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1、价格(一)某家公司的营业部经理和财务部经理为新产品的定价持相反意见,而且各有说辞。英文正文A: I really think this price is too high. A price has to be based on costs and the profit you want. B: I know. But pricing has to be based on what customers want too, which differs from place to place and time to time. A: Yes, experience shows the same pr

2、oduct is priced differently in different markets. But why so much higher in this market? B: There are many rich people in this area, so a skimming price is OK - and even needed, because they think only a high price means a good product. A: But the market prices for other similar products are much lo

3、wer. Buyers will notice the flexibility in the price structure, and buy from other companies. B: I dont think so. I think the others will have to raise their price ceiling to make customers believe that their products are as good as ours. 中文翻译A: 我真的认为这个价钱太高。价钱是要根据成本和你所想要的利润而定。B: 我知道。但是定价也须以顾客的需要为基础,

4、而这种需要是会因时因地而异的。A: 没错。根据经验,相同产品在不同的市场会订出不同的价钱。但为什么在这个市场要订这么高?B: 这个地区多的是有钱人,所以最高利润价行得通,甚至可以说是必要的。因为他们认为只有高价位才能代表好产品。A: 但其它同类产品的市价就低了很多,购买者会注意到价格上的差异,转而购买其它公司的产品。B: 我可不认为。我倒觉得其它同行得提高价格的上限,让顾客相信他们产品和我们的一样好。句型总结 根据经验显示 1. Experience shows that. 2. Its well-known that. 3. Its common knowledge that. 用这样的句子

5、开头语通常是为了强调自己的论点是依客观的观察和实际经验而来,并非个人主观的想法或臆测。因此这说法听起来就比I think我个人认为.有说服力得多。 价格(二)一位供货商支持他的中盘商对市面上价格的波动抱着以不变应万变的态度;但这样的价格策略真的最好吗?有没有隐忧呢? 英文正文A: You know, I think its smart to stay with the same low price. Your customers will be pleased. B: We think that the basis price should stay low. Its wrong to rai

6、se prices just because market demand is going up fast. A: Right. With such competitive prices, your regular customers will buy only from you, and Im sure youll get a lot of new customers. B: Im just afraid we might start a price war. The bigger companies might lower their prices to try to take our c

7、ustomers away, and close us down. A: If later they try to compete with you by lowering their prices, I think the consumers would know they had loaded prices before, and would feel cheated. B: Well, I dont think the consumers would know unless someone tells them. 中文翻译A: 我认为把价格维持在低价位真是明智之举。你的顾客群会满意的。B

8、: 我们认为基本价应该维持在低价位,不能因为市场的需求攀升就哄抬价钱。A: 嗯,有这样的竞争价格,你的老主顾还是会向你们买,而且我确信你们还会吸引更多的新顾客。B: 只怕我们会展开一场价格战。大公司可能会降低价格,把我们的顾客拉走,甚至让我们倒闭。A: 如果他们过一阵子为了和你们竞争而降价,那消费者就会知道这些公司原来的定价高得不合理,而觉得受骗上当。B: 唉,但我可不相信消费者会明白这种事实,除非有人指出来。 句型总结 我担心 1. Im just afraid that. 2. My fear is that. 3. My only hesitation is that. 价格(三)买卖双

9、方为了一批产品的价码磋商多回;这一次再晤面,都决定应该互让一步,也好顺利结束长期的谈判。 英文正文A: Cant we find a price thats within my companys reach? Negotiations have been going on too long. B: Agreed. But we need to find a price that is good for both sides. A: To be honest, if you keep holding off for a lower price we wont be able to make a

10、deal, because we wont be able to make a profit. B: OK. You say your cost price is 100 for each unit, and you want a 20% profit. Thats 120 per unit. Would you accept a 7% profit if we doubled the order? A: That would mean a price of 107 per unit, which I think is still too low. If you can accept 110

11、per unit, we have a deal. B: An invoice price of 110? Ill have to check it with my boss, but I think we can accept those terms. 中文翻译A: 应该谈出个敝公司能接受的价码了吧?!这次的谈判进行得够久了!B: 没错。但我们总要定一个对双方都有利的价钱!A: 说真的,您如果还想压低价钱,我们是很难谈出结果的,因为这样我们公司会一毛钱也赚不到!B: 好吧!您说贵公司成本价是每单项100元,还要维持20%的利润,那就是单价120元。如果我们订货量加一倍,您能接受7%的利润吗?

12、A: 那就是每单项降低为107元。这价钱我认为还是太低。如果您可以接受110元,那就成交。B: 指发票价格吗?我得和老板商量一下,不过,我想这个条件可以接受。 句型总结 老实说 1. To be honest,. 2. To tell you the truth,. 3. To be frank,. honest, 诚实的。这样子的句子开头语,经常可见于一般会话当中;就等于中文的:老实说,凭良心讲.。若要说明是对某人说真话,即直接用介词with。在商业谈判中,To be honest with you,.是常常听到的用语。付款(一)卖方与买方就付款方式寻求合理的折衷方案。从以下会话,我们可发现

13、交货前付款与交货后付款对双方的影响:英文正文A: If its OK with you, we would like payment prior to delivery, since this is your first order. B: I understand why you would like it that way, but we prefer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive. A: I know they are very expensive, but why does that mea

14、n you should pay after delivery? B: Its a large order, so if we give an advance payment, we will have money trouble, because it will take three or four months to sell the goods and start to make a profit. A: I understand, but if we must pay to make the goods, and then must wait four months for you t

15、o pay, we will have money trouble too. B: Lets do it this way. We will pay in installments, with the first payment to be two weeks after delivery, then once a month after that. 中文翻译A: 如果可以的话,我们希望在交货前收款。因为这是贵公司第一次订货。B: 我明了你们希望这样做的原因,但是我们是希望交货后再付款,因为这批货并不便宜。A: 我知道很贵。但为什么这样你们就要在交货后才付款呢?B: 因为这批货为数不小,如果我

16、们预先付款的话,将会有财务困难,而且卖这些货需要三四个月,才能开始获利。A: 我了解,可是要我们先花钱生产产品,又得等四个月才能拿到货款,那我们也会有财务困难。B: 我看那这样吧!我们就分期付款!交货后两个星期付头期款,以后则每个月付一次。句型总结 我了解,但是 1. I understand, but. 2. I sympathize, yet. 3. I can see your problem, but. 此句型通常用于听完对方的陈述或解释之后,仍不能赞同时。语气婉转,先表示体谅之心,再告知无法采取同一立场。but为转折连接词(等于yet),后面所接之句子,意义或人气须与前面之句子相反,

17、但时态则须一致。付款(二)又要逾期付款!卖方说什么也不能让它发生,但谈好的生意有如煮熟的鸭子,千万不能让它飞了。于是双方得协议一套付款的方式。 英文正文A: We are having a little trouble selling the goods, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month. B: I cant accept that, because this will be the second time you have not met the agreed-upon paymen

18、t schedule. I will get in trouble if I let you defer again. A: OK. Would it be alright if we make the initial payment in two weeks, then pay in one-month installments after that? B: Ill have to check with my manager, but I think it will be alright if you promise there will be no more delays after th

19、at. A: I give you my word that payments will be made on time from now on. And I will make the initial payment a lump sum payment of half the total. B: That is even better. Ill phone you tomorrow to let you know what my manager says. 中文翻译A: 因为货卖得不太顺利,所以可不可以让我们延到月底再付钱?B: 我不能答应,因为这是你们第二次没按期付款了。如果我再让你们延

20、期,我不会有好日子过的!A: 好吧!那如果我们在两星期内付头期款,然后再每月付一次,分期付完,可以吗?B: 我得问一下我们经理。如果你们保证以后付款不会再拖的话,我想应该没问题吧!A: 我保证从现在开始一定准时付款,而且我们会把总价的一半作为头期款,一次付清。B: 那更好。我明天会打电话给你,看我们经理怎么决定。 句型总结 我不能接受 1. I cant accept that. 2. Im afraid I cant agree with you on that. 3. I couldnt agree with you less. accept在此的解释等于agree,是(心中)接受的意思。

21、这个句型表示不同意,语气强硬,如在句前加上Im afraid.则有缓和的作用。付款(三)买方想以赊账的方式付款,卖方起初颇为犹豫,但经过一番衡权轻重之后,决定英文正文A: Well be doing a lot of business with you in the future, so wed like to have an open account with you. B: But because this is our first deal, we would like payment against delivery. After this time we can do busines

22、s on open account. A: I think it is not a good idea to pay cash on delivery. The order is so small that it will cost too much just to send you the money. B: If you promise there will be more orders in the future, I think it will be alright to open an account now, with monthly payments. A: Its better

23、 if we could make payment every six months. If our sales grow, then we can make bigger orders and pay more often. B: I think payments only twice a year is too slow. If you can agree to making payments every quarter, we can finish this deal. 中文翻译A: 因为我们以后会有很多生意上的往来,所以我们想采取赊帐的方式。B: 但是因为这是彼此第一次合作,我们希望你

24、们交货时付现。以后就可以用赊帐的了。A: 我觉得货到就付现,不是好办法。这次订单的数额很小,要把钱汇给你,挺划不来的。B: 如果你答应将来会下更多的订单,我想现在开个账户,然后按月付款应该也是可以的。A: 要是可以半年一付,那就更好了!如果销售看好,我们会下更大的订单,并且增加付款的次数。B: 我想一年只付两次太慢了,如果你们同意三个月一付,这笔生意就算成交了。 句型总结 如果能,会更好 1. It would be better if. 2. It would be more acceptable if. 3. We would be happier if. would be better,

25、会更好。此句为假设用法。说话者借假设语气提出本身的要求,if后面即接要求;使用过去式,表示如果现在或以后能.。此种用法表明了说话者本身的期望,而不是命令的口气,是既高明又礼貌的用法。包装(一)一家电视厂商打算运送一批电视机到加拿大,因此特别写信询问包装的报价: 英文正文We are a large TV manufacturer, and wish to export a shipment of special televisions. The weight and measurement of the shipment will be as follows: 2 tons, with mea

26、surement about 38 cu. ft. The goods are to go to Vancouver, Canada, and then to Ottawa, so the casing material must be able to withstand the hazards of different kinds of transportation. Could you please send us details of your packing expenses? We can promise you more business in the future if you

27、quote a competitive rate. 中文翻译我们是一家生产电视的大厂商,拟出口一批特殊型的电视,重量与体积如下:总重2吨,体积约38立方英尺。货物得先经加拿大温哥华,再到渥太华,因此装箱材料必须禁得起不同运送方式的磨损。可否请您告知包装如何收费?如果报价合理的话,我们保证以后会有更多合作的机会。 句型总结 可否请您 1. Could you please.? 2. Would you be so kind as to.? 3. We would appreciate it if you would. could在此并非表示过去的时态,而是客套的用法,可用can代替,但语气不及用

28、could正式、有礼;若加上please尤其显得客气。这是请求别人做事的实用句型。 包装(二)出口商重新要求特殊的包装材料,包装公司因此申明价格将有所变动。下面为双方就此事展开的对话: 英文正文A: We need these goods to be packed in aluminum-foil wooden cases, because they are made of special materials. B: Well, last time you told me on the telephone that you wanted the most economical packing.

29、 This will cost you more. A: I understand. What I meant was that even though we needed special packing materials, we wanted to use the most economical. B: Are there any other things you want us to take care of when we pack the goods? A: No, but can you be sure to avoid scratches and knocks against t

30、he container? These goods are very expensive, and easily damaged. B: We always take extra care with every shipment. As well, well let you see the packing list before we send the goods. 中文翻译A: 这些货我们要求用铅箔衬里的木箱来包装,因为这批产品材料特殊。B: 可是上一次你在电话里跟我说要最便宜的包装啊!这样一来会比较贵喔!A: 我知道。我上次的意思是说,虽然我们必须用特殊的包装材料,但还是要最便宜的。B:

31、还有没有其它我们在包装货物时要特别注意的事情?A: 没有了。不过你能不能保证货物不会擦撞到货柜?这些货可是又贵又容易损坏的!B: 放心!每批货我们都会特别注意。还有,出货前,我们会给你看包装单! 句型总结 我的意思是 1. What I meant was that. 2. What I wanted to say was that. 3. My idea was that. meant为mean的过去式。这个说法用于对方不了解自己曾经说过的话,或是为了加深对方的印象时,有重新理清意思的功用。what用以代替先前所说的事项。what子句做主语,代表单数的概念,因此必须使用单数的动词,例如在此即

32、使用was。包装(三)由于货品的完好攸关公司的信誉,有家出口商为慎重起见,再三叮咛装运公司应注意细节。英文正文A: These goods can be broken very easily, so we would be thankful if you would be sure to use durable packing materials. B: That will be no problem. We never use any kind of inferior packing. Your goods will be safe. A: Good. And can we ask you

33、to put a country of origin mark on each container? B: We always do that anyway, but Ill make a point to check it for you, since it is so important. A: You always put a quality mark on each container?! For this shipment it is crucial to us that you do. B: We dont usually do that unless we are asked t

34、o. Ill tell my staff to take care of this for you. A: Thanks. This shipment is so important to us there cannot be any foul-ups. 中文翻译A: 由于这批货极易受损,所以拜托你们务必使用耐用的包装材料。B: 绝对没问题。我们公司从来不使用任何劣等包装。你的货会很安全的。A: 那好!能否请您在每个包装箱都印上原产国标志呢?B: 我们一向都这么做,不过既然这个标志这么重要,我一定会再帮你检查的。A: 每个包装箱上也有品质标志吧?!这个对这批货来说很重要。B: 除非客户要求,我

35、们通常不会加印。不过我会交待手下特别帮你注意这点。A: 谢了!这批货对我们来说太重要了,不能出一点差错的。 句型总结 我一定会(做某事) 1. I will make a point to. 2. I will be sure to. 3. I will take extra care to. make a point,特别.,强调.的意思;而I will make a point to .是表示自己必定会特别关照或保证会做到某件事;此乃向客户强调保证的实用句型。保险(一)出口商为寻求最符合本身利益的保险,特别请教一家保险公司的经理。双方就全险与平安险的利害得失作了一番比较。英文正文A: Wh

36、at kind of insurance policy would you like? Im sure we can help you in any way you need. B: We need to send a shipment to the United States. We want to find out about your marine insurance. A: Well, since you told me the goods are very valuable, I think insurance against all risks would be best. B:

37、AAR will cover any problems that happen. But I dont think there is any chance that our goods will be stolen, for example, so I think we dont need a policy that is so expensive. A: May I suggest a free of particular average policy? That will cover you if the ship sinks or burns, or gets stuck. B: Tha

38、ts better, but I think we need to cover more kinds of things, like damage by seawater for example. 中文翻译A: 您想投保那一种险?我们一定可以提供您所需要的任何服务。B: 我们有一批货要运到美国,我想了解一下你们的海上保险。A: 嗯,既然您说这批货很贵重,我想保全险是最好了。B: 全险对任何问题都有保障是没错,但是,举例子来说,我想我们的货不可能被偷,所以我认为我们不需要这么贵的保险。A: 那保平安险如何?如果船沉了、烧毁了或搁浅了,您都可以得到赔偿的。B: 这比较合适,不过我想我们可能需要多一

39、点保障,例如像水渍损害之类。句型总结 您喜欢何种的.? 1. What kind of. Would you like? 2. What sort of. Are you interested in? 3. What type of. Do you prefer? What kind of何种,would you like等于do you want,此句型是用来了解别人想要什么的客气用法。商谈间用此句型,有直接进入主题的作用,不但可清楚了解对方的需求,同时也兼顾礼貌。须注意What kind of之后应接单数名词,不必加冠词。保险(二)买卖双方协商出口货物投保的事宜,投保全损险是否得当?它又有

40、什么优缺点呢?请看以下会话: 英文正文A: We would like to ask you some details about this agreement. Have you taken out insurance yet on this shipment? B: Yes. We talked about it with our underwriter, and think that we should get a policy for total loss only. A: Why TLO? That only helps if the goods are destroyed, or

41、damaged so badly that they cant be used. B: We have shipped a lot of goods. We think TLO is the best policy for this shipment. Trust us. A: OK. I know youve been in this business longer than we have. Ill trust you this time. B: Thanks. There is really no need to worry. Our company has never lost mon

42、ey because of under insurance. Your shipment is secure. 中文翻译A: 我们想请教您有关这份协议书的某些细节。您是否已经替这批货物投保了?B: 是的。我们和保险公司谈过,觉得应该投保全损险。A: 为什么要保全损呢?这种险只有生效于货物全毁时,或货物极度损坏时。B: 我们出过很多货,我们觉得全损险对这批货是最合适的。请相信我们。A: 好吧!我知道你们做这行的时间比我们久,这次就听你们的。B: 谢谢。真的不必担心。我们公司从来没有因为不足额保险而造成损失过。你的货不会有问题的。 句型总结 我们与(人)谈过 1. We talked about

43、it with. 2. We discussed it with. 3. We went over it with. talk about为讨论,等于discuss,使用过去式表示已经与某人谈论过这件事。with之后所接的人,常为有关人士或权威人士,表示自己所说的话并非出于主观判断,乃有凭有据,以提高说词的可信度与客观性。在此说话者欲以讨论者所代表的权威,博取对方的认同。保险(三)有批货品价值不菲,公司里两位负责的职员私下讨论,到底要不要保全险呢? 英文正文A: What kind of insurance did you have in mind? We must be sure that

44、we have comprehensive coverage. B: I agree. If the goods are lost or damaged, and we cant file an insurance claim because we have the wrong policy, well be in big trouble. A: I know. The value of the goods is just too high. If we lose them our company will lose a lot of money, and may have to close.

45、 B: I think we should get an AAR insurance policy. That way, we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage. A: Good idea. Even though the insurance premiums will be higher, we will be safer. B: Yes. If we lose the shipment, its value is much higher than any extra premiums we will have to pay. 中文

46、翻译A: 你认为保什么险比较好?我们一定要确定这个险承保的项目够多。B: 我同意。如果万一货物遗失或受损,却因投错了险而无法索赔,那麻烦就大了。A: 我知道。这批货物的价值不小,如果弄丢了,公司要亏很多钱,还有可能因此倒闭呢!B: 我想我们该保个全险,那样的话,任何遗失或损坏就都在投保范围内了!A: 好主意!虽然全险的保费比较贵,但我们就可以放心一点。B: 对啊!万一这批货搞砸了,它的价值,可是比现在得多付的保费高出太多了! 句型总结 我们必须确定 1. We must be sure that. 2. We need to take care that. 3. We have to guar

47、antee that. be sure是确定之意。must必须,带有极强烈的绝对意味。此句型用来表示一个人对某事极为重视,后接that子句,说明所重视的事情。而在上句话的前后文,通常会提及若不遵守,将会带来何种严重的后果,让听者感受到某种威胁。装船(一)买方为了节省费用,改以船舶运输。除了向卖方通知这项决定外,还有一项额外的要求。您知道是什么吗?请看:英文正文A: We dont need the goods urgently, so we want to ask you to send us this shipment by ship. B: Sure. Ill call the freig

48、ht forwarding company today to take care of the shipment. A: Great. Air freight is much more costly than sea freight, so we want to save as much money as possible. B: I understand. When all of the details of the shipment are finished, Ill send you all of the shipping documents that you will need to

49、get the shipment. A: Thank you very much. This time, could you take extra care to review all of the details on the shipping documents? B: Absolutely. I know there was a mistake last time, and it was our fault. I promise it wont happen again. 中文翻译A: 我们并不急着要这些货物,所以想请你们把这批货用海运寄交。B: 好的。我今天会打电话给货运公司,吩咐他们

50、处理这批货。A: 那好!实在是因为空运比海运贵太多了,我们想尽量省一些钱。B: 我了解。我一把装船的所有细节料理完后,会立刻把提货所需的出口文件全部寄给你。A: 真是太谢谢你了。这次你能不能多费心,把出口文件的所有细节都仔细对过一次呢?B: 一定,一定。我知道上次的文件有个地方错了,是我们的疏忽,我保证这种事绝对不会再发生。 句型总结 我们想要求你 1. We want to ask you to. 2. We request that you. 3. We would like you to. 这个子句以we当主词较I有力,表示这是团体的要求,而非个人主观的要求。ask在此是指要求;want

51、+to+V.是表达期望、要求的实用句型,比直接用We ask you.来得婉转。一般而言,句子越简短,表达的语气就越强烈,命令的意味也较浓,例如:I request that.就比I want to request that.强硬。如要表示客气的请求,则可使用I would like to ask you to.。装船(二)买方与卖方对装船的日期展开讨论,双方就装船抵达港口与装船通知的时间交换意见。请看他们所达成的口头协议: 英文正文A: I want to thank you for giving us your business. What are the details for this

52、 consignment? B: Well, we need the goods to reach our customer by the end of this month, so Id like the shipping date to be March 10th. A: No problem. If we send the consignment on March 10th, it will arrive on March 30th. Ill give you a call to let you know. B: OK. Can you phone me back as soon as

53、possible? If theres need to make any changes in the arrival date, Ill have to tell my customer right away. A: Ill be sure to do that. Can you get the shipping advice in the next two days? Ill need to show them to the shipping company. B: Ill get one of my staff to take care of that today, and send t

54、hem over to you by tomorrow morning. 中文翻译A: 谢谢您把生意交给我们做。这批船货有那些事情该要注意的呢?B: 是这样的,因为我们必须在月底前把这批货送到客户那里,所以我们想把装船日期订在3月10号。A: 没问题。如果我们3月10号把货物运出,3月30号货就会到。等我把日期确定了,会打电话告诉你。B: 好。你能尽快回我电话吗?如果交货日期有所变动的话,我就得马上通知客户。A: 我一定会尽快回你电话。你能不能就在这两天拿到装船通知?我得交给船运公司看一看。B: 我今天会派人处理这件事,明天一早就送过去给你。 句型总结 派人(部属)处理 1. .get one

55、 of my staff to take care of. 2. .have one of my staff take care of. 3. .ask one of my staff to handle. get someone to do something是要某人做某事,为指使他人办事的实用型。get的宾语若为人,其后应加不定词;若为无生命的事物,则以过去分词表示让它变成为.。staff是团体中的职员,幕僚;take care of即处理;办理之意。装船(三)出口公司的两位职员都深感运费太贵了,到底他们能否改变这项事实呢?请看以下会话: 英文正文A: I think the freigh

56、t charges for this consignment are much too high. B: Maybe next time we should try a non-conference shipping line. The charges are lower. We can save some money. A: Thats a good idea. People always think that the service is not so good as conference shipping lines, but I know other companies have us

57、ed them with no problems. B: I dont think our goods have left the port of shipment. We can call our freight forwarding company. A: No, the bill of lading has been done, and was sent to our bank in the importers country two days ago. Its too late. B: I see what you mean. The importer has probably alr

58、eady got it. Well have to wait until next time to try a new shipping line. 中文翻译TOPA: 我觉得这批货的运费实在太高了!B: 也许下次我们该试试非运费同盟的船,他们收费比较低,我们可以省一些钱。A: 这主意不错。大家都以为他们的服务不如运费同盟的好,可是据我所知,别家用过他们船的公司也没出过问题。B: 我想我们的货应该还没离开装货港吧?还来得及打电话给货运公司呀!A: 不行啦!提单已经写好,两天前就已经寄给我们在进口国往来的银行!太晚啦!B: 我懂你的意思了;进口商可能都已经领到单据了!只好等下一次再试试新的运货船

59、啰!句型总结TOP 我了解你的意思 1. I see what you mean. 2. Gotcha. 3. I see your point. see为了解;看出来;what you mean是你的意思,what等于the thing that。这句型用于双方沟通一阵子后,终于了解对方意思或想法时,有恍然大悟的意味。索赔(一)收到的货,竟然严重损毁,半数以上不能使用!买方在愤怒之余,仍需冷静处理,尽速发出索赔通知信函这是补救工作的第一步。 英文正文Please regard this letter as preliminary notice of claim. We are not sat

60、isfied with the shipment we received from you. The goods received rough handling, and there was a lot of breakage. Not all of the goods were broken, but most of them are damaged enough that we will not be able to use them. We feel that the problems were caused by your company. Your employees did not

61、 make sure that the shipment was done in the best and safest way. Thus, we are entitled to make a claim against you. We have asked an independent surveyor to look into the situation. We will inform you of his opinions on this matter later. 中文翻译请注意这封信是索赔的初步通知。我方对所收到贵公司的货物,很不满意。货物处理的方式草率随便,导致大量毁损,虽然不到全毁的程度,但多数已损毁到不能使用的地步。我方认为问题出在贵公司。贵公司人员对于这批货,并未注意以最安全妥当的方式来处理,所以我方有权提出索赔。本公司已聘请独立鉴定人前来调查问题,调查完毕后,再通知贵公司。 句型总结 请视(此)为 1. Please regard.as. 2. Please consider.as. 3. We ask you to look at.as. regard 视为,regard A as B这词组是说把当作。这个句型常用于正式的书信往

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