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1、认 证 合 同 书Certification Contract 合同编号: Coontracct Numberr:一、 总则 一、Generral Prrovisiions (以以下简称甲方方), 委托托上海英格尔尔认证有限公公司(以下简简称乙方),为为甲方提供 认证服务。甲甲乙双方依照照中华人民民共和国合同同法等法律律法规、行业业主管部门的的规定,经平平等协商,本本着“客观、公正正、独立、诚诚信”的原则,在在理解和同意意以下条款的的基础上签订订本合同,并并承诺共同遵遵守。 (The unndersiigned referrred tto as Partyy A), commisssionee

2、d Shaanghaii Ingeeer Ceertifiicatioon Ltdd (The underrsigneed refferredd to aas Parrty B) to offerr CCertifficatiion foor Parrty A. Both Partyy A annd Parrty B in acccordaance wwith The PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa Conttract Law and oother laws and rregulaationss、the pprovissions of thhe inddustry

3、y depaartmennt and afterr an eequal footiing inn accoordancce witth thee spirrit off objjectivvity、 impaartiallity、indeppendennce、good faithh priinciplle, unndersttand aand aggree tto thee folllowingg termms to siign thhis coontracct andd prommised to abbide bby.二、 甲方权利和义务务二、The rrightss and Obligga

4、tionns of Partyy A 甲方有权宣传获获准认证的事事实,享有由由于获准认证证以及使用认认证标志取得得的经济利益益。1. Partty A hass the rightts to ppubliccize tthat ccertifficatiion iss permmissibble too enjooy as autheenticaation and tthe usse of certiificattion mmarks to obbtain econoomic iintereests. 甲方如果与乙方方在认证过程程中产生的争争议,甲方有有权向乙方提提出申投诉,乙乙方应按照申申投

5、诉程序解解决争议。2. If PParty A andd Partty B hhave ddisputtes in tthe ceertifiicatioon proocess, Partty A is entittled tto raiise coomplaiints to Parrty B of whhich PParty B shaall thhen seettle the ddisputtes inn accoordancce witth the coomplaiint prroceduure. 甲方应根据认证证程序积极配配合乙方的审审核,向乙方方提供真实充充分的信息和和记录。否则则应

6、承担信息息不准确或不不真实所造成成的一切后果果。3. Partty A, in acccordaance wwith ccertifficatiion prrogramm shalll acttivelyy coopperatee withh the auditt of PParty B to proviide reeal annd adeequatee infoormatiion annd reccords for PParty B. Ottherwiise, aall thhe connsequeences causeed by inacccuratee or ffalse inforrm

7、atioon shaall bee acceppted. 甲方向乙方提出出认证申请时时,应明确告告知乙方前六六个月内,是是否向其他认认证机构提交交过同样的认认证申请但未未被授理或审审核未通过、已已经获得其他他机构的认证证证书但目前前被暂停、撤撤销、注销等等信息。4. Whenn Partyy A appliies foor certiificattion tto Parrty B, Partyy A shhould inforrm Parrty B if thhe folllowinng occcur wiithin the llast ssix moonths: 1.whhetherr or

8、 nnot Paart A has suubmittted ann appllicatiion too somee otheer cerrtificcationn bodiies orr it faails tto passs cerrtificcationn. 2. Partyy A haas alrready acquiired tthe ceertifiicate from otherr certtificaation bodiees butt the certiificatte is suspeended, termminateed or canceelled.5.甲方获证后后,应确保

9、认认证所覆盖的的管理体系持持续有效运行行,并按期接接受乙方的监监督审核及再再认证审核,以便乙方验证认证所覆盖的管理体系是否持续符合认证要求,5. Party AA, aftter ceertifiied, shouuld ennsure that the ccertifficatiion off manaagemennt sysstems runniing shalll conttinue to bee enforcce andd acceept thhe surrveilllance and ccertifficatiion auudit so Partyy B cann veriify t

10、hhe cerrtificcationn of mmanageement systeems haas beeen perrsisteently enforrced in coompliaance wwith tthe ceertifiicatioon reqquiremments. l 初评获证后,在在证书有效期期内,须按期期接受三次监监督审核,第第一次监督审审核在初评审审核后第6个个月进行,以以后每次监督督审核间隔99-12个月月。l Prelimiinary assesssmentt of ccertifficatiion att the certiificatte vallidityy

11、periiod haas thrree suurveilllancee asseessmennts; ffor thhe firrst tiime suurveilllancee asseessmennts inn evalluatioon revview iis 6 mmonthss, eacch subbsequeent suurveilllancee asseessmennts inntervaal is 9-12 monthhs. l 再认证获证后,在在证书有效期期内,须按期期接受两次监监督审核,第第一次监督审审核在再认证证审核后第110个月进行行,以后每次次监督审核间间隔9-122个

12、月。l After rre-cerrtificcationn, thee certtificaate iss abstaineed .Thhe seccond ssupervvisoryy reviiew is schheduleed within tthe ceertifiicates vallidityy periiod. Superrvisioon andd examminatiion foor thee firsst timme afterr the firstt 10 mmonthss for re-ceertifiicatioon auddit annd superrvisioon

13、 andd examminatiion iss to bee condductedd afterr the time interrvals of 99-12 mmonthss.l 再认证应在证书书到期前三个个月实施。l Re-certtificaation shoulld be impleementeed thrree moonths beforre thee certtificaate exxpiress 甲方应按照双方方约定的时间间和数额向乙乙方交纳相关关认证费。 6. Partyy A inn accoordancce witth thee timiing annd amoount ag

14、reeed upoon by the ttwo siides tto thee Partty shaall paay feees rellated to acccrediitatioon. 甲方获证后,在在证书有效期期内,如发生生重大顾客投投诉、重大质质量、生产、环环境、安全事事故,或发生生以下重大变变化,应及时时书面通报乙乙方。7. Afteer Parrty A abstaain the ccertifficatee withiin the vaaliditty perriod oof thee certtificaate, majoor cusstomerr compplaintts,

15、siignifiicant qualiity, pproducction, enviironmeent, ssafetyy inciidentss, or durinng thee folllowingg majoor chaanges shoulld be prompptly nnotifiied too Partty Bl 法律地位、经营营状况、组织织状态或所有有权;l legal sstatuss, opeeratinng connditioons, oorganiizatioonal sstatuss or oownersship l 组织或管理层(如如关键的管理理、决策、或或技术人员

16、);l organizzationn or mmanageement (suchh as kkey maanagemment, decission-mmakingg, or technnical stafff)l 联系地址和场所所;l contactt addrressess and placeesl 获证管理体系覆覆盖的认证范范围;l certifiied maanagemment ssystemm coveering the sscope of ceertifiicatioonl 管理和过程的重重大变更;l major cchangees of managgementt and proce

17、ess 乙方决定暂停或或撤消证书时时,甲方应立立即停止使用用认证证书、认认证标志及其其复印件。When Paarty BB deciddes too susppend oor revvoke tthe ceertifiicate, Partty A shouuld immmediaately stop usingg the certiificatte, thhe cerrtificcationn logoo and the ccopy oof thee certtificaate.甲方获证后,应应根据认证证认可标徽标标志及证书的的使用规则正正确使用认证证证书和认证证标志。After PPart

18、y A obtaiins ceertifiicate, authhenticcationn certtificaates aand ceertifiicatioon marrk, itt shouuld bee propperly use unnder tthe CCertifficatiion annd Acccredittationn stanndard logo signss and ruless regaardingg use of thhe cerrtificcate.8. 甲方方如决定注销销证书,应书书面通知乙方方,办理证书书注销手续,并并将证书交还还乙方。8. If PParty

19、 A deciides tto canncel tthe ceertifiicate, Partyy A shhould notiffy Parrty B and PParty B willl handlle thee canccellattion pproceddures and tthe ceertifiicate is reeturn back to Paarty BB. 9. 证书被被注销、暂停或或撤消后,甲甲方不得继续续在任何业务务活动中使用用被注销的认认证证书和认认证标志,并并销毁所有带带有被注销的的认证证书和和标志的所有有产品包装、宣宣传材料、广广告、名片、公公函等。9. Aft

20、ter thhe certifficatee is ccancellled, suspeended or wiithdraawn, PParty A cannott conttinue to usse thee certtificaation in anny bussinesss actiivitiees usiing writtten offf cerrtificcates and ccertifficatiion maarks. Partyy A cannott desttroy pproducct pacckaginng, prromotiional materrials, adveer

21、tisiing, bbusineess caards, letteers, eetc. for alll wriitten off ccertifficatees and logo all pproducct pacckaginng, prromotiional materrials, adveertisiing, bbusineess caards, letteers, eetc.三、 乙方的权利和义义务三、The rrightss and obliggationns of Partyy B 按照国家标准、行行业规定独立立、公正、客客观地对乙方方指定的范围围进行管理体体系认证1. Manna

22、gemeent Syystem Certiificattion iis to be coonductted underr natiional standdards, the indusstry pprovissions indeppendenntly, immpartiially andd objeectiveely appoiintingg the scopee to Partty B. 若甲方认证所覆覆盖的管理体体系符合认证证要求,乙方方为甲方注册册、颁发证书书,并准许使使用认证证书书及认证标志志,但所颁发发的证书的所所有权属乙方方。2. If the coverred maanagemm

23、ent ssystemm certtificaation of Paarty AA is iin linne witth cerrtificcationn requuiremeents, Partyy B will regisster, issue certtificaates ffor Partyy A annd perrmit tthe usse of autheenticaated ccertifficatees andd certtificaation markss, butt the ownerrship of isssued certiificattes beelongss to

24、PParty B.乙方承诺不泄露露审核过程所所涉及到的甲甲方的商业机机密及技术机机密给任何第第三方,以下下信息例外:Party BB prommise nnot too discclose the rrevieww proccess tthat iinvolvved thhe traade seecretss and technnical secreets of Partyy A too any thirdd partty, exxcept the ffollowwing iinformmationn.- 公开的信息;- Public inforrmatioon- 甲方书面允许的的信息;- W

25、rittenn and peermittted thhe infformattion oof Parrty A- 法律程序要求提提供的信息; - Legal pproceeedingss requuiremeents pprovidding thhe infformattion 乙方对甲方发生生的任何产品质量量、生产、环环境、安全等等事故及该事事故引发的对对任何人的赔赔偿不承担责责任。任何足足以引起甲方方不能维持认认证管理体系系正常运转的的情形出现时时,乙方有权权增加监督审审核频次或进进行不预先通通知的非例行行的现场监督督抽查,由此此产生的费用用(如审核费费、差旅费等等)由甲方承承担。3. P

26、artty B iis nott respponsibble foor anyy prodduct qqualitty, prroducttion, envirronmennt, seecuritty andd otherr acciidentss whicch Parrty B causee, and is noot ressponsiible ffor thee acciident causiing compeensatiion foor anyy persson. WWhen PParty A cannnot maaintaiin thee typiical ooperattion oo

27、f mannagemeent syystem, Partty B hhave tthe riights to iincreaase thhe freequenccy of superrvisioon andd examminatiion annd connduct on-siite suuperviision of noon-rouutine samplling wwithouut priior nootice, produucing costss suchh as aaudit fees, travvel exxpensees , eetc. boorne bby thee Partty.

28、甲方未能满足认认证要求,且且不能及时对对乙方所提出出的不符合项项及时进行有有效纠正,乙乙方有权不推推荐注册和发发证,但有权权收取本合同同约定的相关关的认证费用用和差旅费及及相应的滞纳纳金。3. If Partty A cannott meett the certifficatiion reequireementss and cannoot timmely aand efffectiively coorrectt the fiilled shortt of iitems advannced bby Parrty B, Partty B havee the rightts not to reeco

29、mmeend thhe reggistraation and ccertifficatiion buut havve thee righhts to rreceivve thee correelativve cerrtificcationn feess promiised and ttravell expeenses and tthe coorresppondinng latte payyment. 乙方应在甲方获获证后对甲方方进行监督审审核和再认证审核核,验证甲方方管理体系的的持续符合性性之后为甲方保保持注册。如果甲方未未能持续符合合认证要求,且且未能对乙方方所提出的不不符合项及时时进行有效

30、纠纠正,或未在规定定的时间内接接受监督审核核或再认证,乙乙方有权暂停停/撤消认证证证书。乙方方应及时以书书面形式将暂暂停/撤消决决定通告甲方方,并有权依依相关法律法法规及行业有有关部门的规规定将暂停/撤销决定予予以公告。5. Afteer Parrty A obtaiin thee certtificaate, Partyy B shhall cconducct suppervission exxaminaation and rre-cerrtificcationn audiit to Partyy A. Partyy A reemainss regiistereed aftter conti

31、nnuous complliancee of mannagemeent syystem is vaalidatted. If Paarty AA cannoot conntinuee to mmeet tthe ceertifiicatioon reqquiremments and the ffailurre iteems advannced bby Parrty B does not eeffecttivelyy and timelly corrrecteed or does not aacceptt supeervisiion annd exaaminattion oor re-certi

32、ificattion wwithinn the speciified time, Partty B havee the rightts to ssuspennd / wwithdrraw thhe acccredittationn certtificaate . Partyy B shhall pprompttly nootify Partyy A inn writting tto susspend / witthdraww the decission aand shhall hhave tthe riights to susspend / revvoke the aannounnced dd

33、ecisiion inn accoordancce witth rellevantt lawss and regullationns andd provvisionns of tradee relateed to deparrtmentts.6. 当满满足本合同所所有相关条款的要要求时,证书书有效期三年年,三年后乙乙方为甲方再再认证换发证书。6. Wheen alll the relevvant pprovissions of thhis coontracct meeet thee requuiremeents, the ccertifficatee is vallid foor thrree

34、 yeears. Afterr threee yeaars, if Parrty A wantss to renew the ccertifficatiion Partyy B wiill bee respponsibble for tthe reenewall of tthe ceertifiicate.7. 甲方隐瞒重大信信息或提供虚虚假信息,乙乙方除有权暂暂停/撤消证证书以外,还还有权要求甲甲方承担由此此给乙方造成成的名誉及经经济损失。7. If Partyy A coonceall the amounnt of innformaation or prrovidee falsse inf

35、formattion, Partyy B shhall hhave aa susppensioon / rrevocaation certiificatte. Paarty BB alsoo has the rrightss to rrequesst Parrty A to asssume Partyy Bs reputtationn and econoomic lloss ccausedd by PParty A四、 违约责任四、liabiility for bbreachh 当甲方未能按照照合同约定的的时间和数额额支付乙方认认证费用,无无论其原因,乙乙方即刻获得得暂停直至撤撤销甲方证书书的

36、权利。证证书暂停和撤撤消期间,甲甲方应停止在在任何业务活活动中使用认认证证书及认认证标志,并并应交还相关关的认证证书书和认证标志志,甲方仍须须全额支付认认证费用、已已经发生的差差旅费以及相相应的滞纳金金。乙方于现现场审核后第第30天起按按照总认证费费用的5天收取滞纳金金。认证费用用的总和即第第六条款各项费费用之和。1. Wheen Parrty A cannott pay the ceertifiicatioon feees in accorrdancee withh conttract timinng andd amouunt off paymment tto Parrty B, regga

37、rdleess off theiir reaason, Partyy B reserrve thhe rigghts to immeddiatelly susspend or evven reevoke the ccertifficatee of PParty A. Whhen unnder CCertifficatee susppensioon andd withhdrawaal perriod, Partyy A shoould sstop tthe usse of the ceertifiicatioon andd certtificaation markss in aany buusi

38、nesss acttivitiies annd shoould rreturnn the relevvant ccertifficatee and certiificattion mmark. Partyy A stiill haave too pay the ffull ccertifficatiion feees, ttravell expeenses and tthe coorresppondinng latte feees. Paarty BB, fromm 30 ddays afterr certtificaation on-siite exxaminaation will acce

39、ppt latte payyment in acccordaance wwith tthe tootal ccost oof 5 -day. The sum oof cerrtificcationn costts is the ssum off the expennses iin thee sixtth terrms. 甲方在约定的审审核前两天或或审核中途取取消审核,仍仍须支付乙方方所有的认证证费用、已经经发生的差旅旅费用以及相相应的滞纳金金,滞纳金从从原定的审核核日起计算。2. If Partyy A canceels thhe revieew in two ddays bbeforee t

40、he agreeed auddit scchedulle andd midwway reeview, Partty A is liiable to paay alll of tthe ceertifiicatioon feees, trravel expennses aand thhe corrrespoondingg latee feess. Late ffees bbegin from the ddate oof thee origginal auditt. 认证证书被暂停停或撤销后,甲甲方如继续在在业务活动中中(包括产品品包装、宣传传材料、广告告、名片、公公函等)使用用认证证书和和认证标

41、志,甲甲方承担由此此引起的一切切法律责任。 4. Certtificaate iss susppendedd or rrevokeed. Iff Partty A contiinue usingg the autheenticaated ccertifficatees andd certtificaation mark in opperatiional activvitiess inclludingg prodduct ppackagging, promootionaal matterialls, addvertiising, busiiness cardss, lettters, etc.,

42、 Parrty A asssumes all the lliabillitiess of llaw causeed by thesee.五、 争议处理五、Dispuute Reesoluttion1. 甲方如对审核过过程、审核组组行为或审核核结论有任何何抱怨或未解解决的争议,均均可在审核结结束后30天天内向乙方提提出书面投诉诉或申诉。乙乙方应在300天内完成调调查、解决和和答复的程序序。必要时,乙乙方将指定独独立的技术委委员会对投诉诉和争议进行行处理。1. If Partyy A willl havve commplainnts abbout tthe reeview proceess, aa

43、udit team, auditt concclusioons orr unresoolved disppute, writteen commplainnts orr appeeals aare fiiled afterr reviiew wiithin 30 daays foor Parrty B. Partty B sshall then compllete tthe innvestiigatioon, settllementt and answeer proocedurres wiithin 30 daays. Partty B, if neccessarry, wiill deesig

44、naate ann indeependeent teechniccal coommitttee too solvve thee compplaintts andd the dispuutes.2. 如果上述程序未未能解决争议议,双方应再再次就事实及及解决问题的的依据进行充充分协商,如如果仍无法达达 成一致,任何一一方可以将争争议提请北京京市或上海市市仲裁委员会会按该会仲裁裁规则仲裁解解决。 2. IIf thee abovve proocedurres faail too resoolve tthe diisputee, botth siddes shhould adequuatelyy ne

45、gootiatee withh the factss and tthe baasis oof sollving the pprobleem agaain. If they stilll are uunablee to rreach into aan agrreemennt, anny parrty maay briing thhe disspute to Beeijingg or SShanghhai Arrbitraation Commiissionn in aaccorddance with its aarbitrrationn rulees to be ressolvedd.六、认证费用

46、及及付款方式六、Certiificattion ffees aand paaymentt methhod项 目Items费 用(元)Costs (Yuan)付款方式Paymentt meanns 注册审核费RRegisttratioon asssessmeent feee申请费Applicaation fee1、合同签订后后一周内支付付合同金额的的50%;After tthe siigningg of tthe coontracct, withhin onne weeek 50% of tthe coontracct amoount is paaid.2、现场审核结结束后7天内内,甲方应支支付

47、其余500%的注册审审核费,乙方方确认收到所所有费用后方方颁发认证证证书。After OOn-sitte revview, withhin 7 days Partty A sshall pay tthe reemainiing 500% of the rregisttratioon asssessmeent feee. Afterr Partty afffirms to reeceivee all fees, certiificattes arre issueed.审核费(初评评 再认证)Audit ffees ( Preliiminarry Evaaluatiion re-ceertifii

48、catioon)注册费Registrrationn fee初评/再认证费费用合计Prelimiinary Evaluuationn / ree-certtificaation costss Totaal监督审核费Suuperviision and eexaminnationn feess审 核 费费Audit ffee每次监督审核前前一周内一次次性支付全部费用用乙方确认收收到所有费用用后方颁发年年度审核确认认证明。Before each supervvisionn and examiinatioon witthin oone weeek , the totall costts are ppai

49、d one-ttime .Afterr Partty B aacknowwledgee receeipt oof alll charrges ,the vvalidaation of thhe annnual aaudit confiirmatiion iss awarrded年度审定费Annual validdationn fee监督审核费用合合计Total ccosts of suppervission aand exxaminaation1. 乙方审核所产生生的差旅费(包包括交通、住住宿及工作期期间餐饮的费费用)由甲方方承担,按实实际支出实报报实销。1. Parrty A bear th

50、e traavel ffees generrated by Partyy Bs auddit (iincludding ttranspportattion, accommmodattion aand foood duuring the wwork ccosts), acccordinng to the aactuall expeendituure reeimburrsemennts 2. 由于现场审核未未通过而导致致的额外的现现场跟踪审核核所产生的审审核费和差旅旅费用另计由甲甲方承担,审审核费在乙方方进入现场前前一周一次性性支付。 2. Wheen on-site auditt is nott

51、 passsed, causiing thhe auddits aadditiional on-siite trrack, traveel exppensess is asssumed by Paarty A witth anoother commiitmentt. Auddit feees arre paiid beffore PParty B entter thhe sitte forr one week one-ttime 3. 甲方未能按照合合同约定的时时间和数额支支付给乙方认认证费用,应应按照本合同同第四条第一款款支付滞纳金金。3. Iff Partty A cannoot payy

52、 the certiificattion ffees iin acccordannce wiith coontracct agrreemennt to Paarty BB, Partty A shalll pay the fiine inn accoordancce witth thee firsst iteem of Articcle IVV of tthis ccontraact.七、附则七、Suppllementtary1认证认可可标徽标志及及证书的使用用规则是本本合同的附件件,效力与本本合同一致。1. Cerrtificcationn and Accreeditattion sstan

53、daard loogo siigns aand thhe rulles reegardiing usse of the ccertifficatee is the aannex to thhe conntractt, thee samee effeect ass thiss conttract2本合同一式式贰份,甲、乙乙双方各执一一份。2. Copiies off thiss conttract are twwo sharee, Parrty A and BB holdd one of copiess3本合同自双双方签字/盖盖章之日起生生效。本合同同生效后以往往其它认证合合同/协议一一律作废。

54、3. The contrract iis siggned wwith bboth ppartiees / sstampeed datte. Affter tthe coommenccementt of tthis ccontraact, tthe paast annd/or otherr authhenticc conttract agreeement is vooid.乙 方Party B地 址:上海中山西路2368号华鼎大厦801室Address: No. 2368 Zhongshan West Road Shanghai Huading Building, Room 801网 址:Web

55、site: 电 话:+86 21 51114700传 真:+86 21 54253713 Tel : +86 21 51114700 Fax : +86 21 54253713法定代表人或委托人(签章): The legal representative or principal (signature): 日期: 年 月 日Date: year month day甲 方Party A地 址:Address: 联系人:Contact person: 电 话:传 真:Tel : Fax : 法定代表人或委托人(签章): The legal representative or principal (signature): 日期: 年 月 日Date: year month day

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