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1、教、 学方法策略活动 方法,策略 strategy 方法,手段,途径 way 措施 measure 习惯 habit 引导 guide(lead) 教导 teach 点拔,指导 instruct 评定,评价 appraise 培养,教育 educate 兴趣,爱好 interest 记忆,背诵 memorize 记笔记 take notes 练习,实践 practice 锻炼,练习 exercise 实验,试验 experiment 体验,经历 experience 发音,读法 pronunciation 发音 pronounce 拼写 spell 疑问,问题 question 问卷调查 qu

2、estionnaire 教,教书 teach 学习,研究 study 学习,获知 learn 自学 teach oneself (learn by oneself) 预习 preview 温习,复习 review 合作 teamwork 翻译 translate 查阅(字典,资料等) look up 了解,理解 understand 查明,查出 find out 研究,调查 research 调查,考察 survey 查阅 consult 探究,寻找 seek 打方格 draw squares 列举,列表 list 主修,专研 major in 统筹 over-all planning 抽象

3、abstract 归纳 conclude 总结 summarize概括 gather up 分析 analyze 判断 judge 推理 ratiocinate 论证 demonstrate 询问 ask 回答 answer 回答,答复 reply 答复,反馈 response 解答,解决 solve 讨论 discuss 思考,想 think 听 listen 说 speak 读,阅读 read 读书 do some reading 写,写作 write 算,计算 calculate 译 translate 读图 reading drawings 操作 operation 操作程序 oper

4、ation sequence 操作程序图 flow chart 操作方法 method of operation 操作规程 operating rules 短时记忆 short-term memory 短训班 short-term training course 挫折 defeat 磨炼 steel 搜集资料 collect material 采集标本 collect specimens 查档案 consult the files 抄袭 plagiarize 重复 repeat 抽样调查 sampling survey 抽样 sample 技能,技巧 skill 步骤,措施 step 任务,工

5、作,作业 task 要点 point 课题,作业,项目 project 笔译 written translation 笔算 written calculation 打算盘 calculate 毕业实习 graduation field work 毕业设计 graduation project 出操 go out to do exercises 备课 prepare lessons 指点 hint 下定义 define 订阅 subscribe to (a newspaper) 丢掉坏习惯 drop a bad habit 反证 disproof 反证法 reduction to absurdi

6、ty 泛读 extensive reading 示范 demonstrate 分类 classify 分散注意力 take sbs mind off sth. 分组 divide into groups 分组学习 study in groups 丰富知识 enrich ones knowledge 复述 retell 复习 revise (review) 概念 conception 基本概念 basic concept 概要(常见书名)essentials 观测,(观察) observe 含义 meaning (implication) 排成两行 fall into two lines 划分课

7、文要点 mark the main points in the text 看幻灯 watch a slide show 积累 store up 死记硬背 learn by rote 记得快,忘得快 soon learnt, soon forgotten 记日记 keep a diary记不清 cannot recall exactly 记述 give an account of 建立信心 build up ones confidence 讲座 a course of lecture 退学 leave school脱产学习 be released from work for study 吸取教训

8、 draw a lesson小班 the bottom class in a kindergarten 进修 engage in advanced studies 教师业务进修 teachers vocational studies 在职进修 in-service training 精读 intensive reading看图识字 learn to read with the aid of pictures 课外阅读 outside reading 口头练习 oral practice 浏览 skim over (glance over) 理论联系实际 integration of theor

9、y with practice 理论化 theorize 记忆力 strength of memory 联想 associate (connect in the mind) 连贯 piece together 练习 practice 练字 practice calligraphy 练习写作 practice writing 做练习 do exercise 列举 list 临摹 copy (imitate) 流派 school (sect) 学术流派 schools of thought 列举,罗列 enumerate 反应慢 be slow to react 描 copy (trace) 描图

10、样 copy designs 描绘,描述 describe 默写 write from memory 默读 read silently 难点 difficult point 用脑过度 overtax ones brain 培训 train挖掘潜力 exploit potentialities (tap potentials) 求知欲 thirst for knowledge 死记硬背 mechanical memorizing 做算术 do sums 探究 probe into 逃学 cut class (play truant) 讨教 ask for advice 填表 fill in th

11、e form 推理 inference (reasoning) 推敲 weigh (deliberate) 退步,落后 fall behind 吸引注意力 attract attention 抄袭 plagiarize 下功夫 put in time and energy 小组讨论 group discussion 写日记 keep a diary 写诗 compose a poem 记在心里 keep in mind选修take. as an elective course选修课 elective course (selective course) 鹦鹉学舌 parrot 集中学习 mass

12、ed learning 学习成绩 school record 学习动机 learning motivation 学习方法 learning method 学习效率 learning efficiency 学习障碍 learning disorder 查询 make enquiries 抓住要点 grasp the main points 掌握要领 grasp the essentials 结业 complete a course of study 锻炼意志 temper ones willpower 用功读书 study diligently 逐字逐名地翻译 word-for-word translation 主修科目 major subjects 专题研究 monographic study 专题讨论 seminar 专题 special subject 专心 concentrate ones attention 专修 specialize in 专业 specialty (discipline) 钻研 study intensively

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