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1、 阅读BEC higher-基于正式商务场合的英语测试brief introductionwhat business English certificates (Cambridge BEC)preliminary/vantage/higherwhyto succeed in international business and commerceto have a great advantage in the job marketto ensure your good command in EnglishrecognitionSony Ericsson Sheil Vodafone Bayer

2、CocacolaHSBC I.T.united Ernst and Young Tesco BPAmoco BJ united family hospital China Automobile AssociationChina North Industration CorporationWhy notTOEIC 托业Test of English for international communicationBEC入门 TOEIC进外企P&G保洁公司 和 联合利华 优先接受托业。How1 registration2 preparation3 processESOL(English for sp

3、eakers of other language)主持进行的考试。中国承办。9月17日之前报名 11月4th 周六考试A linguistic abilityB game rulesC basic business backgroundD physical vigorA+BDCLinguistic ability includes Vocabulary Grammar Sentence structure SkimmingVocabulary checkOutstanding bill 未付账单Share price 股份价格Staff appraisal 员工鉴定Run of the mil

4、l 惯例Basic: CV/WTO/ISO curriculum vitae/world trade organization/international standards organizationNon-basic: T-shaped management JIT -just in time 准时化生产 Zero inventories 零库存BEC grades Exceptional 80-100 AGood 75-79 B PASSBorderline 60-74 CWeak 55-59 D FAILFail 54 ETime allowed 1hourNumber of parts

5、 6Number of questions 52 1point per Q 泛读 一日一篇 10min/day 精读 一周一篇 财经板块题型Part 1 matching 信息匹配 8Part 2 matching 完形填空 6Part 3 Multiple choice 单选 6Part 4 multiple choice cloze 完形 10Part 5 open cloze 开放式完形 10Part 6 proof reading 改错 12每个部分考察点 1 gist & global meaning 2 structure & details3 general meaning &s

6、pecific details4 vocabulary & structure5 structure & discourse feature6 sentence structure & error identification难度213 4 567 min 12Q accuracy & easiest主题One extra wordCORRECT 要大写该删除的词也大写考查的重点 词法50% 句法39%文法11%是删词题不是改错题解题步骤 读主题 按句改不是按行改 复扫instruction 主题title flexible working 灵活工作制temporary 临时工part tim

7、e 兼职 full timejob sharing 职务分担特殊条款: 竞业限制条款商务保密协议 服务期条款 限制怀孕条款 综合工时制制造发明所有权 无定时工作制 sign-on-bonus按句子改的方法:1 先扫例子第三行出现句号就需要看例子按单句分析查典型错误多介词A 动词+介词 B 双介词 C 破坏结构1 双宾语介词give send offer buy make特例 come up with 想出计划 Drop in with 拜访 Get in on 参加 加入 Go in for 喜欢 Face up to 面对 Keep up with 跟上 Put up with 忍受 Loo

8、k up to 尊敬 Look forward to doing 期待 Make up for 弥补 Cut down (on) 削减反例 because of I love you Despite of I love you In addition to ,墓碑介词 on in up for by with of多代词关系代词 that which who whom物主代词 their your mine her his 人称代词 they you she he I 找动词判断代词是否多余 分析句子结构判断特指 删物主代词 动词多宾语句子多主语 判断删人称墓碑代词 them they the

9、ir you which that 多连词N-1原则 连词=谓语/表语-1墓碑连词 when how while also but 多动词两个动词 be 不可能多修饰词The so such 前面没出现后面无修饰 删the 复数前面一般不用the90%不用so such 除了 so many sothat复扫 逐句排查重点迷惑对象 中文思维 固定搭配 CORRECT 2-4 个团队 TEAMTeam player 队员 Implementer 实施者Coordinator 协调员Shaper 塑造者Resource investigator 外交家Monitor evaluator 监控者Te

10、am worker 协作者团队流程 TEAM LIFE Forming 组建期 Storming 激荡期 大公司 Norm 规范期 省略 Performing 执行期 Adjustment 休整期 Tip over 使倾斜 精读cam3 P63Our boat start to tip over, but it soon right itself. 我们的船发生倾斜,但不久就恢复正常。A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly. 独木舟有时一下子会翻掉。That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; itll tip over. 那辆单轮手推车

11、重心不稳,会翻倒。Paradoxa statement containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely although it is probably true 悖论压力 stressHeavy workloadsOffice politics Role ambiguityLack of managers supportEffort-reward-balanceHome-work-balance只有死亡才能完全摆脱压力的困扰So lets be workaholic黄皮书的讲义上reading做泛读哦

12、12min 8Q方法+能力 不比速度 难度高About后面是主题一篇文章的五个部分或者五个短文Refer to 沾边就可以 8句对五段2 2 2 1 1阵形最可能3 2 1 1 1 比较少所以 一段话最多对应两个选项例子不看 考查三项能力 SPS Skimming Para phrasing SummarizingskimmingInterim-intended to last only a short time until sb more permanent is found .Financial meaning of interim-calculated before the final

13、results of sth are known .In the interim 在其间 在其前Inflation-the rise in prices resulting from an increase in demand for goods and services which may be connected with an increase in the money supply.Bring wages into line with inflation 根据通货膨胀调整工资Subsidiary 子公司Disposal of 处理Gauge to make a judgement ab

14、out sth. Especially peoples feeling or attitude . 判定判断 To measure sth accurately using a special instrument 测量Impending only before noun Usually unpleasant events that is going to happen very soon 即将发生(坏事)Merger to make two or more things combine to form a single thing 合并 M&A 并购 merger and acquisiti

15、onStrategic acquisitions 战略收购merger, consolidation, acquisition, takeover关于收购兼并,英语里有几个词都表达这一概念,但意义略有不同。merger 和 consolidation 都指“合并”,但merger(兼并)指的是出价公司A收购目标公司B,合并成一个公司A,也称“吸收合并”;consolidation 指两公司A、B合并创立新公司C,也称“创立合并”。 acquisition(购并),指一家公司全部或部分买下另一家公司,取得所有权;takeover(接管,收购),包括三种形式:acquisition(购并)、pro

16、xy contest(收购委托书)和 going private(私有化)。 Vertical intergration 垂直整合 single scale intergration单片集成 Forward Intergration向前整合 framework for intergration of social and demographic statistics社会及人口统计一体化体制 intergration time积分时间 large scale intergration大规模集成化 Conglomerate a number of companies sometimes invol

17、ves with different products , joined together and runs as one large company 联合企业跨行企业Paraphrasing 译文Impossible is nothing anything Is possibleSummarizingAgree to = say yes to 解题步骤1 读主题2 读信息8句话3 扫段落4 补考点主题来自title信息 划关键词 key words 标记重点信息 转折词 趋势词 比较级最高级 转化成中文记忆非KW 常用词 主题词 重复词Volatile 反复波动删掉非KW 就水落石出了 去掉

18、后 名词动词形容词副词考点 might likely may扫段落Title 不读 首末句必读重点信息扫读 排除法一定用补考点未解决的扫一边寡妇B 永远E 95% A单身 D永恒 Performance examiningGRS-graphic rating scale 图尺度评价法KPMGKPMG,即毕马威,即著名的BIG FOUR国际四大会计师事务所之一(其他三大事务所为PwC普华永道,DTT德勤和E&Y安永),KPMG在1945年进入香港,1983年在中国设立首家办事处。四大会计师事务所是所有财会专业毕业生的梦想雇主,四大所提供的职业培训和升值价值对财会从业人员的职业生涯影响巨大。Goal setting 自己设定Technical updateBusiness focus Relationship buildingWork and life balanceInterim review 中期检讨Year end reviewHP Beyond expectation Meet expectation Need improvementNegotiating skills表达顺序 order选择问题 optional 不强制 最好放最后附加条件 以退为进 HR

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