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1、完成句子错题集1、China together with some Asia countries Typhoon Haiyan on November 8th,causing great damage, injuries and deaths.(sweep)台风海燕11月8日横扫了中国和其他一些亚洲国家,造成了巨大的损失和伤亡。2、I take a holiday this year, but t wasnt able to get away.(intend)我原打算今年休假,但是脱不开身。 3、In the past twenty years, the computer to serve p

2、eople in communication ,finance and trade.(make) 在过去的20年的时间里,在通信、金融和贸易 电脑已经被充分利用来为人民服务。4、The refrigerator that I broke down again. What bad luck!(repair)我以前让人修的电冰箱又坏了,真倒霉!5、We for fifteen years, but believe it or not,I recognized him the moment I saw him, (meet)我们有15年没有见过面,但是信不信由你,我一见到他就认出他来了。6、But

3、for the fact tat I in that accident, without doubt, I wouldnt be alive today.(fasten)在那次事故中, 要不是我系了安全带的话,毫无疑问,我现在是不会活着的。7、Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity More than hearing.(matter).那些成功的盲人的舞者认为,舞蹈是一种视力比听力更重要的活动。8、Those reports included one case, and destroyed two cars

4、, although there were no injuries.(break) 这些报告中有一份案例,尽管没有人受伤,但爆发了一场火灾,烧毁了两辆汽车。9、If I I would meet such a big trouble, I might not live here now.(know)如果我早知道我会遇到这么大的麻烦,我可能现在就不会住在这里了。10、Though the couple quarrel a lot, I would rather their marriage (break)虽然他们两口子经常吵架,我但愿他们的婚姻不会破裂。11、The communicate ur

5、ged that a sound and safe rural financial system boost the rural economy.(set) 这个委员会极力主张建立一个健全和安全的农村金融体系来促进农村经济的发展。12、Mary the dictionary, become she didnt give me an accurate explanation of the word. (refer)玛丽一定没有查过字典,因为她没有给我这个词的准确解释。13、He is already over thirty. It is about time that a wife.(find)

6、 他已经年过三十,是时候他该给自己找个妻子了。14、He is going to spent the Spring Festival in his home village, his parents and some relatives.(live)他打算回家乡过春节,他的父母和一些亲戚生活在那里。15、She hurried to the computer nervously, with the screen.(stare) 她紧张地冲到电脑前,眼睛盯着屏幕。16、When Lisa stood before the audience , she felt very uneasy with

7、her .(focus)当丽莎站在观众面前的时候,由于所有的目光都集中在她身上,她感到很不自在。17、With , the newly elected chairman couldnt sleep well at night.(settle)因为有许多问题要解决,新当选的主席晚上无法睡的安稳。18、All the officials ,the meeting was declared open.(arrive) 所有的官员到达后,会议宣布开始。19、The car ran down the hill, and the driver was reported , according to the

8、 local newspaper, in the accident.(kill)汽车从山上滚了下来,据当地报纸报道,司机在这场事故中丧生了。20、Several deaths from drowning in the past few days, swimming in that river is said to have been banned.(happen)近几天发生了几回溺水事件,据说在那条河里游泳已经禁止了。21、The minute the shopping mall opens, the customers came (crowed) 购物中心一开业,顾客们便蜂拥而入。22、At

9、 first, the way , pictures, was laughed at by others, but it didnt discourage him.(draw)起初,他绘画的方式遭到他人的嘲笑,但那并没有使他气馁。 23、Look out! Dont get too close to the building, these days.(restore)小心!不要太靠近那栋大楼,这些天它他的屋顶正在修缮。24、It was in the house that they quarreled bitterly.(marry) 正是在他们结婚的房子里,他们吵的不可开交。25、She i

10、s so excited that she is the only one of girls the driving test.(pass).她太兴奋了,她是众多女孩中的唯一通过驾驶考试的人。26、The child was told to remain , so that he could be found easily. (lose)那个孩子被告知待在他迷路的地方,这样他就很容易被找到了。27、He received a message telling his father had passed away an arrangement.(make)他还没有来得及安排就收到信息说他的父亲已经

11、去世了。28、Those always happiness may never feel happy, for they are never content,(assciate)那些总是把金钱和幸福联系起来的人也许永远不会感到幸福,因为他们永远不满足。29、Teachers usually try in every way they can what they say.(convince) 老师们常尽其所能使我们相信他们所言。 30、 in face of danger matters much in case of emergency.(stay) 在紧急情况下,面对危险我们应该保持镇静,这

12、点至关重要。31、 in the “shopping cart ”,and you can make a list of potential purchase and avoid purchasing on impulse.(put)把你想要的放在“购物车”里,你就可以生产一个购物清单,以免冲动购物。32、It will make a difference if we realize to live life to the fullest.(important)如果我们意识到充实的生活是多么重要的话就会有所作为。33、You can never imagine you had told us.

13、(news) 你绝对想象不到,你告诉我们的是多么令人兴奋的消息啊。34、It never occurred to me a new life in a strange city.(tough)我完全是没有想到在一个陌生的城市开始一种新的生活有多么困难。35、Do you still remember that your mother showed you around the Great Wall?(when)你还记得你的母亲究竟是何时带你来参观长城的吗?36、It was ten years ago, when I came to China for the first time, lear

14、n Chinese .(begin) 我是十年前第一次来中国时开始学习汉语。37、The earlier you get rid of smoking , protect yourself against serious illness in later life. (likely)你越早戒烟,你就越可能在今后的生活中保护自己不得重病。38、When we went shopping last week, Mary spent as I did.(much) 我上周去购物的时候,玛丽花掉的钱只有我花掉的一半。39、So playing computer games that he didnt

15、hear the knock on the door. (employ)他如此忙于玩电脑游戏以至于没听到敲门声。40、No sooner his speech than stormy applause broke out.(end)他的演讲刚结束就响起了暴风雨般的掌声。41、One of the features of London is the number of big stores, in or near the West End.(locate)伦敦的特征之一就是大商店的数目,这些大商店多数位于或靠近西端。42、Mary is crying, I would rather her th

16、e news.(tell) 玛丽哭起来了,我宁愿没有告诉她那个消息。43、If you stay longer, you the local climate by the end of next month.(accustom)假如你在这里再待一段时间,到下个月底你就会习惯当地的气候了。44、She had only $1.87, Jim, her husband a present.(buy)他只有一元八角七分钱,用这些钱她要买给丈夫吉姆一件礼物。45、It was not only the 2014 World Cap but also the beautiful scenery to B

17、razil this summer.(appeal)今年夏天吸引游客来到巴西的不仅仅是2014年的世界杯赛,还有那迷人的风景。46、As a matter of fact, getting rid of a bad habit as forming a good one.(effort)事实上,改点一个坏习惯与养成一个好习惯需要做出同样多的努力。47、 by temporary setbacks, his mother always encourages him to try again.(say) 每次他因为暂时挫折而沮丧,他的妈妈总是鼓励他再试一次。48、It was the words

18、encouraged me and put me back on the right track again.(say)正是他所说的话鼓舞了我,并让我重新走上了正规。49、Jingzhou is not strange to me .I this city for several days ten years ago.(stay) 荆州对我来说,并不陌生,十年前我曾在这里待过一段时间。50、Many a high-standard house for the survivors of the earthquake-stricken area, which is really inspiring for the public.(report) 有报道说,灾区已经为地震中的幸存者兴建了一大批高标新房,这消息真是大慰人心。

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