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1、河北省邯郸市肥乡县八年级英语下册Unit10IvehadthisbikeforthreeyearsSectionB(3c-selfcheck)教案(新版)人教新目标版Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years课题Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Section B 3a-Self Check课型新授课教学目标一、知识与技能1. 复习本单元所学单词和短语。必记单词:sweet,honest,shame,century,memory,hold,soft,earch,regard,especially,mem

2、ory,consider.常考短语:how long,notanymore,a bit,check out,no longer,to be honest,according to,millions of,at first 2. 能写一篇关于自己身边事物变化的文章。二、过程与方法通过各种形式复习巩固本单元内容,并能内化为自己的能力,用书面的形式表达出来。三、情感态度与价值观珍惜自己周围事物的变化,感恩社会,回报社会,关爱他人。教法导航总结复习,大量练习。学法导航将所学应用到练习中。重点1. 掌握本单元重点词汇和句型。2. 提高写作能力。难点能写一篇关于自己身边事物变化的文章教学用具图片,多媒体教

3、学环节说 明二次备课复习Dictation 新课导入Free talk 课 程 讲 授Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Dictation Give the students a few minutes to review what they have learned in this unit. Then have a dictation.words:sweet 甜的,含糖的 soft 软的,柔软的 honest 诚实的;老实的 search 搜查;搜索 shame 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 regard 将认为 century 百年

4、,世纪 especially 尤其;特别;格外 memory 记忆;回忆 consider 注视;仔细考虑 hold 拥有;抓住phrases:1. how long 多久,多长时间 2. have a yard sale 举行庭院拍卖会3. give away 捐赠;赠送 4. not any more 不再5. Welcome to 欢迎到 6. a bit 一点儿,稍微7. board game 棋类游戏 8. check out 察看;观察 9. a bread maker 面包机 10. grow up 长大 11. clear out 收拾,整理 12. a lot of 许多 1

5、3. no longer 不再;不复 14. at first 起初 15. for example 例如 16. a rain and railway set 一套轨道火车17. as for至于 18. give up 放弃19. to be honest 说实在的 20. at least 至少21. on weekends 在周末 22. once or twice year 一年一两次23. millions of 数百万的 24. search for 寻找25. according to 依据;按照 26. across from 在的对面27. in ones opinion

6、依看Then let the students check each other.Step 3 Group work 3a, Think about your favorite things from childhood which you still have. For example, it can be a toy or a book. Then take notes using the questions.1. How long have you had it?2. How did you get it? Did someone give it to you? Who?3. Why d

7、o you like it so much? Why is it special?4. Can you say anything more about it?Let the students finish this task by themselves.Then correct the mistakes.Step 4 WritingWrite three paragraphs about your favorite thing. Use your notes in 3a to help you.In the first paragraph,introduce your favorite thi

8、ng.In the second paragraph,talk about why it is special.In the third paragraph,write about a story or memories. One possible versionMy favorite thing My favorite thing from childhood is a toy car. I have had it for 6 years. My father gave it to me when I was five years old. I like it so much because

9、 I played with it every day until I went to school. Its special to me because it was my fifth birthday gift that my father bought.The toy car has given me many memories. I remember when I was seven I still played with it. I would never go to bed without it. One day I couldnt find it after I returned

10、 home from school. I asked my parents to help me find it. We looked for it everywhere until my mother found it under my bed. 在屏幕上显示写作指导。useful sentences:My favorite thing from childhood is _. Ive had it for/since _. _ gave it to me.I like _so much because _.Its special to me because_. I think _._ ha

11、s given me many memories. I remember when _.学生独立完成书写,相互更正错误,然后教师呈现一个范文。Step 5 Self CheckSelf Check 1 and Self Check2 Ask the students to finish the tasks and check the answers小结 本课通过一系列的听说活动,进一步提高了听说能力并掌握了一些重点单词,初步了解了for+时间段,since和现在完成时连用的基本句型。 作业布置Homework Review what they have learned in this unit板书设计 Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. 1.words: 2. phrases: 3.Sentences:课后反思本课主要是复习回顾本单元的知识,由前面的听说读写各个环节,最后落实到了写短文。而短文的内容涵盖了本单元的重点词汇和句型,学生们的知识得到了升华,能力得到了锻炼。9

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