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1、单项选择 解题指导,近几年的NMET单项选择填空题的命题原则是:“突出语境,强化语意,强调运用”。此类题型的设置旨在测试考生基础知识在特定语境中的应用,词法、习语的识记与理解以及语用能力。,1思维定势型,2规则硬套型,3. 母语干扰型,4. 插入隔离型,5.借用倒装型,八种常见陷阱,6. 结构误配型,7.词义误解型,8.词性 误用型,Strategy one-把握语境信息 增强语境意识,提高分析语境的能力:题干中的语境信息不仅包括事件的地点,内容和时间;而且常是单词、短语或句子,1.- Good morning, Grand Hotel. -Hello, Id like to book a r

2、oom for the night of 18th and 19th. - _ (NMET 2001) What can I do for you? Just a minute, please. Whats the matter? At your service,“听您的吩咐”或“为您效劳”,D,将高考题改变语境信息进行训练,1. (原题) Has Sam finished his homework today? I have no idea. He _ it this morning. (NMET 2004 全国II) (改编) Has Sam finished his homework t

3、oday? Yes. He _ it this morning. A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done,c,A,2. (原题) Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. (NMET99) (改编)Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know what country he is studying in.(改编)Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know what country he

4、 will study in. A. to have studied B. to studyCto be studying D.to have been studying,A,C,B,3. (原题) -Which of the three ways shall I take to the village ? - _way as you please. (2004 福建) (改编) -Which of the two ways shall I take to the village ? - _ way as you please. A. Each B. Every C. Any D. Eithe

5、r,D,C,Strategy two-把握命题意图,排除干扰 试题特点:题干以疑问句,被动句, 倒装句, 强调句等形式出现来增加语 境和句子结构的复杂性。,解题技巧:将不熟悉的疑问句,倒装句,被动句,强调句还原为熟悉的陈述句,还原法,一、将疑问句改成陈述句。,如:1.Whom would you rather have _with you ? A.to go B. go C. gone D. going,分析: 测试的知识点是使役动词have的宾语补足语用动词原形表示将要发生的动作。Have sb. do sth.,还原为:you would rather have _ _ with you.

6、,B,例2 Is this the book you have been looking for all the time A that B one C the one D it,还原为:This is the book you have been looking for all the time,A,容易看出该题是一个缺少表语,且含有定语从句的主从复合句。不难看出,定语从句you have been looking for all the time修饰的先行词是主句的表语,还原为: This book is you have been looking for all the time,注意比

7、较下面例子: 例3:Is this book you have been looking for all the time A that B one C the one D it,C,二、改被动句为主动句。,1.Time should be made good use of _our lessons well. A.learningB.learned C.to learnD.learns,We should make good use of time _our lesson well.,C,2.Clarles Babbage is generally considered _ the firs

8、t computer. A to invent B inventing C to have invented D having invented.,People generally considered Clarles Babbage _the first computer.,C,1. It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Din repair,B,还原为:The old man spent the whole morning _

9、 the old clock at home,三、强调句型还原成简单句式,判断一个句子是不是强调句型的最佳办法 -去掉题干中的It is(was).that(who),如果句子仍然成立 - 表达完整的意思,则是强调句型;否则,则不是强调句型。,例2 It was computer games that cost the boy a lot of time he ought to have spent on his lessons A.to have played B.playing C.played D.having played,还原为computer games cost the boy

10、a lot of time he ought to have spent on his lessons,很容易看出本题应用-ing形式短语作主语,但无需用完成体。,注意比较下面例子: 例3 It was 2004 you joined the football club A who B that C when D which,分析: 运用还原法,去掉It was.(that)即可看出句意不完整(2004前需加in),故此句不是强调句型,而是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。,B,C,what little Tom said to his mother sounded! A what reasona

11、ble B How a reasonable C How reasonable D What a reasonable,C,四、 感叹句还原为陈述句,What little Tom said to his mother sounded!很容易发现sound之后应接形容词作表语。,五、 固定短语还原,例 That was we had in London 3 years ago! A wonderful time B a wonderful time C wonderful D wonderfully,可还原为:We had a wonderful time in London 3 years

12、ago。可看出该复合句中有一固定搭配had a wonderful time(玩得愉快),定语从句中省略了关系代词that。,B,(that),六去掉插入语或从句或分词结构,He believes in himself,_ , in my opinion,is of the most importance Athat Bwhich Cwhat DAs 2. Who do you think _us a talk this afternoon?A. to giveB. gaveC. will giveD. giving,( ),B,( ),C,3. The writer,whom I often

13、 refer to at the meetings,_ famous for those works Ais Bare Cam Dwere 4. He often stands against the fence and talks endlessly with my father _ gardening problems Ato Btoo Cabout Doff,A,(,),C,( ),插入隔离型有时一个本来很简单的句子, 在其中置入一个插入成分,或将某 些成分从正常位置调入一个在同学 们看来属“非正常”的位置,则很有 可能给同学们的理解带来困难。,I am looking forward

14、as much to his return as he himself to _ me. A. having seen B. seeing C. see D. be seen,陷阱一,陷阱二,I think_, though I could be mistaken, he liked me. A. who B. which C. that D. what,七 补充省略成分,1.-What made you so happy ? -_. A. Because of my passing the exam. B. I passed the exam. C. Because I passed the

15、 exam. D. My passing the exam. 2. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her. A.have seen B. seeing C. see D. having seen,(made me so happy),D,(改) She is looking so forward as much to his return as he himself(is looking forward) to _ her.,B,Strategy three-克服思维定势法,1. Which do

16、 you enjoy_ your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park? A. spending B. to spend C. having spent D. to have spent,2. He ran as fast as he could _ the bus. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. caught,He ran as fast as he could (run) to catch the bus.,思维定势是指人们在长期的思维过程中所形成的一种固定的思

17、维模式。如果运用得当,会使我们很快得出正确的结论;但若运用不当,它便会误导考生掉入命题人所预设的陷阱,得出错误的结论。,思维定势型,In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _ in my study. A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. to be locked,陷阱一,陷阱二,It was 10 oclock _ the front doorbell rang. A. where B. when C. that D. which,2 规则硬套型 就是指不从语言实际出发,不考 虑特定的语言环境,而是机

18、械地 套用语法规则,生搬硬套语法的 条条框框,从而错误地作出选择。,He made up his mind to devote his life _ pollution _ happily. A. to prevent, to live B. to prevent, from livingC. to preventing, to live D. to preventing, living,陷 阱 一,C,The “Two Cities” referred _ London and Paris. A. is to B. to be C. to areD. to going to be,陷 阱 二

19、,.,3.母语干扰型,学外语最忌母语干扰,但由于母语在大脑中根深蒂固,所以常常会对外语学习者大脑中尚不牢固的外语知识产生负面影响。命题者也往往利用这一点,制造陷阱。,Ill come to see you if_. youre convenient it is convenient for you you feel convenient it is convenient with you,陷阱一,B,If a northerner lives in south, he will probably feel that _. he doesnt agree to the climate there

20、. B. the climate doesnt agree with him. C. he cant agree with the climate there D. the climate doesnt agree to him.,陷阱二,B,5 借用倒装型,英语句子的一般语序为“主语部分谓语部分”,如果把谓语或谓语的一部分放到主语前面,我们称之为倒装。命题者就利用这种“不正常”的句式跟你“绕弯子”。解决类似的题目,关键是要熟悉倒装规则,学会识别倒装句。,陷阱一,_he followed my advice, he would have succeeded. A. When B. If C.

21、Had D. Has,c,陷阱二,Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris, _ lives his uncle. A. which B. who C. where D. that,C,6.结构误配型,有许多试题,从表面上看是甲结构,而实际是乙结构;或者命题人考查的是甲结构,而应试者却将其误认为是乙结构;或者从选项来看是甲结构,而题干考查的实际上是乙结构等等。对于这类问题,若不仔细识别,则很容易出错。,陷阱一,A,They werent a particula rly good team, but they refused to giv

22、e in and _ defeat. A. accept B. accepted C. accepting D. to have accepted,陷阱二,We keep in touch _ writing often. A. with B. of C. on D. by,D,7.词义误解型,有许多所谓的陷阱题,倒不是因为句子结构有多么复杂,用词多么生僻,而是因为其中有个别词(尤其是其中的关键词)的词义很容易误解,或是同学们对这类词理解不准,在运用时其词义在脑海中模棱两可,从而导致做题失误,陷阱一,Mr. Black, who is a _, is now in love with Miss

23、 Smith, who is a _. A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter,B,陷阱二,We should _ the people all heart and soul. A. serve B. serve for C. serve to D. serve in ,A,8.词性误用型,英语和汉语不仅在遣词造句、句型搭配、习惯用法等方面有很大的差别,就是在词性方面也有很大的差别,并且这种差别有时会使同学们稍不小心就酿成错误,陷阱一,_ your students against

24、or for the plan made by the teacher?,A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Did,A _ road goes _ from one place to another.,陷阱二,A. straight, straight B. straightly, straightly C. straight, straightly D. straightly, straight,A,Strategy four-标点符号提示法,1. Tom has many friends; _ can help him. A. few of which B. few of wh

25、om C. few of that D. few of them,注意:英汉在表达习惯,思维方式等方面具有很多不同,出题者常利用汉英差异出题。,1.-Its getting late.Im afraid I must be going now. (2004全国) -OK. _ A.Take it easy. B. Go slowly. C.Stay longer. D.See you.,2. The population of China is _than that of Russia. A. much more B. much larger C. many more D. many larg

26、er,解题决窍: 留心英汉表达差异 ,平时要多读多比较多归纳,尽量避免Chinglish。,3. Remind him _ the window when he leaves. A. of closingB. closing C. to close D. close 4. Whom would you rather _ with you, Jim or Jack? A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go 5. According to the rules, students must not _their books during examinations.A. readB. watch C. noticeD. look at,Practice makes perfect!,一.应注意全面审题,克服顾前不顾后或只顾结构和形式、不考虑语言意义和情景提示的思维习惯, 二.充分依据题中信息找出提示,或者全面考虑找出暗示, 三.特别注意主从句、插入语、时态、标点符号和一些复杂成分的干扰。,Thank you!,Bye-bye,

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