt, 点击第30页以下内容制作PPT,为第30页。1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for y

31、ou.2. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams e true, whether you are travelling space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character.3. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see4. With all these attractions, no wonder t

32、ourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.5 Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago 6. It is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space.7. Then visit the farm area, and learn how people in ancient England ran their

33、farms and took care of their animals.参考的互动1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you.S1: There are many different theme parks. It is possible that one kind of them will interest you and will be fit for you. 无论喜欢哪一个,无论你喜欢什么,总有一个主题公园适合你。2. It will bring you into a magical world

34、and make your dreams e true, whether you are traveling space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character.S2: When you either do one of the three activitiestravelling space, visiting a pirate ship, or meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon chara

35、cter, the activity will make your dream e true and make you feel this is magical.3. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may seeWhat does wander around mean ? What does amusement park mean ?S3: wander around意思是“闲逛” , amusement park意思是“游乐园”。4. With all these attractions, no wonder tou

36、rism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.What does no wonder mean ? How to understand wherever there is Disneyland.S4: no wonder意思是难怪, wherever there is Disneyland means no matter where there is Disneyland.无论哪里有迪士尼乐园。5Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southern

37、ers made 150 years ago What does candy shop mean? S5: candy shop means 卖糖果的商店6. It is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space.What does having the most length mean ?S6: It means having the longest7. Then visit the farm area, and learn how people in ancient England ran their far

38、ms and took care of their animals.S7: What does the word “ran” mean? Here “ran” means managed管理的意思.Task 4: Careful ReadingT: Work in groups. Then Ill ask one in the class to report to us.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现ppt, 点击第8页2. 老师巡回看讨论做题的情况。3. 核对答案以下内容制作PPT,为第31页。1. The mon characteristic of theme parks is that

39、 they _.A. have famous sights and delicious foodB. introduce science and historyC. bine fun with the opportunity to learn somethingD. supply different rides.(稍后点击出现C)参考的互动:T: Work in groups. Then Ill ask one of you to report to us.(老师巡回看讨论做题的情况。) 2m later. T: Which one do you choose ?S1: I choose C.

40、 for example, in Dollywood I can learn the culture of America.Activity 3: Practise speaking: Talk and discuss(5)互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现ppt, 点击第32页2. 老师看着这些提示词复述,老师解释:Now retell the text according to the hints.3. 然后小组一人说一句,其他人补充,最后选择一个小组展示。老师给出适当的反馈以下内容制作PPT,为第32页。Hint words: various kinds of theme-with a s

41、pecific theme for each, familiar with-Disneyland, you - a magical world -your dreams -e true, meet-favorite Disney cartoon characters, enjoy-exciting rides- swinging ships - freefall drops. Dolleywoodshow-celebrate- traditional south eastern culture-example-people- all over America-see carpenters an

42、d other craftsmen- make wood,glass and iron objects - the old-fashioned style. If experience -the ancient days -great deeds of English Knights and ladies,princes and queens,then English Camelot Park -the place -for you. When -enter Camelot Park, feel like -entering a world of fantasy - ancient Engla

43、nd.老师的复述参考:T: There are various kinds of theme parks in the world with a specific theme for each. The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland,which will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams e true. You can not only meet your favorite Disney cartoon characters but

44、also enjoy exciting rides,from swinging ships to freefall drops. Dolleywood shows and celebrates Americas traditional south-eastern culture. For example,people e from all over America to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood,glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned style. If you want to ex

45、perience the ancient days and great deeds of English Knights and ladies,princes and queens,then English Camelot Park is the place for you. When you enter Camelot Park,you feel like entering a world of fantasy about ancient England.Activity 4: Practise writing(5)T: Write them down according to the ex

46、ample.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现ppt, 点击第33页2. 第一个是老师边演示,边让学生回答,然后呈现答案3. 后面的是先呈现题,学生回答完后再呈现答案以下内容制作PPT,为第33页。1. whatever, wherever, whicheverT: No matter what happened, he would not mind.S1: Whatever happened, he would not mind.T: No matter what you say, I wont believe you.S2: Whatever you say, I wont believe

47、you.T: No matter what happens, she has determined to tell the truth.S3: Whatever happens, she has determined to tell the truth.T: No matter where you work, you can always find time to study.S1: Wherever you work, you can always find time to study.T: No matter where I go, I will be thinking of you.S2

48、: Wherever I go, I will be thinking of you.T: No matter where he goes, he is always making mistakes.S3: Wherever he goes, he is always making mistakes.T: No matter which you choose, you will be satisfied.S1: Whichever you choose, you will be satisfied.T: You can go there no matter which road you tak

49、e.互动与多媒体使用说明:4. 呈现ppt, 点击第34页5. 第一个是老师边演示,边让学生回答,然后呈现答案6. 后面的是先呈现题,学生回答完后再呈现答案以下内容制作PPT,为第34页。2. be familiar withT: I am familiar with English. S1: English is familiar to me.T: She is familiar with the music.S2: The music is familiar to me.T: She is familiar with the car.S3: The car is familiar to h

50、er.互动与多媒体使用说明:7. 呈现ppt, 点击第35页8. 第一个是老师边演示,边让学生回答,然后呈现答案9. 后面的是先呈现题,学生回答完后再呈现答案以下内容制作PPT,为第35页。1. no wonderT: No wonder you cant sleep when you eat so much.S1: 你吃了那么多,难怪你睡不着。T: No wonder you were late when you ate your breakfast so slowly.S2: 难怪你迟到,你早饭吃得那么慢。2. have fun doing sth.T: I have fun in stu

51、dying English.S1:我学习英语很快乐。T: She has fun in reading books.S2: 她读书很快乐。3. be famous forT:He is famous for having much money.S1: 他因为有很多钱而有名。T: Liu Huan is famous for singing songs.S2:刘欢因为唱歌而有名。4. be modeled afterT: The two buildings are modeled after the same pattern.S1: 这两座建筑是按照同一模式建造的。T: His painting

52、 style was modeled after that of Picasso. S2: 他的绘画风格是仿效毕加索的。5. runT: His father runs a farm.S1: 他的爸爸经营一家农场。Her mother runs a restaurant.S2:她的妈妈经营一家饭店。Step 3: Summary(总结)(3 mins) T:Thats all we have learned today. Now lets make a brief summary of todays class. It is about different kinds of theme par

53、ks. Could you please finish filling in the blanks to help you retell the text, please ?互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第36页;2. 让学生填空,总结所学的内容3. 稍后点击,核对答案以下内容制作PPT,为第36页。There are1 _ (variety) kinds of theme parks in the world with a specific theme for each. The theme park you are probably most familiar 2_ is D

54、isneyland,3 _ will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams e true. You can not only meet your favorite Disney cartoon characters but also enjoy exciting rides,4 _ swinging ships to freefall drops. Dolleywood shows 5_ celebrates Americas traditional south-eastern culture. For example,peop

55、le e from all over America 6 _(see) carpenters and other craftsmen make wood,glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned style. If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds 7_ English Knights and ladies,princes and queens,then English Camelot Park is 8 _ place for you. When 9 _enter Ca

56、melot Park,you feel like 10 _(enter) a world of fantasy about ancient England.(稍后点击,答案出现有空的地方)various,with, which, from, and, to see, of, the, you, enteringStep 4: Assignment(作业)(2 mins) T:Now todays assignment, two tasks.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第37页;2.教师布置作业。以下内容制作PPT,为第37页。Task 1: Review the text by listening to the tape and reading it aloud several times, and try to retell the text.(听课文录音、朗读课文和试着复述课文。)Task 2: Preview using language and discovering useful structures and underline the difficult points.(预习新课 “Reading”,对难句做好标记。)T:Thats all for today. Good-bye, everyone!S:(齐声地)Good-bye, sir!

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