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1、常见英语单词的生僻意义(供英语学习者查漏补缺)转载自微信公众号“runningfool_”Abide 忍耐 I cant abide that man.居住 Abide with me.Ablaze着火=on fireThe world center was ablaze soon. Abrupt唐突地One should feel ashamed of ones abrupt manner.Accent 重音、重音符Accessory帮凶Acid尖刻的You should not say with that acid tone.Adequate 可以胜任的I hope you will pr

2、ove adequate for the job.Advanced晚期的An advanced stage of illness.Affect 假装He used to affect a foreign accent.Agreeable容易相处的He is an agreeable young man.Air 气派,风度,样子His uniform gives him an air of importance.Alibi借口Dont take it as an alibi for your being late.Alien不同的Her accent is alien from the Beij

3、ing dialect.Allow允许进入They wont allow dogs in the house.Ancestor 原型The ancestor of modern bicycle.Apology勉强的替代It is a sad apology for a hat.Apparent表面上的(很可能是假的)He did well in his exams, despite his apparent lack of interest in his work.Appropriate拨款Congress appropriated 5 million for international wo

4、mens year.Argue证明The statements argues a change of attitude by the management.Arrival 到达者He was the last arrival.Artificial假装的An artificial smile.Aspect朝向A south-facing aspect.Automatic必然发生的Littering results in an automatic fine.BBaby有孩子气的人Dont be such a baby.Back(书或报纸之)末尾There is a lot of useful in

5、fo at the back of the dictionary.下赌注于Jane backed the winner and won 5 dollars.BackwardsKnow sth backwards 透彻了解Ive always been over it so many times that I know it backwards.Bag无意中顺手拿走Hes bagged my pencil.Bald无遮掩的;直率的Its a bald lie. A bald statement.Balloon像气球一样变大或变圆His cheeks ballooned as he got fat

6、ter and fatter.Banish试着忘却They tried to banish the memory from their minds.Bankrupt 使破产His generosity bankrupted him.Bar把.关在里面或外面She barred him out of her room.Barren不育的 The woman was barren.无效果的 It is useless to continue such a barren argument.Basis主要成分The basis of this drink is orange juice.Bay(建筑物

7、之间)隔间In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.Beauty美人;美丽的东西She was a beauty in her day.That flower is really a beauty.BedFlower beds 花圃Behave(机器)运作It can behave either as an acid or as a salt.Bench工作台A carpenters benchBeside和.相比This years sales figures dont look very good beside

8、 last years results.Bias偏爱Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.Blank无表情的Zoe looked at me with a blank expression.Blunder跌跌撞撞Mr ford blundered through a dark forest.Board伙食How much is bed and board?Body浓郁A small amount of tomato paste will give extra color and body to the sauce.Boil疖子

9、 The boys body is covered in boils.Bone去骨Will you bone this joint of meat for me?Bore讨厌的事或人Waiting is a bore.Brave(勇敢的)面对More than 100 people braved the elements and attended the rally.Breach不合,隔阂She wanted to help heal the breach between them.Breeze非常容易的事(非正式)Dont think that learning Dutch will be

10、a breeze.Brick积木(英式)Bypass绕过某人Francis bypassed his manager and wrote straight to the director.CCage把.关在笼子里The little bird was caged.Callow少不经事的A callow youthCashier革职The corrupted official was cashiered.Cast铸造Statue of a horse cast in bronze.Catch钩住A nail caught my skirt.圈套This deal looks too good t

11、o be true-there must be a catch somewhere.Ceremony礼节The queen was crowned with due ceremony.Charter特许状The towns charter was granted in 1838.Cheap小气的Shes too cheap to take a cab.Check制止The police are failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in Crime.Chicken胆小鬼Dont be such a chicken!Choic

12、e(食物)上等的,精选的We select only the choicest apples for our pies.Circle(人)圈子A circle of friends.Circulation(报刊杂志)发行量The newspaper has a daily circulation of 55,000.Clash(颜色)冲突撞色I cant wear red-it clashes with my hair.(时间)冲突撞期The announcement has been delayed to avoid clashing with the P.M.s speech.ClearC

13、lear conscience 问心无愧的I dont think I could vote for him with a clear conscience.Cloak幌子Prejudice hiding under the cloak of religion.掩盖The talks have been cloaked in secrecy.Cloud(比喻)阴影,乌云The cloud of economic recession.Coach家教Coat(动物)皮毛A dog with a glossy coat.涂层He applied a light coat of varnish.Col

14、lect接走Martins gone to collect the children from school.Comb彻底搜查The police combed the city for the escaped prisoner.Comfortable不愁钱的Jeans looking forward to a comfortable retirement.Compel赢得His performance compelled the audiences attention.Complex心理Inferiority complex.Complimentary赠送的Ive got some comp

15、limentary tickets for the theater tonight.Compress扼要叙述In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issue discussed so far.CompromiseComprise ones principles 放弃原则As soon as you compromise your principles you are lost.Contradict反驳Deborah opened her mouth to contradict, but closed it again.Co

16、smetic表面的Were making a few cosmetic changes to the house before we sell it.CottonCotton to sth 喜欢I didnt cotton to her at first, but shes really nice.Cover掩饰All that toughness is just a cover for his inability to show affection.Crack猛敲She cracked him over the head with a hammer.Crane伸长脖子He craned hi

17、s neck above the crowd to get a better view.CreamThe cream of .的精英The students at this college are the cream of the corp.Credentials国书The commissioner presented his credentials to the State Department.Crooked不诚实的He is as crooked as a fox.Custom个人习惯He awoke early, as was his custom.DDamDam up 堵住Once

18、she allowed her anger to show, it could not be dammed up again.DareDare sb to do sth 激某人做某事They dared Ed to steal a bottle of his fathers whiskey.Date注日期He forgot to date the letter定年代The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.Dead没电了The batteries are dead.用过了的A small piece

19、 of dead matches.Dead glass/bottle.Decorate授勋、章They decorated him a medal for his devotion to our country.Deflate使人泄气She was deflated when Fen made no comment on her achievement.Delight愉悦的事Dancing is her delight.Denounce告发(非法政治活动)She denounced him to the police.Depress压制High interest rates may depre

20、ss share prices.Several factors combined to depress the American economy.Destined命中注定的We were destined never to meet again.Devalue贬低History has tended to devalue the contributions of women.Differentiate区别对待A policy which differentiate between men and women.Diffuse漫无边际,冗长的His writing is diffuse and d

21、ifficult to understand.Digest概要A digest of the weeks news.Dim希望渺茫的Prospects for an early settlement of the dispute are dim.Diplomatic圆滑的They were always very diplomatic with awkward clients.Disappointment令人失望的人或物The movie was a kind of disappointment.She felt she was a disappointment to her family.D

22、iscrimination辨别力He has the discrimination between right and wrong.Disgrace使丢脸He disgraced his family by stealing.Distant疏远的After the quarrel Sue remained cold and distant.Disturb弄乱,乱动Who disturbed all my papers?Diversion声东击西Two prisoners created a diversion to give the men time to escape.Division部门T

23、he computer service division师A tank division.Divorce使脱离It is difficult to divorce sport from politics.Domestic家养的Dogs and cats are domestic animals.Draw打成平手They drew 3-3.Drug用药麻醉Johnson drugged and attacked four women.Dry枯燥的In schools, science is often presented in a dry and uninteresting manner.Duck蹲下躲闪If she hadnt ducked, the ball would have hit her.Dynamite引起巨大不利影响的人、物If the proposals became public they would be dynamite.持续更新中.

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