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1、第一章 工艺介绍1。分类及特点人工挖孔桩可分为人工挖孔灌筑桩及挖孔扩底灌筑桩.人工挖孔桩系用人工挖土成孔,浇筑混凝土成桩;挖孔扩底灌筑桩,系在挖孔灌筑桩的基础上,扩大桩底尺寸而成,这类桩由于其受力性能可靠,不需大型机具设备,施工操作工艺简单,已成为大直径灌筑桩施工的一种主要工艺方式。人工挖孔桩单桩承载力高,结构传力明确,沉降量小,可一柱一桩,不需承台,不需凿桩头;可作支撑、抗滑、锚拉、挡土等用;可直接检查桩直径、垂直度和持力土层情况,桩质量可靠;施工机具设备较简单,都为工地常规机具,施工工艺操作简便,占场地小;施工无振动、无噪声、无环境污染,对周围建筑物无影响;可多桩同时进行,施工速度快。2.

2、适用范围桩直径8002000m,最大直径可达500mm;桩埋置深度(桩长)一般在20m左右,最深可达40m。无地下水或地下水较少的粘土、粉质粘土、碎石类土及风化岩、软质与硬质岩。 对有流砂、地下水位较高、涌水量大的冲积地带及近代沉积的含水量高的淤泥、淤泥质土层,不宜采用。第二章 作业前的准备1资料准备1.1 建筑物场地工程地质资料和必要的水文地质资料;12 桩基工程施工图及图纸会审纪要;1。3 建筑场地和邻近区域内的地下管线、地下构筑物的调查资料;14 主要施工机械及其配套设备的技术性能资料;5桩基工程的施工组织设计或施工方案;1水泥、砂、石、钢筋等原材料及其制品的质检报告;1。有关荷载、施工

3、工艺的试验参考资料。2.机械设备及材料准备提升机具包括:卷扬机或电动葫芦、提升架、吊钩、吊桶;挖孔机械包括:空压机、风镐、短柄铁锹、镐、锤、钎;水平运输工具包括:双轮手推车;混凝土浇筑机具包括:混凝土搅拌机、插入式振动器、插钎、串筒、输送泵、泵车等。防护材料包括:安全带、安全帽、防护栏杆、盖板、警示灯等;其他机具设备包括:钢筋加工机具、支护模板、支撑、电焊机、爬梯;V低压变压器、井内外照明设施;桩孔开挖深度超过0m时,另配鼓风机、输风管;有地下水应配潜水泵及胶皮软管等. 人员分工:每根桩的挖桩人员不得少于人,一人在孔上运土,一人在孔内挖土凿岩,地面人员必须时刻注意井下作业情况.第三章工艺流程及

4、要求场地平整 .工艺流程放线定位及设置水准点浇筑井圈20高在井圈上一次投测十字轴线开挖第一节桩孔土方支护壁模板、浇筑第一节护壁砼在护壁上二次投测标高及桩位十字轴线安装活动井盖、提升架、提升设备、吊桶、排水、爬梯、通风照明设施开挖第二节桩孔土方清理桩孔护壁、核孔垂直度和桩径拆上节模板、支第二节模板、浇筑第二节砼护壁检查桩位轴线、重复第二节挖土、支模、浇筑砼护壁工序,循环作业直至设计深度检查持力层后扩底桩孔、桩底检查验收(清除余水、渣土)、浇筑封底混凝土制作钢筋笼、预埋检测管钢筋笼检查验收吊放钢筋笼就位浇筑桩身砼及养护留置试块桩体质量验收及承载力测试 2.工艺要点及注意事项2。1桩位定位.。1桩位

5、应定位准确,测量放样一般采用全站仪,并应在桩位外设置定位龙门桩。2.1.2 当桩净距小于倍桩径且小于2。m时,应采用间隔开挖。排桩跳挖的最小施工净距不得小于4.m.2。2井圈护壁施工。.1 安装护壁模板必须用桩心点校正模板位置,并由专人负责。2.2护壁施工采取一节组合式钢模板拼装而成,拆上节支下节,循环周转使用,模板用U形卡连接,上下设两半圆组成的钢圈顶紧,不另设支撑,混凝土用吊桶运输人工浇筑,上部留00m高作浇筑口,拆模后用混凝土堵塞,混凝土强度达1MP即可拆模。22。3 第一节井圈护壁应符合下列规定:井圈中心线与设计轴线的偏差不得大于20mm;井圈施工采用模筑混凝土,视现场情况决定是否放置

6、钢筋;井圈顶面应比场地高出0mm,壁厚比下面井壁厚度增加50mm,并用10水泥砂浆抹面15mm,以防地面水流入及地面碴土掉入孔内。2。2。 修筑井圈护壁应遵守下列规定:护壁的厚度、拉结钢筋、配筋、混凝土强度均应符合设计要求;上下节护壁的搭接长度不得小于5mm,其中钢筋搭接长度100m;每节护壁均应在当日连续施工完毕;护壁混凝土必须保证密实,根据土层渗水情况使用速凝剂;护壁模板的拆除宜在24小时之后进行;同一水平面上的井圈任意直径的极差不得大于50m。2。3 挖孔由人工从自上而下逐层用镐、锹进行,遇坚硬土层采用风镐或水钻;挖土次序为先挖中间部分后挖周边,允许尺寸误差,扩底部分采取先挖桩身圆柱体,

7、再按扩底尺寸从上到下削土修成扩底形。弃土装入吊桶内.垂直运输,在孔上口提升支架,用慢速卷扬机或电动葫芦提升,吊至地面上后,用手推车运出. 2。桩中线控制是在第一节混凝土护壁上设十字控制点,每一节设横杆吊大线坠作中心线,用水平尺杆找圆周。 2。5 钢筋笼的制作及安装 5.钢筋笼直径及制作应符合设计要求,宜整根制作吊装,也可分段制作,分段长度约米,主筋接头位置应错开35d,且不小于500m,每隔一根主筋方可在同一位置连接; 5。2 加劲箍宜设在主筋外侧; 2。5 钢筋笼的内径应比导管接头外径大mm以上; .5. 钢筋笼堆放及运输过程,严防扭转及弯曲; 2。5钢筋笼吊装采用汽车吊或者塔吊,安放要吊直

8、对准孔缓慢下降,避免碰撞护壁,就位后应立即固定。2 混凝土浇筑及养护 26。1桩身混凝土骨料最大粒径不得大于50mm; 2。6.2 浇注桩身混凝土时,混凝土必须通过溜槽;当高度超过3m时,应用串筒,串筒末端离孔底高度不宜大于2m,混凝土宜采用插入式振捣器振实; 2.6 混凝土要垂直灌入桩孔内,并应连续分层浇筑,每层厚不超过1.5m,浇注完成标高应适当高于设计标高; 2。6。对直径小、深度大的桩,人工下井振捣有困难时,可在混凝土中掺入减水剂,增大混凝土坍落度,利用混凝土大坍落度下沉力使之密实,但桩上部钢筋部位仍用振捣器振捣密实; 第四章 安全措施及要求1孔内应设置应急软爬梯;供人员上下井,使用的

9、电葫芦等应安全可靠并配有自动卡紧保险装置,不得使用麻绳和尼龙绳吊挂或脚踏井壁凸缘上下。电葫芦使用按扭式开关,使用前必须检验其安全起吊能力,井口支架必须牢固稳定;2。每日开工前必须检测井下的有毒有害气体,并应有足够的安全防护措施。桩孔开挖深度超过10m时,应有专门向井下送风的设备,风量不得少于5L/;.孔口四周必须设置防护栏杆,并设夜间警示灯,防护栏杆高度不得低于2m;4挖出的土方应及时远离孔口,不得堆放在孔口范围1m范围内,机动的通行不得对井口、孔壁的安全造成影响;5。下井人员必须带好安全帽并系好安全带,挖孔暂停施工时井口应盖好盖板;6。 井下通讯联络要畅通,施工时保证井口有人,井下的工作人员

10、必须经常注意观察,检查井下是否存在塌方,漏水、流砂及空气污染现象,发现问题立即停止作业并向上报告,雨天禁止下井施工;。施工现场的一切电源、电路的安装和拆除必须由持证电工操作;电器必须严格接地、接零和使用漏电保护器。各孔用电必须分闸,严禁一闸多用。孔上电缆必须架空2。0以上,严禁拖地和埋压土中,孔内电缆、电线必须有防磨损、防潮、防断等保护措施。8孔内照明电压采用安全电压。第五章 常遇问题及处理方法常遇问题产生原因预防措施及处理方法塌孔1地下水渗流比较严重2混凝土护壁养护期内,孔底积水,抽水后,孔壁周围土层内产生较大水压差,从而易于使孔壁土体失稳3.土层变化部位挖孔深度大于土体稳定极限高度4孔底偏



13、下水在井孔集中可在群桩孔中间钻孔,设置深井,用潜水泵降低水位,至桩孔挖完成,再停止抽水,填砂砾封堵深井截面大小不一或扭曲。挖孔时未每节对中量测桩中心轴线及半径2。土质松软或遇粉细砂层难以控制半径孔壁支护未严格控制尺寸挖孔时应按每节支护量测桩中心轴线及半径;遇松软土层或粉细砂层加强支护,严格认真控制支护尺寸超量1挖孔时未每层控制截面,出现超挖2。遇有地下土洞、落水洞,下水道或古墓、坑穴孔壁坍落,或成孔后间歇时间过长,孔壁风干或浸水剥落挖孔时每层每节严格控制截面尺寸,不使超挖;遇地下洞穴,用:7灰土填补、拍夯实;按坍孔一项防止孔壁坍落;成孔后在48内浇筑桩混凝土,避免长期搁置第六章 质量要求及验收

14、1.混凝土每浇筑50m应有一组试块,小于50m的桩应每根桩有二组试块;.桩的静载荷载试验根数应不少于总桩数的1,且不少于3根,当总数少于50根时,应不少于2根;桩身质量应进行检验,对设计等级为甲级或地质条件复杂,成桩质量可靠性低的灌注桩,抽检数量不应少于30,且不应少于0根;其他桩基工程的抽检数量不应少于总数的2%,且不应少于10根;4。应复验孔底持力层土(岩)性,嵌岩桩必须有桩端持力层的岩性报告。平面位置和垂直度的允许偏差 表一序号成孔方法桩径允许偏差(m)垂直度允许偏差()桩位允许偏差(mm)3根、单排桩基垂直于中心线方向和群桩基础的边桩条形桩基沿中心线方向和群基础的中间桩1人工挖孔桩混凝

15、土护壁+50。510钢套管护壁+50n ue is a man mutb hexyl, acksmith neis on harde。 Discipl inspectio ogan as the etorof the arty discipn, d upervisor f te deender, for ts uperision ust bemoe srcly, discipline insectin nd suervision f cdresto irmlyestas the awaes fPat Cnstitution, snse f scpie nd rules nsiousnes, p

16、olitcs alty,sens oy。 n spea i Ordnane tosetn exaple ofhe relains of th rlof lw,strnten uvision ancct th upervson o thfrmnes and nsciosess, d compy with and 。 T fil estabish thipline musfirst e diciplined, the spervso l subject to he superisof ”concpt,and consiosly safeardand implment ry compasepar,

17、take theleainpacicnghreetct rl strct,so lyal, len, lay.o e gdat learnig,te Constitution ndthe ode as raity, poltcs n ruht to fruition; t mplemen , do not want to,dare ot,t th isiplir rulerto suevsion; to iscline aruler,often hcotl nspeco, adconscousy it logialed lie to da the row ngGod ccumaion s nd

18、eed thebottom lin, sothat he ear s far, said toha ut, th line hsn Attched: iniffrent t hear, clmly to thetable r life, therae any unpredictable thigswil apn, some goo,some adths,e cannot control i powrls to stop, bt wih time, you ill fin in li ometimurs out tentgod, som bd hin inaly turned tto be a

19、oo thing, u then e udy hower didnotkno, this is te life tea s thing。 ,ie a be oplex, can alo esmple Wan simplelifof ecpttion, to avenouh timtrflet, t akeemore perfect。 if is the motimpoa ting is ot twn, but thestrugle;notto hae conquer, utto hve oughtwll. 2, the pan ithe backgudof ife. Liv aplin lif

20、, ge up o temselves not cowd, bu the wse awes; not isllusioned aftr thehart, uch as he, but experience th stormfterte nlightenmen; not unrearding erfunctoriy, ut calm atttudeo lif of unreed self-cofdence Pan lvig, ther is o oise noisy, noearthly troubes, oe idno ill inte discne oes, sme just calm, c

21、al. ,mmy of er will t oodhings o rae the,ife s a When no movi, pais a bgnni, the truggl s a ind of press, dah s d of eding。 ive u this givi uis theeples, do no iveup theabndoed, o otgve up ths giing uis igorance, do no ive p should notie up ispersiten 4, a hing igured sheave, thin ipassly i hl Snceh

22、elivin, o ive beter。 Smetims because of too narrowined, t car aund e re ad pny ie and ound folih, otworth he andleSoe things toattrac trobe a orr,copleey ns on howe lok a nd eal wth it。 ot alway takevryting bac t thngs,addnget nto a blind ley, dntwant to fae,dot b narowminddPoke tocae, is a ind of o

23、penmnded, afrnd asy. 5, Iam ot frad f threhind e a nie, I afraid to look ba and estab m, is m inentn to te popl; I m not afra f th rtht tellthe best rid, afrid h turedto is oe o el don 6, whwe ae in a posit frme o mnd,yo wllidan ood hing; ad whewe are in a negaive stt of mnd, you willfnd mn pssd thi

24、s; lifehppy and worr, ll s you of lieattite, optimisc, goo luk; os ofink, Eritra cmpany.Wheyou ar in aderity,ay isht change a oint of view tothink vrthg ovrto heood Think,becausegod mentalty dcided he fatothe! 7,pople ae tired, rest; ertrd,cam。Go p, mre, tis sociy read。 Tiradsad,squt dwn,to ter a hu

25、g。Becuse the world no oe can syptizewith yu, havemecy on ou。 Yo cr, ers is your ow;yupain,n one an drstnd Thn y only ars to smie。 ,each peplehave yoth,Eachyuth ar a story, te ife oe world nevergets easie, Int wt,wis the wr al now, s a ben tsae; nowt ahing,fofear ht othnw, or like to lose thae.9, the

26、heartmove, eting in he world i flloed by bith,angrng, impotnthing is oftenth mot iffiu t ope ones moth, becausewosiledutsipornce; to let srangers peoe care bot ouri in te gd thing, te oigii o easy 10, dnot lame, do not laugh at who, aodont envy 。Lke a peron is akindf feelig, nt ike a ern is tue. The

27、ruh easy o xlan, IeelIs uspeakale。 bestrvel life i th yu in a strne place founda long st oucd. 11, happylife no in the buslig in, ainthe peaeof ind;no mate w my grivancs, hw uncofrtable,anultimelyt eal themselves their wn, thers mayot ou to comfo, uteveknwour hert is ho wajinhuanxin 2, maam, likea o

28、vie,ear o appete, lear to b grteful,larn toernce, godns,hepgothe Instad of accusing theciy, as ito n;a excepon is betr t ivetan to wt 3,dot envy him su o, dontlose yur life n teife, espeivls: te former is a we epienced cnno escape in a day finallywillls m,wilethe lte iurpersistnt, wewnttochesh e mem

29、ory of hoe peplan thi. 14, earn osmi, lean o strn, te ord you know so any pope,somany pele and you ar, you cannot chang alsoca et veryelke you, slso do nt want do。 Lifeistoo hotoo cay to lv to g toste, tochas he dremto rgre。 1, en tpr,alessin to go ounding gant people,he e istcontrol their ow emotio

30、ns. iththe mouh ihemotupd bevior. contlngave emotios han a can tke a ty more poweful flowslo, laguge sxnsie Peplsen twoyea f tme to lar to spea,ut to spen a ew years time t shu up Ta is a kid ofabilit, tht is kindof wido.1, lif s not pec, sometmes, grwth is t ry, nota eyefuof ars, there isnotrc ofem

31、to, thre isnge hope, ndesie,no acin, no static, threis onl one kind ofdownward sning feeln, snk A mur? 6? 7? 6? ik? 6? 6? 7 tward ottmof the nk。 17, in some way, d otg,ou wl nt ow th othe se sceney sbautul。 To you i no goo,you o not mind too much, no onhas n oligatin to u; ear koledge, is yuhave eap

32、ns, yuca stat from scrac, bu not nared; hw o u te pepe, does not rpresnt ow oth trat you, i annot se throug this pnt, only initing worry 8, timeis lie asonge n the wter, a log as you ar willitosqez,thtolateritll there。 Eer lfe,aferthe ps nd owns The bet tet of li, t ife, srvivland cntinuation, do t

33、tpte stuggle inthejoys ndros of life on trad,so tt different sou to bear ifebea, cceptanceof uring。 9,iniffentto heat, calmly i table, elegantand omfrabelife, do not tak watiso mprtant。 Thepursui will bedisppined;to e alve, youill have trouble。 Life ishemot afrad o haal wat to reabout,bt alo what ll

34、gra is notirm, without sceney, spated pulaons, uch s no o desir,ll oced in te fate of te end。 hy is too riid, th aural,o go say no t live, let o obssion, rvl is 2, ifthe fate f the rokn Hpe f iln, lease don dspa, coast ti, ifhe ae o thwthredpetals of the beutful, plese dono ik,e sring isstill,lfe wi

35、ll alays bendss toble, please dnt helle, ethe resialive, isstill aeam, thesn tll, estil ost,eep mmrie; to ge, mus workt; uth ms mportant is god o cherishther ow. 21,lie, elec the comple,isto coetepain; choose a simle, is chooseto e app Te omple rldlikeaignificance of pide。 Hopeis he ornate palace, o

36、utside peole admirig th agnifien,livng in th ep knowedge f living i o pay t pice Sipl wrd asmplelog abn utideriicled abby, th heart is wiling to gove to know tjo Sufferng j seirwn hice.2,larn ho t ue igl poerul hart, let th ps e te past, l tefuur om。 Lifei realy t d fth end o an ege slyingwings, lif

37、e iconstany prsuit. Dont ss o regret,ont watfor oldjs mis. Time to rturn, sei every oment,again painsily again tiredoThoe stuggling to fly。 2,lfe coul ot Yimapinchua,vefat pvemen, inevitabl theewill a f ices oroadlcks. Some ofhe roksarn the past, whleothrs have to o it ut Jus mveohrs pu the sone ise

38、r easy, becauseth sto rm heapearance an dicern; dificult to yself t move awaythe hear of tne head. Lee ie tosend wi her, often refec mheart, soas to remove your eart stne。 24, verhing oesno ave o be demandng, cme to, ehng does ot hve tocarabou, ver the past;ailing to do not frown, laghit laug。Reults

39、 Dot demad, o to; life s a simple,al and paceul. Alas not o choetir own paad egre, lfe ilke a rain,te scnendthenUneSttes il rete,the age oftimand enour ll evenul drtingfuthr and furthr wy, bef is alwayshmef.25, veryne has aweaknes,wekess ru humty。 Tt has n aknes,a allowpeson Thatepltik thee i o wekn

40、es, motly se。 ife hssotomi, hee are orcominsit rel ife。 Thatno onegt,or chdih or mss r lf ecepio is tlerancf weaess ad so on to act,eol liv hppilHelo, evyoe! aa pary mbr。 he ttle o m speh i: tuy and imenthe partys two las, dog pacical playhigway. 205Oe 18, te enral Commtteeofthe Comunist Patyof Chin

41、a promulted imeentin f the the prbity ofteComniPaty hina slfdicipecriteron and hine Comunis Py disciline and punihment regulations e Heyu me passers-by to respondositively to thca of tentral Committeeofth ary, ernestly ogaizethestudy party two reuations, rl gasp te essence nd gist,andin thir repeciv

42、e poitios, t ho thebottm lin ofth disipline, build a strog ideoical ln of efense,ith hecourag to pla, hcouageto figh to and fearess spiit, athecrucilmmenwellto comte eta, ithatial acto totesthe stud and implment efeBea f dsipe in t * * * story.Her, lt me o cast a rktoatat jae, seak about ou hgwy。Hig

43、hwaylnesecton o thera surf trasformatin pojc, lastear towardsthe ounry seiz”willbe seized one of thetes。ocomplee his aruus task, a proec anagment ofe direcor Corae, keep inind frm thConist ary mbershi, ecgniz and deniy the”ottom lne”, stric mangement, andstrt adherecetothe qlty ofth pject He no oly

44、st a example, honestyand sldisipline, but a reqires thmaagemen ll he ees oftheO.K., do no et thecnstion uit n mal, d notaccept h nstructin unit cemony. ntis w, tey idnrely da t ahere to the princpe.o corade, constantly ut n reworki aneerey eingto Corde Zen to speakoudr,maagement tub too tit。 Reembrn

45、onganreet, 40meters og cment coeerfce laye, beaus of varou reason, e smoothns fthepo theotom cavity, covering filtrace and car mprining quatyproblems, * inuiries, immeiatey rush tote scene to undrtnd and verify e situaion, thecoveing of themanagmentfie, the costcin units, supervision unit, construct

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47、 weigier than Mont Tai, ifenage tti atterPvee qlty quantity ae plad the matter, we this time tolearn to regulaion hae what se?Still hat i t Commnit Party?Finally, in his inistd,heroadaftrrewrk, to slve these probem。Ith cosruction fthe ne corades ndth rjct all thecolleagueseffor, fte fouronth offihting, he ojctth ain prjc as filycompleed andpassed

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