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1、高中英语新课程有效阅读教学策略自治区课改英语学科备课组2012年7月19日一、对阅读的理解1. 何为阅读?Reading is a course of perceiving a written text in order to understand its content.从书面材料中获取信息的过程。书面材料主要是文字,也包括符号、公式、图表等。首先是把文字符号变成声音,后达到对书面材料的理解。阅读是一种主动的过程,是由阅读者根据不同的目的加以调节控制的认知行为。2. 阅读为何?Read for information, for language, for structure, for poi

2、nts of view, for culture, for pleasure3. 哪些因素影响阅读的效果?Reading literacyReading strategiesReading habitsReading attitudesReading interestSelf concept/reading comprehension4. 阅读有哪些常用的方式?目的Intensive readingExtensive reading形式Silent reading (with understanding the content of the text)Oral reading (with sl

3、ightly or without understanding the content of the text, more useful for fluency, pronunciation, listening comprehension, dictation, speaking; does not often help students to focus on the meaning of the text because the students have to concentrate on pronunciation, intonation, pausing and the recog

4、nition of the new words. )二、新课标对阅读教学的总体要求(一)阅读课文在高中英语教学中的地位1.阅读材料与其他语料相比,占高中英语教科书中最大的比重;2.阅读课文载有与该单元有关的重要信息,还呈现了其中大部分的词汇和主要的语法结构。3.高中阶段阅读教学的主要目的是激发学生阅读的兴趣,培养阅读的技能。(二)高中阅读教学中需要重点培养的技能掌握基本事实; 抓住中心思想;了解时空顺序;理解文章内涵;从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象;分析作者的观点、态度、意图;读懂图表和说明书等;分析语篇结构;获取语言和文化知识;综合评价文章等。(三)高中英语新课程八级阅读技能目标要求1.能识别

5、不同文体的特征;2.能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句;3.能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度;4.能根据学习任务的需要从多种媒体中获取信息并进行加工处理;5.能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的英语文学作品;6.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万词以上。(四)高考英语考试大纲阅读技能的要求要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:1. 理解主旨和要义;2. 理解文中具体信息;3. 根据上下文推断生词的词义;4. 做出简单判断和推理;5. 理解文章的基本结构;6. 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。从近几年省内外的英语高考阅读题目的设置不难看出,它要求学生不仅能够完成浅层

6、理解题,更要能够在快速阅读后透彻理解全文并归纳全文提供的信息,从而进行正确的逻辑推理甚至对文中未提及的情况进行推理想象。这就要求必须在平时的阅读学习中训练阅读速度,培养和提高整体理解的阅读能力。三、阅读教学改进的必要性(一)学生在阅读学习中常见的问题柳州市某普通中学(600学生)问卷调查中反映的学生英语阅读状况:1.阅读兴趣不浓。l 你对英文阅读是否感兴趣?5%的学生回答是“有兴趣”;78.7%的学生的回答是“一般”;16.4%的学生的回答是“不怎么感兴趣”;(反映对目的语即英语的态度,外在动机,工具性动机学好英语是进入理想大学的必备条件)l 改变:(1)让学生对教师感兴趣(爱字当头;纠错要委

7、婉,表扬要实在;宽容学生的错误);(2)教师为学生提供感兴趣的阅读材料;(3)教师将枯燥的阅读材料变得有趣;(4)采取有趣的教学方式。2.阅读需求不强。l 除了老师布置的阅读任务外,你还会找其他的材料进行阅读吗?47.5%的学生选择了“不会”。这说明仍有近半数的学生阅读主动性、自主性不够。改变:明确阅读与听、说、写等技能的关系。 3.阅读题材不宽。l 你对哪类阅读题材感兴趣?学生对故事型题材最感兴趣(47%),其次为科普文章(29.5%)、社会文化(29.5%)。学生需要的是接近生活,符合实际需要的材料。阅读兴趣与材料的选择有密切的联系。根据兴趣自我选择的阅读效果最为理想。(从培养兴趣出发,我

8、们是否可以将学生感兴趣的课文优先教学?或将乏味的语料以有趣的方式引导学习?)l 改变:结合单元话题进行拓展性阅读。4.阅读策略不佳。我国传统的阅读教学是采用自下而上的模式(Bottom-up),即先学ABC,再学单词,而后是句子、段落、篇章,阅读就成为一种仅仅从文字中提取意义的单一过程了。学生容易养成逐字逐句的阅读习惯。从调查结果来看,有21.3%的学生在阅读时,碰到生词会立即查词汇表或词典,阅读效率低。而在拿到不同的阅读的材料时,有50.8%的学生会从头到尾把材料逐句读完。这也是为什么有的学生在表面上看懂了全文,但选项判断的正确率低的原因了。因为他们没能从总体上来把握文章的结构以及作者的写作

9、风格。因此,阅读的策略不能太单一、太僵化。l 改变:加强阅读策略指导,让学生在阅读实践中体验、运用和感悟,形成内化的技能。5.阅读习惯不良。从调查结果来看,有21.3%的学生在阅读时,碰到生词会立即查词汇表或词典,阅读效率低。而在拿到不同的阅读的材料时,有50.8%的学生会从头到尾把材料逐句读完。20%的学生会指字阅读,31%的人进行有声阅读,45.9%的学生会回视。这些习惯在一部分人,尤其推崇快速阅读的人看来都是一些不良习惯。但这些阅读习惯对于某些材料(如研究性资料或较复杂的文学等)来说还是必需而且有效的。因此我们强调在选择阅读策略时,也应充分考虑材料的难度、阅读目的等多方面因素。如遇到生词

10、时,会主动跳过或尽量去猜测词义;对某些类型的材料(比如招告等),能采取快速阅读方法,运用skimming或scanning等策略进行有效阅读。(学生在阅读学习中碰到生词时应学会判断是忽略不管,还是通过上下文猜测词义;或是马上查字典以求顺畅阅读,应根据不同的阅读目的来决定。l 改变:正确引导,严格要求,及时纠正。(二)教师在阅读教学中常见的问题1.偏重语言知识目标,忽视其他目标落实的倾向普遍存在。l 改变:教学目标五个维度要兼顾,紧扣目标进行活动设计。 2.阅读教学中,精读与泛读教学策略不恰当的运用问题。l 改变:根据不同的阅读需要科学地运用精读与泛读教学策略。 3.课堂阅读教学以教师为中心;l

11、 改变:以学生的发展为本设计教学,活动多于讲授,讨论多于做笔记。 4.预设过强,生成性知识不足;l 改变:没有预设的课堂是不负责任的课堂,没有生成的课堂是不精彩的课堂。5.提问的有效性不强;l 改变:能够增加思维量的提问才是有效的提问。6.阅读技能训练和阅读策略指导不到位;l 改变:授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。 7.在输入不足的情况下强行要求输出。l 改变:要善于等待。8.学生阅读量不足。l 改变:倡导课外阅读,并进行过程监控和及时积极评价。四、新课标理念、理论和原则1.新课程核心理念:以学生发展为本,让学生参与是新课程实施的核心。应尊重学生,还学生学习的自由,提高学生的学习兴趣;优化教学环境,加

12、强交流与合作;给每位学生以期望和激励,让学生有成功感。新课标倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式,强调学习策略的培养,提倡任务型教学模式;看重评价对学生的激励作用,体现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化,建立形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的课程评价体系。2.有效课堂教学的特征。l 教学目标的有效性;l 学生的投入程度,学有所得;l 活动设计的有效性;l 对学生学习的策略有效指导;l 评价的有效性;l 合理的尽可能多的信息和语言输入。专家观点:教学目标达成度高,教学效益好的教学就是有效教学。3. 需要重点掌握的几个原则和理论: 整体教学思想;建构主义理论;Active原则;Scaffoldi

13、ng原则;学以致用原则、输入与输出相一致原则等。l Active原则A: Activate prior knowledgeC: Cultivate vocabularyT: Teach for comprehension/ interactionI: Increase reading rateV: Verify reading strategiesE: Evaluate progress五、 新课程阅读教学策略阅读教学的三个组成部分:读前(Pre-reading)、阅读(While-reading)、理解/读后(Comprehension/Post-reading)。三个部分相互关联。(一)

14、Pre-reading:主要任务是激活学生已有的知识和经验,预测学习的内容,启发学生开动脑筋,自主探究。1.课前预习l 根据音标、利用录音磁带朗读单词。目的是为课堂交流做准备。(自主学习、资源策略)l 单元主题相关的背景知识探究。目的是储备信息,利用信息差,开展生生互动,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量。(自主学习、合作交流、资源策略)l 专家提醒:要充分利用课本中的Warming up和pre-reading中的材料设置预习任务,对过大的任务量、过大的难度和不适用的部分加以删除、改编或补充。例: 高二第一册第十单元 Frightening Naturel 单元话题及背景知识自主探究:1) What k

15、inds of natural disasters are often reported?2) What should we do in face of natural disasters?3)In which way is science important to deal with natural disasters?l 提示语:请你根据以上话题,课前与同学交流讨论、查阅资料或网络学习,期待你在课堂上成为这些方面的小专家。 lead-in:l Activity 1: 将自己收集的单元背景知识、信息与同学交流分享; l Activity 2: 汇报自己的探究成果。(二) While-read

16、ing: 主要任务是抓住中心思想;掌握基本事实;了解时空顺序;理解文章内涵;从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象;分析作者的观点、态度、意图;分析语篇结构;获取语言和文化知识;综合评价文章等。1. Prediction: Predict what is to be talk about.(课文的标题、插图或照片提示)2. Skimming: for general idea of the whole passage; for main idea of each part or paragraph.l 常用设题方式:1) What is the passage mainly about?2) What

17、would be the best title for the passage?3) What is the subject of this passage?4) What is the main idea of the passage?5)The best title of the story is_.6) Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?3. Scanning: Read for facts。表层理解:关注细节和段落,练习方式有问答、填表、判断和描述等l 常用设题方式

18、: 1)以who, when, where, why, how开头的提问。2) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?3) Which of the following is the correct order.? 4) Which of the following isnt mentioned?4. Further reading: for points of view, for structure, for the hidden information between lines, for cu

19、lture, for language. l 深层理解:区分事实和观点,做出合理推理,练习方式有问答、人物分析、总结、复述、故事发展等。l Further reading常用设题方式:1) The purpose of . is to2) We can learn from the passage that.3) What do we learn about.?4) It can be inferred from the passage that.5) We can infer from the passage that.6) It can be concluded from the pass

20、age that.7) The second paragraph implies that _.8) Which of the following best describes.?l 推测词义(单词、短语)、句义题 1) The word .refers to. 2) The word it underlined in the first paragraph refers to.3) What can we learn from the underlined sentence?4) By saying ., the author means that.5) The word .could be

21、st be replaced by.6) The word. is closest in meaning to.l 专家提醒:1.要充分利用课本中的Learn about language中的材料设置Further-reading任务,对过大的任务量、过大的难度和不适用的部分加以删除、改编或补充。2. 在阅读中的词汇、语法结构处理,量不宜过多,拓展不宜过宽,弄清楚它在文章中的意义即可。要抓住影响学生理解文章意思的词汇和新的语法结构。拓展延伸及运用放在Learn about language和Using language课时中进行。l 知识迁移:篇章结构和信息内容的借鉴,为Post-readin

22、g中的输出活动做铺垫。练习方式有话题讨论、体裁、题材、行文逻辑分析等。l 常用设题方式:1) How does the story develop? 2) How is the story organized?3) Whats your own opinion about?4) What words/structures are used to describe/to express?l 专家提醒:要充分利用课本中的Comprehending中的材料设置Further-reading任务,对过大的任务量、过大的难度和不适用的部分加以删除、改编或补充。l 专家观点:多一些主观题,少一些客观题;多

23、一些完整回答,少一些省略回答。(三)读后(Post-reading): 阅读后可以组织学生开展不同形式的口笔头任务活动,围绕课文的话题,集合自己的经验,展开讨论、发表不同见解、摘记要点、归纳总结等等。1.读后活动设计原则:学以致用原则(尽可能包括文章或段落的主要内容);输入与输出相一致原则(与阅读话题密切相关);支架理论(活动前有信息支撑、讨论、示范);过程性与终结性评价相结合原则(活动中有指导、评价;活动后有总结评价;师生共同参与评价)2.读后活动类型:l 理解型活动(1) 词汇练习(2) 笔记摘录或填表(3) 篇章整体或片断复述(4) 不同题型巩固(5) 同步拓展阅读例:Book 2 Un

24、it 20 Archaeology Fill in the banks with the proper words.I have a friend. It was two years since she graduated from a key university. And now she is serving as a doctor in a hospital. I keep on good terms with her. Every time I am in trouble, she always lends me a hand. On my last birthday I receiv

25、ed a gift from her. Words cannot conveyed how happy I was. And it always reminds me of her. Maybe she is the right girl I want to get married to.l 运用型活动1.观点表达与问题讨论;2.课文缩写、改写或续写;3.指导性写作(guided writing)4.项目型活动。案例1:Lady in redGroup work1. Discuss and give the passage a better title. Give your reasons.2

26、. If you were Su and Jan, what would you do at the wedding? Act it out.3. If you are studying in a school with students from different countries, what should you do not to make cultural mistakes?Homework :Read the passage again, paying attention to sense groups.Write a story of cultural mistakes of

27、your own.例2:高一第一册十五单元 Reading: The necklace(读后活动)l 挑战你的语言综合运用能力:请用本单元所学词汇语法知识,根据中文提示完成英文写作。起初,我外婆不愿意把我妈妈嫁给我爸爸,因为爸爸家境贫寒。为了和妈妈结婚,爸爸日夜工作,努力挣钱。后来,他攒下了一大笔钱,还向朋友借了些钱,花了至少五十万元买了一座新房子。两年后,他还清了所有债务。最后,外婆拜访一位名人并请他主持我父母的婚礼。毕竟,一个人的能力比他的出生更重要。到现在,他们已结婚18年了。 例 3:根据所提供的目标词汇和句子结构,自由创作一篇有意义的短文。l 专家观点: Writing是阅读后的输出

28、任务的最佳立足点(杨鲁新,2011)。六、有效阅读教学案例赏析阅读课示例(石家庄四十二中 李甲祥) Book 9, AustraliaI. Skimming Task: Whats the main idea of each paragraph?Para 1: Australia is as old as time. -HistoryPara 2: Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent. -AreaPara 3: Australia is a wealthy country. -Re

29、sourcePara 4: The climate is different depending on the area. -WeatherII. Language learning.Task 1: Understand language with learning strategies and the resources you have.Task 2: Challenge your understanding if the difficult words. 1) There are many kinds of birds in Australia, and over 140 species

30、 of snake, many of which are extremely dangerous. (much too)2) In area it is approximately the same size as the USA. (about)3) It produces metals, precious stones, coal (valuable)4) The farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle. (gathering)Task 3: Challeng

31、e your understanding of the difficult sentences and structures with new grammar.1) Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world.Because Australia has been separated from other continents for

32、millions of years, it has many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world.2) Australia is as old as time.Australia has a very long history.3) The climate is different depending on the area.The climate is different from area to area.4) Fruit and vegetables are grown in areas

33、where there is enough water.Fruit and vegetables need enough water to grow. ScanningTask: Fill the form with detailed information about Australia.Australialocationsizeweatherpopulationlanguageplants and animalsenvironmenthistoryeconomy. Further-reading (read for further understanding) Task 1: Read f

34、or the hidden information between lines. 1) We can know about Australia from this passage that _. A. It is possible that Australia used to be connected with the other earth plates.B. The animals and plants in Australia cant be found anywhere else in the world.C. Australia is the same as America in a

35、rea.D. Fruit and vegetables are grown all through Australia.(深层理解)3) It can be implied that _ in this passage. A. Wild dogs are very cruel.B. The snakes in Australia are more poisonous than those in other countries.C. The majority of Australia is covered by desert.D. Australians life is very rich an

36、d relaxing.(推理判断)4) The author aims at_ in this passage. A. telling the readers that Australia is a developed countryB. persuading the readers to go there for tourC. introducing Australia to the readersD. praising the wealth and beauty of Australia(作者意图). Post-readingTask:Discuss in groups about the

37、 advantages and disadvantage between Australia and China, and try to find out some measures to deal with the problems we are facing in China.countriesAustraliaChinaAdvantagesa small populationa large arearich resourcesclean environmenta large arearapid-developing economya good policyDisadvantagestwo

38、-thirds of the country is dry of desert.a large population terrible resource wasteterrible pollutionMeasuresdevelop science and education control the growth of population promote the peoples sense of protecting the surroundingsVI. Homework: Write an introduction about Hong Kong.Hong KonghistorylocationareaAdvantagesDisadvantagesMeasures14

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