06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划

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《06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划(14页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、离心式压缩机质量检试验计划Inspection and Testing Plan for Centrifugal Compressor QualityINSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR CONCRETE WORK QUALITYREVDESCRI PTIONORIGCHKDAPPRDATECLIENTAPPROVALDATEAIssued for Comments一 Apr 14, 06N/AWU YHRajan yIer目录TABLE OF CONTENTS未定义书签。未定义书签。1. 本工程应执行的标准、规范Applicable Codes and Standa

2、rds:错.误. !2. 本工程质量控制点Quality Control Point:错 误 3. 本工程质量控制表格、交工资料表格及质量评定表格目录Applicable forms for quality con trol, tur no ver docume nt, and quality evaluatio错误! 未定义书签。离心式压缩机质量检试验计划Inspection and Testing Plan for CentrifugalCompressor Quality目录TABLE OF CONTENTS1. 执行的标准、规范 Applicable Codes and Standar

3、ds32. 质量控制点 Quality Control Point43. 质量控制表格/质量评定表格/交工资料表格 Applicable forms for quality control, quality evaluation and turnoverdocument 131.执行的标准、规范Applicable Codes and Standards 监理规范;执行建设工程监理规范GB 50319 - 2000;Code on Supervision of Construction Project, GB 50319 一 2000 交工技术文件规定;执行石油化工工程建设交工技术文件规定 S

4、H 3503 - 2001 ; Regulation of Technical Turnover Document for Construction of Petrochemical IndustryProject 技术规范;化工机器安装工程及验收规范 -通用规定 HGJ 203 - 1983;General Regulations of Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Chemical Equipment Installation, HGJ 203 - 1983化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范 -离心式压缩机 HGJ 205

5、- 1992;Centrifugal Compressor, Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Chemical Equipment Installation, HGJ 205 - 1992乙烯装置离心式压缩机组施工技术规程SHJ 519-1991 ;Specification on Construction Technology of Ethylene Plant Centrifugal Compressor, SHJ 519-1991 质量评定标准;执行石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准 SH 3514 - 2001 。S

6、tandard of Quality Inspection/Evaluation for Installation/Erection of Petrochemical Equipment, SH 3514 - 20012. 质量控制点 Quality Control Point参加单位质量控制点控制内容控制方法承总工商施包门部府政控制表格 验收表格 评定表格审批施工技 术方案1.审核方案的合理性及安全技术措 施的可靠性、全面性;2.审核施 工程序,施工组织是否合理,人员 配备、机具配备是否齐全,审核进 度计划,质量控制体系、施工及验 收规范是否准确。执行 P-CM302002 程序:审核、批准

7、 施工技术方案。GB50319-2000-A22材料设备进场检验程序1.对设备外观及随机零备件进行检 查核实;2.设备出厂合格证书, 重要零部件质量检验证书,转子动 平衡及叶轮超速试验记录,总装配 图,零部件图,安装使用说明书。执行 P-CM305002 程序:检查零部件 的外观以及核对所 有的技术文件。SH3503-2001-J301GB50319-2000-A9基础中间交 接基础处理、4 安置垫板1.基础的标高、座标位置、地脚螺 栓孔的中心偏差,埋件和预留孔的 偏差;2.基础的沉降记录并对外 观检查不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、 露筋等缺陷;基础处理:铲麻面,放置垫板处的 基础表面应铲平,其水平

8、度偏差应执行 P-CM308001 程序:联合土建专 业检查施工记录, 检测报告并组织土 建与安装的交接, 签署交接技术文 件。执行 P-CM308001 程序:GB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J115, J203,J204, J106GB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J115, J203,在允许范围内。J204, J106机组底座安 装、就位、找正、找平 以及油系统 设备安装1.千斤顶或垫板的位置、数量应符 合设计和有关技术文件的规定;2. 地脚螺栓螺纹均应露出螺母13扌扣 螺纹涂防锈脂;3.地脚螺栓应垂 直,螺母拧紧,拧紧力均匀。执行 P-CM30

9、8001 程序:用直尺、水 平仪检测,并检查 施工记录。SH3503-2001-一J311GB50319-2000-A4下机体就 位、找正检查机体的水平度应符合规范的要 求。安装转子检查转子的扬度,测量调整前、后 轴瓦及推力瓦的间隙,并使之符合 规范的要求。机体轴端距 调整,机组 轴初对中检查、调整轴端距并对机组轴初对 中。地脚螺栓灌 浆检查锚板与基础之间的贴合,砂子 应晾干、灌浆混凝土高度是否符合 规范。执行 P-CM308001 程序:用水平仪复 测并检查施工记 录。依据规范及设备随 机文件用水平仪、 塞尺、外径千分尺, 并采用着色法检 查、调整。依据规范及随机文 件或设计要求测量 调整轴

10、端距,用百 分表检查轴对中是 否符合规范或设计 要求。依据施工记录对地 脚螺栓灌浆全过程 检查。10解体、清洗、 检查、组装 各部位密封 间隙检查油封、端部密封、中间轴与轴 套密封,叶轮进口侧密封,平衡盘密 封。用着色法、塞尺或 白胶布检查测量各 部位的密封间隙, 检查施工记录。SH3503-2001-一J311GB50319-2000-A4随机文件表格GB50319-2000-A4随机文件表格GB50319-2000-A4GB50319-2000-A4GB50319-2000-A4随机文件表格11上、下机体 闭合、复测 轴端距、机 组轴精对 中。检查上、下机体中分面的密封情况, 准备测量轴端

11、距,检查并调整转子 的精对中。用塞尺、百分表、 找正架对本序各项 做检查测量BXXSH3503-2001-一J313 GB50319-2000-A4 随机证明 书中的曲线图表12二次灌浆分别对汽轮机(或电机)压缩机、 油站等设备底座进行二次灌浆。二次灌浆基础表面 清洗干净并保持润 湿12小时,清除表 面积水,环境温度 应高于5C,用高 于基础混凝土标号 1-2级的豆石混凝 土灌入并捣实。BXXGB50319-2000-A413油系统管道安装管道预制、预组装、拆除全部油系 统管道酸洗钝化处理,检查回装。检查全部管道的洁 净度,用干净的白 绸布擦抹,无污渍 为合格。BXXGB50319-2000-

12、A414油冲洗在各进油孔处加入临时过滤网,个 别部位可加临时跨线,启动油泵, 每天24小时连续循环冲洗,定期切 换油站、过滤器并清洗,检查滤网, 直到冲干净为止。检查油站过滤器上 的差压计,最终以 差压24小时不报 警为合格。BXXGB50319-2000-A415最终复查轴 对中开车前最终复查机组的轴对中有无 变化。用百分表与找正架 依据设计或厂家提 供的找正曲线图 表,复查轴对中应 无明显变化。BXXGB50319-2000-A4 设计曲线 图16机组联锁静 态试验各种联锁应准确无误,调速器、保 安系统应动作自如,无卡涩,仪表 指示准确。依据随机文件及规 范对机组的各项联 锁逐项确认。BX

13、XGB50319-2000-A4 随机文件 表格17审批试车方 案1.审批方案中:开车前的准备工作 有无漏项,方案的可行性;2.安全、 技术措施的可靠性。P-CM302002 审核、 批准试车方案BXXGB50319-2000-A2SH3503-2001-一J314-118汽轮机(或 电机)单机 试车1.考核、检验汽轮机(或电机)的 机械性能;2.轴瓦温度,油温, 机械振动。依据规范及随机文 件对机械性能用相 关仪器(测温仪、 测振仪)做检测。AXXXXSH3503-2001-J314-2D GB50319-2000-A419机组无负荷 试车通过无负荷试车、考核、检验机组 的机械性能:轴瓦温度

14、、油温、水 温,各转动部位的机械振动。依据规范及随机文 件对机组的机械性 能用相关仪器逐项 做检测。AXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-一J314-2C20机组联动负 荷试车1.机组的机械性能;2.动态调试, 测试自保仪表及系统仪表的性能;3.考核机组的性能。利用相关仪器以及 DCS系统,监测、 考核机组的各项性 能指标是否满足工 艺要求。AXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-一J314-2C21机组竣工验 收1.确认机组的试车结果;2.检查 机组的交工技术文件;3.对机组 安装做分项质量评定。执行 P-CM308002 程序:SH3503

15、 - 2001石油化工工 程建设交工技术文 件规定审核交工 技术文件、会签质 量评定文件。AXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3514-2001-P1502, P1503,P1504, P1403, P1404, P1405NoQuality Control PointControl ContentControl MethodGParties InvolvedApplicable FormsoCsmSoM PwOmGA Review the reas on able ness of the proposal, and the reliability andReview/Approval

16、 of the construction1Review/Approv al of Con structio ncomprehe nsion of the techrcal/safety measures(2) Review the con structi on procedures,tech ni cal proposal as per P-CM302002 Procedure for Review and Approval of Con structi on Orga nizati on PanBXXGB50319-2000-A2Tech nicalorga ni zatio n, pers

17、 onnel and equipme ntProposalallocatio n; check the con structi onschedule, quality con trol system, applicable codes and standardsExecute P-CM305002(1) Visual in specti on, verfiy the qua ntity ofand check theIn specti onequipme nt and spare parts (2) E)uipme ntpack ing list, verfy the2Procedure fo

18、rcertificate, quality in specti on to lead parts,qua ntity of theASH3503-2001-J301Material andEquipme ntrotor dyn amic bala nee test record, impeller overspeed test record, assembly drwi ngs,equipme nt and spare parts, visual check theXXXXGB50319-2000-A9Arrivaldraw ings for spare parts, and in stall

19、ati onappeara nee, andin structi on manualverify the technical document packedi(1) Check the elevati on and orie ntati on ofExecute P-CM308001:Foun dati on In terim Turno verthe foundation, check the tolerance deviation of anchor bolts, embedded itemcarryout co-i nspecti on with civil engin eer toGB

20、50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J115, J203, J204,J1063and pre- i nstalled holes (2) Check the foun dati on settleme nt record and carryout visual in spectio n for defects of crack in gs,check the con structi on record, in specti on report, orga nize for civil work turnover toBXXvoids and hun gry spots, and

21、 rebarin stallati on work, sig nexposurestur no ver docume ntFoun dati on(1)Fo un dati on treatme nt: pitti ng treatme nt.GB503192000-A44Treatme nt,surface for in stalli ng shim plate should beExecute ProcedureCXSH3503-2001-J115,J203,J204,J106In stallsmooth, leve ln ess tolera nee should meetP-CM308

22、001Base-platetech ni cal requireme nt5In stallati on of Baseplate, Settli ng/ Alig ning/ Leveli ng Baseplate,In stall Lub Oil System and Equipment(1) Quan tity and positi on of jack or shim plate shall be as per the requireme nt of the engin eeri ng desig n and applicable docume nt (2) 1 to 3 thread

23、s of the an chor bolts shall be exposed after nut in stallatio n, and coat anti corrosi on grease to the thread. (3) Check the verticality and tight ness of the an chor bolts.Execute Procedure P-CM308001 check by ruler and leveli ng in strume nt and verify the con structi on recordCxSH3503-2001-J311

24、GB50319-2000-A46Erectio n of Mach in ery frame, and Alig nmentCheck the leve ln ess of the mach inery in accorda nce with the code requireme ntExecute Procedure P-CM308001 Re-check by leveli ng in strume nt and verify the con structi on recordBxSH3503-2001-J311GB50319-2000-A47In stall RotorCheck the

25、 rotor range and the cleara nce of all beari ngs to meet the code requireme ntExecute Procedure P-CM308001 Check /adjust by using leveli ng in strume nt, feeler gage, dial in dicator, and pen etrati on testBxxGB50319-2000-A4 Vendors in structi on manual8Adjustme nt toShaft End Dista nee, Pre-alig nm

26、ent to ShaftsIn spect/adjust the shaft end dista nce, and carryout pre-alig nment to shaftscheck the shaft end dista nce as per the requireme nt of the codes, engin eer ing desig n requireme nt, and the vendors requireme nt, alig n the shafts by dial in dicator to meet the above requirementBxxGB5031

27、9-2000-A4 Vendors in structi on manual9Grouti ng to An chor BoltsCheck the conn ecti on betwee n the an chor plate and the foun dati on, check the dryn ess of sands and stre ngth of grouted con crete to meet the code requireme ntCarry out process in specti on to the an chor bolts grouti ng as per th

28、e con structi on recordBxxGB50319-2000-A4 Vendors in structi on manual10Disassembly, clea ning, in specti on, and re-assembly the seali ng cleara nceCheck the oil seal, end seal, seali ng betwee n in terim shaft and beari ng, impeller inlet seal, and bala nce wheel sealcheck the con structi on recor

29、d and the seali ng cleara nce by using dye pen etrati on, feeler gage, an d/or white clothBxxGB50319-2000-A4 Vendors in structi on manual11Erecti on of Up and Low Part of the Compressor frame, Re-check the Shaft End Cleara nee, Fi nal Alig nment of the ShaftsCheck the seal of the up and low part of

30、the frames, check the shaft end cleara nee, check/adjust the final alig nment of the shaftsCheck item by item by using feeler gage, dial in dicator, alig nment in strume ntBXXSH50319-2001-J313GB50319-2000-A4 Curve graphs of vendors instruction manual12Re-grout ingCarryout re-grout ing to all equipme

31、 nt foun dati on s, like steam turb ine, motors, oil stati on, etc.Before the re-grout ing, clea n the surface of foun datio n, keep wet for 12 hours, remove the excessivewater, grout the con crete with stre ngth higher tha n the one of the origi nal con crete and vibrate at above 5C ambie nt temper

32、atureBXXGB50319-2000-A413Lub Oil tub ing In stallati onPrefabricatio n, pre-assembly, remove exist ing oil li ne and carryout acid clea ning/ passivati on treatme nt before re-i nstallati onCheck the clea nn ess of all oil tub ings by using clea n white cloth for spots in specti onBXXGB50319-2000-A4

33、14Oil Flush ingIn stall temporary filter to all oil i nl ets, i nstall temporary jumper if n eeded, start the oil pump for 24 hours continu ous operati on of circulati on flush ing, switch over oil stati on, and replace filter until the flushing is clean rCheck the pressure gauge in stalled on the f

34、ilters un til it does not alarm within 24 hours durati on.BXXGB50319-2000-A415Final Shafts Alig nmentVerify the cha nges of shaft alig nment before startupVerify the cha nges by using dial in dicator as per engin eer ing requireme nt and the alig nment curveBXXGB50319-2000-A4 Design Curve16Compresso

35、r Static In terlock TestAll in terlock shall be correct, operati on of accelerator and emerge ncy shutdow n system are in good order, in strume nt in dicatio n is accurateVerify item by item of the in terlock system as per vendors in structi on manual and code requireme ntBXXGB50319-2000-A4 Vendors

36、In structi on Manual17Review andapproval Commissi oningProposal(1) Cheek the feasibility of the commissi oning proposal item by item (2) Cheek the reliability of safety and techrCal measuresP-CM302002 review/approval of the commissi oning proposalBXXGB50319-2000-A2SH3503-2001-J314-118Si ngle Test-r

37、un of the SteamTurbi ne/ Motor(1) Carryout performa nee test and in specti on to the steam turbi ne/motor for mecha ni cal performa nee(2) Check the beari ng temperature, oil temperature and mecha nical vibratio ncarryout item by item in specti on to check the mecha ni cal performa nee by using test

38、 ing in strume nt, like the temperature tester, vibratio n tester, as per the requireme nt of the code and the vendors instruction manualAXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J314-2D19No Load Test to the Compressor Un itCheck the mecha ni cal performa nee by no load test-r un, check the bear ing temperatu

39、re, oil temperature, water temperature, and vibrati on of all rotati ng partscarryout item by item in specti on to check the mecha ni cal performa nee by using test ing in strume nt as per the requreme nt of the code and the vendors instruction manualAXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J314-2C20Commissi

40、 oning Test with Load(1) Mecha nical performa nee of the unit(2) Dyn amic adjustme nt, check the performa nee of all sef-protectio nin strume nts and system in strume nts(3) Carryout performa nee test to thecompressor unitMo nitor/ Check/ verify the mecha ni cal performa nee to meet the process requ

41、ireme nt by using test ing in strume nt and DCS systemAXXXXGB50319-2000-A4SH3503-2001-J314-2C21Accepta nee In speetio n to the Un it(1)Verify the commissi oning report(2) Check the tur no ver docume ntati on (3)Carryout quality evaluati on to the unit in stallati onExecute Procedure P-CM308002; SH 3

42、503-2001 Regulation of tech nical docume nt for eon structi on completi on of petrochemical in dustry project; Verify all tur no ver docume ntati on, coun ter-sig n quality evaluati on docume ntAXXXXGB50319-2000-A4 SH3514-2001-P1502 P1503, P1504, P1403, P1404, P1405,3. 质量控制表格/质量评定表格 /交工资料表格Applicabl

43、e forms for quality control, quality evaluation andturnover document交工资料表格 Forms for turnover document:SH3503-2001-J106 工程中间交接证明书Certificate of Construction Mechanical Completion, SH3503-2001-J106SH3503-2001-J115 隐蔽工程记录Record for Cover-up Work, SH3503-2001-J115SH3503-2001-J203 设备基础复测记录Equipment Foun

44、dation Re-inspection Record, SH3503-2001-J203SH3503-2001-J204 块体式设备基础允许偏差项目复测记录Re-inspection Record to Tolerance of Block Type Equipment FoundationSH3503-2001-J301 设备开箱检验记录Equipment Open Package Inspection Record, SH3503-2001-J301SH3503-2001-J311 机器安装记录Machinery Installation Record, SH3503-2001-J311

45、 SH3503-2001-J312 机器拆检及组装记录Machinery Disassembly/Assembly Record, SH3503-2001-J312 SH3503-2001-J313 联轴器对中记录Coupling Alignment Record, SH3503-2001-J313SH3503-2001-J314-2C 机器单机试车记录、离心式压缩机Machinery Single Unit Test-run Record, Centrifugal Compressor, SH3503-2001-J314-2CSH3503-2001-J314-2D 机器单机试车记录、汽轮机M

46、achinery Single Unit Test-run Record, Steam Turbine, SH3503-2001-J314-2D 随机文件表格 Vendors Instruction Manuals and Forms 质量控制表格 Forms for quality control: GB50319-2000-A2 施工组织设计( 方案) 报审表Form of Request for Review/Approval of Construction Organization Plan, GB50319-2000-A2GB50319-2000-A4 报审表Form of Requ

47、est for Review/Approval of xxxxxx, GB50319-2000-A4GB50319-2000-A9 工程材料/构配件/ 设备报审表Form of Request for Inspection of Construction Materials/Components/Fittings/Equipment, GB50319-2000-A9SH3514-2001-P1504 增速机安装Form of Accelerator Installation, SH3514-2001-P1504SH3514-2001-P1403 润滑油密封油系统安装Form of Lubrication Oil System and Sealing Oil System Installation, SH3514-2001-P1403SH3514-2001-P1404 介质冷却、分离系统安装Form of Cooling Medium/ Separating System Installation, SH3514-2001-P1404SH3514-2001-P1405 电动机安装Form of Motor Installation, SH3514-2001-P1405

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