剑桥UnitOK.No Problem!-课堂ppt课件

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《剑桥UnitOK.No Problem!-课堂ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥UnitOK.No Problem!-课堂ppt课件(18页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Unit 6OK. No Problem!,Two-part verbs! ,1,Families with Teenagerspage 36, no. 1,2,Mothers nag,3,Word guessing,Rules: Five to six people in one group are required. One people will stand in front of the big screen, without looking at the big screen. Other people in that group should give some hints (暗示

2、) in English to the people standing in front. Your hints should not include the exact word on the big screen. Each group will have five words and the task is required to be finished within 4 minutes. The group that guesses out the most words wins.,4,Turn down the TV!Books closed!,What is the son doi

3、ng? Jason is watching TV. What is the daughter doing? Lisa is talking on the phone. What are the parents going to nag them about? The dad asks Jason to turn down the TV. The mom asks Lisa to pick up her things.,5,Turn down the TV!Books closed!,Does Jason turn the TV down? Yes, he does. Does Lisa pic

4、k up her things right away? No, she continues to talk on the phone. Were the parents like this when they were kids? Yes, they were!,6,Turn down the TV!Page 36, no. 2,What complaints do Jason and Lisa have about their parents? About Dad: Jason complains about how forgetful his dad is gettinghes alway

5、s forgetting where his car keys are. Lisa complains that he can never find his glasses. About Mom: Lisa complains that her mom watches awful talk shows on TV.,7,With Nouns Turn down the TV. Turn the TV down. Pick up your things. Pick your things up.,Grammar Focuspage 38, no. 5,With Pronouns Turn it

6、down. Pick them up.,Requests & Responses Please turn down the music. Ok, Ill turn it down. Pick up your clothes, please. All right, Ill pick them up.,8,With Nouns Turn down the TV. Noun + particle + object noun Turn the TV down. Noun + object noun + particle,Grammar Focuspage 38, no. 5,With Pronouns

7、 Turn it down. Noun + pronoun+ particle Pick them up. Noun + pronoun+ particle,9,Two-Part VerbsGrammar Focuspage 37, no. 3,10,Pick up _, please. Turn _ off, please. Clean _up, please. Please put _ away. Please turn down _. Please take off _. Hang _ up, please. Please take out _. Please let _ out. Tu

8、rn on _, please.,Two-Part VerbsGrammar Focuspage 37, no. 3,the toys,the radio / the tv/ the lights,the yard,the toys, the books, your jacket,the radio/ the tv,your boots/ your jacket,your jacket,the trash,the dog,the radio / the tv/ the lights,11,GAME!,Pick up Put down Put away Take out Throw out Cl

9、ean up Stand up Sit down Take off Put on,12,Household Chorespage 38, no. 5,13,Requests with Modals,Modal + Simple Verb (infinitive) Can you turn the stereo off? Modal + subject + verb + object noun + particle + ? Could you close the door, please? Modal + subject + verb + object noun + ? Would you pl

10、ease take your garbage out? Modal + subject + verb + object noun + particle + ?,14,Requests with Would you Mind?,Would you mind + Gerund Would you mind turning the stereo down? Would you mind + gerund + object noun + particle + ? Would you mind closing the door, please? Would you mind + gerund + obj

11、ect noun + ? Would you mind not putting your garbage here? Would you mind + not + gerund + object noun + ?,15,Requests with modals andWould you mind?Page 39, no. 8,Could you lend me twenty dollars? Can you get me a sandwich? Can you help me move to my new house? Would you mind not sitting here? Coul

12、d you move your car from my space? Would you mind not talking so loudly?,16,PracticeWORKBOOK page 34, no. 6,Rewrite these sentences using modals or “would you” Take your feet off my chair. Can you take your feet off my chair, please? Take this form to the office. Would you mind taking this form to t

13、he office? Please turn the CD player down. Could you please turn the CD player down? Dont leave the door open. Would you mind not leaving the door open? Let me share your book. Would you let me share your book? Pass me that book, please. Can you please pass me that book?,17,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,18,

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