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1、河南省洛阳市第一中学2021届高三英语上学期第五次周练试题第一部分 阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)ATrip to Italy for Spring 2019/Fall 2019 Transfer Students!Dont miss your chance to explore one of the worlds most distinctive countries where history, culture and cuisine combine for an unforgettable experience! View famous art, visit historic

2、 sites, discover unique neighborhoods and outdoor markets, and relax in an outdoor cafe.The trip will consist of 3-4 days in Rome followed by bus transportation to Florence for 3-4 days. Additionally, a one-day trip to Sienna, Pisa or San Gimignano will be included. Topics to be covered during the t

3、rip include: Culture and Language, Art, Literature and History.What does the trip experience include?Roundtrip airfare and ground transportationProgrammed activitiesTotal value of the program is more than$2, 800, but is offered to full-time Spring 2019/Fall 2019 transfers for only$550.Who is eligibl

4、e(符合条件)for the trip?All new transfer students who enter Arcadia in Spring 2019/Fall 2019 can participate in the program.Who will accompany transfer students?Each group of 20 transfer students will travel abroad with one faculty(教员)and one staff member.Is this program restricted to students in specif

5、ic majors?The program is open to transfer students in all majors.Contact Collene Hare at 215-572-2840 or transferarcadia.edu for more information.1. Which of the following is what the students will do in Italy?A. Go to Florence by air. B. Stay in Rome most of the time.C. Visit Sienna, Pisa and San G

6、imignano. D. Go to Florence after their tour of Rome.2. How will the students go to Italy?A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By bus. D. By train.3. Whom is the program for?A. All transfer students in Arcadia. B. New transfer students in Arcadia.C. Students of all majors in Arcadia. D. Students and teachers

7、 in Arcadia.BTo learn new things, we must sometimes fail. But whats the right amount of failure? New research led by the University of Arizona proposes a mathematical answer to that question.Educators have long recognized that there is something of a sweet spot when it comes to learning. That is, we

8、 learn best when we are challenged to grasp something just outside of our existing knowledge. When a challenge is too simple, we dont learn anything new; likewise, we dont expand our knowledge when a challenge is so difficult that we fail entirely or give up.So where does the sweet spot lie? Accordi

9、ng to the new study, its when failure occurs 15% of the time. Put another way, its when the right answer is given 85%of the time.Researchers at the University of Arizona came up with the so-called 85% Rule after conducting a series of machine-learning experiments in which they taught computers simpl

10、e tasks, such as classifying different patterns into one of two categories.The computers learned fastest in situations in which the difficulty was such that they responded with 85% accuracy.If you have an error rate of 15% or accuracy of 85%, you are always maximizing your rate of learning in these

11、two-choice tasks, said Professor Robert Wilson.When we think about how humans learn, the 85%Rule would mostly likely apply to perceptual(感知的)learning, in which we gradually learn through experience and examples, Wilson said. Imagine, for instance, a radiologist(放射科医生)learning to tell the difference

12、between images of tumors(肿瘤)and non-tumors.You need examples to get better at figuring out theres a tumor in an image, Wilson said. If I give really easy examples, you get 100% right all the time and theres nothing left to learn. Youre not going to be taking as much from that as a situation where yo

13、u are struggling a little hit. If I give really hard examples, youll he 50% correct and still not learning anything new, while if I give you something in between, you can he at this sweet spot where you are getting the most information from each particular example.4. Which of the following is linked

14、 with the sweet spot?A. 15 per cent accuracy. B. 50 per cent accuracy.C. 85 per cent accuracy. D. 100 per cent right.5. Why did the researchers teach computers simple tasks?A. To find out where the sweet spot lies.B. To see how well computers carry out tasks.C. To compare the results of their experi

15、ments.D. To conduct some research on machine learning.6. What is the purpose of the examples mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To teach what to do in the treatment of tumors.B. To teach how to determine there is a tumor.C. To help to remember what is learned.D. To help to learn how a tumor develops

16、.7. According to the text, what is the most effective way of learning?A. Not taking failure too seriously. B. Learning through experience and examples.C. Struggling a little bit, but not too much. D. Learning things that are completely new.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的

17、A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Strength and growth come whenever unpredictable and even when one is in despair. For me personally, I can write for days about many different situations where adversity(逆境) 8 my life. Now let me tell you one experience where I almost let difficulty 9 .We had a glass studi

18、o, which was located 50 feet from our home. A couple of years ago we experienced an/a 10 winter: we had a lot of snow and ice and owing to the 11 of the ice and snow, the roof on our studio 12 , taking with it one of our sources of income. 13 it did fall down, we got on the roof and tried to 14 the

19、snow and ice, but when you have 5 feet of ice and temperatures of minus 20 Celsius, it was pretty 15 to do.We had a partner come in to help us try to 16 the roof by supporting it. In the end, there was 17 that could be done. The roof came down. We had moved a lot of our goods and tools from the stud

20、io 18 we still lost a lot: glass, kilns, workbenches, to name only a few of the items. It was a/an 19 experience.Here we were in the middle of winter with our studio destroyed. The situation was really 20 our preparations.We could have done one of two things: we could simply 21 our glass business. L

21、et me tell you this was certainly the thought that 22 our minds first. Or we could find a way to get our studio back up and running.We picked the 23 option. We had a large barn that we were not using. So we redecorated and refurnished the barn, 24 our working area and today we have a nicer studio th

22、an we 25 had. If the adversity we were 26 had not happened, we probably would 27 be working in the old studio a studio that was less efficient.8. A.influencedB.promotedC.destroyedD.prevented9. A.sufferB.escapeC.workD.win10. A.awfulB.coldC.whiteD.awkward11. A.sizeB.heightC.weightD.temperature12. A.co

23、llapsedB.limitedC.pressedD.struck13. A.BeforeB.UnlessC.AlthoughD.When14. A.replaceB.reduceC.recycleD.remove15. A.worthwhileB.toughC.rewardingD.annoying16. A.examineB.testC.restoreD.secure17. A.nothingB.enoughC.allD.something18. A.forB.soC.orD.but19. A.valuableB.disastrousC.unforgettableD.treasured20

24、. A.beyondB.withinC.acrossD.through21. A.predictB.conductC.instructD.quit22. A.twistedB.approachedC.crossedD.cleared23. A.harderB.latterC.easierD.further24. A.beautifyingB.purifyingC.modernizingD.cheapening25. A.desperatelyB.previouslyC.eventuallyD.hopefully26. A.cautious aboutB.concerned aboutC.fac

25、ed withD.aware of27. A.everB.stillC.evenD.already第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。While it is no secret that operating a cell phone behind the wheel can he 28 (danger), it is often thought that there is 29 (little) risk if drivers use a hands-free cell phone. New research

26、shows that driving using a hands-free cell phone 30 (be) just as risky as using a handheld cell phone. In fact,it is comparable to drunk driving!Researchers from the University of Utah have found that drivers who use both handheld and hands-free cell phones are as distracted(分心)as drunk drivers. Acc

27、ording to 31 research, drivers who use cell phones are more likely to delay 32 (brake) and get into accidents.In the study, 40 participants used the driving simulator(模拟器), PatrolSim, 33 (test) four different driving conditions: not distracted, using a handheld cell phone, using a hands-free cell ph

28、one, and drunk. The driving simulator followed another car that braked occasionally to test the participants reaction levels. During the drunk driving trial, the participants 34 (instruct) to drink vodka and orange juice until 35 (they)blood alcohol level reached 0.08-the minimum level that defines(

29、定义)drunk driving in most of the U. S.The study also supports earlier research, 36 showed that hands-free cell phones were not less distracting than handheld cell phones. The distraction and danger appear to come not from the technology used 37 from the conversation itself.第三部分 写作(满分25分)你所在的学校英语俱乐部在组

30、织成员交流各自的职业规划,请以“My Dream Job”为题,写一篇英语短文,内容包括:1.你的职业规划以及选择这个职业的理由;2.你现在做什么准备来实现你的梦想?注意:写作词数为100左右。My Dream Job 2020.10.11英语周练答案阅读A1. D 根据“The trip will consist of 3-4 days in Rome followed by bus transportation to Florence for 3-4 days.”可确定答案。根据“a one-day trip to Sienna, Pisa or San Gimignano will be

31、 included”可排除选项C(注意or)。2. A 根据“Roundtrip airfare”可确定答案。3. B 根据“All new transfer students who enter Arcadia in Spring 2019/Fall 2019 can participate in the program.”可确定答案。D4. C 根据第3段内容可确定答案。 5. A 根据第4段(实验的操作)、第5、6段(实验的结论)可确定答案。6. B 根据最后一段内容可知,这里的“examples”是指学习识别肿瘤影像时所给的“案例”。7. C 本文介绍“85% Rule”(八五定律)以

32、及相关的“sweet spot”(原指高尔夫球、棒球、网球等球类运动的最佳击球区,也可用于其它领域,表示最有效点、最有效位置)。学习的“sweet spot”(最有效点、甜蜜区)是百分之八十五的正确率,百分之十五的失败率,也就是说这时的学习效果最佳。学习太容易或太难都会导致学不到多少知识。完形填空答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.C; 5.A; 6.A; 7.D; 8.B; 9.D; 10.A; 11.D; 12.B; 13.A; 14.D; 15.C; 16.D; 17.A; 18.B; 19.C; 20.B语法填空28. dangerous 29. less 30. is 31. t

33、he 32. braking 33. to test 34. were instructed 35. their 36. which 37. but书面表达One Possible VersionMy Dream JobMy dream job is to be a doctor who fights cancer. Currently, cancer is still a deadly disease which has caused so many deaths. Im determined to put an end to it and let people enjoy good health as well as a happy life. To realize my dream, Im reading widely to gain as much medical knowledge as possible. Im also studying hard to enter my ideal medical college. Above all, a successful doctor must be a person of strong character. This is what Im trying hard to be. 11

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