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1、THE ARTIST Written by Michel Hazanavicius Silent film, illustrated musically, with some title cards to indicate the dialogues, with actors whose lips move when they speak although we never hear their voices. The images are in black and white, in format 1.33.1 TITLES 1 The letters of the titles come

2、up on a title card typical of the 1920s. Elegant motifs around the edge of the frame, and, in the background, there are geometrical shapes reminiscent of the light beams of a film premire. Behind is a stylized town. The titles end in a fade to black. On black, the date appears on the screen: 19272 I

3、NT. LABORATORY - DAY 2 In a futuristic 1920s laboratory, a man in tail coat and bow tie is being tortured. Ultrasound is being piped into his ears. Its incredibly painful! Hes screaming. Title card: Im not telling! I wont talk! His torturers, cold men of science in white coats, gradually increase th

4、e volume. The pain seems unbearable, the volume reaches level 10 (maximum), the man passes out!3 INT. CELLS & CORRIDORS - DAY 3 Guards wearing long leather overcoats throw the man into a cell! As the man is lying there on the ground, a dog wiggles through the bars at the window. The dog, a Jack Russ

5、ell, jumps on top of the man - visibly his master - and begins to lick his face. The man opens one eye! When he sees his dog, he cant help cracking a smile. The man, now on his feet, looks in pain. Despite the pain, he motions to his dog who begins to bark in lively fashion. Outside the cell, the gu

6、ard looks curious about the noise. He goes to the door, opens the spy flap and finds himself face to face with the man, eye to eye just a couple of inches apart! The man moves his eyes in such a way that he hypnotizes the guard! Superimposed on the screen: a spinning black and white spiral, until th

7、e dazed guard take his keys, opens the door and releases the man and his dog. 2. The man (the hero, thus) imprisons the guard without harming him, then runs over to the guards desk. His ears are still causing him pain, but he opens a drawer and takes out his belongings: a top hat which he snaps open

8、, and a mask, which he puts over his head to conceal his eyes. We catch up with the masked man walking down corridors. He suddenly stops, copied by his dog who follows him like his shadow. The man, on his guard, has spotted another guard where two corridors meet. With a look, he orders his dog to mo

9、ve forwards into the guards line of sight. The guard looks over at the animal. Using his fingers, the hero pretends to shoot his dog. The dog collapses, plays dead. The guard, increasingly curious, gets to his feet. He slowly approaches the motionless dog. When he comes close he is attacked from the

10、 side by the hero, who quickly puts him out of action with a mere punch! The masked man then rushes to another cell, and releases a young female prisoner. She too is wearing evening dress. As she is thanking him he staggers and clutches his ears in pain. Shes concerned. Title card: Can I help you in

11、 some way? He refuses. Title card: No. I dont get helped. I give the help around here. He composes himself. She casts him an admiring glance. Then, in view of the urgency of their situation, they escape at a run.4 EXT. HOUSE/LABORATORY - DAY 4 They come out of a house that is lost in the hills, clim

12、b into a Bugatti sports car that the man starts by rubbing two wires together, and speed off.5 EXT. ROAD - DAY 5 The car speeds along the road. Its occupants turn round to check they arent being followed. 3.6 INT. HOUSE/LAB - DAY 6 The guard who got knocked out picks himself up, realizes whats happe

13、ned and dashes over to his office. He grabs a radio emitter and begins sending a message.7 EXT. AIR FIELD - DAY 7 The hero, the young woman and the dog come to a halt in the Bugatti on the air field, by a telegraph pole whose wires lead.to a watch tower. In the watch tower, a radio receptor is vibra

14、ting. A soldier approaches, listens and suddenly understands! He grabs hold of his gun and goes out onto the air field, only to find the fugitives! He tries to shoot at them as he draws closer, but the hero manages to throw an airplane propeller at him, before climbing inside where the woman and dog

15、 are waiting for him. The airplane begins to move. The soldier shoots. The airplane is positioning itself on the runway, while the soldier continues to fire! The aircraft gains speed. The soldier is still shooting, but too late, as the heroo pulls back the joystick, and the airplane takes to the sky

16、. The soldier is furious, but the hero is all smiles as he looks back towards the ground and shouts something. Title card: Free Georgia forever! The airplane flies away into the evening sky.8 EXT. AIRPLANE - NIGHT 8 A little later in the night, still at the controls, the man is fighting not to fall

17、asleep. Behind him, the women is sleeping, the dog is lying in her arms. Suddenly she is awoken by explosions happening close by! Pandemonium! The man doesnt understand it either, he tries to pick up altitude, but quickly notices that the explosions are in fact pretty and inoffensive. He consults a

18、calendar dial on the control panel that shows it is July 14th, immediately understands, and bursts into laughter. Title card: Weve arrived, welcome to France! 4. As the music picks up the tune of The Marseillaise, the airplane flies away through the exploding fireworks. The words The End appear on t

19、he screen.9 INT. WINGS MOVIE THEATER LOS ANGELES - NIGHT 9 From the moment they parked the car onwards, we become absorbed by whats happening around the screening of end of this film. Behind the screen, weve seen the actor who plays the hero - his name is George Valentin - closely studying the react

20、ions of the audience. He was standing close to his dog, motioning to it not to make a noise. The dogs name is Jack. In the same area, weve also seen the lead actress. Her name is Constance Gray. She too looks tense and is latched onto the arm of a pleasant-looking man who is chewing anxiously on a c

21、igar. The man looks rich, but a little weak. Hes surely the producer.10 INT. MOVIE THEATER LOS ANGELES - NIGHT 10 In the house, much of the audience is open-mouthed, excited, immobile and often wide-eyed. In the pit, a symphony orchestra plays to accompany the film. (9) Now that the film is ending,

22、and the last note is sounding, the cast anxiously awaits the audiences verdict, which, after two or three seconds of silence, bursts into thunderous applause, to the great joy of the actor and the people around him, especially the actress and the producer, who kiss each other on the lips. Two theate

23、r hands bring down the curtain. (10) The lights come on. George Valentin comes onto the stage and acknowledges the audience, they are cheering for him. He is so happy he dances a few tap steps to express his joy then he acknowledges the orchestra before finally motioning to someone in the wings to j

24、oin him. Jack the dog trots over in response. The crowd laughs and cheers, George waves to the dog, Jack waves back then waves at the audience, the people are loving it! In the wings, Constance is fuming with rage, but on stage, George is pretending with his fingers to pull at the dog, who fakes dea

25、th. Thunderous applause again. 5. Behind the actress, the producer cant hold back a smile, and this enrages the actress still more. Suddenly, George, hamming it up, remembers something hed forgotten, and asks someone from the other side of the wings to join him. Its Constance. She comes over, smilin

26、g to the audience, and says something to George with a smile. Title card: Ill get you for that. She waves, but we can tell that her smile is set between her teeth. She isnt feeling comfortable. George motions firing a gun with his fingers, but she does not fall down, merely casts him a very funny gl

27、ance. George looks at his fingers, not understanding why they dont work anymore then mimes throwing them away behind him, as though theyve become useless. Constance stalks back off into the wings in annoyance, but the audience is ecstatic. Once in the wings, the actress sticks up her middle finger a

28、t George, and exaggeratedly mouths so he can read her lips: Put this up your ass. George, grinning broadly, responds by clapping his hands in applause, then leaves the stage, executing a few more dance steps as he does so. The audience is delighted. As he comes off stage, George gets soundly told of

29、f by Constance, but, still grinning, he motions towards the audience who are still asking for more. The producer, although delighted by the successful reception, makes a weak attempt to calm the actress down. As for George, he returns to the stage, the audience roars. He pretends to want to leave th

30、e stage, and mimes bumping into an invisible wall just as hes leaving the stage. George holds his nose, the audience goes wild, Constance gets even madder, and while George carries on clowning about, the producer too breaks into a beaming smile. Hes probably realized that George has the audience on

31、his side. Constance, furious, storms off. She is followed by the producer who is trying to placate her, although it looks like hes got his work cut out for him.11 EXT. MOVIE THEATER LOS ANGELES - NIGHT 11 Outside, we are in front of a typically American movie theater decked out with all the accessor

32、ies of a grand premire. The entrance is lit up, there are crowds gathered on the sidewalk, cops are guarding the red carpet with a cordon of bodies, etc. George comes out, causing the crowds, mainly young women, to press forwards - and the photographers flashes to spark into life. The cops are strug

33、gling to maintain control of the situation as George poses for the photographers and waves at his many fans. 6. In the crowd, a young woman right at the front is staring at him in rapture. She drops her bag and, as she bends to pick it up, a swell in the crowd pushes her underneath the arms of the p

34、oliceman in front of her, out of the crowd and into George. She stares at him, more in love than ever, delighted to be there. The police wait for someone to give orders. George doesnt quite know what to do. Nobody moves. The young woman finally bursts out laughing, which, after a moment of shock, ca

35、uses George to laugh too, thus placating the cops and tacitly signaling to the photographers that they can take pictures of the scene. The flashes seem to lend the woman self-confidence who, in a very carefree manner, begins to clown about in front of them. George is delighted at the sight, by the w

36、hole scene and, realizing this, the young woman steals a kiss. Flash. The image becomes static, then dissolves into the printed picture on the front page of The Hollywood Reporter newspaper, along with three other pictures of the scene and the headline WHOS THAT GIRL?12 INT. GEORGE & DORIS HOUSE - D

37、AY 12 The very same newspaper is being read by an elegant woman sitting at a sumptuous breakfast table. We are in the large dining room of an ultra-luxurious Hollywood villa. All around her are magnificent furniture, superb paintings and objets dart, including a beautiful trio of monkeys, one hiding

38、 its eyes, one with hands clasped to its ears and the third obscuring its mouth. George comes into the room and kisses his wife. She responds with cold indifference. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. The woman hands George the newspaper. He knows whats up but tries to laugh it off. She does

39、nt find it funny, is as cold as stone and barely looks at him. She is obviously extremely annoyed with him. George picks up his dog and puts it on the table. Jack drops his head to one side and his big eyes implore seem to implore her forgiveness. Its the exact expression of someone asking to be lov

40、ed, but Doris is implacable. She gets up, walks away and does not turn back. Left on his own, George has a closed expression on his face. He seems unhappy to have hurt his wifes feelings. Then he realizes that Jack is on the table in a ridiculous pose, and signals to him to get down. The dog obeys.

41、George looks at the paper, the cause of his problems.13 EXT. HOLLYWOOD STREET BUS - DAY 13 Thirteen white letters placed on a hillside. HOLLYWOODLAND. Below, in town, a bus. 7.14 INT. BUS (DRIVING)/HOLLYWOOD - DAY 14 Inside the full bus is the young woman from the day before. Her name is Peppy Mille

42、r. She is proudly holding The Hollywood Reporter with her face on the front page, and is more or less discreetly making suggestive glances, hoping that someone recognizes her. But the people around her - from working and middle class backgrounds - are visibly on their way to work and remain impervio

43、us to her game. She - carefully - puts the paper away in her bag, in which four or five copies of the newspaper are already carefully tucked away, then gets off the bus at the next stop.15 EXT. KINOGRAPH STUDIOS - DAY 15 She goes through the main gates of Kinograph Studios, and heads towards where t

44、hey hire extras. In a courtyard, fifty-odd people are waiting, some sitting on wooden crates, others standing. There are mums with kids, guys with animals, men dressed as cowboys, etc. Peppy is among them, sitting next to a man of about sixty who is dressed in a highly stylized fashion. His job is o

45、bviously that of a butler. Peppy proudly shows him the picture in the newspaper. The man leans to take a closer look, unfolds the newspaper, sees the headline, smiles and then folds it back up again and returns it to Peppy text-side-up, highlighting the headline: Whos that girl ? Peppy is a bit anno

46、yed to have been put in her place, but deep down she knows hes right. Nobody knows who she is. She puts the newspaper away. A man who visibly works for the studio, some assistant or other, comes into the courtyard, climbs on a crate and makes an announcement. Title card: Contemporary film! Five girl

47、s who can dance! All the men who had pressed forwards turn on their heels, leaving the assistant surrounded only by women. The man says something to one girl, who begins to dance. He motions to her that its ok and she heads off towards the wardrobe section. He does the same with a second girl and sh

48、e gets hired too. Then its Peppys turn. She puts a lot of energy into a few top class tap steps, impressing the guy to such an extent that he smiles admiringly then signals that shes hired. Full of self-assurance that her lucky day has come, Peppy heads off towards wardrobe too; swinging, her hips a

49、s she pauses in front of the butler. 8. Title card: The name is Miller. Peppy Miller! She finishes with an exaggerated wink, before walking on, leaving behind the impassive butler.16A INT. GEORGE & DORIS HOUSE - DAY 16A In the lobby, George is preparing to leave the house. He waves at the huge, full

50、-length portrait of himself waving and smiling whilst wearing a tuxedo. He looks great in the painting, and George is delighted to see and to wave to himself.16 EXT. KINOGRAPH STUDIOS - DAY 16 Later, George, in a luxurious car driven by his chauffeur, arrives at the Kinograph studios with his dog. T

51、he guard at the entrance smiles broadly at them and waves.17 INT. KINOGRAPH STUDIOS - DRESSING ROOM CORRIDORS - DAY 17 As he walks towards his dressing room, everyone smiles at him. Hes not always fooled by these signs of respect, and apes a few smiles himself.18 INT. KINOGRAPH STUDIOS - GEORGES DRE

52、SSING ROOM - DAY 18 In his dressing room, wearing a tailcoat and top hat, George is finishing putting his make up on. He has a white face and dark lips and eyes. His chauffeur is signing autographs for him on full length photographs of himself (George) with his dog. George says to him: Title card: G

53、o and buy a piece of jewelry for my wife. A nice piece, to make it up to her. The chauffeur nods. Having finished his mask up, George, picks up a photo, looks at it closely and then writes on it. As he leaves the dressing room, we see the photograph. Hes written Woof Woof on it, and signed it with t

54、he paw print of a dog.19 INT. KINOGRAPH STUDIOS - RESTAURANT DECOR SET - DAY 19 Were on a film set, the crew is setting up a shot. The director is unhappy with a screen positioned behind a bay window and he sends it off. 9.Title card: Remove that screen and bring me another one! Onthe double!Two han

55、ds pick up the screen and carry it away. Georgearrives on set, everyone smiles at him. He sits down on thechair which bears his name. The producer whom we saw theprevious day at the premire arrives. His name is Zimmer, andhes flanked by - and followed around at every moment by -two secretaries and two assistants. One of them hands him TheHollywood Reporter, and Zimmer, before hes even come to ahalt, talks to George as he shows him the front page. He isvisibly upset. George looks a lot more relaxed, he says helloand v

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